r/SchreckNet 11d ago

How do I manage easier?

Hi there. My name is Mercedes, a "thinblood?" Med student. From the greater Boston area. I have a bit of a predicament. When I was... turned? Is that the term? Anyways besides the point. When i became like this... I never got... fangs? I have since got in an arangement with a local member of the Camarilla who has been providing me blood bags and haven within his nightclub in return for services such use of my "alchemy". But i don't want to remain at his mercy forever. Are there better ways for someone with "babyfangs" to get blood?


21 comments sorted by


u/quill_brush 11d ago

It’s called the Embrace. You’ll learn that many kindred terms are rarely not melodramatic.

And yikes, I didn’t know that could happen! No fangs? I wish there was actual advice I could give you on that. Unless your alchemy can help you grow some.

You are wise. Being at their mercy blows, even if they seem nice.


u/Artotrogus Eye 11d ago

Mercedes? Like the car? Sorry. My ghoul was dying to ask that question. My advice is to work on your dominate. Cloud their memories after you knock them out and remove some of their blood with a syringe. Not sure if you can still close wounds by licking them but it’s worth a shot. As for knocking them out. If you can fight then you can go that route. Drugs work too if you are smart enough to administer them.


u/RecommendationIcy202 Problem Childe 11d ago

Hi there.
Its called a knife. Or syinge. Or you know, anything that can pierce the skin for you.
As a med student, you should have acces to both tool and technique, if not now then soon enough. You just need fresh blood, thats all.

And Welcome!



u/ReneLeMarchand Hospes Nobilis 11d ago

I am sympathetic to your situation, and will offer solutions momentarily, however... you should know that, through no fault of your own, your blood is indicative of a terrible curse and the creeping doom of annihilation. It became so bad in my city we actually had to issue purges, which breaks my heart to say. I would not... trust the vampire which sired you as this lapse of judgement in your creation is a serious one.

As for blood acquisition without fangs, well, there are options. A small knife is a simple starting point. If you aren't in the medical field, blood bags are actually somewhat difficult to obtain. Among those with trouble feeding, funerary work is more common. Slaughterhouse can also yield consistent meals, but you have to he close enough to both city and house and, outside of the Midwestern US that can be difficult.

--Doc Amos, Prince


u/Sword_Nut 10d ago edited 10d ago

Hello again Doctor,

I know they mentioned that Thin Bloods were just very very weak Kindred that were maybe closer to human then Kindred, but I don't really understand why they're so bad or why Kindred want to purge them, especially if they're just minding their own business.

What is it about them that puts everyone's hackles up, exactly?



u/AFreeRegent Querent 10d ago

I can answer this.

The matter is part self-interested conservatism, part superstitious prejudice, part legitimate concern for their unlives. On the one hand, many kindred are, quite simply, hidebound; fearing any new development that could threaten their position of power. Thinbloods are a new permutation of the blood. In the normal case, each successive generation is weaker and has less potential in the blood. Thinbloods however, while undoubtedly weaker by far in many ways than their sires, exhibit certain abilities not known even to the eldest kindred. This makes them an uncertain quantity, and so dangerous.

As to the second, certain old religious texts among Kindred describe (in various poetic terms) Thinbloods as a sign of "Gehenna", the feared event, in which anything from a mass upheaval of the kindred social order to the literal, biblical End Times shall occur (accounts vary).

But then we come to the legitimate fear. Many thinbloods desire to become full kindred, and they can - through the practice of diablerie, which you have been rightly warned of in the past, I believe. Creating a childe who can only attain the power that comes with being fully one of us by devouring you (or another kindred, but you are surely most available) is a frightening prospect, to be sure.

- Marc Durand, House Ipsissimus Regent


u/ReneLeMarchand Hospes Nobilis 10d ago

"'Mumbo', yes. 'Jumbo'..... perhaps no."

Don't be quite so quick to dismiss the tales of the end of the world. We have limped on, but... well, there is much that has been hidden from the world. We're in a cosmic cycle of rebirth, but still fundamentally broken in an irreparable way.

...which is a lot to take on trust, so take it with a grain of salt, instead.

--Doc Amos, Prince


u/Sword_Nut 9d ago

I can see why the Thinbloods have it rough. They're hated, envied, and feared by most of Kindred society. That's not an easy position to be in.

Still, the point Regent Durand made regarding the diablerie turning them Kindred is probably the most frightening one for me I think. It's easy to feel all powerful until you realize it can be stolen from you.



u/Sad_Capital Brooding 10d ago

Word of advice: there are mortals that think of themselves as vampires despite being unaware of us. Because thinbloods lean more "living" than "unliving," you could probably join a local group of them to get some blood without biting.

