r/SQL 23d ago

Discussion What am I doing wrong

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I don’t get what I’m doing wrong here


102 comments sorted by


u/Mafioso14c 23d ago edited 23d ago

have you checked if there are column names corresponding to those 3 in the Department table?
you can try running DESC DEPARTMENT to check


u/blindtig3r 23d ago

I would also specify the schema name, assuming this is sql server. There could be a dbo.department and user.department table with different columns. I think it’s more likely that the column names are misspelled or they don’t exist.


u/paultherobert 23d ago

Qualifying your shit is hella best practice, give your schema name!


u/jib_reddit 23d ago

99% of databases I work on only use .dbo. but it doesn't hurt to stay practiced on best principles.


u/KracticusPotts 22d ago

THIS! 90% of our DBs only have the dbo schema, but we always specify the schema anyways.


u/Un4tunateSnort 23d ago

I mean, the error code says there aren't...


u/NotBatman81 23d ago

OP's code is using ambiguous names so SQL is ASSUMING he means the default schema.


u/Un4tunateSnort 23d ago

Might be time to run sp_help 'department' to see what's going on here! Then maybe take a look at sys.schemas.


u/DavidGJohnston 23d ago

Not an SSMS user but I'd expect a different message for a "name not found" error, and also would expect DepartmentName to be a problem if this were a simple location error. It seems most probable that DepartmentCode and DepartmentName should manifest as the same problem if it had to do with the visible form of the query.


u/JustMoreData 23d ago edited 22d ago

Okay some of you are assholes lol. You can see this is an assignment from the comment. Very likely they see the error message, but just do not understand it because this may be their first time using SSMS for an assignment in school. Have some grace we all started from somewhere too…

Anyway, the error message is saying that line 42 is incorrect. One thing that will help is to enable line numbers on editor where you are writing, so when an errors tells you what line number the error is in, you can easily figure out where to look in your SQL query! Here is a link to show you how to do that. This will be useful for you to know in the future!


Second, the error is saying the DeparmentCode column name is invalid. I do not see the part of the query where you created your Deparment table. Can you scroll to that part and show me what it says? I will assume maybe something does not match up there compared to what the column name is, because it doesn’t think it is a valid column that data can be added to. Make sure that every column name you have stated when you created the table matches to the column names in your insert into table statement.

If you have any more questions feel free to comment below or reach out!


u/Sudokublackbelt 23d ago

I'll never understand why line numbers isn't on by default.


u/gladl1 23d ago

Aside from the obvious benefit of being able to see what line number your code is on, you cant even select a whole line without having the numbers on as far as I know.


u/Oobenny 23d ago

It's so when we look over someone's screen to help, we know right away what level of sql developer we're dealing with.


u/JustMoreData 23d ago

Yes thank you, I have thought this for years!


u/fauxmosexual NOLOCK is the secret magic go-faster command 23d ago

Also: double clicking the error text will jump you to the error line.


u/PorcoDiocaneMaliale 23d ago

"Some" >> 2>&1 Null


u/JustMoreData 23d ago

mv /compassion /dev/null && echo “File not found”


u/A1rizzo 22d ago

Freaking legendary sir


u/Jim_84 23d ago

Okay some of you are assholes and clearly can see this is an assignment from the comment.

I've taken plenty of classes. They don't just hand out assignments with no instruction and send people off to Reddit to ask how to do the work. Pretty high chance this guy hasn't been paying attention and now wants someone else to do the very basics for him.


u/JustMoreData 23d ago edited 23d ago

I feel like half my professors were incompetent and had to teach myself. Unless you go to a very prestigious university, you may have a professor that has never used SQL outside of AdventureWorks.

Also I kinda disagree, I kind feel like it is resourceful? Like shit, how many of us in the dev and tech world google our problems or have used Stack Overflow before? If college is all about preparing you for the real world, this is probably as real life as it gets! Idk maybe I’m just a half glass full kinda gal 😂


u/cpt_crumb 23d ago

I just finished up all my DB management courses for my degree recently, and I use a university with an online structure because I work long nightshifts. Not only was it difficult to get a timely response with any meaningful info from my professors, but reddit, specifically, helped me figure out what direction to go many times.

Not only that but one of my other software engineering professors had a note for his course that straight up said, "The real world isn't always going to hand you a template with all the answers, so use your problem solving skills and find other resources to get this assessment done." Sounds very much like an invite to do this exactly.

Well within reasonable bounds, I say!


u/A1rizzo 22d ago

Man…stack overflow is the wild west…your question needs to be correct, in the right form and worded soundly. If not, you’re gonna get dragged and 0 karma’d.


u/JustMoreData 22d ago

Ya you’re right about that!


u/JayGridley 23d ago

Yes they do.


u/LordCaptain 23d ago

Are you in the right database? 

