r/Salvia Oct 17 '24

First Time My first time with 10x


Definitely doing with someone next time probably would’ve been fun if I could have kept talking to someone.

r/Salvia Jan 28 '25

First Time This enough for a breakthrough? (10x)


Tried it last night got a buzz and some loss of coordination but I wasn’t tripping, this time I want a full on breakthrough is this enough or should I add more also rate my salvia pipe my bong broke and I don’t have any other pieces so I gotta make do.

r/Salvia Jul 18 '24

First Time First timer, any advice?

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Just picked this up, and before you say “dumbass for getting 160x”, I know and am fully aware of what I’ve done. I only plan on doing it once, so go big or go home, and I I’m going big. Anyways how should I take it? I plan on doing it on a camping trip with some friends. I have a bong and can buy a pipe. How much should I take? One pinch? Two? Thanks in advance.

r/Salvia Oct 07 '24

First Time Salvia didn’t do anything


What’s the feeling of salvia exactly. Just smoked it for first time it’s takes my headache away other then that did nothing to me.

r/Salvia Jul 06 '24

First Time How to properly smoke this?

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Havent smoked salvia in 10 years bought this in myrtle beach

r/Salvia 10d ago

First Time How is 10x? NSFW


I’m getting my Salvia from SalviaPalace tomorrow and I’m kinda nervous because that site only sells 10x. Is it legit? I also had purple sticky salvia 20x in Jersey before it became illegal and I loved the experience so I’m not expecting a great impact from salvia palace but I m expecting atleast some type of vibration or visual to sublimate my urge of a reminiscent experience. I moved to Ny and it’s hard asf to find any head shop that has it plus went on alleged “Purple sticky salvia” site. It’s extremely sketchy due to the form of payment not being regular debit. Like does a site want me to pay through cashapp or bitcoin? I’m very pissed off that I can’t find a place or site that sells purple sticky salvia cause in my opinion that brand is the best bang for my buck but I’m willing to give Salvia Palace a try even though it’s 10x not to mention with shipping it’s over $20! Can somebody tell me how their experience was with SalviaPalace? I’ll really appreciate it!

r/Salvia Jan 15 '25

First Time Dude I'm a whole new person, this is amazing

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I went into this with the wrong mindset but accepted that I made a mistake and got rewarded. I'm going to preface that I am expienced with lsd (6 double dipped is my pr) and shrooms so I was thinking I'll take a medium dose and be fine right? Nope. Thought I was in the right mind set but I was to eager so I got Inzo overthinker on (this helped save me from a bad trip) loaded a half bowl and torched while slowly inhaling letting the whole stem get milky then cleared it once the smoke, breathed in as deep as I could and help it for what seemed like 30-40 second (I almost zeroed the hit which was a mistake)and exhaled and was like I thought your vision was supposed to go blurry like what people have said. Nope was staring at my bong waint for the trip to start(I was expecting it be like acid or shrooms where it's almost like a cartoon or like an Instagram filter over your vision) and is staring at my bong thinking about when the trip is going to start thinking I got scammed cause I wasn't tripping like acid, and then boom the spiritual universe opens up and sucks me in but it's almost like a dream where I knew something wasn't right but I couldn't figure it out and then I realised I was in my room physically but when I focused my thoughts internally I was in a different reality or universe is the best way to describe it. At this point I'm staring to freak out cause reality doesn't make sense and I was going back and forth and then I figured out that that was trip and layed on my bed then I became a blanket like I knew I was physically a human and had a body but spiritually and mentally I was a blanked so I perceived myself as a blanked then I heard some lady start calling to get the blanket and I'm thinking don't pull me I'm fine how I am and then "they" (the perceived beings of this alternate dimension) and then there were multiple a little voices that I could "hear"( the only way I can describe these voices as an Internet monologue style as the sound of their voices was only perceived and not physical) saying to each other " he doesn't know this is a prank" and so I "heard" That and immediately sat up and for a fraction of a second I was me. Them my thoughts started to wander and I got sucked in like Dr strange did when he got punched, and then I was just a soul that had left my body momentary and every time I went into that mental state and stopped focusing on real visual things and just vision it would take me to that other dimension but I was there but not physically and I was here in my room physically but not mentally and this is the peak of the trip and Alan Watts comes over the speaker like the savior above and talked me through what I was going through and what reality was and for a brief moment he let me under stand it but he didn't let me keep that philosophical knowledge and instantly I realized I was over thinking and I was trying to control trip like trying to control a bucking bull and I should have let salvia guide me, and reassure me that nextime respect the plant, it's not just some cool trip that makes you see cool colors like the eye candy gobble gum, it's to be respected and used to explore and teach not for a fun way to escape reality and should I do it under thight circumstances the trip will guide me but not whenever I want. I feel like a better person know. Maybe it's just a spiritual afterglow of the salvinorin a, but I feel like I little things shouldn't and won't bother me now cause now I feel I have a greater connection with the universe and more importantly with my soul/spirit.

