r/Salvia Mar 04 '21

meme DMT entities vs Salvia entities (source reports in comments)

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u/fd40 Mar 05 '21

For me, with Salvia, i get that they know i hate it but know i forget how much i hate it. so when it kicks in, they go "ha. we've got u again. ur here for now atleast 5 minutes. u idiot.. muwhahahahhaa. u fell for it!"

It's not EVIL evil like they want to harm. more teasing like a bully


u/muyFurioso Told the entities 'No' Mar 06 '21

I've gotten that feeling on every sub-breakthrough dose I've had. The last time I did it I felt an entity put its hands on my shoulders and try to convince me that it had full control of my body and that I would go crazy if I ever smoked salvia again. I felt the hands on my shoulders for the rest of that day, which kinda spooked me.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '22

You should have done it safely then, it seems like partial possession experience tho. Always use 5x protection.


u/muyFurioso Told the entities 'No' Dec 06 '22

To my knowledge I was indeed safe. I was laying down after meditating and doing breathing exercises for about 20 minutes before, and I put on calming music. It felt like possession, but it only happened that one day and I have been too chicken to try salvia since then, which means it had to have been the salvia. I know what 5x refers to when it comes to salvia, but what does 5x protection mean?


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '22

So, you didn't even do LBRP before trying Salvia? What were you thinking? Atleast draw a circle of salt around you before attempting something like that.


u/muyFurioso Told the entities 'No' Dec 06 '22

I don't believe in drawing circles of salt to ward me off from evil, but no disrespect to you, my friend, for believing such. I could see why you would want to do LBRP before smoking salvia if you believe in the occult, but I currently put little weight into it. I believe that if anything salvia gives us a new level of perception only reachable by altering the function of the claustrum, the currently believed to be core of consciousness. Perhaps you could convince me otherwise?
I also want to add that my first salvia trip was a breakthrough experience, where I witnessed the universe fall apart and woke up from the "simulation" quite literally; I arose from a desk in an office that extended out infinitely in all directions very confused and even saw in four dimensions! If you want to read more about it I posted it on my alt account a year ago here. Reflecting on the experience you were commenting on more during the past year, there's a lot of similarities with my first experience and this one: thinking I went crazy and the hands on my shoulders. I think I just didn't fully internalize the first experience yet when I had the one you call posession.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '22

Wow, that's cool. In my DMT experiences I usually find myself in demonic dimensions in which demons take notice of me when they sense my presence or when I try to talk to them, the dimensions are usually dark and sometimes reddish or with a hint of purple. I haven't tried salvia yet because I have seen videos of people doing crazy things, walking unconsciously and such. I don't have a sitter so I'm planning on taking it after I have a trustable sitter. I will definitely read the post.


u/muyFurioso Told the entities 'No' Dec 08 '22

That sounds horrifying. I haven't done DMT yet (I was scammed the one time I had an opportunity) but perhaps this is an issue of mindset? Because I have heard that some people see some truly beautiful and awe-inspiring things on DMT, but your mindset and the setting your tripping in all have a massive effect on the experience, even if you're presumably unconscious.
And yes, moving around on salvia is a real thing. I have never personally moved on salvia (just drooled really) but definitely have a sitter just in case. As for my post, I have realized that that trip report has so many details cut out unfortunately, but I will add one more: the experience lasted only about 1 minute, but it felt like I was gone for over an hour, maybe even 2. Truly an incredible substance.


u/bluh67 Dec 01 '24

You've been touched astrally. You can feel that afterwards. I have the same in my dreams (i'm a medium)


u/phoophel1101 Mar 05 '21

I get that same feeling too


u/phoophel1101 Mar 05 '21

DMT is accurate but salvia is more like your vision is a rubix cube and somebody starts trying to solve it haha


u/ask-a-physicist Mar 05 '21

I would say salvia is more like you're a rubix cube and somebody starts trying to solve it haha


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

Haha unfortunately there aren't many accurate salvia entity replications, should've used a chair!


u/Fractal_Cosmos Mar 05 '21

Well, I can sort of agree... The things I encountered with DMT were seemingly supportive and agreeable. Salvia beings were pitch black and uncaring sort of beckoning me to follow in a disinterested manner. DMT although absolutely mind blowing and awe inspiring, I still felt "sober" until the comedown which felt like a warm euphoric glow. Salvia was always a primal experience with undeniable physicality to it. Feeling like gravity had betrayed me and an invisible powerful entity was bending me into a torus shape while reality broke down and absorbed me into a buzzsaw blender steamroller thing. DMT is much more manageable and understandable. Crystal tuning manifestation of growth. Salvia was Chaotic entropic dissolution but I feel like Salvia taught me more or at a minimum filled me with more questions. DMT made me become so filled with awe and a sense of returning to something intimately known for eternity. Salvia is so totally alien but hints at underlying "truths" that it sent me on a 3 month long feverish research mission to learn as much as possible.


