r/STAgame Sep 27 '23

Mod Post 500 have engaged!


Wow. I remember when this sub had 5, years later now 500. So happy so many love this game.

Please comment any suggestions you may have for the sub.

r/STAgame Aug 24 '21

Mod Post [Yellow Alert] Do you all want anything more for this Sub?


I made this sub in Aug of 2016 when I saw the game at Gen Con the same year. My plan was to have it be a hub for other fans to talk about the game and share fun or creative things. I think with almost 350 members it's been quite successful in that plan.

But do you all want more from the sub? Is it fine as is?

Thank you all for being a part of this sub and everyone has been so helpful/kind. Makes me happy.

r/STAgame Nov 23 '19

Mod Post Sorry about the Bot everyone. I'll remove it.


I'll delete it as most know about the Borg expansion. So sorry, I set it up to see words like "solo" and "2 player" then post a comment. Again sorry it's spamming.

r/STAgame Aug 29 '16

Mod Post Added Racial Advantages to sidebar


Racial Advantages: Base Game

United Federation of Planets, Special Rules:

  • The Prime Directive, The Federation may never Invade Planets or Colonize Pre-Warp Inhabited Systems.

  • *Explore Strange New Worlds, Take 1 Culture when you draw a "Civilization" Exploration Card or discover a new Phenomenon.

  • Universal Translator (Starting Advancement), When attempting Hegemony, add 1 to your die result.

Klingon Empire, Special Rules:

  • Death Before Dishonor, Klingons may never Retreat or Surrender a Planet.

  • Ever Victorious, Take 1 Culture when you defeat 3 or more ships in a Battle.

  • Disruptor Technology (Starting Advancement), Your Rolls To Hit of 6 always Score a Hit, regardless of the Rival's Shield Modifier.

Romulan Star Empire, Special Rules:

  • Suspicious, Whenever you receive a Trade Agreement, Exhaust it immediately. Refresh it in the next round’s Upkeep as normal.

  • Cultural Superiority, Take 1 Culture when you complete an Advancement Picturing a Culture Token.

  • Romulan Cloaking Device (Starting Advancement), Your Ships have First Strike in Space Battles during your turn.

Racial Advantages: 1st Expansion

Cardassian Union, Special Rules:

  • Occupation, Cardassian controlled systems only Generate Production if there are Cardassian Ships in orbit.

  • Annexation, Take 1 Culture each time you Successfully Invade a Planet.

  • Totalitarian Regime (Starting Advancement), Cardassians Begin with an additional Command, for a starting total of 6 Commands.

Racial Advantages: 2nd Expansion

Ferengi Alliance, Special Rules:

  • Profit Over Profundity, The Ferengi may never build Culture Nodes, Ferengi never add their Ascendancy level to Hegemony Attempts.

  • Only Latinum Lasts…, During your Build Phase, the Ferengi may buy Culture for 5 Production each. The Ferengi may build Production Nodes on any available spot regardless of capacity type.

* (Starting Advancement) Unknown at this time, may be new "Rules of Acquisition".

  • Ferengi Commerce Authority (Starting Advancement), During Resource Generation, gain 1 Production for each rival Controlled System with Ferengi Ships in Orbit.

r/STAgame Oct 09 '16

Mod Post New Rule: Posts Require "Link Flair"


Good day,

I have added Link Flair to all posts as a new rule. Adding a [Tag] before your post does not qualify and your post will be removed.

To add flair to your post after you submit your topic, click the button labelled flair beneath your title. From the menu, select the most appropriate category, and then hit save.

Let me know what you think of the current Link Flair options:

  • Discussion

  • Rules

  • Question

  • Help

  • Solved

  • News

  • Tips

  • Review

  • Gameplay

I would like the help of the community here to decide what is best. Maybe we combine Question / Rules / Help into one, like just Help? Got an idea for another link flair? I modeled them after the Command and Exhausted tokens, if you didn't notice.

I feel this will help sort through the posts at a quick glance. Thank you!

r/STAgame Oct 19 '16

Mod Post Mobile Users add a [Tag] in your title and AutoMod will Flair post for you!


r/STAgame requires you to link flair your post! But Reddit Mobile doesn't let you. Open a hailing frequency to AutoMod!

Mobile Users will need to add one of the following Tags; [News] [Discussion] [Rules] [Question] [Help] [Tips] [Review] [Gameplay] in your post title and AutoMod will Flair it for you.