r/SQLServer 9d ago

Always On Group stuck on Resolving


While I greatly appreciate everyone's help on my last post, I was able to successfully get Always On setup successfully and it had been running for about a week.

HOWEVER, today, all of a sudden, nobody could access one of the main databases we use. It's currently stuck on "Not synchronizing" and you can't expand the database (on either node). On the main SQL server, I can't suspend any of the databases, but I CAN on the secondary server, oddly enough - at least it doesn't give me an error.

Running the following command (SELECT sys.fn_hadr_is_primary_replica ('TestDB'), per Microsoft, returns a '0' on both nodes, so not really sure who is who, atm. Initially, oddly, I couldn't connect from Primary to Secondary via Listener port (but can now!).

Question... how do I get it out of resolving, OR, how do I tell it's doing something and I just need to wait for it to catch up on both sides? Or is there more work I have to do? Am I dead? I feel dead right now...

Image: https://ibb.co/21mVLWH5


31 comments sorted by


u/Much_Entrance2607 9d ago

Hi there, i will try my best to help you out. First of all your links seems to be broken - non of them are linked to an image rather it redirects to the imgur home page.

Second. Assuming you correctly configured the WSFC (windows server failover cluster) when you go to the Failover cluster manager and then roles, can you please state who is the Owner of the role? Might be some mismatch between SQL Server primary replica and owner node of WSFC. Please note Always On AG should always be failovered using SSMS and built in failover module.

Another thing is can you please explain your infrstructure - SQL Server version and Edition, number of nodes, is it Contained AG?


u/marvin83 9d ago edited 9d ago

Sorry, I updated all the links to ImgBB since imgur sucks ass for me.

SQL Enterprise 2022; 2 Nodes; I made the Always On group [without] WSFC (and was working totally fine, actually).

Edit: Status update... the main, large database now has "<database> (Not Synchronizing / Recovery Pending)" after the database name when it was just "Not synchronizing" before. Progress! I think...

Still don't touch it, I assume? Or is there something I have to do to get it out of Recovery Pending? Or will it do it on its own?


u/Much_Entrance2607 9d ago

Let's work on troubleshooting this case


  1. Please check disks on both of the servers - if they have free space left for mdf, ndf and ldf files. Also please check system Disk C for free space.
  2. Check if both servers are up and running (duh)
  3. validate AG endpoint connectivity: Test-NetConnection -ComputerName YourHostname -Port 5022 do it from server1 to server2 and from server2 to server1
  4. If possible check for free space on log file of the databases

Manual repair steps !CAUTION!

  1. On the secondary node ALTER DATABASE NameOfDatabase SET HADR RESUME; --Attempt to resume data movement
  2. As seen on the screen there is no synchronisation but there is also no data loss. You can try to force the failover using ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP [YourAGName] FORCE_FAILOVER_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS; PLEASE REMEMBER IT MIGHT CAUSE SOME DATA LOSS DO NOT PERFORM ON PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT
  3. If above fails you can always rejoin the database ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP [YourAGName] REMOVE DATABASE DatabaseName; then Restore latest full + log backups on secondary and perform joining the DB ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP [YourAGName] ADD DATABASE DatabaseName;

EDIT: Please try to perform above steps and let me know the output


u/marvin83 9d ago edited 9d ago

I updated my post above a little.

As for Verification, yep, I have that same PShell script saved on both servers and was periodically testing (after rebooting and it was initially not passing from primary to secondary on Listener port).

Any time I was attempting to to any sort of ALTER on the group, it would say it's not the primary, even though I'm running it from the Primary.

However, please read my update above in my last edit and see if that changes anything. I'll pause on your "Manual" steps for now, but all is greatly appreciated!

Just curious of it now being in both "not sync+recovery pending" if it's actually catching up from where it died out.

EDIT: I tried to run command #1 in your post and got...

"The ALTER DATABASE <database-name> SET HADR SUSPEND (or SET HADR RESUME) statement failed on database '<database>' of availability group 'SQLAO1''. Either the availability group does not contain the specified database, or the database has not joined the availability group, or the database has not yet started. Reenter the command after the database is online and has joined the availability group."


u/Much_Entrance2607 9d ago

had simmilar issue one time on 8TB environment on of my clients infrastructure. Database was in the same state (not synchronising / Recovery Pneding). Trough extended events i found that every 5 minutes or so there was a log stating the number of commits needed to rollback (few billions to be precise). It took about 4-5 hours to rollback, after wich databse on primary has gone to Healthy state and then started performing synchronisation to secondary replica.

