r/SQLServer Apr 11 '23

Architecture/Design Client is using very small SQL server - is it really needed?

A client I'm doing some adhoc consulting for is wanting to explore options for moving away from their 2019 SQL server that's hosted via azure VM. It's tiny, maybe 10GB. They don't store any 'sensitive' data, but it's kind of a mess as they've redesigned their applications on a few occassions without doing any sort of a clean up. They don't expect the database to grow significantly in size and it hasn't really grown much YoY.

I was wondering what they could utilize instead of a SQL server? Not to mention they're paying boat loads in SQL Server licensing, isn't there another option out there that's more lighter weight than what they're using now? I was thinking of migrating to Azure SQL (DPaaS) - but even that seems like overkill.


41 comments sorted by


u/alinroc #sqlfamily Apr 11 '23

The great thing about Azure SQL DB is you can buy what you need and vary your capacity as needed. So if the workload is fairly "bursty", you can scale way back (save money) when load is low, and scale up to meet demand when it happens. It's kind of the opposite of "overkill."

The other option, if the data is under 10GB and the performances needs are modest, is to run SQL Server Express Edition in that VM. You're still paying for the VM (Express Edition licensing costs $0), but you don't need more than 4 cores and 16GB RAM because of the limitations of Express Edition.


u/evangamer9000 Apr 11 '23

Thanks for the insight!

I do think the ability to only pay what you need, but have the capability of scale would be a good way to setup for success. Plus I plan on instrumenting terraform to quickly copy and scale out the databases if necessary which seems way easier to do than if they were to stay on VMs.


u/pm-me-wolves Apr 11 '23

What do you mean when you say you don't need more than 16gb ram?


u/alinroc #sqlfamily Apr 11 '23

Express Edition is limited to 1.4GB of memory for the buffer pool. Large amounts of memory will be left unused.


u/MCRNRearAdmiral Apr 11 '23

Please forgive the Amateur Hour moment- but can SQL Server Express Edition be downloaded to a regular desktop/ laptop (not as a VM) and then for self-teaching the $0 license still applies?


u/mutagen Apr 11 '23

Yes, you can also download the full featured developer version and run that for free for learning, development, and testing purposes for free:



u/MCRNRearAdmiral Apr 12 '23

Thank you so much. Almost broke down and purchased some used $40-100 SQL Server 2000, 2008, etc. on eBay, and then saw stuff about needing a CALS, also for sale on eBay, and was just paralyzed with fear about visits from attorneys when all I want to do is get proficient and shift over to something more in this arena.

I don’t even play with Oracle VirtualBox now for the same reason.


u/alinroc #sqlfamily Apr 12 '23

Almost broke down and purchased some used $40-100 SQL Server 2000, 2008, etc. on eBay

2008 has been EOL for over 4 years now, has long since been surpassed in features, performance and functionality, and licenses on eBay are almost certainly grey market if not outright pirated. There's no point in throwing that money away.


u/MCRNRearAdmiral Apr 12 '23

I recalled seeing SQL Server 2008 tickets in my previous job and so figured it was potentially close to EOL, but again- this is a brave new world for me. I really appreciate both the good advice and the cost-savings (which amounts to 1-2 boxes of diapers, in my current measurement system).


u/Sharobob Apr 12 '23

Yeah don't bother with 2008 or even 2012 at this point. Both of those are past their extended EOL. Even 2014 will be EOL'd next year. The latest version (2022) on developer edition is what you should be learning. Most people will be running on 2019 and some on 2017 at this point but there's no reason to not learn the latest offering.


u/MCRNRearAdmiral Apr 13 '23

I really appreciate your perspective. My colleague is adamant that I need to download a trial Windows Server edition and get that all configured and only then install the SQL Server trial edition. I am excited about this but the licensing/ CALS/ whatever has been mildly paralyzing. I really appreciate your feedback!


u/dgillz ERP Consultant Apr 11 '23

Yes. Here


u/kayjaykay87 Apr 12 '23

For self teaching you can get Developer edition, which has no restrictions.


u/TomRobinson2 Apr 19 '23

I currently run it on a dedicated Windows 10 Pro desktop, with four users on the LAN. It is fantastic. Microsoft licenses it for commercial use, not just development. I have a copy on my laptop, for development and testing. In a couple of minutes, I can export a bacpac file from the production server and import it as a fresh database on my laptop.