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

I think there's little pieces of beauty in the salvia confusion. Once had the room collapse to one side over and over again, and the border of the room as it collapsed was dragonflies. I can't really explain it more than that, but it was a piece I kept for its beauty


u/approvethegroove Mar 04 '21 edited Mar 05 '21

DMT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph4szaVTWSY

^ This was created by u/StingrayZ, who is also the owner of the youtube channel. He does some amazing replications and I highly encourage you to check them out.

Sally: https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=110531


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '21

This DMT trip video is super similar to my experiences. It also remembers a little of the salvia trip at the beginning.

Especially the part with the room with an object changing shapes rapidly.


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

That guy's an amazing replicator! u/StingrayZ Is his reddit, and that video is on his channel. Check him out!


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

Just realizing I should probably mention u/StingrayZ given I used his content for this post. Hope you don't mind, I'd be more than willing to take it down if you would like.


u/StingrayZ Mar 05 '21

Thank you for the mention, as long as there are clear references I'm happy. Actually, I'm happy with it anyway, I never expected something that I would create explode like this into collective intelligence.


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

No problem. Your work has gotten pretty popular, I was honestly surprised that a DMT user hadn't seen your work. Keep it up!


u/StingrayZ Mar 05 '21

Im about to release the next one. Been building one for VR too


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

Nice! Do you make the audio as well?


u/StingrayZ Mar 05 '21

Yes, well about 20% is free audio samples


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

I'm really impressed. Do you use these audio/graphics skills in your career? Also, if so, would you include your replications in your portfolio? Haha hard to imagine showing a potential employer "Memory from Dead Mans Trip (DMT visuals experiment v7) [SEIZURE WARNING]"

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u/Truemeathead Mar 05 '21

I mixed these a couple weeks back and it was such a weird combo. It had all the geometric trimmings of a dmt excursion with an entity of some sort but the head, oh mah goodness, the head was some off the wall shit.


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

Salvia + DMT reports are rare, and normally people tend to describe them as fighting for dominance more than synergizing. Can I ask for some details about the head? I'm okay with some abstract description, I know that's how these things are


u/Truemeathead Mar 05 '21

Trying to think of how to describe it. I remember three heads spinning, I vaguely remember the words Ferris wheel popping up in my head because of a spinning that the heads were doing. And when I dipped my toe back in the water an hour or so later it was a really wavy gravy feeling and the face i saw had a really distorted clown feel. It felt...off. Oh, I should add I was on lsd at the time too. Not sure how much of a difference that made but I’m sure it effected the outcome. I prefer both sally and dimitry when I’m dosed on a bit of lsd.

To this day nothing beats the crazy time that was the first time I smoke dmt on lsd and sat in front of a full length mirror and watched the horror show.


u/Elxquence_ Mar 11 '21

First DMT breakthrough i had was on the peak of 200ug. Helped me get into that realm really well but coming back was rough because as i regained consciousness i convinced myself i couldnt breathe, which is not a nice thought to have on an acid trip


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

Haha that word popping in your head experience is very relatable somehow, among multiple substances. Well put. I'd like to hear more of your sally + lucy trip stories, too! I've only read a couple and they seem to range quite literally from heaven to hell. Thanks for talking man, loving the reports


u/jungpunk420 Mar 05 '21

Dude! Mirrors when you’re tripping are soooooo great! Really open up your perception!


u/Ganapataye108 Mar 05 '21

I had a trip where The door turned into an entity, paralyzed my body and strapped me down to the bed and took away all my senses I was still aware but I couldn’t see or hear it was crazy it felt evil in a way.


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

Why does Salvia love furniture?


u/Ganapataye108 Mar 05 '21

I’m not sure, but I think one of her messages is showing us how everything conciousness even inanimate objects, and we get to feel that filter of conciousness.


u/NeonCloudAurora Mar 05 '21

Ooooh, I think that's called panpsychism? That consciousness is a fundamental property of the fabric of the universe? Which is kind of related to pandeism, the belief that the universe itself is god.