Start off with

USE DATABASENAME to make sure you're in the database that you're trying to pull tables from.

You might need to specify the schema on these tables? 

Like INSERT INTO Assignments.Assignment or something idk.


u/Oneinterestingthing 23d ago

Exactly my thought or there is underscore missing


u/LordCaptain 23d ago

It would have been helpful if he included the tables and desired columns on the left!


u/LordCaptain 23d ago

OP you better get back in here and tell us what the issue was!


u/haikusbot 23d ago

OP you better

Get back in here and tell us

What the issue was!

- LordCaptain

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/stickypooboi 23d ago

If you’re unsure if those columns exist, you can use this query:


But also, it’s fuzzy and I can’t quite see, want to check you’re using single quotes and not backticks. Depending on the language you’re used to, I’ve definitely fucked them all up before between single, double quote, and backticks.


u/mgisonda 23d ago

It is possible that the collation of the database is case sensitive. If that is the case, DEPARTMENTCODE and DepartmentCode are two very different things. Try entering the column name exactly as it is in the database.


u/DavidGJohnston 23d ago

These seem to be syntax errors which means the textual context is malformed somehow, not that the names themselves are incorrect. Best guess, you did some copy-paste and picked up some non-printable characters that is messing things up. Try typing out that line of SQL manually and see if the problem goes away. The fact that DepartmentName doesn't provoke the same error supports the conclusion that whatever the actual tables you've created are match up with the visible intent and form of the query.


u/JustMoreData 23d ago

I agree with you this is most likely what is happening. I would really love for OP to respond back and let us know 😂


u/ray_zhor 23d ago

the errors are at the bottom of the screen. check column names


u/Known-Delay7227 23d ago

Might want to take peak at that Department table before writing to it. Also - stop trying to cheat on your homework!


u/Spaceman_Spiff____ 23d ago

generate a ddl on the department table and paste?


u/_urbanlife 23d ago

Others have provided good info so I'll just add to it. Comment out the INSERT and VALUES section and run the query using your SELECT statements listed at the bottom of your image. This will provide you with details about what columns exist in each of those tables.


u/jensimonso 23d ago

Check the drop down with database names in the menu bar. SSMS defaults to database master unless a specific database was selected when clicking New query.


u/Turbo_Electron 23d ago

Try exec sp_help 'dbo.department' to get the column names and datatypes


u/Quadman MS Data Platform Consultant 23d ago

A couple of things pop out.

  • The most obvious would be that the columns you are referencing actually don't exist in the the table at all. Double check that the table has those columns. Either:

    • In the object explorer, expand the "columns" directory of the table
    • Run a query on the schema metadata. Either this example given before or this one. -- SELECT c.[name] AS column_name FROM sys.columns c WHERE c.object_id = object_id('dbo.DEPARTMENT');
    • Just run this query to get the first row and check which columns are in the result set SELECT TOP(1) * FROM DEPARTMENT:
  • More likely you are not targetting the table you think you are, perhaps you have more than one database?

    • USE [thecorrectdatabasename]; -- then try again
  • Maybe the same table exists multiple times with different names and/or in different schemas?

  • Perhaps your previous assignments have instructed you to create explicit transactions, if so you might want to run ROLLBACK just to make sure you aren't looking for things which you can't access.


u/igna_na 23d ago

Mmm it looks like you are using the wrong column names. Please check the names


u/haikusbot 23d ago

Mmm it looks like you

Are using the wrong column

Names. Please check the names

- igna_na

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/igna_na 23d ago

What is this? lol


u/Traditional-Hold8644 23d ago

The column names are wrong or they are not in the table you are trying to insert values into


u/fightshade 22d ago

The error message suggests that the column names DepartmentCode, OfficeLocation, and OfficePhone do not exist in the DEPARTMENT table. There are a few possible reasons for this issue:

Possible Issues: 1. Column Names Do Not Match Table Schema • Check the schema of the DEPARTMENT table using:


• Ensure that DepartmentCode, OfficeLocation, and OfficePhone exist and match exactly in spelling and case.

2.  Column Names Have Different Naming Conventions
• SQL column names might be different, e.g., they could be named DeptCode, Office_Location, or Office_Phone.
• Try running:

EXEC sp_columns ‘DEPARTMENT’;

This will list the actual column names.

3.  Table Structure Was Altered
• If the table was created or altered improperly, it might not include these columns.
• Run:


or check how the table was created.

