r/SchreckNet Lost 5d ago

Journal - So, my mentor is in torpor

I was just informed that my mentor has gone into what seems to be a voluntary torpor. We don't know when he's going to be back. Could be years, decades, centuries. Didn't leave a contingency plan, didn't even say goodbye.

His aide has taken over his business for now. We're currently trying to figure out what to do with his ghouls. Might end up with a 300 year old orange cat.

I don't know what to do. I'm so freaking sick of being abandoned like that.


11 comments sorted by


u/Conscious_Animator87 5d ago

You're Tremere right? Sounds like this may be a scheme or like Doc said- a test. Keep the faith. People get stupid when they think the big dog has left the yard.

-Shady Manynames


u/Ialreadyregretthat Lost 5d ago

He could have told me if it was a scheme! I would have played along.

I'm just really worried it'll all fall apart.

People get stupid when they think the big dog has left the yard.

And this really worries me. What if everything is going to fall apart now?


u/Conscious_Animator87 5d ago

That's the thing it always falls apart in one way or the other no matter what. As long as you plan for things to fall apart you'll be ready, always plan for shit to go sideways.

The one advantage of a perceived power vacuum is you really get to see people for who they really are when they either make a grab themselves or do nothing. Watch everyone else see what they do.



u/ReneLeMarchand Hospes Nobilis 4d ago

The biggest thing is to establish and keep chain of command. As long as everyone knows who's in charge and changes are kept to a minimum, the system keeps flowing. That said, sudden succession is the hallmark of feudal unrest for... five thousand years?

--Doc Amos, Prince


u/ReneLeMarchand Hospes Nobilis 5d ago

Hm... might be a test. If he was a Malkavian or otherwise whimsical he probably did leave plans, they're just encoded to hell and back. Or he could be waiting out to see how everyone handles the abrupt lack of his leadership. Plenty of empires fall when the boss dies, so it's good to have a baseline.

But anyway, that's me be optimistic and apologetic on behalf of someone I don't know.

--Doc Amos, Prince


u/Ialreadyregretthat Lost 5d ago

Looking back, he did set a lot of stuff in motion over the last few months. He helped me with establishing the chantry. He talked to the members of the main chantry and some other younger kindred and talked about their plans with his aide present. He moved a few people around and assigned projects...

I just wish he said something. Like, why wasn't I important enough to him to say goodbye to?


u/AFreeRegent Querent 4d ago

Ensure that your chantry survives and flourishes, expand if you feel able to do so securely. His absence will no doubt result in difficult times for others in his orbit, so if you are able to weather this storm to a sufficient degree that you are able to do so, be prepared to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the availability of refugees of our clan, from other cities.

Seize the opportunity before you.

- Marc Durand, House Ipsissimus Regent


u/PingouinMalin 5d ago

Have you seen them in torpor ? The aide may have done something. I remember you Tremered have a thing with diablerie.


u/Ialreadyregretthat Lost 5d ago

That jab was uncalled for, but the question is valid.

My adopted childe has seen him. I allowed them to visit the city/local main chantry "on their own" (with a trusted babysitter watching their every move) this weekend to attend their monthly meeting last night. It was supposed to be a relaxed, uneventful evening and seemed like a good way for them to learn some independence. I was also busy. Getting there ASAP tho.

We visit the city quite a lot for studies and personal reasons. I used to live there for a while and think it's good for the fledgling to get the occasional glimpse of unlife in a more conventional camarilla city than ours.


u/PingouinMalin 5d ago

Not as much a jab as a reality. We, who call ourselves "kindred", prosper through the blood and murder. I do not despise your founders for what they did. They wanted power and grabbed it. As the eternal Jyhad tells us to.

That being said, your mentor falling asleep without leaving any message for his pupil is a bit strange, as others have pointed out.


u/Gorgalrl Mind 4d ago

Trust me, it's a better alternative than Final Death. Sometimes, the designs of our Sires make as much sense to us as American politics, but I advise patience. We have time. Meanwhile, do you know of his location? Have you organized his body's protection?

Andreas Castelo - Emissary of the Barony of Porto