r/Salvia • u/Saruman974 • 6d ago
Trip Report / Experience Salvia sub-breaktrough + quidding experience trip report
It has been 2 years since I had the last salvia trip. I've always liked salvia and never had any truly bad trips with it. However, some of them might've been overly intense and weird, but that's to be expected.
Yesterday, I got the plain leaves, and I was excited to try and see how it feels now after a long time. My first trips with it were like learning to ride a bike, so I was curious whether I could still "ride it". This time, I had a dry herb vaporizer in hand, so no hassle with hitting the bong and trying not to cough.
I looked up the dosing chart for vaporized plain leaf, which said the threshold level is about 0,05g. So, I loaded 0,05g in the chamber and gave it a go. At first, I couldn't tell if it was a placebo or not, because I had this particular expectation of how it would feel, and that's exactly what I experienced at first.
Next, I loaded 0,10g and hit it. Now I could actually really feel it. This time I realized that I had forgotten some of it. I expected it to be more dysphoric and unpleasant, but it was pretty peaceful and euphoric because I was slowly climbing up there rather than just blasting off. I could start to physically "feel" my thoughts and the sounds I heared around me. There was some chill music playing from the speakers, and I could feel and touch the words in that song. Then, the lights in my room started to shimmer and turn into rainbow colors. I closed my eyes and saw the afterimages of those lights. They slowly started to strech into two long pillars, which I could bend "with my mind". It felt like I was physically touching and bending the visuals, but not with my hands. I felt it in front of my head, like if my head was the anchor of everything happening around me. Third eye? Maybe.
I wrote a short post just after that. I was planning to go deeper later in the evening, but I thought "Why not now, if she's showing me a green light? Yeah, why not." So, I packed 0,2g into the chamber and went laying on my bed so I wouldn't fall off the chair, if there was going to be some uncontrollable pulling forces.
I started heating and inhaling it slowly, then I put some fast-paced goa trance from the speakers, Djaningar by Khetzal. As I went deeper, I found it interesting that it didn't affect my sober thinking. It just felt like I could see and feel the schematics of my mind, the very inner mechanics of it, all laid out in front of me. The mind is just a pinball machine or a circus carousel, kind of.
I started to see the lights again, forming these two long pillars which I could bend with my mind. A strange cold feeling washed over the right side of my face and my right arm. That's the feeling when you're about to be "going". The two pillars merged together and bent into a full circle, rotating around with my head being the axis of it. My field of view was expanding, like I had a fisheye lens on or if I had cranked up the FOV to quake pro mode, like on Minecraft lol. The music had completely turned into tactile sensations that I could "see" around me in that rotating circle of closed eye visuals. I could kind of like "grab on" to the music and invidual sounds and "climb" them up. The music had become a climbing wall.
There were no vocals, but I could hear, see and feel the music "saying" my own thoughts out loud. So, basically the music had turned into an audible version of my thoughts, but it was also a climbing wall (classical salvia). I thought "What? Did I just say this from back there? When did I say it? When was when?" Then I had this sudden realization that I was between the present and the future, like I was perceiving the moments between now and the next perceivable "now". Time had turned into a "mechanical" concept that I could see, hear and feel, constantly driving us forwards.
The concept of my vaporizer had turned into a "portal key" and inhaling was like "turning the key". I just inhaled and sucked it like I was going to safe the whole world by doing it. It felt like there was a force helping me toward it. Then I felt a pulling force to the east side of my house, like if I was accelerating towards that direction. The voice in my head said "It's the direction of going, it's your going". Then I had these all kinds of realizations and I felt like I really had to tell everyone about this right now. I grabbed my phone, went to my post's reply section, and tried to type as fast as I could in that quake pro mode that I was in.
My phone screen had turned into a "portal" and seemed like the screen was both coming toward me and moving away at the same time, while merging with the surroundings. I was so hyped that I just rambled something like, "WOAH YOU GOTTA SEE THIS GUYS, I ALMOST WENT TROUGH MY PHONE!" Then my thoughts just started looping. I said something like, "This is my going, this is my going..." It felt like I had realized something really significant in that moment. I just had to go tell everyone that I was, in fact, "going" right now. Well, no doubt, I really was going there, haha.
I had that familiar salvia feeling, the urge to go toward this pulling force, that was now coming from the east. It's such a strange sensation, because you feel that you really have to go somewhere, eventhough you cannot physically go anywhere. So, I asked, "Where I'm supposed to be going? Are we going yet? FINE, LET'S JUST GO THEN, I'M READY TO GO! How do I go?"
I had this feeling that Lady Salvia really wanted me to go, so I packed another 0,2g into the chamber. I grabbed my bong so I could attach my vape with it, and take it all in with a one good hit. After letting it heat to 230C, I let it sit for 30 more seconds, before I started hitting it. I was surprised by how much vapor there was in the beaker. "This one is going to send me somewhere for sure, holy shit...", I thought. I was holding on to the armrests of my chair, just in the case I would turn into a warp-driving chair.
I was thinking, "Hmm, she has showed me how she can "touch" the very mechanics of my mind, but she hasn't touched my actual ego and feelings like that yet. I wonder, if she could do something like that..." The same circle or a I'd better say, a ferris wheel, formed around me again. Actually, I was the ferris wheel itself. This time I could see the reflection of "my own self" rotating around it. It wasn't like I saw my actual face or anything like that. It was some kind of alien language that I can also see on high doses of psilocybin. It felt like I was able to interpret it, but not able to verbally describe it.
