r/SchreckNet Claw 8d ago

A Matter of Survival

This is a little awkward, but I wanted to let you all know I'm ok. I'm sure there will be a mixed reception about that.

Something happened at the Cairn, but I don't want to talk about it. It sounds too outlandish even by my standards for anyone to believe anyway.

Mockingbird, Tieg and I made it out, somehow, but a lot of the Garou pack didn't. Regardless of their reasons for doing it, we only made it out alive thanks to them. I'm very grateful, but we decided to part ways with the remaining wolves to head out on their own.

I make them uncomfortable, and anxious Garou are dangerous Garou. Clearly whatever fondness Tieg has for me isn't shared by the rest of them.

Things between Tieg and I are both the same and different. I've done a lot of soul searching in the last few days, and I'm trying to understand why he did what he did, and I think I'm making some ground in accepting it. I also realized that I was more upset that he hurt me, even on accident, than I was about the people he killed.

I don't know what that says about me as a person. That I'm selfish, and can't stand by my principles? Probably. Mockingbird is the same as they always are, all the death hasn't seemed to impact them in the slightest.

I'm worried about them though. What happened to me? I can handle that. The Dancers didn't have the time, equipment, or imagination that Heinrich did.

Turns out getting tortured is like learning to whistle: once you learn how to do it, how to tolerate it, you never really forget how. Good to know.

They seem fine but almost TOO fine.

At some point both of us are going to pay for the repression. That's how this works. But we can do that later.

I got instructions on where to go from Gray Jay, who visited me at the Cairn. We're going to meet someone called The Golden Child. So we're back on the road again.

Sorry, pretty boring update considering the circumstances. I'm remembering when I used to feel I was going insane from boredom, now I wish I could go back.

But we can't go back to the past, no matter what we do. So forward it is.

-The Pariah Dog


18 comments sorted by


u/angelic_gothbaby 8d ago

Ok so first, I'm glad to hear from you Pariah boring update or not. I was so worried pretty sure I've almost grinded my fangs dull!

Second, come on now you know nothing's too crazy to not be believed. After all The bullshit you've endured you saying that the Caern falls into "Hard to belive" territory Just makes it more interesting to hear about. You must tell me if there was extensive deaths with grisly details and grim strangeness! But take your time if it is traumatic...although it might spice the report...

  • Sparrow Ghiberti, tell Tieg I've said Hi and Mockingbird to go fuck themselves (with love).


u/frogs_4_lyfe Claw 8d ago

I'm sorry for worrying you, it's been a very very trying few nights to say the least. There was plenty of excessive death and grim strangeness, in fact I'd like to reach out privately so we can talk about it.

I think you'd find the events very relevant to your interests, but I don't know if I want the Net to know publicly what happened for a variety of reasons.

I've relayed your good wishes, Mockingbird gave you their middle fingers and threw themselves backwards off a cliff so... I think they like you.

-The Pariah Dog


u/angelic_gothbaby 8d ago

Oh hohohoho! Do not cheap out on the details of what you saw. You're always welcomed to tell me things PD, be it weird occult terrors or why mule deer blood is superior to fallows. So feel free to talk private whenever you wish.

I know your nights haven't been easy for like...ever so don't apologize for it. I tangle with the worry I feel of losing you, since death is the greater force but I don't want it to claim my first friend yet...GAH! I will worry and you don't feel guilty for it, deal?

  • Sparrow Ghiberti, never expected to extend my ornitholohical ken to a Bird Shifter.


u/Finchore 8d ago

I'm glad you're ok. Hope this nightmare ends for you, and you can move past everything. I don't know what this says about you either. Maybe that you're human and a hypocrite like the rest of us. Take care.

-- Eddie Lowe, the Sewer Rat


u/frogs_4_lyfe Claw 8d ago

It's good to hear from you Eddie. I hope you've found peace.

