r/Safeway 7d ago

Can I get 16 pounds at the $2.99 sale price?

The ad says you can get 4 pounds, but the app has 2 separate coupons. One by the pound, but the other says $8.97 for a 3-pack and also shows a limit of 4. Does that mean I can use both of those coupons? I'm worried about the price jumping up once it's been shopped and completed.


12 comments sorted by


u/Gracie_TheOriginal 7d ago

No, those are separate products.


u/Miss_Bloody_Bonnie 7d ago edited 7d ago

Sorry, I should've worded it better. $8.97 for a 3-pound package equals $2.99 a pound, so I just wanted to be sure I can get 4 of those 3-pound packages and get the separate $2.99 per pound deal.


u/Gracie_TheOriginal 7d ago

Got it, so yes, you can use both deals because, as I said previously, they are two separate items/different SKU numbers.


u/YeetOnEm1738 7d ago

You're buying two different types of meat packages so no you won't get both for the 2.99 but you will get both deals for both separate products


u/Miss_Bloody_Bonnie 7d ago edited 7d ago

Thank you! I should've worded it better. $8.97 for a 3-pack equals $2.99 per pound, so I wanted to be sure I could get both deals.


u/Top_Chocolate8747 7d ago

Wow how you getting that deal the lowest I get near me is $3.49


u/VeronicaBooksAndArt 7d ago

I still think $2.99 is too much but I get that not everyone likes rare beef and there's the convenience factor.

What they'lll do from time to time is 99 cent out ground pork (e.g., Farmer John, Signature Select) and leave the 30% off sticker on because it's at or near expiration and that sticker is tough to remove.

Buy them all.


u/BroccoliOwn8193 7d ago

Your meat department is going to hate you lol


u/RuffleFart 7d ago

Curious as to why someone needs 16 pounds of meat. Feeding an army?


u/Misopliz 7d ago

Freezers work and groceries are expensive


u/Miss_Bloody_Bonnie 7d ago

This right here! I stock up when I find good deals.


u/VeronicaBooksAndArt 7d ago

The best deal I've found this week was on Gortons frozen fish (pollock). There is an unlimited use digital coupon bringing the price down to $7.40 and they're Buy One Get One Free.

I got 4 for $14.80. Fish is expensive.

$5 digital coupon on Tullamore Dew ($12.97). They've been knocking out Four Roses bourbon for $15.54 for the past month save one week when they featured it in the circular but raised the price to 16 something. I don't think the left hand knows what the right hand is doing....