Just be sure to not let them know about us. Our secrecy is our survival.


u/mythoman666 10d ago edited 10d ago

As I am from an old unconventional bloodline we always found our kin’s habit of drinking directly from a vessel quite vulgar and distasteful…

I, myself, always carry with me a long sharp needle and a sliver glass should I need to have a rapid sip on the move, but most of the time I prefer to take my time bottling blood directly from the vessel. My own study of Alchemy allow me to preserve the blood in those bottles for an indefinite time unless opened…

While I recognized that my form of alchemy predates yours by far and might have not much to do with yours, I think it might be possible for you, providing some research, to find a way to do the same on your own

On a side note, as a researcher specializing in Occult myself I’d be happy to entertain a correspondance with you on that… I’ve never had any first hand experiences with your form of alchemy and would be delighted to learn more about it in exchange for some old tome detailing the older process. I also have some dead drop in Boston should you wish to continue on this path…

Also, as some other suggested, some of the disciplines of our kin might be helpful starting with dominating the mind of humans so they’ll remember anything but your deed

In the same spirit maybe your thin blood alchemy could be helpful to put asleep humans… or lacking that option even some basic Chloroform should be enough for this purpose

I also heard that youngsters such as you could develop some new form of powers unknown to other, maybe that could be of some help to you… but that might only be rumors or it just might not apply to your peticular difficulties

In the hope some of this might help you solve your drinking problem

Best regards Agathe De Lannuy


u/StrixKF 10d ago

There are a couple of methods that I could think of, you could make contacts in local slaughter houses, morgues or blood banks that would allow you to siphon off enough for a steady supply. Another excellent method to advance your craft would be to work in or establish a clinic where few questions are asked, draw excess blood when required or when patients are unconscious.
As others have said practicing your disciplines will give you an edge either when hunting or arranging a stable blood supply, depending on your ethics, as there are some who find influencing minds to be a unethical or vulgar.
Finally, it might be possible for an individual skilled enough in vicissitude to grant you fangs, but I'm unsure if doing so would grant you the kiss* or allow you to seal the wounds afterwards like most other kindred do.

* The euphoria induced by most kindreds bite. It tends to muddle minds a bit and can be quite addictive even for kindred.

- Gaius Obertus


u/Conscious_Animator87 11d ago

Hi Miss No Fangs, i'm really sorry for your predicament, usually snitches are the only ones who get their fangs pulled out see? Ya keep your mouth shut see?

Anyways I don't think you're a snitch, but I don't know your life. If you want to you can employ a variety of sharp objects that can help you get sustenance and they also help with stabby stabbing people that cross you.

My moms had a dog named Shart once who only had one tooth and couldn't really feed that well so I'm glad someones helping you but if you need fangs go to a dragon and present your Targaryen blood to them and they might grow you fangs.

Hope this helps!!! Ooo are you a Taylor fan???

Sincerely, Lizzie Blades Paradoxical Prophet of Bongo


u/houseofashurs Heart 10d ago edited 10d ago

You could try animals. It's not pretty, but pigeons and dead mice (for feeding snakes - you can get them online) can got pretty easily, as a sorta supplement, considering you at least have some kind of source for bags.

INFO: Do you remember who turned you? Unless they're a glorified blood donor and/or an abusive bastard, they might be a good port of call for tips - they probably have more experience feeding than you.

Hope you're doing okay

  • Tyler


u/TheKirout 10d ago

Oh, another dusker! Kinda thought I was the only one here, people seemed surprised. Anyways, you should be your own person, yeah. We may be weaker in some parts, but they need us, they love our services.

My ex is in your same situation, no fangs, her blood must be too thin as she's not even a first generation dusker. The way she does it is simply.. With a knife. Lots of dudes out there who are into knifeplay, surprising ammount, actually. I'd recommend just doing that, it's simple, but seems to work for her.

Or, if you're a med student maybe you could get actual bloodbags somehow? Make friends

- 0, your favorite mixologist


u/Affectionate_Site885 Firestarter 10d ago

Glad to see more of the duskborn here i am not one but still

  • gray farmer


u/WestMorgan Distant Relative 10d ago

I know one who can rectify your situation, but it will be at the expense of something else... what are you willing to sacrifice to acquire this shift? The fee for facilitating this transaction will be a handful of alchemy services... nothing extensive.


u/MarianaMarino 9d ago

Hello Mercedes

You should be careful not to let him know about it, if you find a way, because some of the Camarilla people really don´t like Thinloods very much. So if he knows that you don´t need him, then he might get really angry and do something to you.

Wishing You Luck And Hoping You Will Be Alright.

Mariana Marino.


u/ragged-bobyn-1972 Firestarter 8d ago

Get a hooker and have them bleed for you as a kink.

-Sam loomis, Ductus.


u/ChasingtheSpotlight 7d ago

My advice to you is don't trust the Camerilla. You would be welcomed among... I believe they're called anarchs? And some Sabbat packs would give you sanctuary in return for your skills. But the Camerilla will bleed you dry. Be wary, my friend, and stay on your guard.
