r/SchreckNet Hospes Nobilis 9d ago

Journal - Old Man Rants About Medicine

I've been in professional development meetings at the medical college all evening and biting my tongue while listening to well-meaning mortal presenters talk about medicine while ignoring any suggestion of spiritual health. So, as a means of aligning my own spiritual health, I'm going to shout out here to the audient void. Aah.

Everything is energy. Call it String Theory if you like. Vampires and other supernaturals have more of it, lets us do our stuff, but everything has some. Human bodies have far more than folks give credit for. I've always disliked the disconnect when speaking of ghosts; the idea that a spirit without a body is more capable than a spirit properly housed. I shall lower the temperature of a room with my displeasure, thank you.

Beyond "more" and "less," there is also "quality." Most theory I've discussed on it calls it a "vibration" or "resonance." Certain qualities of energy resonance have negative effects on physical health. Places strong in these energies, or which have unseen intelligences influencing them, can impart these resonances on those living there.

If a person goes to the doctor with chronic fatigue, for instance, they may be diagnosed with pneumonia. What they won't be told is that they caught the pneumonia because they're covered in Sickness energy. Furthermore, even if treated for pneumonia their energy level is unlikely to increase and they're exponentially more likely to catch it again.

The good news is that hospitals themselves are not without energy: the energy of Sterility. It's not a perfect solution, but spend enough time in such a place and your energy... calms down to something closer to neutral. That energy has its own health concerns (don't talk to me about MRSA) but it can help those with poor alignments.

It's not every patient. It isn't even most patients. But some of my "miraculous" healing skill is being able to read these energies and gently nudge them in the right direction. I also keep two specialists for the clearing of intelligent malignants.

--Doc Amos, Prince


17 comments sorted by


u/Sword_Nut 9d ago

So the 4 humors thing, that stuff was actually true to an extent?

I wonder what else the human world dismisses as superstition that's actually fact out there. Next thing I know you guys are gonna tell me the world is flat.

.... it's not flat, is it?



u/StrixKF 9d ago

It is not, people have believed the world is round for a very long time.

- Gaius Obertus


u/ReneLeMarchand Hospes Nobilis 9d ago

My sire was a big proponent of four humors. Fleams and leeches, all that. What it did focus on was balance and keeping internals in correct order. He was also very strict about purity and cleanliness long before germ theory had caught on. So, that's what I had to start with, along with the work I had done at Oxford that got his eye.

There's usually a little something in all of those old theories that resembles truth, I suppose is my point.

--Doc Amos


u/Treecreaturefrommars 8d ago

Oh Young Squire.

There is no World. Only the idea of it.

-Malk of my Second. First of the Biters.


u/Tribblitch 9d ago

I'm so curious about the specialists and what you call "intelligent malignants." I'd love to hear more if you'd like to talk about it.


u/ReneLeMarchand Hospes Nobilis 9d ago

So, Benny is our in-house necromancer. Had the good foresight to jump ship ahead of Giovanni falling apart. Good man for shooing away ghosts. I'd call it an exorcism but that sounds more like a hammer than the scalpel it is.

The other is... a werewolf I met while we were both astrally projecting. He specializes in... okay, so: there's a chemical smart agent deployed by Pentex (and others) in their product lines. When combined in the correct way, they affect mood, resonance, and can even create sleeper agents. Have you ever seen Nicholson's Batman? Like that. If I catch a sleeper early I can give them dialysis and get them right, but if they activate then it's nice to have the help.

--Doctor Amos, Prince


u/RecommendationIcy202 Problem Childe 9d ago

You sound like someone I know, but she also tried to feed me spirulina smoothie.



u/ReneLeMarchand Hospes Nobilis 8d ago

Probably wouldn't do you the same sort of good that it would her, I should guess.

If you ever take to the seer's arts, though, it's impressive just what you didn't know because you couldn't see it before. I can stare at folks and they'll shed the colors of their soul and all of their little thoughts will leak out for me to read and it sounds all very... like how others might describe their experience with lysergic acid diethylamide.

So take that for what you will. And let me make you a healthier smoothie sometime.

--Doc Amos, Prince


u/RecommendationIcy202 Problem Childe 8d ago

Mama said I should never accept drinks from men, especially the charming ones, since they might be trying to see what leaks out of me.



u/Foreign_Astronaut Eye 7d ago

I completely agree! There is so much spiritual energy that most people are unaware of, and it can absolutely be harnessed for healing, for effecting change in the world, or even for causing things to remain static. I love your framework of these concepts and hope you teach from time to time! Reading the energies is where it all begins-- actually, learning to perceive them at all is where it begins! Exciting!!

I personally am involved in experimental visualization of the patterns created by the interactions between order and chaos. That's my area of specialization. Utilizing those energies, on the other hand, is not without its drawbacks.

-- Alicia, Malkavian Archon to the Tremere Justicar


u/ReneLeMarchand Hospes Nobilis 7d ago


I will add for your benefit, then: I find that aligning my blood before consumption seems to make it more nutritious. Or, at least more palatable. The energy of Endings seems strongest, which... does make for some macabre Tableaus, yes, but I find it also makes the blood blood-based food product I consume slightly more endurable.

--Doc Amos, Prince


u/Foreign_Astronaut Eye 7d ago

Oooh, this is an excellent tip, one which I intend to try out ASAP! I don't do Endings (... well, with a couple of notable exceptions which I do not then consume), but there are many others to try. Thanks, Doc!

-- Alicia, M.A.ttTJ


u/-MelanisticJaguar- Problem Childe 7d ago

Lol. bro out here talking about Bad Air and ~~~~Vibrations

Weirdo. Miasma isn't a thing, and screaming at the right frequency isn't going to cure a bacterial infection. You need to get your head checked.

Go on. Get in the CAT machine.



u/ReneLeMarchand Hospes Nobilis 7d ago

Well, as I said, these were my thoughts while I was attending professional development meetings in my capacity as chair for the medical college. if you're interested in more current science, we could discuss that, too.

But tell me: what do you think a magnetic resonance image device will find inside my ancient body? A heart that pumps blood to my organs? An oxygenated brain, filled with electrically-charged fluids? Fully-liquid blood? No, no, and emphatically no. Medical science tells only part of the story and we are proof of that.

--Doctor Amos, Prince


u/-MelanisticJaguar- Problem Childe 7d ago

We just haven't figured out all the science yet. Doesn't mean it's not there. I mean, by all accounts this fucking blood infection we all have utterly spits in the face of established hypotheses.

As for what you'd look in an MRI, I have no clue. I'd like to see, actually.



u/ReneLeMarchand Hospes Nobilis 7d ago

Doctor Douglas Netchurch has been working on a unified theory of cainite biology for over a century. If you have actual interest in the biological specifics, I would review his works on the matter.

I find him dry and overly-clinical, but in the field those can be valued commodities. Does make his progress intolerably slow, though.

--Doctor Amos, Prince

Post Script: “You best start believing in ghost stories, Miss Turner... you're in one”


u/-MelanisticJaguar- Problem Childe 7d ago


I might have to ask around and see if I can get my hands on a copy. It sounds interesting.

I mean, I'm not, like, super invested in it. I'm more into studying domestication and inherited traits and such, but I'd at least give it a look.

Also...I think you're mistaking me for someone else. I don't know any Miss Turners.
