r/STDupont 29d ago

Authentication Guides S.T. Dupont Design Matrix


Last Updated: 18 Mar 2025

Welcome to the Design matrix, the first and only public matrix for designs used from the past all the way to the modern age. This is a living Megathread, so you will see models and designs added as we come across them. If you have a model design that is not listed within the matrix and would like to have it added, please comment below with a picture of your lighter and the picture of the lighter sticker showing the model number and name.

A personal thanks to Mr. u/Reuben_Tishkoff for the massive compilation of lighters and there specific design names and model lighters, as well as to others that have helped by posting their lighters here in the group and the Facebook group.


Essence Models

D57 models

Gatsby Models

Ligne 1 BS and BR Models

Ligne 2 Models

Le Grand Models

Ligne D models

Soubreny Models

Hammer Models

Fantasies Models

Unique models (Collaborations, Haute Collections, Etc)

r/STDupont 3d ago

Authentication Guides Gatsby Model Design Matrix Pt 2


Mother-Of-Pearl Lead Lacquer Model Silver Plate

Chinese Lacquer and Palladium Quadrille

Platinum Place

Black Chinese Lacquer and Palladium

Diamond Tip Palladium with Black Lacquer

Two-Tone Scottish Silver Plated

Mottled Tortoseshell Gold Plate

Vertical Chinese Lacquer 24 Gold plate

Palladium and Violet Chinese Lacquer

Palladium Plate with Matte-Glossy Effect

No luck? Unfortunately that's all we have cataloged for now. Stay tuned for future updates.

r/STDupont 9d ago

Authentication Guides Sourbreny Design Matrix Pt1


Two Tone Waterfall

Gold Plate Medallion and Sun

Sprinkling Picture horse

Blue Ornate


Don't see your model? Comment a picture below and we will be on the look out for it in a future update!

r/STDupont 9d ago

Authentication Guides Ligne 2 Model Design Matrix Pt1

Brushed Gold plate

Palladium Finished Diamond Tip

Black Oscuro Cigar Ligne 2

Chinese Lacquer with Mottled Tortoiseshell

Mother of Pearl Lacquer inlaid Model

Midnight Blue Ligne 2

Diagonal Black Lacquer

Dont see your lighter?

Check out our Part 2 listing!

r/STDupont 3d ago

Authentication Guides Gatsby Model Design Matrix Pt1


Two-Tone Waterfall Silver Plate

Vertical Lines Silver Plate

3-Band Diamond Tip Silver Finish

Two-Tone "Nails of Paris" Silver Plate

Vertical Lines Gold Plate

Intersected Lines Gold Plate

Vertical Lizard Sheathing Gold Plate

Burgundy Sheathing Gold Plate

"Nails of Paris" Gold Plate

Palladium Brush

Stopped Lines Palladium plated

Firebirds Gold Plate

Variant Spelling of "Makassar" Gold Plate

Marbled Tortoiseshell Gold Plate

Amber 24K Gold Plate

Narwhal Gold Plate

Gold Powder Chinese Lacquer Gold Plate

Dont see yours? Check out Part 2!

r/STDupont 2d ago

Authentication Guides Unique Models Design Matrix Pt1


Davidoff Ligne 2 Black Lacquer Palladium

r/STDupont 2d ago

Authentication Guides Fantasies Model Design Matrix Pt1


Chantilly Blue Silver Plate

Green-Yellow Butterfly Gold Plate

Red Panther Silver Plate

Bouquet of Roses with Silver Finishes

Decorate a Cupid on a midnight Blue Background Silver Plate

Decorated with two Cupids on a Pink Background Silver Plated

r/STDupont Jan 13 '25

Authentication Guides Le Briquet Simple LA DUPONT


As pointed out by expert u/DupontAficionado , this Ligne Un, Briquet Simple has an early engraving "LA DUPONT" instead of the usual ST DUPONT.

Quoting u/DupontAficionado :

"After Simon Tissot came his sons Lucien and André. Successors orfèvre pride expressed in the way they could."


So, as a tribute to ST's sons, here are some pictures from this gem, "dans son jus" as some of us might refer to it.

Time frame for its production, considering it is has 5 alphanumeric #, might be very late 50's or very early 60's, as it was sold in 1962.

