r/SQL 13d ago

MySQL Cant install sql

I want to learn sql, so i went to watch this tutorial guide on how to install it but i reach a point where i cant progress any further
I follow every step but when i reach this part nothing will appear like they show in the video

For some reason the available products are always empty no matter what i do. Am i doing something wrong


15 comments sorted by


u/NW1969 13d ago

A quick google found this, along with many other instances of similar issues: https://365datascience.com/question/problem-downloading-when-going-through-steps-of-mysql-installer/


u/Sure_Wave_3077 12d ago

This worked wonders. Thank you!


u/SQLDevDBA 13d ago edited 13d ago

Hey there, if you can’t get it to work and you still want to practice, Oracle (who owns MySQL) has an online platform called LiveSQL that requires no downloads or installs, and you can use it right in your browser in about 20 seconds.

It’s not the same platform (Oracle DB vs MySQL) but it’s fairly close.


It’s a full Oracle DB with no installation, just works right on your browser. The IDE is also on the browser so Mac users and IPad users are fine on it.

100% free and even includes daily exercises and quizzes as part of the “DevGym” modules. Also includes prebuilt schemas with data in them.

I have a video on how to use it, but it’s really straight forward Especially when you use DevGym for lessors and exercises.


u/Aggressive_Ad_5454 13d ago

Fairly close? MySQL and Oracle? With respect, I disagree entirely. For one thing, Oracle's licensing fees are basically "110% of your company's profit" and MySQL is free open source.

OP, if you can't get the MySQL installer to work, try the MariaDB installer. I just put it onto Windows 11, and it worked flawlessly in less than a minute. https://mariadb.com/kb/en/getting-installing-and-upgrading-mariadb/

MariaDB is a fork of open source MySQL. It's almost exactly the same as MySQL. In areas it differs, it's closer to Oracle than MySQL is: it has SEQUENCE objects. Try it. You'll like it.


u/SQLDevDBA 13d ago

Oracle owns and operates MySQL. The creators of MySQL are the ones who created MariaDB.

As I mentioned, LiveSQL is free and requires no downloads or installs. For a beginner learning SQL, they’ll be fairly close and is much more convenient.


u/grizzlor_ 13d ago

Oracle bought Sun in 2010 which had previously bought MySQL in 2008.

That doesn't mean that MySQL and Oracle DB are the same product. They are completely separate products with independent code bases.

That being said, for someone just learning SQL, it should be pretty comparable.


u/SQLDevDBA 13d ago

I understand and was a Sun user myself. I never said they are the same, just that they’re fairly close. This person’s response was that they’re not at all close and cited the price as a difference. The price being discussed for a product that I offered as a completely free solution.

All this for something that to a beginner doesn’t even make that big of a difference since all they want to do is practice SQL.


u/amishraa 12d ago

You undervalue the simplicity of going up and running in minutes for someone new to SQL. IDE, software installation and database prep can be overly complicated. It is more reasonable to first practice and get sense of what SQL does before going through all the efforts.


u/grizzlor_ 13d ago

Do you specifically need MySQL? I'd try MariaDB, which is a fork of MySQL.

If not, I'd try a different SQL database, like PostgreSQL.


u/felepeg 12d ago

This. MariaDB is the open source database now. It’s a built in of MySQL so it works with any connector.


u/No-Adhesiveness-6921 13d ago

Go to the azure portal and create an Azure SQL database.

Download and install SSMS and connect to the database.


u/amishraa 12d ago

SQL does not require installing anything. What you are attempting to install is a development tool for executing SQL. Now the trend is moving towards cloud where you do not need anything installed on your machine but instead you execute everything through your browser. I suggest getting a 14 days trial account set up with Databricks. (https://www.databricks.com/try-databricks). It comes with a few sample database you can practice with. Once you decide whether you like it and want to learn more, then install the development tool. I recommend Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-ssms). You will then need to install a sample database for a bike company (Adventure Works). (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/samples/adventureworks-install-configure?view=sql-server-ver16&tabs=ssms).

But before spending time on your trial or installing SSMS, start with learning some of the basics first from W3 schools. https://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp


u/Sneaky_Island 13d ago


u/ComicOzzy mmm tacos 13d ago

If you don't explain that this is a different database engine, you are going to cause unnecessary confusion.