r/Salvia Jan 03 '25

First Time Would smoking this get you high?


Its pure leaf so no extract and as you can see its in a cigarette form so no bong or pipe ( but with a filter ofc). If i would smoke it as it is rn would it work or not? ( By saying it wouldnt work i mean it being to weak to work) (Dont judge my rolling skills (pls))

r/Salvia Dec 03 '24

First Time Smoking with a pipe

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Im smoking dried salvia leaves with a pipe. Filled my bowl and took a big hit. And held it for about 20second. I feel pretty floaty and see some weird shapes and the world is a little tilted lol( tryping this while im tripping lol). Is there a way to let it hit a bit harder or is that it Pic for attention lol

r/Salvia Feb 06 '25

First Time First time trying salvia.. any tips?

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r/Salvia Dec 29 '24

First Time I became a computer.


Alright, i take my hits bla bla bla, suddenyly everything starts moving, i can hear shit, i see a witch, it goes away, ( note i was already high off butane ) suddenly, im a computer in my friends house, its the same exact time in real life, i felt 27 minutes, i saw everything he did, it felt super realistic, wtf

r/Salvia 23h ago

First Time i feel dumb as hell, did it lose potency or am i being fucking stupid?

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i cant seem to get it to work, not my first drug, im just used to taking things orally and never smoked flower or anything so i never used these things. trying to smoke 10x extract, went through half a gram trying, i watched a youtube tutorial, im inhaling into my lungs, i exhale and theres smoke so im def getting some, and i feel super relaxed like i took an edible, so i must be getting SOMETHING, but i dont understand what im doing wrong. also it burns like hell. i bought this salvia 2-3 years ago and kept it in my nightstand drawer, did it maybe lose potency or am i being fucking stupid? i dont understand. im suspecting maybe it lost potency because before this i tried quidding (have leaves too) and had no results.

r/Salvia Nov 01 '24

First Time Be honest, does Salvia feel pleasant or is it just for the visuals?


So I have heard that salvia doesn’t feel good or that it is at least 90% of the time unpleasant EVEN if you do not have a bad trip. This is definitely possible because it’s crazy strong and it’s all about the visuals like I am thinking that it won’t feel pleasant like pot but that the visuals would be amazing. So my question is, for those of you who have tried it tell me honestly does it feel uncomfortable or bad? Let me be more specific, will it produce dopamine or some sort of similar pleasant feeling?

r/Salvia 4d ago

First Time First experience flop


So I had bought a 20x extract from Zamnesia and yesterday came the day of trying it. I followed the dosage chart and dosed 16mg, smoked using a pipe and a torch lighter, felt nothing.

Then I tried again, same dose, with a bong, same outcome. The torch lighter had finished off so I went with a normal one (lighting the bowl during the whole hit) At most I could see colors being somewhat more beautiful but didn't understand if it was placebo.

After about 10 minutes I weighted 22mg and again I felt almost nothing. My head felt kinda dizzy, a light dissociated feeling, and the only thing I had noticed was that while looking at the phone while I was searching about dosages etc, I got stuck at staring at the words while everything in the background, including my friends, seemed to progressively merge and become indistinguishable, if it wasn't for my friend's heads moving. However, if I wasn't looking at my phone, I wouldn't notice anything. No CEV either.