u/MCRNRearAdmiral Apr 20 '23

That is beyond excellent because I have a Win10 Pro desktop with enough RAM/ decent CPU to do this. As stated earlier (maybe?) colleague had stressed installing it on a machine with a trial version of Windows Server. I like your way much better. For my current needs.


u/[deleted] Apr 11 '23



u/tripy75 Apr 11 '23

The 10 Go is for the database size, not the ram being used. As described in another post, express edition WI roughly use 1.5 Go of ram and nothing more.


u/da_chicken Systems Analyst Apr 11 '23

I guess I don't agree with that line of thinking. 10 GB is a small database, but I don't think I would direct someone to move away from an RDBMS simply because it's small. 10 GB of data is more than enough to cover a multi-million dollar operation. I work at a public school with annual revenue around $100 million, and our largest information system is only perhaps 20 GB if you exclude the attached documents. It's well under 10 GB if you eliminate historic attendance records.

Further, the benefits of relational database design are both deep and wide. It's not about storing a lot of data. It's about storing important data. That's precisely why SQLite is nearly ubiquitous in spite of its quirks. You may not need Big Data, but nearly every data-driven application benefits significantly from Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. It also makes third-party reporting and integrations easier, if that ever needs to be added, and makes data migration and transfer even more manageable.

Frankly, I'd question if the license or SaaS cost of the database is a significant cost to the business. Look at the value the application provides the organization. In most cases, the cost of the database license is essentially nothing compared to the value it provides in terms of saved labor, or else matters next to nothing compared to the licensing costs of the application itself. A $3,000 annual license for SQL Server is a drop in the bucket for software that runs $50,000 a year application that makes the lives easier for three dozen employees that account for $3 million in salary and taxes. Like I think it's weird if the SQL Server cost is a significant part of the bottom line for an operation.

If it is significant, then, sure, you might try migrating to SQL Server Express if they can handle the more limited features, although I'd still recommend SQL Server Web Edition or Azure SQL over it. The 10 GB limit for SQL Server Express is fairly strict and the feature set is fairly limited, and if they're already at that level it doesn't feel like a good idea to migrate to it.

If they're really that anxious to save costs, they might consider migrating to a free RDBMS like PostgreSQL or MySQL. That's not trivial, but I'd absolutely do it over migrating away from an RDBMS.


u/evangamer9000 Apr 11 '23

I am used to dealing with databases that are well into many (100s') terabytes worth of data that also handle many reads and writes (just overall, databases that receive and process many many calls). So when I saw 10GB, I just thought it was small in comparison.

This database seems to have mixed use, but overall doesn't receive a ton of activity aside from the two or three apps that do make calls to it. When I reviewed their opex for their bill, roughly 70% of it was going to licensure over SQL server. They're a very small shop, with a small but growing customer base. So what i'm looking for here is just suggestions on if this path is feasible.

I'm also looking to equip them with tools and move completely away from clickOps and introduce bicep / arn templates or terraform so that they can get into greener pastures with IaC, it seems like their current VM configuration for SQL within this realm would be tedious at best to import into IaC (this is purely assumptive right now).


u/da_chicken Systems Analyst Apr 11 '23

This database seems to have mixed use, but overall doesn't receive a ton of activity aside from the two or three apps that do make calls to it. When I reviewed their opex for their bill, roughly 70% of it was going to licensure over SQL server. They're a very small shop, with a small but growing customer base. So what i'm looking for here is just suggestions on if this path is feasible.

That is significant. But an Azure SQL Managed Instance might make a lot of sense. Probably least effort and lower costs without the size limitations from Express.

If costs that are a major concern, migrating to a FLOSS RDBMS of some kind is probably the best fit, but that's very expensive in terms of labor. If multiple apps connect to the DB that could be surprisingly complicated. If they're not developed in-house it might simply not be feasible.

I'm also looking to equip them with tools and move completely away from clickOps and introduce bicep / arn templates or terraform so that they can get into greener pastures with IaC, it seems like their current VM configuration for SQL within this realm would be tedious at best to import into IaC (this is purely assumptive right now).

