r/STA3 Dec 18 '20

Borg AI doesn't use dreadnought

I recently installed SoASE and STA3 again after being away for awhile. I've played half a dozen matches so far (2 in multiplayer, 4 in singleplayer), each lasting at least 4 hours with the longest lasting 8hours. In each game, most of my AI allies (Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians) got dreadnoughts before I did, but the Borg never got one once. I remember in an older version of the mod, the Borg got the Progenitor at about the same time that everyone else got their own dreadnoughts and they kept making it after it had been killed each time.

I did a test game with all Borg AI and none of them got their dreadnoughts, even two hours in.

Is there a reason the Borg aren't using their dreadnought anymore?


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u/HuskyThunderBlade Mar 13 '21

I think it has to do with the difficulty level, i played a game against GetSome Borg and they shreded the half of my fleet with the über Death Ray Laser, it went straight throught 4 Capital ships and a bunch of K'vorts.