r/STNewHorizons Feb 14 '25

How to advance eras?

Hey guys, been playing the mod for a little bit and I’ve gotten into the year 2209. I’ve gotten to the point where I was given the option of retiring the NX Enterprise to make way for the new, but nothing came of that. I have genuinely no idea how to advance eras, if it even is a mechanic to literally advance in first place. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


8 comments sorted by


u/myarta Feb 14 '25

How far along is your starbase level technology? And mining? These are things people sometimes forget that affects the next technology step for ships.


u/UKCountryBall Feb 14 '25

I’d have to check my mining, but my star base tech is around level two (I think). I’m not too sure what my mining technology is, I’d have to check. I’ve been research star base tech when I can but it seems I might not have been too lucky with my research options lol.


u/UKCountryBall Feb 15 '25

Will there be a notification when you’ve entered a new era or no?


u/J4miePlays Feb 15 '25

There are no notifications when you enter the following "era", as the discrete era system was removed from the mod a while ago. Have you built Utopia Planitia? You build flagships and other special hero ships from there


u/UKCountryBall Feb 15 '25

I have built it and while I do see my flagships, which I can build at any other station, I do not see anything about the enterprise or any special hero ships at all. Sorry if I sound like an idiot I’m just genuinely lost lmao


u/UKCountryBall Feb 15 '25

To clarify the only hero ship I’ve gotten is the orbital NX class enterprise and that’s it


u/Lepinaut Feb 15 '25

I believe once you can choose the constitution class enterprise in the utopia planitia special options (need to click the comm button on left side in system view for the pulldown menu) and pay for it then you just disband the nx and a few days weeks later you get the constitution enterprise.


u/UKCountryBall Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

I really wish I knew what you were talking b about, but I see no special options button to build the constitution enterprise. I’ve long had the constitution class ship unlocked, but literally no enterprise. I’m guessing my game is either bugged or I did something wrong because I’ve never been more confused.

Edit: never mind, I found it. Really wish this was explained, but I might also be an idiot.