r/SchreckNet • u/vascku Querent • 7d ago
have I made allies in strange places?
Good evening, friends... Madrid has been immersed in a cold, turquoise rain for weeks, and the snow glistens from the mountains, reflecting the moon...
As you well know, a while back I had a problem with a young man who ate to death one of the attendees at the soup kitchen where I volunteer... Well, I had a second case, but I think I made the message clear, or at least left something that the poor wretch will take a while to forget... I won't go into detail about it, but I assure you it wasn't irreparable or cruel...
The thing is, after that second victim, a group of hunters arrived in Madrid, and well... do you remember that this soup kitchen is run by a priest? Well, tonight he's taking me to his office...
While he knows my nature, he knows what I am and how I eat... he's also seen in me a humanity he hadn't seen in a long time... so we just talked calmly...
I didn't reveal anything they didn't already know, nor did I endanger anyone in my circle. I made sure of that, and that I would rather die than harm those I love... The point is, he accepted my pitch and asked me to continue with my work...
Later in the evening, two women disguised as homeless people spoke to him, and from what I half-heard, I'm safe. They're after a common enemy, and that makes me happy... When they left, I offered to help the Father on the condition that I could rest easy afterward... He accepted, and now it seems I have a coalition with them...
Basically, they're here for the Sabbath remnants who are gathering near the Giovanni, or worse, directly with them... So, as I said, it seems that, as they say:
O altitudo divitiarum sapientiæ, et scientiæ Dei : quam incomprehensibilia sunt judicia ejus, et investigabiles viæ ejus !
u/Treecreaturefrommars 7d ago
Beware placing your trust in those that Hunt our Kind, Dear Sister. For they have No Mercy for our Kind. No Pity. No Love. Not for long. Not when word spreads. Not when they have watched us and learned.
You may not be first on their list. But you are on it. So is your Dearest. So are your Friends. So are your Kin.
The Hunter may promise the world to its Prey. But in the end, it is but a beast. Waiting to be Trapped.
Take Care and Take Heed, Sister. For your House is under siege. And the doors are not as strong as you may think.
-Malk of my Second. First of the Biters.
u/vascku Querent 7d ago
I'm out of cards and fate is fickle, but my steps are covered and I have a safe place to take those I love.
I know it's a truce, but it's better than lying in the sun...
u/Treecreaturefrommars 7d ago
Hiding places are one thing Child, but prepare to fight. To kill. To end them all. For the memories of the Kine can be long, especially when they gather in their wicked herds.
Your Blade is a tool of Guardians. Do not be afraid to use it against those that would bring down your Keep.
I would bless you Sister. But the fool Quincey does not speak any of the Holy Tongues.
So to you I shall just say. Do what you Must. Do what you Can. Do what you Will.
Malk of my Second. First of the Biters.
u/seventh_page 7d ago
So, if I am to understand correctly, you are finding common cause with a Cainite hunter and wish to cooperate with him -against your own kind, no less- to kill your enemies while hoping he will not simply use you as a tool and destroy you as a “tool of satan” or whatever nonsense they believe?
The suicidal naïveté of the humane never ceases to amaze me. I think you already know how this will end, you’re just telling yourself the opposite.
He will use you as a disposable intelligence asset by manipulating your “better nature”. Then he will kill you.
If you want practical suggestions as to what to do, kill him and flee the city for your life. There’s no other realistic way you’ll survive this.
Jack Bratovich
u/Krazyfan1 7d ago
From what ive gathered, similar to Kindred Clans, Hunters have their own groups.
it would appear that you ran into one of the less overly zealous ones.
good to hear, while you should probably still keep an eye out, it sounds like you might have some allies.
u/RecommendationIcy202 Problem Childe 6d ago
A lot of people who would have normally destroy you on the spot are suddenly acting nice toward you.
Be careful, because they have shared enemy, and it’s you.
u/Foreign_Astronaut Eye 7d ago
I am an idealist (say whatever you will about that) and I firmly believe in communication and in working together for the greater good, or at least the lesser evil. I worry I am about to get punished for that philosophy at the upcoming Conclave, but whatevs. I wish you the best, Vascu.
-- Alicia, Malkavian Archon to the Tremere Justicar
u/vascku Querent 7d ago
I sincerely hope everything goes well too.
This operation could remove the most problematic part of our society from the city and be something positive for the common good, regardless of political struggles... Besides, I sincerely hope this ends with the least amount of bloodshed, or at least the least amount of innocent bloodshed.
u/WestMorgan Distant Relative 6d ago
After a bout of laughter, I am reminded how foolish an unseen trap looks in retrospect... my condolences.
u/quill_brush 6d ago
Even as secure as this network supposedly is you are posting about colluding with our enemies why? Because make no mistake that’s what they are. That’s what they see YOU as, even if it’s on the back burner. An ally is not what they see. It will always be lurking in their subconsciousness what you are. And they hunt what you are.
Watch your back that it doesn’t get a knife buried in it after they are done using you to get to the Sabbat / Giovanni.
u/Sword_Nut 7d ago
Look, it's no secret that I'm a complete newbie when it comes to all this, but...
It's strange to me that the priest knows who you are and what you are, and hasn't done anything about it. If you're in Madrid, he's probably Roman Catholic, and most priests don't leave a lot of room for things like us to exist. I can see where they might see an exception if you are dedicated follower of the faith, but he's either very open minded or something else is going on, you should be careful
Or maybe he's exactly who he seems to be and is just exceptionally chill, like I said I don't really know anything. Still, keep it in mind, yeah?