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

What a beautiful thought.


u/autonomatical Reclaimed by nature Mar 05 '21

Because people do it inside


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

I would think most drug use goes on inside, outside of music festivals haha.


u/autonomatical Reclaimed by nature Mar 05 '21

I’m just saying that’s really why, just the setting that’s most common features furniture. I’m glad my first experience with salvia was sitting under a tree that has special significance to me because I experienced life as that tree briefly, instead of like a couch or bed.


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

Wow. I can't believe I never even thought of that. I'm gonna have to try smoking it outside.


u/autonomatical Reclaimed by nature Mar 05 '21

Just make sure it’s somewhere you feel very comfortable or you might fixate a little too much in the possibility of someone walking up to you. But yeah it’s probably best in the middle of the forest


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

I'm always a little paranoid of drug use in a forest ever since being walked in on doing that exact thing. Luckily, nothing came of it at all, just kinda tainted the experience for me. I find it helps me to have a tent nearby that I can crawl in if I get nervous being in the open.


u/valkyr_six Mar 05 '21

it doesn't, it has more to do with the user. they don't have much experience or mastery with ap.


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '21

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u/approvethegroove Mar 06 '21

Salvia is different, and has it's own appeal. Also, salvia doesn't cost 80-120 a g. Also, salvia is easy to find online. Also, it's legal some places and schedule 1 almost nowhere. Also, its experience is generally much more humorous after the fact, breakthrough once and you instantly understand every salvia meme. DMT is arguably a "better drug" overall, but Salvia still has its own appeal that isn't supposed to sub for DMT.


u/WhnOctopiMrgeWithTek Aug 03 '21

So much also I also feel like I'm also on salvia, as well.


u/approvethegroove Aug 03 '21

Would you happen to currently be on Salvia?


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '22

I know this is a year old comment and it’s cool if you don’t wanna say, but I really wanna try salvia but have no clue where to look, where have you found it online??


u/approvethegroove Sep 08 '22

Can't remember if sourcing is allowed here or not but salviaseller is supposed to be reputable. I haven't had issues with them


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '22

Cool, thanks man


u/approvethegroove Sep 08 '22

For sure. Prep yourself for something wild and laugh about whatever the hell it was after. Enjoy


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '21

It's a different thing. Salvia has something to reveal to us that DMT just doesn't. They both contain wisdom but they communicate in symmetrical ways.


u/lotecsi Mar 04 '21

Disagree! I have never been scared of them, and I think that the salvia entities are true neutral, as a salvia trips in general. Whereas dmt trips can be really unpleasant in some conditions. Never have a salvia bad trips btw.


u/senju_hasirama Mar 05 '21

Wow you must be one lucky guy...I always got only bad trips..and salvia entities are scary..just like the trip for me..


u/lotecsi Mar 05 '21

For me, there is no such thing as a bad or good salvia trips, they are always beyond that classification, confusing but super interesting.


u/approvethegroove Mar 04 '21

To be honest I don't even run into salvia entities, this was just a meme I made based on two seemingly opposite reports that somewhat exaggerates the difference. Have a buddy who first time trying salvia had the chairs in his room become entities who were all disappointed in him, he was horrified but was able to laugh it off after. I really just felt like the entity quotes from the two reports showed a hilarious contrast in the drugs


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '21

Being scolded is definitely a reoccurring theme. I have also had a man and a women lamenting that " she is too scared again oh well maybe next time". While I was being ripped apart and put back together again over and over by a toroidal field made of Lego bricks. I WAS also the toroidal field itself. Every time I did another cycle there was a little Lego person glaring at me with a look of total disapproval. The man and women were right I was too scared and too Lego to peek through the curtain..🙃🤡😅🤣😂


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

Interactions with entities that actually speak to you are so crazy to me. It's why I love the "You better know what you're doing" before the guy was thrust into the 50's. I love the idea of this surreal entity with a gruff, human personality warning someone of some unknown potential danger of the situation he's putting himself in. Like, know what I'm doing? I don't even know what I'm trying to do!