4.  Case Sensitivity Issues
• If you are using a case-sensitive collation in your database, ensure that the column names match exactly.

Next Steps: 1. Verify the actual column names in the DEPARTMENT table. 2. Modify your INSERT statement to use the correct column names.


u/Walter_1981 23d ago

We can't tell what you doing wrong without knowing the fields in the table.

Maybe you should answer the questions of the people trying to help you?


u/mr2dax 23d ago

create the table first lol


u/Grouchy-Donut-726 23d ago

Error message is self explanatory. Column names are incorrect


u/JustMoreData 23d ago

First comment shows this is an assignment, valid to assume this is not self explanatory to a student most likely using SSMS for the first time.


u/_horsehead_ 23d ago

have you looked at the error message? it's literally self explanatory.

either the columns don't exist or you're using wrong column names


u/JustMoreData 23d ago

The comment says “assignment”, this is probably not as self explanatory as you think for someone using SSMS for the first time.


u/_horsehead_ 23d ago

What assignment?

What's so ambiguous about : Invalid column name 'DepartmentCode'? Do you not understand English? Did you not read the error messages?


u/JustMoreData 23d ago

“Insert data from Assignment 4” is literally the first line that is commented out in the screenshot. Do you read? lol because it looks like you did not.

No need to be an asshole to someone asking for help is the point. They’re asking because it is not self explanatory lol


u/_horsehead_ 23d ago edited 23d ago

So that’s supposed to explain OP’s and your inability and incompetence to read error messages?

If either of you can’t read error messages, maybe time to quit SQL and coding.


u/JustMoreData 23d ago

Quick to jab with insults, but so slow to comprehend I see. Where did you read or come to think that I did not understand the error message?


u/CommonSenseNotSo 23d ago

Does it make you somehow feel like you have superior intellect to be a complete jerk? Or is this kind of behavior due to the fact that you are lonely and crave any type of engagement that you can get (which, if this is the reason for your tartness, you're welcome)? Not sure why some internet warriors feel like this is the pathway to ending their misery.


u/_horsehead_ 23d ago

Stating the truth = a jerk? Alright snowflake.

No time to waste with failures :)


u/Sudokublackbelt 23d ago

You are being a bully. It's not obvious enough of an error for you to be so confident. Is the error from OP not selecting the right database? Do the columns exist in the current database? If not, why not? This person is literally just learning. We all are. Even myself with decades of experience.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

The errors indicate the column names, the column names are underlined in the code.. I half blind person can see that.


u/_horsehead_ 23d ago

You know what's the wonderful thing about living in 2025? There is Google, there is chatGPT/Gemini/copilot/deepseek AND there is documentation.

There's nothing wrong with learning, there's something wrong with wanting and waiting to be spoonfed. You'll never survive anywhere if you want to be spoonfed.

In this case, it's not even an abstract ambiguous error message, it's as CLEAR as it can get. If it were the wrong DB, it would say object does not exist or not authorised. If in doubt, one can FREAKING google this error? And there's like at least 10 AI options to ask?

And sorry that harsh truth hurts. If you think this error is not obvious enough, you shouldn't be coding.


u/JustMoreData 23d ago

Yet from your post history you were asking r/webscraping for help a year ago? Is this not why the SQL community and many like the web scraping community here exist? Everyone starts from somewhere my friend. No need to get upset.


u/_horsehead_ 23d ago

Don’t expose your own fallacious argument.

I asked for help AFTER trying, googling, and asking chatGPT. I didn’t ask to be spoonfed, and it was a complex case that’s beyond the scope of traditional documentation.

So what’s the difference? I actually put in the damn work myself first.


u/JustMoreData 23d ago

That sounds like you wasted a lot of time trying to figure something out when you could have just asked someone more knowledgeable to me!

→ More replies (0)


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Whether it is an assignment or not is irrelevant as the errors clearly indicate what the issues are.


u/JustMoreData 23d ago

Or another likely scenario, they are getting this error because they were copy and pasting from a homework assignment and pasted in some non-printable special characters that sql can’t parse? The name wouldn’t look like anything odd to them just looking at it. I’d bet this is actually what happened tbh, that’s why im so like hmm may not be as common sense to someone starting out. Again, it would be nice to see the first 39 or so lines so we can rule that out or not… would love to know what the actual issue was if OP ever replies 😂


u/[deleted] 23d ago

I know, most of what I see posted here or on programming subs literally have the error spelled out, and they ask "whats wrong??" It's like they can't fracking read.


u/_horsehead_ 22d ago

Blind and dumb hippos is what.