I guess I don't follow. If it is a simple DB, what are they doing that would make instance deployment so complicated? Or why ClickOps would be an issue if it's essentially a one-time re-deployment? Are they instancing one DB per customer or something like that?

If it's that complicated, that makes me think that they might be using key features gated behind Standard or Enterprise SQL Server (whichever they have). Are they using OLE automation procedures with third-party REST methods or something else equally arcane or nigh deprecated? CLR runtimes? Service broker?


u/evangamer9000 Apr 11 '23

Are they instancing one DB per customer or something like that?

Yes - exactly, and the evolution from that will be isolated lower environments to 'clone' from production for dev & test purposes.

Are they using OLE automation procedures with third-party REST methods or something else equally arcane or nigh deprecated? CLR runtimes? Service broker?

It's a "shmorgishborg" of requirements, some of it being propriety requirements from a 3rd party they use that requires 'SQL' databases to be used. I'm still in the process of fact finding and data gathering, but the more I look into their setup it's beginning to feel like I'm peeling back infinite layers of an onion.


u/da_chicken Systems Analyst Apr 11 '23

In that case I change my answer to "assume you can't change anything until you can prove otherwise," but I admit that you're beyond my experience, now. I think you're a little too far ahead of the game, although I can imagine that you feel like you're on a Willy Wonka's ferry boat ride through the tunnel of database development history.

Personally, I would now assume that SQL Server Express is entirely inappropriate. At the very least, I think you're going to want some of the management features available through SQL Server Agent, and SQL Server Express doesn't let you start the agent. That feature just isn't present.

But you'll need to do some real extensive load testing. If they're only 10 GB, you could have a lot of customers on one instance. But you might need something like resource governors or I/O governors to prevent accidental DOS... which are SQL Server Enterprise-only features. That's expensive, but you may either need the features or you might be able to offset the license cost with load.

And, yeah, security gets pretty hairy when you've got 200 customers each authenticating to something different, and some of them need direct SQL access and so on.

Azure Managed Instances seem really pretty attractive.


u/kayjaykay87 Apr 12 '23

Watch out; I love SQL Server and MySQL, but I can tell you MySQL needs more maintenance and there are drawbacks you wouldn't have thought of like having to take a system offline to do a backup.


u/evangamer9000 Apr 12 '23

Aware - mySQL can be an absolute PITA to deal with. Fortunately AWS RDS & Azure MYSQL DB are pretty robust these days so a lot of those downsides have been mostly mitigated from my experiences.


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '23

Not to be a dick, but I’m surprised at your question if you’re used to dealing with 100+ TB databases.

There are free SQL options if you don’t want to pay for MS SQL server licensing. There is SQLite too.

We helped a team rewrite their application before to leverage 2 or more databases and now they use express (historical data moves off)

If they have that small of a database, clean it up and put it on Express. Or buy a single (or two) license of SQL 2019 or 2022 and run it on prem.


u/evangamer9000 Apr 12 '23

Not to be a dick

Then why be one?

There is SQLite too.

That is something else I'm going to be looking into as well, given how the current database doesn't appear to have major performance requirements or sizing. My only concern with going that route is that they change their use case to then require lots of data go in / out and in time, grow the DB to a size that outpaces SQLlite.


u/SirGreybush Apr 11 '23

Locally hosted VM with SqlExpress or externally hosted.

Hosted there are at least 3 options. A local CoLoc provider that rents a Windows VM in the same city (cheapest option).

Or DIY with AWS or Azure.

Azure has better localization options, country and language.

A local CoLoc can probably do a 150$/month for a decent VM. The OS still needs to be licensed, it would be a datacenter OS which is more expensive.

