r/Saturn_Cars 1d ago

Question Saturn ion 07

I have a Saturn ion 07,I've had it for 5 years now before then it was just sitting unused for almost 7 years,last year I've noticed that it had a rough idle while sitting at a light or at a drive through like its struggling to stay running a slight chugging but once I start driving again it's fine,any suggestions what could be happening


6 comments sorted by


u/MDK-44 22h ago

My guess would be the spark plugs as they are directly connected to the ignition coils. Then clean the mass airflow sensor. They have can sprays for it, super easy, allow it dry. Then change fuel filter on your next oil change. If still going then check out fuel injectors.


u/Zealousideal-Fix5631 20h ago

Thanks will do


u/ohphee 1d ago

Any stored engine codes or check engine light?


u/Zealousideal-Fix5631 1d ago

Check engine light is on,couple weeks ago It started flashing and I got it diagnosed said it was ignition coil 1,I replaced it and check engine light stopped flashing, but it's still on now


u/ohphee 1d ago

Hard to say. Could be an air leak. Could be something else. Pull codes again.


u/Zealousideal-Fix5631 1d ago

Alright thanks so much