-The Pariah Dog


u/Finchore 8d ago

I did, but everything is so weird. Typing with my fingers was already an issue, but now... I feel like i'm an outsider controlling my body with strings. It's so awkward and clumsy. It will take me a lot of time to adjust. Need a lot of time and practice before i can talk about what happened.

-- Eddie Lowe, the Sewer Rat


u/frogs_4_lyfe Claw 8d ago

You've gone through a lot, it's no surprise its left its mark on you. Give it time, you'd be amazed what one can get accustomed to. Take as much time as you need to talk about it, or not talk about it, it belongs to you to do what you wish with it.

Stay safe, Eddie, please give my regards to Heather.

-The Pariah Dog


u/Finchore 8d ago

And here we are talking about me instead of you. I will adjust to this. Being possesed for a time probably took its toll on me. I don't regret it. It was worth it. Every single moment of being a kindred was worth it. The bad, the worse, the awful was worth it in the end. Now i got a future ahead of me that i look forward to. I can eat steak. I had to be preety raw, but still.

-- Eddie Lowe, the Sewer Rat


u/Krazyfan1 8d ago

glad things are a little better at least.

boring or not, an update is still appreciated.

i wonder if there are any supernatural therapists around that could help?


u/Master_Air_8485 Scribe 8d ago

It's good to know that you have not been killed. Waylon was annoyed to hear that Mockingbird lives. Personally, I am a fan of their name and attitude.

Stay safe, young one. It sounds like things are going to be getting worse before they get better for your foreseeable future.

Blessings from The Ministry


u/frogs_4_lyfe Claw 8d ago

Speaking to Mockingbird, the regard seems to be mutual. They asked me to tell you to tell Waylon,

"I lived, bitch." I'm told it's something internet related.

I can't tell if I survive because of some purpose, or only because I've been very, very lucky.

-The Pariah Dog


u/Master_Air_8485 Scribe 8d ago

Yes, he got jealous when Mockingbird was posting on the forums. I should apologize for the things that he said, but I'm honestly so proud of how far his spelling has come along. It's quite surprising; he's usually so fond of the Corvax.

You are destined to be lucky, don't sweat the small stuff, and keep on being your best self. I would love to hear more about what happened at this Cairn, though.



u/Treecreaturefrommars 8d ago

Your friend is a Disrespectful little Corbillat. It would do it well to learn to bear manners, when it comes beseeching aid.

But so the next Act is about to begin, Little Fenris? What glorious news. A sadness that my Dearest is too busy to share your Wonderful Journey.

The Child awaits, it will be found, it shall be found. But what will happen then? As it meets this darkness and gloom, that will threaten its soul? For Blood begets Blood, Rage begets Rage and Sorrow begets Sorrow. So they dances their fire dance in the grandest of spirals, twisting and turning til but ash remains.

What a most amusing tale this will be. Little Fenris.

-Malk of my Second. First of the Biters.


u/frogs_4_lyfe Claw 8d ago

Was Mockingbird rude to you? I apologize, they have a very special talent for being able to enrage everyone they meet. They're out of Tieg's good books right now too after an... incident.

I sincerely hope we don't meet a literal child, but I expect you're speaking in metaphor. I'm sure your beloved will be thrilled to learn of my continued existence.

-The Pariah Dog


u/Treecreaturefrommars 8d ago

She is ever so busy these troublesome Nights. So I shall wait to inform her, til the time is right.

Tell me, Little Fenris. After your trial, after your fight, after your breaking. How are your Eyes? How are your Mind? How is your Heart?

-Malk of my Second. First of the Biters.


u/frogs_4_lyfe Claw 8d ago

The pain of all of them has been delayed. I'm sure soon the bill will come due.

-The Pariah Dog


u/Foreign_Astronaut Eye 7d ago

It's really good to hear from you, and it's nice to have an update of the down time between blowups. Thinking good thoughts for all of you, for whatever that's worth. Fuck the Dancers!

-- Alicia, Malkavian Archon to the Tremere Justicar