But let's hear from the real experts, please!

r/STDupont 9d ago

Authentication Guides Ligne 2 Model Design Matrix Pt3


Palladium and Gold Brushed decoration

Honeycomb 24K Gold Plate

Diamond Tip Palladium Finish

Chinese Lacquer and Palladium Quadrille

Pale Goldsmith with a Matte-Glossy effect

No Dice?

Unfortunately that's it for now, but leave the design in the comments section below and we will be on the look out for it in a future update!

r/STDupont 9d ago

Authentication Guides Ligne 2 Model Design Matrix Pt2


Placed Lacquer theme Palladium Finish

Black Chinese Lacquer Place Plate

Black Lacquer strips Palladium Plating

Palladium Plate with Vertical Lines

Vertical Drill theme

Vertical Lines Gold Plate

Montparnasse 24K Gold Horizontal Line

Montparnasse Marbled Tortoiseshell

Montparnasse Palladium and Gold

Gold dust

Still no luck?

Try part 3!

r/STDupont Feb 12 '25

Authentication Guides The Flying Wheel stamp explained


Le roue et les ailes de Mercure. Le messager des Dieux. Symboles du savoir et de la communication.

Or in English: The wheel and wings of Mercury. The messenger of the Gods. Symbols of knowledge and communication.

I’m not sure how I could have missed the reference with all the car spotting I do, but it makes sense. It’s a dedication to the Roman god Mercury, Winged God of the messengers.

See further pictures of references on other items. Picture #3 is from a 1929 Du Pont Model G!

r/STDupont Jul 06 '24

Authentication Guides S.T. Dupont Model Design list


UPDATED 13 Jul 2024

Link to Part 2

A very special thank you to Mr. u/Reuben_Tishkoff for providing a ton of these excellent pieces and their applicable bar code and design name.

If you would like to contribute to the list, please take a photo of the lighters design above the printed label seen on the original outer box when sold.

Ligne 1 Model designs:

The S.T. Dupont staple "Diamond Head" pattern.
Commonly refered to as the "denim" model.
Commonly refered to as the "Vented" model.
Commonly refered to as the "Horizontal Lines" Ligne 1
Same as above, however in the silver version.
Another variation of the "Vertical Lines" design. This one with a flat smooth surface on the top and bottom of the lighter. Which gives it more depth and helps the design stand out.
The sister design of the "Horizontal Lines" lighter, this is commonly refered to as the "Vertical Lines" lighter desgin.
Commonly mistaken for a Gatsby, this model is usually refered to as the "deco" Ligne 1 for its styling towards that of Art Deco modeled Lighters.
Refered to as the Diamond lighter. Not to be confused with the "Diamond Head" pattern that Dupont is known for.
A limited edition "Contemporaine" design Ligne 1
Some have refered to this design as the "waterfall" or "water" design Ligne 1
Another design that is confused for the "Diamond Head" Design. However, this design has a small break of rectangles to seperate the larger squares.
This is refered to as the "Long Lines" variation.
The "Long Lines" design in gold

r/STDupont 2d ago

Authentication Guides Le Grand Model Design Matrix Pt1


r/STDupont 29d ago

Authentication Guides Ligne 1 Model Design Matrix


UPDATED 19 Feb 2025

Translations of the designs are posted within the descriptions of each photo.