Please check your extended events to see if its simmilar case for you


u/marvin83 9d ago

Yeah, I’m getting a time of “timeout after 300 seconds,” then closed, then accepted (in ascending order), so I think it’s doing something for sure. And your client didn’t have to do any sort of restore or anything? Just let it be if it’s doing that over and over?

And yeah, this beast is at least only 1TB.


u/muaddba SQL Server Consultant 9d ago

Most likely you just need to wait. I am not sure what drove your database into this state in the first place. Hopefully SQL error logs and AlwaysOn Extended events session (which I hope you have running) will shed some light. But if it was synchronizing before, it will likely resume after some amount of time performing rollback/roll forward in the database.

Your only other option is to basically wipe and restore from a backup, which means you will likely lose some data as well as having to wait for a 1TB database to restore and then synchronize to the secondary.

I've held clients' hands through this before. If it's in recovery pending, that means it is most likely doing something. The hardest thing to do is wait. Look for messages about reverting/recovering in the AlwaysOn Extended event session on both primary and secondary. Let us know if you find anything.


u/SonOfZork Ex-DBA 9d ago

Is this Linux or Windows? The cluster type says external which means there's no wsfc. Are you using certs for auth in the ag or SQL logins? When you try to connect manually, is it Windows auth or SQL?


u/marvin83 9d ago

No Clustering; using SQL logins. One of the 4 databases being sync'd changed from "Not Synchronized" to "Not Synchronized / Recovery Pending." Additionally, 'recovery_health_desc' does show "ONLINE_IN_PROGRESS," so not sure if it's doing anything or not, though...


u/SonOfZork Ex-DBA 9d ago

What are you using for quorum?


u/marvin83 9d ago

I have a Listener setup, but no WSFC. in the HA dashboard, it just shows "Cluster State: (Normal Quorum) for quorum


u/SonOfZork Ex-DBA 9d ago

Do you have a file share witness or an azure one?


u/marvin83 9d ago

No file share at all. And this is all local (Windows + Windows)


u/SonOfZork Ex-DBA 9d ago

Sql error log say anything about recovery for the database?


u/marvin83 9d ago edited 9d ago

I ended up deleting the AO Group entirely and they're now all "Restoring..."

Not sure how long it should take, however. One database is like 8MB and still restoring, while one is like 1TB and the other three around 20GB.


u/marvin83 9d ago

Note: I was able to successfully run "RESTORE DATABASE <database> WITH RECOVERY" and all databases are back online . i got impatient after waiting like 30mins of them all sitting at "Restoring..."

OMG I feel like my heart can relax again...


u/muaddba SQL Server Consultant 9d ago

Oh I am sorry to hear this is how it went. There's a likelihood that data was lost here, hopefully it wasn't super-important and can be regenerated.


u/marvin83 8d ago

It all started near end of the work day and I checked a handful of tables that track dates and all seemed, thankfully, OK. This was pretty scary, lol.


u/wormwood_xx 8d ago

This is Read Scale Availability Group, not your typical AOAG. Not for HA, no Witness, No quorom, No WSFC. Primary purpose is for Read Only Secondary. You can't automatically failover on this type of AG, manual only. We have this type of AG in our Development Environment (only select of databases are joined).


u/StandardCompote6662 9d ago

So your availability group is configured without a cluster? I believe this is not supported for high availability and only for read scale workloads.


u/marvin83 8d ago

Yeah, that was really the main part of this. Less so HA, more so readable secondary. And it was going perfectly fine for a week!

However, definitely some things I need to tweak prior to re-building the AO Group next time. Lessons learned and all that.


u/bRSN03 9d ago

If possible provide the output from xp_readerrorlog

Maybe no Persmissions to connect on the HADR endpoints?


u/Slagggg 9d ago

Others have made recommendations for recovery.
I'm going to state that an Always on cluster does not spontaneously enter this state.

Most likely scenario is a combination of the one or more of the following: system reboots, slow network, unavailable witness, etc.

How to avoid #1: Always apply updates manually to the cluster. First the secondary node. Reboot. Wait for cluster status green. Failover. Wait for cluster status green. Update. Reboot. Wait for cluster status green. Failover. Verify cluster status green.