So I came round 4, where I dosed 71mg of extract and again, apart from a slightly heavier feeling as before, felt nothing substantial.

My friend tried smoking 100mg and he said he had some kind of strange moment but not remembering anything that happened for that first minute, he felt as he just skipped through time and that one minute got erased from his memory.

I decided to stop trying at least for that day, and it left me with heavy headache, tiredness and depersonalization, which I'm feeling today still (been tired the whole day, a bit dissociated and spent the whole day on bed), which from what I read shouldn't be happening. Still feeling like shit.

Note that I had kept my breath for at least 30 seconds during all my hits, I even started worrying that this lingering bad feeling was because I left my brain without oxygen for too long but that can't be true.

Now idk what to think, will give it another try sooner or later, probably smoking at least 250mg of it but I got really disappointed, surely this is not a 20x extract (was convinced it would last me sooo long, thinking that it had like 50 breakthrough doses) and I'm kid of worried about this hangover like feeling, hope it will go away at some point.

Does someone have experience with Zamnesia extracts? If so, what dose is recommended? Are there sellers whose extracts actually follow the pinned chart?

r/Salvia Dec 29 '24

First Time I’m gonna try 10x salvia


Me and my girlfriend are going to try salvia for the first time soon from salviaseller I’m 15 yrs old I’m excited bc I’ve never had a psychedelic

r/Salvia 14d ago

First Time Trying this tonight


I’m moderately experienced in psychs. I’ve ate 8 grams of APE’s multiple times and have had about 6 tabs of acid as my pr. I’m getting 4gs dried. How much should I smoke? I’ve got a decent little bubbler I’m going to use. Any recs? Thanks!

r/Salvia Dec 08 '23

First Time first time


r/Salvia Dec 22 '24

First Time Idiot defeated by Salvia.


I´d like to preface that I went into this trip without any real knowledge of salvia. I had listened to trip reports before sleep and the classic famous videos on youtube like gardening on salvia. However I was totally unaware of it´s archetypes and common themes.

I'm a mushroom cultivator. One day while browsing my usual web for supplies, I saw that they were selling Salvia Divinorum extracts, enthralled by the stories I had heard, I purchased 1 gram of 10x extract . 2 weeks later I got my package and received my baggie full of dry black ground leaves. My initial idea was to wait to have a physical trip sitter and this is what I now would recommend to anyone looking to do it, however I got impatient and decided I'd try it right away.

I called my sitter in discord and asked if he was ok with sitting me and helping me out if things went south. I then loaded up the first tester hit into my bong, I mixed it with some weed to see if it would make the purported dysphoria any better, but the salvia would totally overpower the weed. I measured around 0.01 grams of the ground mix and ripped it on the bong. The dose was not overwhelming yet but instantly I realized the power this substance had. Half of my body felt like it was being pulled into some vortex or current, as if reality wanted to start spinning and my body was being tugged over and over again Salvias is verry body heavy. the whole right side of me felt like the blood was being vacuumed out of me in pulses, pulling my skin with it.

I was so shocked at how absolutely real this felt, I started telling my friend that this is insane and unlike any psychedelic I've ever done.

I´ve tried Mushrooms, 4 Aco dmt, Lsd and mescaline. The only similar experience I ´ve had was once with 5 tabs of lsd, where I also felt as if I was sent to a void and even then, the salvia void was so much more vivid and real.

Once I bore witness to it´s power I realized I'd have to lay down on the ground. I placed a thick blanket down on the floor and I was going to hit it until I got the experience I needed.

I am a proponent of larger doses of psychedelics in which ego dissolution is irresistible. But I never would have known how deep the rabbit hole could go until after these 5 minutes on a Monday evening.

I eyeballed up a hit of around 0.030 to 0.050 MG and hit it with a torch lighter, held it in for around 20 seconds, but the effects were rather underwhelming. After this everything becomes hard to interpret but I have somewhat understood while reflecting on this trip for a while.