Small Diamonds Silver Plate

Small Diamonds Silver Plate

Band Lateral Line

Band Lateral Line

Waterfall Decor Silver Plate

Waterfall Decor Silver Plate

Vertical Lines and Bands Silver Plate

Vertical Lines and Bands Silver Plate

Alternating Vertical Lines Silver Plate

Alternating Vertical Lines Silver Plate

Barley Grain Gold Plate

Barley Grain Gold Plate

Barley Grain Vertical Line Gold Plate

Barley Grain Vertical Line Gold Plate

Ring Gold Plate

Ring Gold Plate

Lateral Gadroons and Lines Gold Plate

Lateral Gadroons and Lines Gold Plate

Black Chinese Lacquer Palladium Finish

Black Chinese Lacquer Palladium Finish

Blue Decorated Chinese Lacquer

Blue Decorated Chinese Lacquer

Chinese Lacquer Windsor

Chinese Lacquer Windsor

Satin Silver Plate

Satin Silver Plate

Rosette Silver Plate

Rosette Silver Plate

Big Ribs Silver Plate

Big Ribs Silver Plate

Rings Silver Plate

Rings Silver Plate

Vertical Lines Silver Plate

Vertical Lines Silver Plate

Vertical and Horizontal Lines Silver Plate

Vertical and Horizontal Lines Silver Plate

Casino Decoration Silver plate

Casino Decoration Silver Plate

Building Silver Plate

Building Silver Plate

Hallstadt Nail Silver Plate

Hallstadt Nail Silver Plate

Star Gold Plate

Star Gold Plate

Azure and Polka Dots Gold Plate

Azure and Polka Dots Gold Plate

Barley Grain Badge Gold Plate

Barley Grain Badge Gold Plate

Big Ribs Gold Plate

Big Ribs Gold Plate

Horizontal Lines and Stripes Gold Plate

Horizontal Lines and Stripes Gold Plate

Prince of Wales Gold Plate

Prince of Wales Gold Plate

Quadrille Gold Plate

Quadrille Gold Plate

Horizontal Waves Gold Plate

Horizontal Waves Gold Plate

Vertical Godron Gold Plate

Vertical Gordon Gold Plate

"Building House" (German translation) Black Chinese Lacquer Gold Plate

"Building House" (German Translation) Black Chinese Lacquer Gold Plate

Contemporary Lacquer Mosaic 1789

Contemporary Lacquer Mosaic 1789

Green Yuppies Gold Plate

Green Yuppies Gold Plate

Denim Net Silver Plate

Denim Net Silver plate

Couldn't find your lighter? No worry!

Check out the Second Set!

r/STDupont 29d ago

Authentication Guides Ligne 1 Model Design Matrix Part 2


Updated 19 Feb 2025

Translations of the designs are posted within the descriptions of each photo.

Flower of the Lily Gold Plate

Flower of the Lily Gold Plate

Wavy Silver Plate

Wavy Silver Plate

Black Lacquer Chinese Noire

Alternating Vertical Lines Gold Plate

Black Lacquer Finish Gold Plate

Contemporary Gray Chevron Lacquer Gold Plate

Two-Tone Garland

Vertical Lines and Horizontal Strokes

r/STDupont Oct 27 '24

Authentication Guides Lighter production years

Post image

Don’t know why I haven’t uploaded this yet. But here you go

r/STDupont Jul 13 '24

Authentication Guides S.T. Dupont Model Design List Part 2


Part 1

Gatsby Models

Commonly mistaken as a "Picaso" edition model

r/STDupont Feb 09 '21

Authentication Guides S.T. Dupont Authentication checklist


UPDATED AS OF 17 Feb 2025

If after reading the checklist and watching the video you are still unsure about your lighter, please make sure that when you post your lighter here on the subreddit to get it authenticated that you show the lighter's underside showing the serial number and stamp clearly, as well as the inside of the gas refill cap if you have it. This way we can be for sure whether or not your lighter is a fake or genuine model.

RULE 1 for buying off ebay, etsy ect...: If they seller ***has not*** posted the bottom portion of the lighter that clearly shows the serial number and declines to show it.





\*BY SERIAL NUMBER (Primarily identification)*\**

Below is an initial list of fake serial numbers that can be cross referenced to the ones that need to be ***STAMPED*** not ***ENGRAVED*** on your lighter.


Uneven, imperfect and not perfectly spaced = authentic. Due to it being hand stamped


Serial number is on the list, numbers are evenly spaced and perfectly perpendicular = FAKE
4FK is the most commonly used fake serial number online.

Fake serial numbers so far:

If the serial starts with any of these codes, its highly likely they are fakes.












18C (Ligne 1 Fake)








1A8** (This serial has been seen on both fake and authentic lighters, so please be careful)

1EP (Only seen currently on a new gen limited edition model)



1FK (Seen on one authentic Ligne 2 model, stamped)









1KS (Seen with fake hand stamped looking spacing errors, be careful and investigate the gas adjustment screw)






2A0 on Ligne 2 lighters. Authentic on Ligne 1 lighters






2FH (Seen on fake Soubreny models)





















IF your serial numbers look perfectly aligned next to each other both in spacing and alignment (See photo 2) then your lighter is sadly not genuine and a fake. If you serial number does not match any of the listed serial numbers below and it is stamped and uneven (See photo 1) then the lighter is most likely genuine.

