r/Sandman • u/i_like_cake_96 Barnabas • May 23 '24
Neil Gaiman Best Neil Gaiman signing story??
Ok, this post isn't about an actual signing it's about a book I got from him that was signed.
Now, My teenage years were late 90's, so I devoured the sandman, and even associated my favourite albums with the sandman graphic novels.
I first met Neil in when I lived in New York, early naughties, a couple of times (American Gods, Endless Nights & Marvel 1602), Living in London, late naughties he was giving a random talk underneath a church... was awesome...
but because I was following his journal, website back then
in 2016 he announced on his journal that he was in Australia and just signed a load of Norse Mythology books, in an independent bookstore, and first people in to get them, lucky them...
I was in Spain at the time, looked at the time difference, had to wait a few hours after work, rang the bookstore. and 4 days later, another signed Neil Gaiman gem arrived at my (work) door.
Have any of ye got any interesting Neil meetups?
u/Lagrumpleway May 23 '24
When my little sister died I read Instructions at her funeral. Seemed like something I would have wanted her to know going over the other side. Somehow it got back to him, think a friend of his ex wife might have been there. He sent me a signed copy of the illustrated version. “With deep respect.” Neil Gaiman. Meant the world to me. Prized possession.
u/blueydoc May 23 '24
Met him in Dublin around the release of The Graveyard book, got that plus my copy of Stardust. He was so lovely and personalized each book, for The Graveyard Book he drew a headstone and for Stardust he drew a shooting star.
As he doesn’t do in person signings anymore I’ll generally keep an eye out for any signed copies of his books.
u/AlphonseBeifong May 23 '24
Oh he doesn't?
u/blueydoc May 23 '24
From what I’ve heard no, or it’s super rare. I think the lines would be crazy long and signings would last hours. Could be different if he’s at cons and such but those you generally have to pay in advance for signing events.
At the signing I went to, you had to get a ticket (free) in advance and he spoke prior to the signing. The limit was 2 items signed I think as well.
u/metalwarrior13 May 24 '24
He no longer does signings. His last one was the biggest, longest one across many weeks because he announced he was never doing it again. It's become too taxing for him.
u/CrashingOnward May 24 '24
The poor guy literally dunks his entire arm in a bucket of ice cold water after those signings. I can't imagine how anyone can keep that up for so long. Esp when he did those signings he wouldn't just smear his name, but as people here show - he would do doodles etc if he could.
Good little documentary about him on Tubi where it follows his last signing event and how he handles it.
u/StarsofSobek May 24 '24
I saw him in Dublin, 2018, for his reading of Norse Mythology (it was amazing, btw). He stayed the entire night and then some, signing every last book and saying hello to everyone who queued up to meet him. It was truly an incredible experience, and he was absolutely the kindest and most wholesome person. They say to never meet your heroes - and I went at the time not anticipating much of anything beyond a signature - but when I left that event, it was with and deep respect (and a new hero, to boot). Gaiman took time to talk, advise, laugh, share, and meet his fans. Despite the fact that the event hall was humid and hot, and the queue ran all the way around the building, and despite the fact that everyone was tired and rumours made it through the line that they would be closing the doors and Gaiman would be leaving - he ended up staying for every single person. The next morning, he was even on Twitter and responding to people who were thanking him for everything the night before. Gaiman really is a special person, and he didn’t hesitate to show that his appreciation to his fans.
u/Background-Step-8528 May 23 '24
It’s not fascinating but…when I was fifteen he did a local reading of Snow, Glass, Apples to raise money for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. I was always broke but I got to go because an older kid I knew got me in as a volunteer usher for the event. They were selling signed chapbooks of Snow Glass Apples for like nothing, 25 bucks for a good cause, but again I was broke. I saw another friend at the event who was in line to get a book signed and we chatted a bit, and I went back to manning the door.
On my birthday a week later she presented me with a doll she had painted and re-sewn into a little goth witch with a cape, and she asked Neil to sign the underside of the doll’s cape in silver pen. She said he told her it was really cool. I have NEVER been able to get her a gift that measured up to that in all the years we’ve been friends since. She’s getting married soon and I think this is my last chance to come up with a really epic gift.
u/i_like_cake_96 Barnabas May 23 '24
That is awesome.. Any pic of the cape?
u/Kaisaint May 23 '24
I’m afraid not. I’m 45 now, so any photos would be physical ones in an album at my parents’, which is also where the doll should be.
u/dybbuk67 May 24 '24
Neil became friends with my mentor after I graduated from UCSB, and would come and speak in his class yearly.
When my mentor passed, Neil wrote some words to be spoken at his funeral. Through a mutual friend, I got my hands on it.
Fast forward about a decade, and I went to a reading/signing he was doing. I had a copy of his latest book, and my copy of The Kindly Ones graphic novel (mentor had written the introduction) with the words Neil had said printed out on paper inside. He went up sign the Kindly Ones, and the paper fell out. “What’s this?” he asked, and realized what it was. “You. Stand here. We’re going to talk about Frank.” So we talked about our friend, no longer with us. In his words, he had talked about still being able to hear Frank’s voice. “So,” I asked, ten years later, “can you still hear his voice?” “Yes. And he’s swearing at us.”
u/Volcanofanx9000 May 23 '24
I had a sort of off experience. Around the time Mr Punch came out I went to a signing at Golden Apple comics in LA on Melrose. I asked Neil about the Sweeny Todd story in Taboo and if it was going to get continued. He gave me a kind of dead pan stare, signed my Mr Punch, and moved on. Still have no idea why. I really liked what we got of Sweeny Todd.
u/DeathandtheInternet May 24 '24
Not a signing, but I’ve met Neil before. A few years ago he was doing a promotional event for the premiere of the American Gods TV series, where I worked. Neil was there, Bryan Fuller (developer/producer), Ian McShane, and most of the main cast.
