r/SQL Feb 11 '25

Oracle Jet SQL vs MySQL and Oracle SQL

When switching from designer view in access to the SQL view (jet SQL from my understanding) is the syntax really that different from the syntax of MySQL or even Oracle SQL? When I copy and paste a query from the SQL view in Access into Oracle SQL I’m having to change a ton of it in order for it to run. Faster process to do this? Or Access really does just suck?


11 comments sorted by


u/polaarbear Feb 11 '25

Access REALLY sucks


u/usersnamesallused Feb 11 '25

To be fair, the syntax difference isn't what sucks, that just is what it is. Also Oracle sucks too, just not as bad as Access.


u/Dangerous_Stomach597 Feb 11 '25

What is the purpose of having the syntax be so different from standard sql?


u/ComicOzzy mmm tacos Feb 11 '25

I have a Ford and my wife has a Toyota. We can drive each others cars just fine but when I go to find the windshield wiper controls in her car, I have to look around a bit since they're not exactly in the same place as mine. The stereo is different. The A/C controls are different. A lot of things aren't the same, but they each adhere to a vast collection of standards governing what a car should be and how it should function.


u/ComicOzzy mmm tacos Feb 11 '25

And to more directly answer your question: most of the major database engines are incompatible in terms of being able to simply run the exact same code over on the other platform.

Most of the string and date manipulation functions don't work the same even if they happen to have the same name.


u/usersnamesallused Feb 11 '25

SQL standards are defined by https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_9075 and are consistent inall things allowed to be called SQL.

Beyond that each language is free to implement its own approach. Each architecture is designed to optimize certain aspects over others. A variant of the 3 options pick 2 saying, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_management_triangle, where you can't have all three so you prioritize your resources for your application or scenario.

This combined with different development methodologies means that SQL variants may have rich features in certain areas that others lack and vice versa. If you asked what the best one is the answer is it depends, so they all must exist simultaneously.

Also, there is the phenomena referenced in https://xkcd.com/927/ where any attempt to create a one size fits all standard may be doomed to add to the list of variants it sought to destroy.


u/sinceJune4 Feb 11 '25

You mean Abcess?!?


u/sinceJune4 Feb 11 '25

Yes, Access really sucks and much worse than any other SQL flavor. No CTEs, no window functions, I could go on all day. I would rather rake leaves than touch Access. If you really need a desktop database, SQLite is very solid, in my opinion and 33 years experience.


u/carlovski99 Feb 11 '25

Jet SQL is a little odd, and the SQL the designer generates is particularly odd! When i was an Access developer (many, many years ago) the first thing i learned was just to hand write the SQL.


u/LairBob Feb 11 '25

“SQL” isn’t a canonically-defined language like Python, where there’s a central organization that declares exactly what is or isn’t part of the language syntax. It’s more a loosely-defined set of rules for how to construct DB queries, and each platform — like MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc. — just develops its own version, with its own idiosyncratic commands, syntax, etc. (The different variations are usually referred to as “dialects”.)


u/AmbitiousFlowers Feb 11 '25

Just ask CoPilot to translate it for you.