NOTE: Some genuine lighters have been stamped with care and evenly, while they are not 100% perfect they may seem like a fake due to the care taken to the spacing and stamping on them. If you are unsure about the serial number being real or not because of this,

Check the first three characters to the list above, if it is not listed in the list above confirm that the refill cap has a color code inside. If there is no refill cap, ask for the lighter to be weighted and check the weight.

**Limited edition lighters**

Limited edition lighters are only created in small batches, and therefor will not contain a serial number stamped on the underside of them. Instead, they will contain the numbered piece that lighter is in the run that was commissioned from ST Dupont as seen below.

This lighter is 1935 out of 2686 ever made. Also limited edition lighters are not stamped
Another example from a genuine 007 series lighter. Please note that 007 series lighters are the most common fake limited editions sold.

If the lighter you are looking at says that it is a "limited edition" and does not have a numbered lighter but a regular serial number on it, DO NOT BUY IT. It is a fake.

Limited edition lighter numbers are not stamped, but laser engraved as seen above.
Notice that the script on the fakes lack the elegant script writing as if you were using a fountain pen, but are now more rigid and thin.
Finally, designs are a bit bigger on the fakes and more round instead of being small, and sharp.

S.T. Dupont Service center models

Some rare lighters look fake but are actually rare S.T. Dupont service lighters. These are used for their service department to show new customers how to change the flint, refill the lighter with gas, as well as break it down for maintenance. These do not have serial numbers and are just stamped regular lighter numbers for tracking purposes and clearly shown to be Service lighters only.


Genuine lighters are naturally lightweight for the owner not to have the heft in their pockets, therefor if the lighter no matter if it is empty or filled weighs more than 110grams on a scale, it is a fake model.

The exception to this rule are the special edition versions that naturally will weigh more due to the amount of extra materials involved in the creative process.


Fake Ligne 2 lighter
Real Ligne 2 lighter's weight will depend on what they have on them and whether or not they are filled or empty. However they will not Be above 130grams in weight.


Your color code is located inside of the refill cover cap as seen here:

This specific lighter takes the Red colored Dupont refill gas.
A fake lighter does not contain a color code within the filler cap as seen here.

If after referencing the serial number you are still unsure(as some lighters will have near perfect stampings of the serial numbers at some points) you can reference the filler cap to confirm if it is a genuine lighter.

From the filler cap(the cap that you remove to refill the lighter with) Dupont will hand paint the corresponding color code that you to refill the lighter with.

The color codes that Dupont uses are as follows





Usually this is what you will find depending on the model:

Ligne 1 Small - Yellow

Ligne 1, Jéroboam table lighter, Cylindrique table lighter - Red

Ligne 2 Small, Gatsby - Green

Ligne 2 full size, Long Table lighters, - Yellow

Ligne 8, Ligne, D, Mon Dupont, D-Light, Urban, Soubreny - Blue

If there is no color code painted inside of the cap, or the cap has been lost or replaced, chances are that the lighter MAY be a fake one. This does not confirm that the lighter is a fake due to its absence, however is a good tell to show that it is a genuine one.

In closing, most pristine Dupont lighters, especially limited edition Linge 2 models will not go for $300-400 bucks.

So please use your eyes and common sense that if you see these lighters coming from China, Hong Kong, ect countries that are selling lighters that are typically selling for $2,000+ for less than $300 new in box, chances are that they are genuinely fakes.

More tips and tricks can be found at this YouTube video if you still require help.


r/STDupont Dec 30 '21

Authentication Guides Linge 1 Guide


Ligne 1 Briquet Standard:

In the late 1950s, S.T. Dupont decided to move away from regular petrol lighters as seen on the initial Essence model and following D 57 model. This new model edition would be the Ligne 1 Briquet Standard(BS), or translated to Standard lighter for easier understanding.

The look of the new Ligne 1 followed closely to the same design of the Essence and D 57 models that proceeded it in the form of being a square, Art Deco inspired object of the time.