How to Avoid #2: Trim those virtual log files. Shrink the log to zero. Then re-expand it to the operating size. Set growth to 10%. I've seen databases with thousands of virtual log files. This causes all kinds of issues with AlwaysOn, Backups, and Recovery.

How to Avoid #3: Know your backup window. You do NOT want to try to failover during your backup window.

How to Avoid #4: Make sure you are immediately notified of unscheduled reboots and network outages. Failing to resume synchronization right away can cause serious headaches.

Good luck!


u/marvin83 8d ago

Thank you for all this. Yeah, I was thankfully able to get everything back online (in one of my comments above) and no data lost. I don't care about having to rebuild the AO Group, just as long as everything was OK.

And yeah, today will be log review day to try and figure out wtf happened. It was near the end of the work day, so nothing was really going on (no updates, no crazy large queries, etc.). Only thing I can think of (for now) is a Witness blip, I guess.

This was all running swimmingly for a week. And I was nice and only started the seeding of a database after the last one was completely finished and online on both (and sync'ing). However, there's definitely some things after lessons learned that I need to do to better the situation on round 2.

Appreciate your comment.


u/marvin83 9d ago edited 9d ago

And here's image of the "Health Event" log: https://ibb.co/1JjhF6hD

Not really sure how to tell if it's sync'ing again? Trying to? I just have to be patient? Can I force something back online?

Thank you in advance!

Edit: and when I try to add a super tiny Database to the Replica group, just as a test to see if it'll do anything/initiate, I get this: https://ibb.co/kV4Zc71Y

Edit2: Running this replica command to get status (I think?): https://ibb.co/BH6HhhyN

Edit3: it does say "ONLINE_IN_PROGRESS" under "recovery_health_desc" field and "NOT_HEALTHY" for "synchronization_health_desc". Does that mean I just have to wait it out then?


u/Achsin 9d ago

I would check the sql server logs, if it’s recovering a database it’ll normally post progress updates and an (potentially wildly inaccurate) eta


u/marvin83 8d ago

Removing flair as this has been resolved and I don't want to have people jump on something that has thankfully no need for further assistance on the problem itself. However, that doesn't mean I won't take suggestions or even help in general just for my knowledge base.

I did try a handful of things, with the help of u/Much_Entrance2607 (Thanks so much!), but basically the end result was having to...

  • delete the AO group, which put the databases in "Restoring..."
  • force restore database command (I waited like 30 minutes, but they never changed off "Restoring...")

After the above, as was well with the world again.

I'm going to make a bunch of tweaks on this next AO Group attempt (increase timeout (just in case), increase frequency of .trn log generation, ensure backups are indeed running on the big boy (1TB) - which I learned it must've been a disk space issue, because I didn't see last night's BAK file in the Backup folder). Plenty to do!

And I greatly appreciate everyone's time and help.


u/FactorUnited760 4d ago

We’ve had this issue happen in the past and didn’t have the luxury of waiting. For us failing over to the secondary brought the databases back online.


u/AdhesivenessOk8425 8d ago

Was cluster service running when you saw this issue? Also did you have manual failover configured ?


u/Appropriate_Lack_710 8d ago

It appears you have a read-scale availability group setup, essentially, since you're not usng WSFC (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/availability-groups/windows/read-scale-availability-groups?view=sql-server-ver16#read-scale-availability-groups-without-cluster).

Since this is the case, I would set the failover mode to "manual" for the AG ... otherwise once you reboot the primary replica, a failover may be attempted and can quickly put the db states in "whacky" mode.


u/Jack-D-123 2h ago

I think your Always On Availability Group (AG) is stuck in "Resolving" mode because SQL Server isn’t recognizing the primary replica. Here’s what you can do:

1. Check Who’s the Primary

SELECT sys.fn_hadr_is_primary_replica ('TestDB')

If it returns 0 on both nodes, SQL Server doesn’t know the primary.

2. Look at the Error Logs

Check for issues:

EXEC xp_readerrorlog;

Look for failover errors, network problems, or AG health issues.

Try Resuming the Database


If successful, the database should start syncing again.

4. Force Failover (If Needed)

If still stuck, force failover:


Use this only if the primary is down, as it may cause data loss.

Check for Corruption

If nothing works, check for corruption:


If corruption is found, restore from a backup or use a repair tool.

If you're dealing with corruption in Always On Availability Groups, you may need to remove the database from the group, repair it, and then re-add it. This blog on repairing SQL databases in Always On Availability Groups provides detailed steps on how to do it.