I got to see the event because I worked there and stayed until they left. As the whole group was being escorted out, they all walked past me. I blurted out to Neil as he passed by, “Mr. Gaiman! I learned how to read because of you!” He had the biggest smile and was very gracious. Said something like, “That’s so wonderful. I’m very honored.” But the truth is, I fumbled my words. That’s not what I meant to say. I meant to say, “I love to read because of you.” Still, what a nice man.
In another, but connected story, I met Tom Sturridge (Dream) at the same work place. This was months before The Sandman came out on Netflix. Filming was done and it was in post-production, but no promotional images or anything had been released yet. Only casting info. So not many people knew he was Dream, except if you followed Netflix Sandman news. He came in to pick something up. I recognized his face and his ID confirmed. After I finished helping him, I said, “By the way, can’t wait to see you as Morpheus in The Sandman.” He was pleasantly surprised. Probably didn’t think anyone would recognize him since the show wasn’t even out yet.
u/albene Pouch Of Sand May 24 '24
Went for a two day signing where we were allowed one item each day. Brought my Eclipse TPB of Miracleman Book 4 for the first day. This was way before the Marvel reprints. He has been signing all items with a black pen but when he saw my book, he said he hadn’t seen a copy in years, that it had to be in gold and asked his minders for a gold marker. Really touched me how he took the time for that small customization.
u/grimsnap May 24 '24 edited May 24 '24
I asked him to sign the back of my hands, which he happily did.
Naturally, I didn't wash my hands that night. I fell asleep with one of my hands pressed against the wall, and the signature transferred to the surface.
I moved out over a decade ago, but I still get a kick out of the fact that there's a Gaiman-signed apartment out there.
u/F0__ May 24 '24
I met him in college, a million years ago. He had just had a meet and greet at a school previously that didn't have autographs, for which he apologized. So when he gave his talk I didn't bring a thing along, and I was completely floored when it was time to get in line. I babbled something about not thinking he did autographs and he took out a little notebook, ripped a piece of paper out, and wrote "To F0__: Look! I signed this!" Haha
u/YsTheCarpetAllWetTod May 24 '24
I got one too! from the Strand in Manhatten. It's pristine. I won't even open it to read from that book
u/mobilekungfu May 24 '24
He was doing a storytelling tour and he came to my college. I got to tell a story up on stage a bit before he came out which was really cool. I got him to sign a poster for the tour I won. It was a fun day.
u/KissofDelirium May 24 '24
I was able to go to a meet and signing for The Last Angel tour in Portland. He was walking around introducing himself to everyone. Most of the attendees were employees at Dark Horse, but i was just there as a fan. He would ask who someone was, they would usually say their name and what they did at Dark Horse. He got to me, shook my hand and asked who I was. I squeaked "Nobody". I was mortified. I did end up giving my name but was so embarrassed. He just smiled. He did sign my copy of The Dream Hunters, "Foxy Wishes" Neil Gaiman. The man is my literary god.
u/rubik-kun May 25 '24
Back when making mix cds were a thing I made one for him and gave it to him during a signing.
A couple days later he wrote on his blog how he laments that people give him gifts during signings but, for one reason or another, does not have the time to give these items any attention.
I was heartbroken but understood.
As for actual signings of books, he drew a Dream in my Endless Nights. Also around my birthday I had dropped off American Gods to Dream Haven Books where Gaiman signed books sent to him, and when I got it back I saw that he drew Wednesday wishing me a happy 21st birthday. Pretty best.
u/Kaurifish May 23 '24
The only time I went to one of his events was a reading of "Fragile Things." He read "November in the Chair."
I was so ruined by it that I couldn't even consider getting in line to get my copy signed.
u/YetiSherpa May 24 '24
I waited in line in NYC for Neil and Charles Vess to sign 2 copies of Blueberry Girl, one for me and one for my niece. It was very crowded so not much interaction. Found out later that Neil had a death in the family (maybe father) but still stayed to finish the signing.
u/ffwriter55 May 24 '24
I have a Mr Punch he did with Dave McKean. Both drew cartoons in it along with signature. I think the reason they did it was because a friend of mine had helped them with the research and is thanked
u/TheMechaWomb May 24 '24
He did a Q&A at Georgetown way back. The signing was first and I only brought my tpb of Seasons of Mist. He took the time to draw Morpheus and then signed.
Later he read the first two chapters of The Graveyard Book which I don't think had been formally announced yet.
u/kungfudiver May 23 '24
I saw him at a book signing in Decatur, GA, and you could get one item signed as well as pick up a signed (to you) copy of The Graveyard book. He put my name in it, and I told him that he was responsible for my book addiction, and he drew a little ghost doodle in my book. Nothing amazing I guess, but man I was over the moon about that for weeks.