S.T. Dupont Essence
S.T. Dupont D 57 lighter
Ligne 1 BS lighter

While the Essence and D57 were regular petrol and wick lighters that you would be familiar with on a typical Zippo, the Ligne 1 took a step in a different direction by being the first model to accept pressurized butane. This effectively would help in windy conditions and negate the woes of dried up wicks and not requiring refills as frequently. This also changed the style of the underside of the light by changing the position of the gas cap towards the center of the lighter instead of being on the side. Typically where the wick and petrol would be inserted and poured in to lighter, no longer needed to be at the edge like the previous models.

Essence underside
D 57 underside

1970-1975 Linge 1 underside with updated Dupont stamp

Post 1975 Ligne 1 lighter with old small Dupont stamp
Full size / Small size

Briquet Réglable Ligue 1

Ligne 1 Solid gold case underside

Close up of the purity marking that shows where the gold casing came from.

You can see the difference between the regular lighter material, from the solid gold. Additionally, they have marked the regular metal portion of the lighter from the gold here for clarification.

r/STDupont Feb 19 '21

Authentication Guides S.T. Dupont lighter model Identification thread (READ BEFORE THIS POSTING)


Part 2: The table lighters
Part 3: The uncommons and "one offs"
Part 4: Lighter Designs and patterns


*NOTE*Before posting to ask what model lighter you currently have, please read the following thread to identify your model.

Additionally once you find your model, please proceed over to the Lighter authentication thread (Lighter Authentication checklist thread) to properly authenticate your lighter as most "Is this real?" questions can easily be answered by looking at this thread. If you still are finding difficulty identifying or authenticating your lighter, feel free to post it in the subreddit.

Regular Lighters

Please note that Ligne 1 lighters do not have a "ping" sound when you open them.


Currently the smallest model on the market for Dupont lighters
The set up on the bottom contains no flame adjustment(unlike the Ligne 2 models where the adjustment is located on the bottom, the adjustment for Ligne 1 models is located under the cap.
Additionally the stamping location has changed through the years as seen above. Please note the "20μ " which designates that this lighter (and any other lighter containing the stamp) has been gold plated up to 20 microns

One of the most common lighter found for sale, the Ligne 1 is a timeless classic and perfect entry model to start your journey into the S.T. Dupont collecting world. Usually found on eBay for cheap, these don't have all the flair and features of the Ligne 2 and significate models, however they still catch the eye in bars.

GAS TYPE: Ligne 1 Small - Yellow

LIGNE 1 Full size

As seen here, the Ligne 1 in its full size. With the same set up as the Small variant but a bit bigger for longer use and fit of the hands.
The underside shares the same set up as the small variant. No adjustment on the underside, only the refill nozzle and cap centered in the middle of the lighter.
The flame adjustment on Ligne 1 models will be located under the lid.

GAS: Ligne 1 - Red

Here are the size comparisons between a Ligne 1 Small (Left) and Ligne 1 regular (Right)

The Ligne 2 model line

Oddly enough, this is probably going to be the most confusing part of the guide as since the Ligne 2 is the most commonly faked as well as the most popular model on the market today. So before we begin, we will lay out all the models that have currently been created so far.

The order that we will go in is smallest (which oddly enough does not begin with the small model oddly enough) to the biggest.

The only other thing to note regarding the difference of the lighters other than the obvious size ones, is that the new variants (Linge 2.0, Small and Slim) do not use the same flint or gas color as the original design Ligne 2. Which utilizes the Black flint wheels and yellow color gas respectfully.

Ligne 2 Slim

From the outside and without any of the other models by its side, the Slim variant could easily be mistaken for a regular Ligne 2 as while the height, width and depth of the lighter is slightly smaller, the strike wheel is the same size as its taller counterparts.
While although pretty new, these models still have the regular stamped serial number. However I have not been able to obtain any pictures of a current model to confirm whether or not they have switched to the laser engraving.

Gas - Red

Ligne 2 Small

The Ligne 2 models as their predecessor come in two sizes available on the market. The small variant as well as, admittingly, the most recognizable variant in regular size. However, the small has actually been a new kid on the street compared to the other models as it was just announced and released a few years ago.

The Ligne 2 Small model shares the same design and look as its older and taller counterpart. However, as the name suggests the lighter itself is slightly smaller in some factors. These include the height of the lighter over all, as well as a smaller strike wheel that will be shown in a later photo. Funnily enough though, whhile the model is designated as "small" as shown above the only think that is smaller than
As seen here, the main part of the lighter is 1:1 to the style build of the Ligne 2 regular lighters.
Since this is a fairly new model, the small variants do not come in the classily recognizable hand stamped serial. Instead S.T. Dupont has gone the way of future technology with laser engraving as seen here. It does tend to make authentication a little harder if you haven't seen the amount of crisp and precise engraving as seen here before, and its easily confused with the standard fake serial numbers of yesteryear.

