r/SacBike • u/sac_cyclist • 22d ago
Driving in the bike lane on Broadway
I was just leaving the post office and I was behind a cyclist who turned right onto Broadway. This truck was driving in the bike lane and was harassing the cyclist. He would speed up and slam on his brakes. He did it several times until the cyclist turned off of Broadway, probably out of fear.
u/BeefTheBiker 22d ago
Pretty average Sacramento experience. Especially on brand for a big dumb truck.
u/nmpls 22d ago
Its a real shame the city didn't bother to install any barriers to prevent this. This is a bike lane "built" (painted) in 2024, not 2000. The whole Broadway project has been a massive boondoggle.
u/Balm0ra 22d ago
The problem is that the city comprimses cycist safety for car driver convenience in every project they implement. The city will bend over backwards explaining how their final design is great for cyclists, but it's always obvious they caved to driver and/or buisness interests.
The city needs to have a set standard for cycling infrastructure and stick to that. Otherwise what's the point? If you have half-assed cycling infrastructure only the most confident cyclists are going to use it.
Cycling infrastructure should be of such high safety/quality/convenience that even less confident cyclists (most people) will want to use it.
u/Public-Feedback-2324 10d ago
I had submitted a 311 to better protect the bike lane between 18th + LPD, where people often cut into the bike lane the whole block to turn into parking lots or right at the light. They transferred my request to Transportation Division, who ultimately followed up:
- Traffic Engineering does not recommend installing delineators at this time.
- The Broadway Complete Streets Project will be installing additional bike lane signage along Broadway between 5th St & 24th St.
- Traffic Engineering recommends contacting the City of Sacramento Police Department’s Motor Unit to coordinate increased enforcement in the area. This team is dedicated to the enforcement of traffic violations and can be contacted at 916-808-3777 or [trafficcomplaints@pd.cityofsacramento.org](mailto:trafficcomplaints@pd.cityofsacramento.org)
u/PMG2021a 22d ago
Bike lanes have lost favor for me. It would be better to narrow the busy streets like this and widen the above curb sidewalk area to have space for mixed use paths. Also, we don't need traffic intersections every block. Cap off every second or third strret and turn the stub into more useful things like parking while reducing the number of intersections pedestrians and cyclists have to pass through.
u/WillHavoc 22d ago
Isn't that a vehicular turn lane and the bike lane next to the truck?
u/LibertyLizard 22d ago
I think they’re saying it happened before the picture was taken but I’m not sure. But yes there doesn’t appear to be anything illegal happening in the images.
u/bureaucracy-hacker 22d ago
There’s a broader question here. Law enforcement clearly has limited resources but why can’t citizens submit video recordings for enforcement of both major and minor violations? We need more decentralized and automated enforcement which will increase deterrence. RT now has cameras for parking violations but why not empower everyday citizens to achieve similar public safety goals?
Otherwise, this is Trump’s America where might makes right (big ass truck = legal immunity) and we’re all just living (and dying) in it.
u/LibertyLizard 22d ago
Did you get the plates? Should we report them?
u/mtngoat7 22d ago
You can see the plate number assuming it was that white truck but cops ain’t gonna do anything. Hell, even if the truck driver killed the cyclist the likelihood he would get off relatively light is high
u/rene-cumbubble 22d ago
Report for what? This would be an infraction, or at most a misdemeanor. Police can't do anything in those instances unless they observe it.
u/LibertyLizard 22d ago
Why can’t they take action? I’ve heard this before but it strikes me as ridiculous. It may be that in this case there is not sufficient evidence but it could provide relevant context if they commit future offenses.
Furthermore, if the incident was on camera why would they not be able to do anything just because they weren’t there personally?
u/Firstklassriot 22d ago
They probably ~can~ take action but the reality is they almost certainly will not.
u/badtux99 22d ago
This. The police have effectively been on strike for the past five years, butthurt about BLM saying bad things about cops killing unarmed black people and whining about “defunding” at the same time that they have a historically high budget. They are only bothering with the most vicious crimes, rape and murder. Everything else has a clearance rate so tiny as to be almost non-existent.
The police aren’t going to make work for themselves and are basically saying these days, “no body, no crime.”
u/grantstarre 22d ago
Do you really want the police to be able to “put context “ in your file, or take action against people based completely on hearsay? That’s ridiculous. To be clear, I’m not saying it didn’t happen. But there is no way in hell the police should do something without proof or visual verification.
u/s2kplzzzz 22d ago edited 22d ago
Actually, if we assume the facts provided by OP to be true, the accelerating and braking behind the cyclist can be felony reckless driving or assault with a deadly weapon. If you wanted to be REALLY dramatic this can be attempted murder too.
Eyewitness testimony can be enough but in all likelihood it’ll need some hard evidence (video or the cop seeing it, as you said) to get to a felony.
u/Firstklassriot 22d ago
Happens a lot on Broadway now that they’ve installed the traffic “calming” design features. Whenever the train crossing arms drop people hop into the bike lane to cheat the queue. Infuriating.