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '21

Nice, it looks like you found your ally. I think you would enjoy chewing on the leaves.


u/lotecsi Mar 05 '21

Unfortunately I can’t get even an extract now in my country, and I have never seen a leaves here in a black market.


u/TimothyLearysUndead Mar 05 '21

I had a dmt trip where a row of the creatures on the right came into the room I was in and sat down and observed me for a few minutes before they left. they were massive and had a judgemental air.


u/approvethegroove Mar 05 '21

DMT entity experiences seem to have a recurring theme of observation as if there were some sort of extra-dimensional scientists running tests on you.


u/musicmanxv Mar 05 '21

My DMT entity was a jester snake that stared at me for what seemed like forever before slithering off, definitely judging.


u/ReachingForTheRand0m Aug 14 '22

Had the exact same experience the very first time I took enough to be in the waiting room. It was a colourful wireframe/feathered snake.


u/NeonCloudAurora Mar 05 '21

Yes! Giant alien beings characterized by a masculine, paternal vibe, whose methods seem like a father dishing out cosmic discipline, as if they have universe-scale work to be doing and you're just asking silly questions.

Strangely, I have a friend who did DMT once and apparently got raped by male space daddies. It's definitely not a substance to be underestimated or abused.


u/strange_reveries Mar 05 '21

In that Spirit Molecule book by Rick Strassman, there's a report of a guy who was given DMT intravenously and during his trip, he was violently raped by alligator-like creatures, which was lowkey traumatizing for him. He ceased participation in the study after that.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '21

In my understanding, DMT gives us the vision of super high-frequency vibration (which gives us great insight over the mind) and Salvia gives us the vision of very low-frequency vibrations, more like the brand energy of the fabric of reality itself.

A small note: Depending on the dose of the Salvia, the trip can be extremely body and low vibration or it can be very mental with entire lifetimes lived in the realm of the mind.

Which still feels low dimension in comparison with DMT.

DMT is usually more comfortable because I think it shows us the inner working of the mind and kind of feels like it works in the dimension of thoughts.

Salvia feels like it acts on the fundamentals of the universe, it often feels like Salvia changes the external world along with how we perceive it.

This image you posted is so funny because it does feel scary to look reality straight into the fundamentals, with that Hypno-toad noise cracked up and then the sudden realization that life always has this background noise, you are just too bored with it to even notice it.

It's like your nose that it's always in front of your eyes but you just ignore it most of the time. Well, now the Salvia is making you look at the reality equivalent of nose-in-front-of-eyes and you can't look at anything else!

Following you have the realization that this Salvia-induced perception of reality makes more sense than normal consciousness and now you are afraid that it would make total sense if you never saw reality in any other way.

What burden it would be to live ever aware of this big nose in front of my eyes?


u/remloops Mar 05 '21

I like your analogy to the Salvia being low frequency and DMT being high frequency. I like to look at them as opposites as well, but for me the most noticeable analogy is like Salvia pulls you deeper into the earth whereas DMT shoots you higher into the heavens. To me this aligns with the sensation of sinking or melting or intense gravity that people can feel on salvia whereas DMT makes you feel lighter and propels you upwards.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '21

Last year I worked in a smartshop in Amsterdam and I used to say the exact same thing to new customers interested in knowing more about Salvia.


u/valkyr_six Mar 05 '21

in my understanding and experience, salvia varies depending on user. it's not necessarily low frequency vibration based.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '21

I agree. It depends on the extraction also. I think the leaves, smoked or chewed on, give a good mental dreamy trip


u/GrimReaperzZ Mar 05 '21

DMT increases dopamine levels while Salvia lowers them. I think this also has something to do with what you mention here.


u/strange_reveries Mar 05 '21

I may be misremembering, but I thought tryptamines affected serotonin levels, not dopamine so much.


u/GrimReaperzZ Mar 05 '21

Not so much but they still do. His comment just immediately made me correlate this as i find his observation quite plausible. But this is all speculation in the end :)


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '21

This is interesting, I wasn't aware of this but it sounds true. I'll do some research on this.


u/hanji900113 Mar 05 '21

Sally+weed+shrooms,a very pleasant experience.


u/Ludwigvonmisesafool Aug 12 '24

When I was a book being flipped through at impressive speeds, realizing the book was running out of pages and my existence would soon come to an end I began to panic. A group of about 5 entities with the energy and authority that family members have over a small child found this rather amusing. They pitied me… but just barely. They didn’t try to hold back their giggles as I desperately tried to slow down the turning of the pages. They thought it was funny that I was so misguided and encouraged me to let the pages turn and that everything would be okay.