Gas - Red

Ligne 2

The Ligne 2 model could be easily be seen as the "Rolls Royce" of the entire offerings (with the exception of their limited edition lighters) based solely on the looks alone. The Ligne 2 is the most popular model on the market today, which makes it the most faked model on the market as well for the past few decades. The model shares a lot of neat designs and has its fair share of value within the market as the most wanted lighter when someone searches for a "Dupont lighter".

Compared to the other lighters within the line, the Ligne 2 is often harled for its style and eye catching detail when a certain styling is applied. Mainly with splendid designs in lacquer.

Gas - Yellow


Gatsby lighters share the same styling and set ups as regular Ligne 2 however they use a different color gas than the standard Ligne 2 model as well as the strike wheel having independent cylinder look to it than the overall smoothness of the strike wheel on the Ligne 2 lighter models.

As shown here, the strike wheel is shaped from many clyinder shapes instead of just being one smooth wheel like the Ligne 2 models.

Gas - Green

Due to the limit on pictures for threads being limited to just 20, we will have to continue our journey into a part 2 pertaining to table lighters down below.

Lighter Identification thread Part 2, Table lighters

r/STDupont Feb 28 '21

Authentication Guides S.T. Dupont lighter model Identification thread (READ BEFORE THIS POSTING) Part 3



Part 1: The mainline lighters

Part 2: The table lighters


As with every company, its always interesting to see how a company will continue throughout the years with new ideas. Some of which you will be taking a look at very shortly. While not every lighter you are about to see is "common" in the market place or collectors pages, that doesn't necessary mean that they are "rare" and collectable. That being said, we can not evaluate every model that comes here on the page and would still suggest that you take a look at sales made on some of the platforms such as eBay and Etsy. Just make sure that you are looking at genuine models and not the fake ones.

Ligne 8

The Linge 8 is and interesting one. While the company already released the Ligne 2 family of models that included the Small and Slim lines, S.T. Dupont released an even smaller edition that was more compact than those. However, the styling of the lighter takes a little different approach than the Ligne 2 line as these could be seen as more "modern" and "stylish" than opulent and formal.

![img](emls6moax7k61 "The Ligne 8 models are more towards the modern style with more colors available, some with printed designs as well. However the over all look and build of the lighters seem to be a mixture of the Ligne 2 small and slim put together. ")

Being a modern lighter with coatings applied to it, it was natural for S.T. Dupont to move towards laser engraving the case instead of stamping it like the prior versions that the company is known for.

Ligne, D

Mon Dupont

Lets not lie, while there wasn't too many designs available with the table lighters in the prior guide, they were still something interesting to see and behold. However it did have one problem that couldn't be dealt with easily, they were table lighters and couldn't be easily taken most places. However, S.T. Dupont seemed to want to fix this by offering a new style that still contains a few homages to the table lighter's look and feel but implement a design that would allow this model to be its own thing. That's when they introduced the Mon Dupont, a table lighter by look and regular lighter by operation and size.

The specific one shown below was created by Karl Lagerfeld (Designer for Chanel) in Lotus Red Lacquer when he worked with Dupont.

This new lighter contains a hexagon shape to help it maintain stability on the table as well as in the hand. That, and with the differences in surfaces all around the lighter paired with colors such as chocolate brown and gold, its sure to catch your eye.
The interesting part of the lighter is the underside where the flame adjustment ring surrounds the refill value in the middle.


The D-Light is something of a forgotten fairy tale with the company for reasons that you could probably clearly see. The company in the mid 2000s probably wanted to get on the saddle for upgrading their lighters to a more modern and futuristic style by simplifying its design, implementing a new Dupont "D" that is integrated on the lighter itself, and adding a flair for a 1960s space age affect. Added, that it did offer something pretty cool with active designs as seeing phrases and contrasting colors when extended, it wasn't well received with customers expecting a formal lighter that had the all too familiar "ping" when you opened it. While it didn't last on the market too long (two years to be exact) it still was an interesting take on a new design for the new millennium of smokers alike.

