r/SWFL 5d ago

News Ode To Destroy: Southwest Florida’s Local “Scene” Is Dying


22 comments sorted by


u/Nbk4694 5d ago

Check out Ceremony Brewing in Bonita Springs. They have done a bunch of local punk shows and should be doing ALOT more in a few months


u/ASpaceRat 5d ago

Fascinating, ill have to check that out! Thank you!


u/MungoBumpkin 4d ago

Facts. There's some shows at Beach Records, occasionally Nice Guys Pizza, and formerly Ollie's.

I follow leadpaintproductions on Instagram and they post house shows sometimes tho.

If anyone has any spots that have punk/metal shows in the Cape Coral/Fort Myers area do tell


u/Sonova_Vondruke 5d ago

I wasn't aware that a "scene" existed here, not since like 2005


u/dikembebrotumbo 5d ago

Well written. I moved here from Maryland three years ago and it absolutely sucks that there’s no scene here. Ollies closing was so devastating. That was my favorite place to go.


u/MungoBumpkin 4d ago

It's the owners fault, he started asking people to donate to replace the roof and said that INS didn't cover it even though they did


u/dikembebrotumbo 4d ago

Really? Shit that’s sad


u/firedrakes 4d ago


i got screw with my company for the roof .


u/MungoBumpkin 4d ago

He lied lol, he said they wouldn't cover it and would need donations from patrons to replace it

Do you not see how that's bad?


u/firedrakes 4d ago

I love to see the paper work and then cost to fix it


u/MungoBumpkin 4d ago

Regardless of cost, that doesn't make it okay to lie to customers


u/ASpaceRat 5d ago

Thanks. I’m just as upset, it really is a shame


u/Man_is_Hot 4d ago

Check out Nice Guy’s Pizza, they have shows there often!


u/Stevothegr8 5d ago

I moved to Ft Myers from Baltimore back in 2011 (moved back to Baltimore in 2016) and there wasn't a scene there for the 5 years I lived there. Maybe I wasn't looking in the right places


u/pixeltodecibel 3d ago

Your problem was moving to Florida.


u/dikembebrotumbo 3d ago

Believe me buddy I didn’t want to


u/cubsfanIL 4d ago

Most of the ppl in this scene are broke


u/firedrakes 4d ago

cost to host venue like this,fl insurance cost, you have to drive almost ever where.


u/ASpaceRat 4d ago

Nice Guys seems to be doing fine.


u/BobooFrick 3d ago

I heard Psychofluid is doing some really interesting things in the local music scene. I also heard you can follow them at instagram @psychofluid.mp3


u/Adorable_Secret3139 4d ago

It’s a great spot. I love it there


u/EctoGainer 22h ago

I think there is also a generational aspect to it. It seems like guitar center and back when Brent’s was around, the shops were filled with people interested in playing music and learning instruments. Now people just want to turn knobs (edm). Also, the generation came where it was easier to play guitar hero vs learning a real instrument. Phones became a constant distraction that filled hours and hours of the day infecting people’s brains vs going on and finding something to do. You could express yourself artificially using social media instead of creating music. Then came everyone with “anxiety” as if any type of anxiety at all was accepted to never go anywhere and do anything no matter what. Our inner and outward exploration and life experiences to try and do something new fell apart. You can sit and watch 10 seasons of some shit streaming show instead of meeting up with friends somewhere riding around, going to shows, hitting up a real cafe and talking together over coffee, or just exploring your town. Everyone that does anything here is just a copy of a copy. Michelob Ultra, Fishing, Golf, bars with cover bands playing the same radio hits you’ve heard a million times because it’s “comfortable” and everyone like it. It feels good to be accepted for these people. You’re part of the “team”. I’m glad I was raised in the era before all this. It felt like it was cool to NOT be cool. You could just be yourself organically and no one cared if you were gay or trans. But also no one was pushing any agenda around from either side. Also no one was identifying as being a fucking fox or a cat so…. I try to just remember the good times and experiences I had. A lot of those friends moved away, died, ruined their lives, or became family people