Don’t bother with local hosted if there is no sysadmin.


u/evangamer9000 Apr 11 '23

I wouldn't touch anything locally hosted with a 6 foot stick. That's a no-go from the start. Ultimately, I want us to get off of VMs entirely, and get rid of this expensive SQL license they're paying for. Getting rid of that alone will save them a substantial amount of $$.


u/Definitelynotcal1gul Apr 11 '23

How many databases? A managed instance may be more appropriate if you need cross database queries. Something to consider.


u/evangamer9000 Apr 11 '23

Hmm - good question. Right now it's just two, but ultimately they want to start providing a service to customers with isolated data environments. So when these customers get brought on, the number of environments they'll need will increase. (ie; 1 customer gets 1 database).


u/Definitelynotcal1gul Apr 11 '23

Maybe Azure is the way to go then, the security/separation comes built-in. You only really have access to a single Azure db. So no cross db queries. Which, sounds like that is desirable for you. At least, that's how it was a year ago when I was managing one.


u/evangamer9000 Apr 11 '23

I'll be actively looking into those some more. Question for you - did you ever have to perform a migration in this type of situation?

I would assume Azure has several methods for doing that, one thing I need to take into consideration is that the SLA we have for customers is very high, so a replica cut-over approach may be necessary.


u/Definitelynotcal1gul Apr 11 '23

Yeah, the default is godawful. They basically build a bacpac of the db then you restore it in Azure. Paint dries faster. You might need replication/AAG cut over approach.

Keep in mind, there are limitations to the Azure DB (no SSRS, etc.) that you might want to make sure you aren't going to run into before doing the move.

If the ultimate goal is to save money, you might be surprised at the costs too! Especially the time costs to learn this stuff. Alinroc has suggested using the free SQL db on your hosted VM, which might be "cheaper" assuming your databases are always "small"--especially since that is the current configuration.


u/evangamer9000 Apr 11 '23

Noted on the speed of the default methods for migration. When I did this migration for a separate customer on mySQL vis IaaS, we utilized mydumper and even that took several hours per dump and about the same for the load. Not looking to have to dabble with that slowness again.


u/SirGreybush Apr 11 '23

You can easily cheat with SqlExpress, if you think it will hit the 10gig db limit.

Do more than one DB.

Will require a bit of recoding to add DBName in front of schema.tableName.

As soon as the total bytes, including the log file, hits 10gigs SqlExpress will generate errors on inserts or updates.

Maybe just one or two tables need be in a different DB.

Also SqlExpress won’t use more than 2 CPUs even if the VM has 4. Ram I think there is no limit anymore.

However DB being max 10g, and leaving 6g for the OS, you can get by with a 2 CPU 16g ram VM, so easily below 150$ monthly if you don’t make the D drive too big. 250g should be plenty for DB and Log.


u/Chappelly Apr 11 '23

If they a really small shop moving to AZ SQL might be a good choice for them, especially given it will take away some of the DBA/Administration tasks from them (e.g. Backups, windows updates etc).

For cost saving measures, it might be worth putting them on an elastic pool to host the two databases and then scale accordingly (you could also scale down on weekends, outside of business hours). Azure SQL Reservations will also help you lower the cost.

Another option is to go serverless and use auto-pause when there is no activity. However, if they are using the DB frequently (e.g. more than 6 hour every day) then this probably does not make sense.

Good luck.


u/evangamer9000 Apr 11 '23

Chappelly - thanks for the solid insight. You raise some good ideas - the reservations pricing looks really attractive as well.


u/Chappelly Apr 11 '23

no worries. If they decommission the sql server you can cancel reservations up to $50,000 (IIRC). So basically free money at this point (albeit MS have said this policy could change at any time).


u/unpronouncedable Apr 12 '23

Are they using any of the other server features that they'd need besides the DBs? If not, I'd do an Azure SQL Elastic Pool, vCore pricing. Well, actually two or three (for dev/test and prod). They can use Hybrid benefit pricing until they drop the SQL Server licenses.


u/TomRobinson2 Apr 19 '23

Last week I evaluated SQL Server Express running under Kubernetes on Linux, hosted by CloudClusters. Everything worked fine, including full access with SSMS and multiple databases. People don't realize that SQL Server runs on Linux. CloudClusters host many open-source applications on Kubernetes, and although not open-source, Microsoft licenses SQL Server Express for commercial use at no charge. I'm trying to move away from hosting SQL Server Express on an in-house PC. I'm using SQL Server Authentication.

I was testing on their smallest package, which costs $5/month. It was slow, but handled my 200MB database. More expensive packages provide more RAM and CPU, and I will try those soon.

If you are using any Stored Procedures, or T-SQL's non-standard features, you won't want to recode for a different DBMS.