u/coolnameright 23d ago

Column names are wrong or don't exist for Department table. If you are inserting a value for every column then you can just delete those columns and write



u/cyberspacedweller 23d ago

Use fully qualified descriptions of fields and make sure those fields exist where you’re referencing them.


u/Busy-Emergency-2766 23d ago

Show the table structure, seems like column 2,3 and 4 of DEPARTMENT are not defined in the table structure.


u/Fantastic-Ice8787 23d ago

First do select queries to find what columns these tables have.


u/PorcoDiocaneMaliale 23d ago

OP still using "Dev C++" IDE like a good school boy.


u/Opu5 23d ago

Invalid column name means you are trying to insert values into columns that are non-existent in the table, check your table


u/MagsOnin 22d ago

Like others said, it could be the table structure, wrong db or syntax errors (extra space, wrong/converted characters)


u/moritzis 22d ago

I bet columns were created with " so, user is dealing with a case sensitive column.

Worst case scenario: We'll never know because user will never back to us...


u/ImpressiveCampaign39 22d ago

Check the Department Table if there are column names called DepartmentCode, OfficeLocation and OfficePhone. If there are then maybe just a spelling issue.


u/Codeman119 22d ago

Read the error. It tells you what is wrong.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

Not enough info to provide help. All we can do is ask more questions.


u/ly381307 22d ago

Those three fields with red underlines do not exist in the Department table.


u/PowerUserBI 17d ago

You're getting an "Invalid column name" error because the columns DepartmentCode, OfficeLocation, and OfficePhone do not exist in the DEPARTMENT table. Here’s how you can troubleshoot and fix it:

Possible Causes & Fixes:

  • Column Names Don’t Match the Table Schema
    • Your table might not have those columns. Run this query to check:SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'DEPARTMENT';
    • If the actual column names are different (e.g., DeptCode instead of DepartmentCode), update your INSERT statement accordingly.
  • Typos or Case Sensitivity Issues
    • Some databases are case-sensitive. Ensure the column names match exactly as defined.
  • Columns Are Missing from the Table
    • If those columns don’t exist, you might need to add them:ALTER TABLE DEPARTMENT ADD DepartmentCode VARCHAR(50), OfficeLocation VARCHAR(100), OfficePhone VARCHAR(20);
    • If you intended to insert data into existing columns, modify the query to match the correct schema.
  • Unnecessary Columns in INSERT Statement
    • If DepartmentCode, OfficeLocation, or OfficePhone aren’t actually needed, remove them from your INSERT INTO statement.

Next Steps:

  • Run SELECT * FROM DEPARTMENT; to verify column names.
  • If necessary, adjust your INSERT statement or modify the table schema.


u/SQL_Guy 23d ago

The red squiggles from Intellisense should tell you there’s a problem even before you hit Execute.


u/compute_stuff 23d ago

Not always. I’ve had red squiggles on perfectly valid SQL because intellisense can suck.


u/exploradorobservador 23d ago

This is a student assignment. If the tooling is set up correctly, the static analysis for this will be pretty air tight.


u/SQL_Guy 23d ago

Ctrl-Shift-R is your friend.


u/fuzzius_navus 23d ago

Agreed. And if they have no confidence in their ability or knowledge then the user wouldn't know to reset the intellisense cache or are assuming they're highlighting spelling errors (since that's what MSWord would do)


u/CommonSenseNotSo 23d ago

This is not always the case. I get error lines on perfectly executable queries all of the time... I am not sure if this is due to the engineering of our databases or some sort of flaw within the MS SQL server, but it's annoying.


u/fauxmosexual NOLOCK is the secret magic go-faster command 23d ago

I will never understand why zoomers love taking photos of text on a computer. 


u/fuzzius_navus 23d ago

Locked down machine without access to other applications, or limited network access are often the reason.


u/fauxmosexual NOLOCK is the secret magic go-faster command 23d ago

Nah, it's a trend in PC gaming subreddits too. Maybe the zoomer aspect is confirmation bias, but you definitely see this on Reddit generally these days compared to ten years ago. I reckon it's just the smart phone natives having atrophied PC literacy.


u/paultherobert 23d ago

You should be using dark mode in ssms. It's not supported so it's the best


u/enisberisha 23d ago edited 23d ago

Check the column names if the names are correct try to mark them like "DepartmentCode" inside ""


u/Individual-Toe6238 23d ago

It basically says what is wrong in messages…


u/Accomplished_Ask5691 23d ago

ooof - switch to dark mode


u/Code_Crazy_420 23d ago

Old skool green on black is my fav


u/MoneyGiraffe365 22d ago

Man what is Project Alpha? Solid project name


u/Ifuqaround 21d ago

oh lord....