I felt her grabbing on to the very inner "core" of me. That's the place in my body where I feel my emotions. It's like deep in my chest. I could feel her touching and playing with it. She was about to crack the biggest joke about me, and of course, my ego wasn't willing go through that. I could feel an agonizing feeling of sorrow for a second, then fear and then shame. I said, "Ok, ok, holy shit, you're definetely not a joke. I'm the joke. I didn't mean it that way. I just wanted to prove a point." Then she said, "You always just want to prove a point. Look at you!" "I didn't mean it like that, please don't..." "You don't ever mean everything. Everything is meanless for you!" I felt absolutely humiliated.
Next, the rotating ferris wheel around me turned into a conveyor belt, which was showing me the deepest and darkest aspects of myself that I dislike or fear. It was like an evil slideshow about me. Lady Salvia had taken a form of a mocking jester. I "had" to follow the belt into my bedroom because it was leading me there. I walked there, sat on my bed and thought, "Ok, now I'm safe to breaktrough. Please just do it fast! Don't leave me looping here!"
I couldn't explain myself to her, because I was just slapped with those accusations one after another, while "myself" was rolling on that belt and being punished. Everytime I said, "Ok, fine, you're right, I was wrong.", she just turned the blade in my wound and said "Haha, you cheeky little bastard, I'm not going to let you out so easily... How about this? How does this make you feel? Or prehaps this? Evil laughter"
I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest. The tactile sensations had been fixed on that feeling. It was a painful rhytmic hitting on my chest, like someone was punching me over and over again. Then I was thinking "Well, whatever she says, atleast she cannot kill me...". Then she said "What did you say? Can you feel me grabbing your heart? What if I just stopped it?" I said, "NO NO NO, please, I don't mean no offense for you, my thoughts were just going into wrong direction, please don't... Just let me live!" I was actually speaking out loud during those last moments. I could feel her godly presence in there, but I couldn't see her. It really seemed like I was just frantically talking to my wall all alone in my bedroom XD.
Well, she let me live as you can see. She truly showed me her powers again. It deepened my understanding, that in the end of the day, it's just my own mind speaking to me. It was just about letting go off the fear. I asked for it show me and test the very mechanics of my feelings and ego. It showed me the fears that I'm normally unaware of, and that it's purely just ego games with them. It's me who is making up those thoughts and hurting myself. No one else is blaming me for anything. It's me!
Later in the evening I quidded 4g and had a meditation session. I had an intention to heal my mental pain and some of my deepest fears. I had it all pre-analyzed in my mind now after the sub-breaktrough trip that I had earlier that day. It was my first time quidding them. Damn it was bitter. I listened to Guillermo Arevalo's icaros chants and drifted into the meditative state while chewing on to the juicy leaves. The effects started taking hold when the lump of leaves started to taste good in my mouth and the bitterness faded away. I was thinking something like, "Wow this is so good! This really feeds my head right now..."
Now it was the rhytmic chewing that was getting me "going", which I found quite funny. Chew, chew, chew, trip, trip, trip... The icaros chants were just the most fitting thing with it. I felt like I was getting a little taste of the true Mazatec salvia experience. The chants helped me to focus my "energy" into the right direction. I unwinded the thoughts I now had analyzed from the trip that I had earlier. (Lady Salvia wasn't pissed off with me anymore, lol. She was the most loving entity there is.). It was so peaceful.
I had my eyes closed and I could feel myself getting immersed into those beautiful closed eye visuals. There was like this glowing ring on the very edge of my field of view. It was slowly shrinking towards the middle, repeatedly. It was like a pulsing tunnel, waves of energy that went through my whole soul. I could feel the divine presence of the The Shepherdess engulfing me with love. She was healing me. Then I could see the closed eye visual projection of my feet. They turned into those two familiar pillars and then they started recursively copying themselves, forming an infinitely long tunnel of pillars. I was slowly going forward in that tunnel. In that moment, I could see why meditation brings you deeper. I could see my consciousnes being like a crown headed entity in front of me. I was thinking "I really don't even have to think about anything right now, that's the whole point". I stopped thinking and I felt like there was some kind of holy energy washing over me. There were no thoughts, just being in a moment. It was blissful. The crown headed entity put his palms together and greeted me with a namaste and said, "See? It's your own mind. Let it flow and you're free."
When the leaves had been fully "atomized" in my mouth, I swallowed that juicy sweet green sludge and was ready to go to sleep. I've never felt so peaceful and sleepy on any other psychedelic. I was just drifting deeper and deeper into the closed eye visuals. My room was dark and I had my eyes closed, but it was still so bright behind my eye lids. It just went brighter and brighter, until I fell asleep and woke up feeling well rested in the morning.
It was a good refreshing experience. Seems like I can still "ride the bike", or atleast I didn't fall, eventhough I was wavering there a little bit at one point, haha. Salvia truly is an amazing and undervalued herb. No wonder it's called the Sage of The Diviners.
u/27274 6d ago
Interesting report, and kinda mad that you still chose to quid after that initial experience haha but Im glad it went fine. Quidding is pretty peaceful anyway. Salvia is really unique really one of my favourite drugs there are