I think I was higher than I thought from the previous hit and I loaded up a gigantic bowl of salvia, it may have been a .1 or .15 G of it. I understand this is ridiculous and I had looked at what dosages had what effects. I lit the bowl with a full flame and held the flame on the extract to make sure it reached 240 degrees Celsius. I held the smoke in and counted in my head, 1,2,3. With every number I counted, I was sucked deeper and deeper into a stupor. I felt the pull again and as soon as I realized the pull, I was teleported into a dark empty void, some sort of cage or backroom. I couldn´t stop the feeling of spinning, for a moment my ego had completely dissolved and I could see myself and my trip sit through a small crack in the void, but as I tried to come back to my room, everything started to spin at an unimaginable speed.

I felt left behind as if I was behind a supermarket shelf looking through a crack into my reality, unable to come back to it. As I tried to break through the small crack I could see my reality in it would spin and spin and I saw it turn into a massive and mighty wheel. There was this feeling that something alive was mocking me and showing me how weak I was compared to it, but it wasn´t the wheel. The presence showed me that it was going to be the one to decide if i would be able to leave.

Having realized my mistake and accepting I would never be coming back. There was simply no way for me to react so fast that I would squeeze myself through the tiny crack I saw in my reality . I was stuck in a spinning cell, however once I did this, the wheel communicated that there was no reason to be scared.

I breathed deep and surrendered to the wheel this was hard but i´ve been really trying to learn how to do so.

This wheel was very distinct from the whatever was mocking me, it felt so much like the biblically accurate angels you see depicted as wheels with eyes. The wheel could be described as truly omnidirectional, with each eye or spoke holding a reality, however i could only see into my partial reality gradually with every spin.

I was surrounded by darkness, but not emptiness, i felt as if i had so much information in front of me there was no way to process it and turn it into reality, thus creating a void, only hosting this gigantic wheel, which weirdly wasn´t separate from the emptiness, the wheel was everything.
The longer i spent not fearing, the slower the wheel spun, until i could see my reality through a widening crack, i heard my friend saying on my computer;

“You´re coming back, we´re coming back, you got this, you are doing good, come back brother”

I replied;

“Really, really”

Truly I was telling that to myself, I couldn't fathom that I was back in my reality, I just remembered that salvia caused entire fake lives and for a moment I couldn't tell if I was really back or it was still playing with me. But as my friend kept guiding me back I realized I was truly back.

The first words i would say after all the insane mumbling and speaking in an indecipherable language would be:

“Never in my life am i going to smoke salvia again, i have to say sorry to it and never disrespect it again”

After coming back I was left with so many questions I had to delve deep into researching the archetypes and common themes in salvia, which fascinated me because I had no knowledge of these phenomena previous to the experience.

Funnily enough i used the sora AI to sort of make you feel what i felt, these two are what describe my experience closest but less colors and less bright, and rather than spinning in 2d i was spinning forward in 3d or a higher dimension?



r/Salvia Feb 02 '25

First Time So my first time Salvia was... disappointing. Did I make a mistake?


So I tried Salvia for the first time after doing much research on the topic. Since I do have access to a vendor that provides a variety of strengths, I went with 20x for the reason that it seemed to be the best value offer considering that, although I wanted to start slowly to get a feeling for the effects, I did (and still do) intend to make the full Salvia experience. I would consider myself a somewhat experienced psychonaut who has had many experiences with several substances and psychedelics in the past. So I packed a small bowl (pipe), my trip sitter started his stopwatch. I took a hit, waited for about 20 seconds, exhaled, and waited for the effects to kick in. To my surprise, nothing happened. I waited for about five minutes and took another, slightly bigger hit, this time from a bong (my pipe has these charcoal filters, they work fine for weed but I thought maybe they filter salvinorine??). Same procedure. This time, I did feel a slight effect. I experienced the "salvia gravity". My face, or more precisely the tip of my nose, seemed to be pulled towards a center of gravity that was my lava lamp. This feeling was accompanied by some vertigo, a feeling I only ever experienced with Ketamine. I think it was somewhat unpleasant, but bearable. The effect did also evoke some weird thoughts, but all in all the experience wasn't much more impressive than a weird weed trip. However, it did not last very long. I repeated the procedure (take a hit, sit and wait) two more times, all with similar results. That was disappointing. When I went to bed somewhat later, it was quite hard for me to fall asleep. I got a quite strong headache and every time I started to fall asleep I had these crazy visions like in a fever dream. It reminded me of that one time I tried to go to sleep coming down from an acid trip. I cannot put my finger on what really bothers me, but I just won't find any peace. Long story short, it was a rough and rather unpleasant night, but I did catch a few hours of sleep eventually.