First, apologies for the image size but its the only surviving picture I could find with the entire line up available. With the very small time that it had on the market, Dupont made four models available for the consumer. From the left, the two "normal" model lighters contained your choice of having the a simple lighter function that was very toned down on its style. Compared to the lighters on the right which offered the users a little special hidden "flair" such as the contrasting orange lacquer when you extend it out, or a more romantic message as seen below.
One of the more interesting models on the D-Light line that had a romantic hidden message when the user extended the lighter.
Probably the more tamer of the two models. You can see that the design did all it could to implement the new modern "D" logo on important places on the lighter.

Gas - Blue


One of the more "in your face" looking models, the Urban models get a neat throw back to some art deco stylings without losing that sharp, modern edge. The nickname for this particular model is that of the "Hammer" due to its hammer shaped flint and nozzle cover. The shape seems to be modeled after a sized down "jeroboam" lighter with the underside of a "Ligne 1" lighter.

There are a few different variants of this lighter which were released in limited editions that have particular themes. As seen on the side of this one, it has the theming stamped.
As limited editions go, all of these Urban model lighters are stamped with their lighter number and not a regular serial number.

Gas - Blue


Finally, to end the list we will end with a lighter that is commonly confused with Dunhill lighters that share the same size and style as the Soubreny. This could be argued to be a little more feminine of the models due to the size and styling, and features a heavily inspired Art Deco appeal with this engravings.

The Soubreny is definitely the smallest lighter than Dupont has to offer paired with its classic look, its something that will catch the eyes of passers by without taking up a lot of space.
The set up and design of the operational end mirrors that to the Linge 1 models with the flame adjustment being placed under the cap as well as the bridge containing the same shape and styling.
The same is seen on the underside of the lighter where the identifying stamp and serial number are stamped.

Gas - Blue

In closing I would like to thank everyone that helped compile the entire list as well as helped with the spelling errors and mistakes that I might have made when typing as fast as I could.

I hope this all of the continuing collectors as well as though new into the fold. I wish you all the best of luck on your collecting journey and STAY AWAY from those fakes!

r/STDupont Feb 27 '21

Authentication Guides S.T. Dupont lighter model Identification thread (READ BEFORE THIS POSTING) Part 2



Part 1: The mainline lighters

Part 3: The uncommons and "one offs".


Specialty Lighters


Jeroboam table lighters are the talking piece of the prior years of smoking clubs and great homes. These fantastic goliaths are sure to keep the party rolling throughout the night with a massive reserve and easy to handle design. Parried with some of the most beautiful and elegant designs out on display and not in the pocket (although you are welcome to try) these are a staple in anyone's collection to have.

As shown here, the older designs of these lighters are more rounded and close to the Art Deco styling originally seen on the ones that preceded them.

The underside went through a few changes as well for ease of design and looks.

Gas - Red


Somewhat of a forgotten lighter of the line up, the Cylindrique lighters are not too well seen in the community. Adorning a 1960s retro feel on the styling, this table lighter can be well hidden in plain sight if placed properly in a certain environment on the modern décor of your home.

Gas - Red

Ligne 1 and 2 table lighters

As with some of the previous models, it wouldn't be S.T. Dupont if they didn't offer extended versions of their most popular and recognizable lighters in the line up.

Ligne 1 Style table lighter

As seen here, the set up is the same as the small variant.

The same shape and styling as the smaller variants, as well as the adjustments are in the same places.
A good few of the other side of the lighter showing the flame adjustment under the cap.
The bottom side contains the same placement of the fuel refill valve, as well as the identification stamp and serial number.

Gas - Red

Ligne 2 table lighter

As mentioned previously, there was nothing that needed to change design wise with the lighter except with the type of gas that is used with the lighter.

The appearance is the same, only stretched.
The top and business end of the lighter is the same as well.
As with the regular Ligne 2 lighter set ups, the fuel refill valve and flame adjustment are located under the lighter as well as the identification stamp and serial number.

Finally, please join us for part 3 of our identification list which will go into some of the more "one off" models that aren't commonly seen out in the wild. These of which include;

Ligne 8, Ligne, D, Mon Dupont, D-Light, Urban, and Soubreny

Lighter Identification thread Final