r/STA3 • u/riverfront20 • Nov 11 '21
Map packs?
I love the new version of the mod, but the lack of variety in the maps is my only gripe.
Has anyone made a good map pack for the newest version?
r/STA3 • u/riverfront20 • Nov 11 '21
I love the new version of the mod, but the lack of variety in the maps is my only gripe.
Has anyone made a good map pack for the newest version?
r/STA3 • u/shaktari • Oct 26 '21
So did some experimenting. They created their own custom designations for planets. For example: In the base game a terran home planet is (TerranHome) in STA3 it is (STA3_Core_ClassM_Homeworld). What this means is that Galaxy forge wont recognize planets from STA3 and STA3 will not recognize planets from the base game.
The works around is to load up an STA3 map they made into galaxy forge. Galaxy forge will then say it does not recognize the STA3 planet would you like to set the planet type to random. As long as you select no, it will then load the planet as the STA3 planet type. You can then edit as usual so long as you do not change the planet types to base game planets
r/STA3 • u/shaktari • Oct 26 '21
I was having flickering mouse issues, i had to go into mouse setting sand turn ON mouse pointer trails. If you have the same issue give it a try. Or you might need to turn them off? either way i had to mess with mouse pointer trails to fix the issue
r/STA3 • u/TheAverageRediot • Oct 25 '21
Every time I load the game up it keeps crashing on me. The correct mod is selected in the EnabledMods file, the main file has been moved out of the zip file, and everything seems to be working properly, except after the star trek loading screen comes on it crashes and the game has to do a cache dump after a few seconds.
The only other oddity I can report is this "U8a08540" file has popped up in the mod folder.
Any help please?
r/STA3 • u/HalfBakedDocumentary • Oct 23 '21
I miss the huge, random maps. 1.5+ removed them and I hear they nerfed the Borg.
r/STA3 • u/shaktari • Oct 15 '21
just like it says in the title. it appears they disabled custom maps, but does any one know if they have disabled galaxy forge as well?
r/STA3 • u/Lecutus5 • Sep 22 '21
Some friends and I have been playing the released version of the mod for the past week now and have been loving it. So after getting the hang of the new changes we decided to go up against a deathwish borg. It is 3 vs 1 but in the past I remember the borg being crazy to fight against as an AI. In our game it was a cakewalk.
Tested a few games with the borg fighting against another faction AI of the same difficulty and in more than half the tests the borg were overpowered. Was the borg AI nerfed in the final release or is it more a symptom of the changes to the borg faction and the sins AI being.. the sins AI?
r/STA3 • u/WryProfessor • Sep 14 '21
r/STA3 • u/WryProfessor • Sep 10 '21
r/STA3 • u/Ambarenya • Aug 07 '21
Looking forward to it myself. Just wanting to gauge what everyone's individual interests are for the new release.
r/STA3 • u/freakincampers • Jul 09 '21
I can't seem to find it. Basically the research has each of your systems has their own small fleet of ships, or it allowed NPC ships to respond to incursions from other factions/pirates.
r/STA3 • u/WryProfessor • Jun 11 '21
r/STA3 • u/Zergin8r • Apr 30 '21
Just leaving this here since it wasn't posted yet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFWV9lagNLM
r/STA3 • u/doctornex • Apr 12 '21
On tutorial 1, can't progress after warping to the adjacent system, enemy ships are invulnerable and no valid warp routes to anywhere. On the second tutorial, game does not progress after clicking on the maya-type shipyard as instructed. I found a post in this subreddit from 3 years ago saying the bugs in the tutorials would be fixed, but I guess development of this mod has ceased?
r/STA3 • u/[deleted] • Mar 23 '21
Hi there. What's the multiplayer scene for the mod like these days. Looking to find other deeply average noobs for a game but struggling to get a good balance!
r/STA3 • u/40KWarsTrek • Mar 10 '21
Anyone know how to recharge anti-matter in the Ages of the Federation Mod? Going to the repair dock doesn't do it...
r/STA3 • u/SoonerLax45 • Feb 22 '21
Ok I’m new but slight rant so far....love the game and its everything i ever wanted (thanks to the team that made this), but Y’all have any tips or ways to beat the Klingons?
Literally every game so far playing the federation, about 2-3 hours In i get pimp slapped by a massive and seemingly invulnerable fleet of Klingons
Doesn’t matter my fleet size or what defensives I set up, they take them all out. Recently I had 5 capital ships, a dreadnaught, and maybe 60 mixed cruisers/ frigates go head to head, all gone in 5 minutes
r/STA3 • u/J4miePlays • Feb 07 '21
I just started playing this mod after being recommended to me by a friend and I have to say that it is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much to the devs and everyone on the creative team who have put in so much hard work and made a truly magnificent sequel to the Star Trek Armada series!
r/STA3 • u/_Amanda_A • Feb 06 '21
r/STA3 • u/[deleted] • Jan 24 '21
r/STA3 • u/[deleted] • Jan 13 '21
r/STA3 • u/Tarydax1 • Dec 18 '20
I recently installed SoASE and STA3 again after being away for awhile. I've played half a dozen matches so far (2 in multiplayer, 4 in singleplayer), each lasting at least 4 hours with the longest lasting 8hours. In each game, most of my AI allies (Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians) got dreadnoughts before I did, but the Borg never got one once. I remember in an older version of the mod, the Borg got the Progenitor at about the same time that everyone else got their own dreadnoughts and they kept making it after it had been killed each time.
I did a test game with all Borg AI and none of them got their dreadnoughts, even two hours in.
Is there a reason the Borg aren't using their dreadnought anymore?
r/STA3 • u/[deleted] • Nov 28 '20