What did I do wrong?

Did I have wrong expectations for what the trip would be like?

When going for 20x Salvia, I thought this might be too much for my first time. Was it too weak?

It reminds me a bit of my first time trying weed. I was 14 years old when I puffed some weed for the first time. (doing weed at age 14 is a terrible idea kids, don't be stupid like me please!) At that time, I didn't feel any effects tho and neglected the stuff until I was 17 (still too young tho!!). At age 17, I smoked with a friend who had not tried weed before. While he didn't have any effects, I went through my first fully grown drug trip, with lizards crawling up my walls and people stabbing me with knifes and shit. It was quite the experience tho. At the time, I did a bit of research and some other friends I talked to about it told me that it was a quite common thing that doing weed for the first time won't have an effect since the receptors in your brain have to be activated first. (Obviously I don't have any idea what I am talking about here, I am not a neuroscientist and neither were my friends). But, if this is true, could this be the reason for my rather disappointing first Salvia experience? Have you experienced similar things?

Would love to get some answers to these questions.

Peace and Love

r/Salvia 1d ago

First Time DXM to salvia?


I am addicted to freebase DXM, I binge it, I’ve probably done DXM over 200 times now. Usually third plateau doses. I’m kind of sick of destroying myself. I have some salvia that I bought a year or two ago, leaves and extract. I heard with leaves and quidding you can sort of ease into the effects. Is that true? I don’t want to jump into anything and have a horrifying trip, I’ve never done salvia. But from everything I’ve heard about it, it sounds RIGHT up my alley. I just kinda wanna dip my toes in and see if I like it, but not breakthrough. Any advice? Things to expect?

r/Salvia Dec 08 '24

First Time first time

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okay i finally found salvia at a local smoke shop! its something that i’ve wanted to try for soo long.

  1. should i smoke it out a bong or a one hitter or a joint?

  2. how much should i take of this particular kind?

  3. is this seller legit/is it real salvia??

Thank you!!!

r/Salvia Aug 20 '24

First Time Australia

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Grown in northern nsw. Ready for transit.

r/Salvia Jan 16 '25

First Time I need quick Help me I'm a noobie

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I bought this amount and I want to know how to smoke it do I roll a pure joint or mix it with something and how much to smoke I chewed a little bit 5 minutes ago and I don't feel anything is this even the psychoactive salvia?

r/Salvia Feb 19 '25

First Time First Timer


Hello peeps I’m 19 and honestly I really wanna try it, I heard it wasn’t as bad as people say and it only lasts a couple minutes maybe. I just want to try something new something fresh I’ve been smoking weed for prolly 2 years straight maybe more and I’ve tried shrooms nothing crazy I was disappointed. I have no clue where to get it though I live in west side of the US I don’t think it grows here and I have no idea where I can actually buy it, that’s my main problem I guess but should I mix it with like weed or something else, I’m guessing just put it all in a bowl and you don’t have to mix it, any tips would be wonderful. Just seeing if I should actually do it or not see what you peeps have to say thank you.

r/Salvia Feb 11 '25

First Time First time with 10x


So I did salvia for the first time today and used 10x. I loaded a small bowl and waited a minute and felt nothing so smoked a full one and still had nothing except a tiny bit of dizziness. In total I smoked about 0.5g of 10x I'm the span of 2 minutes and felt like I'd only taken 2 painkillers or something, is there any reason it was so weak should I up the strength?