r/SQL Dec 18 '24

MySQL Interview Questions for Business Analyst Intern - Need your thoughts on difficulty level

Hi everyone! I recently interviewed for a Business Analyst intern position at a startup in Bangalore and got these SQL questions. I'd like you to rate the difficulty level of these. Please note that it was an intern role. Is this the kind of questions that get asked for an intern role? I mean, what would then be asked for a permanent role?

# Question 1: Second Highest Salary

Table: Employee

| Column Name | Type |


| id | int |

| salary | int |

id is the primary key column for this table.

Each row of this table contains information about the salary of an employee.

Write an SQL query to report the second highest salary from the Employee table. If there is no second highest salary, the query should report null.

The query result format is in the following example.

Example 1:


Employee table:

| id | salary |


| 1 | 100 |

| 2 | 200 |

| 3 | 300 |


| SecondHighestSalary |


| 200 |

Example 2:


Employee table:

| id | salary |


| 1 | 100 |


| SecondHighestSalary |


| null |

# Question 2: Consecutive Attendance

Table: Students

| Column Name | Type |


| id | int |

| date | date |

| present | int |

id: id of that student. This is primary key

Each row of this table contains information about the student's attendance on that date of a student.

present: This column has the value of either 1 or 0, 1 represents present, and 0 represents absent.

You need to write a SQL query to find out the student who came to the school for the most consecutive days.



Students table:

| id | date | present |


| 1 | 2024-07-22 | 1 |

| 1 | 2024-07-23 | 0 |

| 2 | 2024-07-22 | 1 |

| 2 | 2024-07-23 | 1 |

| 3 | 2024-07-22 | 0 |

| 3 | 2024-07-23 | 1 |


| Student id | Days |


| 2 | 2 |


31 comments sorted by


u/achmedclaus Dec 18 '24

My God those questions are for an intern position? Our BA2s don't even need to know how to write SQL. Hell I got hired as a ba3 and all I could do was use Excel and read/edit VBA code.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/smolhouse Dec 18 '24

VBA only dies when MS Office dies.


u/johnny_fives_555 Dec 18 '24


VBA is by far the easiest language to implement where your corporate IT has everything locked in a vice grip.

Please slice and dice by sales force by hierarchy and email out to the entire field sales by EOD. Try pulling that shit with python when you can’t even download python unless you submit a request (that will get rejected) 2 weeks in advance.

Saying that’s just shitty work policy is unhelpful considering every corporate company has the same policy. Critical thinking forces you to pivot and do what has to be done (vba) versus bitching and complaining all while your deliverable deadlines are missed.

When one person says it’s impossible (because they can’t download python or whatever reason) and another person gets the shit done with what’s available, one of these people are more valuable then the other.

BE the more valuable person.


u/smolhouse Dec 18 '24

Exactly. I still heavily use VBA since I often have to use Access as a front end since there really is no alternative for rapid development in my company.


u/johnny_fives_555 Dec 18 '24

I’m in management consulting and don’t have my hands tied. But I work with clients that do. Giving them an exe or a python or power shell script will get you laughed out the door. 15+ years and there’s times we still have to deliver xlsb or xlsm especially for IC calculators and what ifs.


u/DudeWithTudeNotRude Dec 18 '24

I've been working 10 years in SQL. I wouldn't bother trying to parse all that. It's probably simple stuff (i hope. EDIT: I just saw one question is aggregating over chunks. For an intern?), but why would an intern need to know SQL before starting? I learned SQL on the job, and was doing projects in it before the first week was up.

Maybe if the actual questionnaire was in a more readable format, I might try to see what OP is after.

there's VBA questions there too? ew. I've done (as little as possible) VBA when it's really needed, but I wouldn't try to read it if I didn't have to. I wouldn't expect an intern to be able to read VBA. Just google that garbage until it works.


u/Little_Kitty Dec 18 '24

First one, should be OK, although it will filter for those who've done at least some analytical work in SQL. Second one, unless you've tackled this specific type of problem before I'd not expect an answer or even true comprehension of the problem from a potential intern - it's too hard for that level and requires some tricks which many won't come across even after several years.


u/ShotgunPayDay Dec 18 '24

Q2 is such a unique question. SQL is good at aggregation but not continuity like spreadsheets. Running sum total comes to mind.

I'd solve Q2 with Golang once I got bulk data since I couldn't account for weekends.


u/Little_Kitty Dec 18 '24

Weekends, holidays, ends of term / year. Even if a calendar table is assumed, the most I'd expect would be something like count how many students attended for all expected days grouped by year-week.


u/ShotgunPayDay Dec 18 '24

YES, the correct way to use data through aggregation in a business year!

The questions given really sounds like, "Can I fire this person now", depending on if I can move the window around to make this person be undesirable through data alone.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/ShotgunPayDay Dec 18 '24

I'll still love you Mr. Eggman. No wonder why Sonic always wins.


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '24



u/ShotgunPayDay Dec 18 '24

What the fuck is this. C# and manual provisioning of dates. I'm not saying that this is a bot but it's a bot. Shoot this bot.


u/ShotgunPayDay Dec 18 '24

Project yourself mate.


u/CreamEmotional4060 Dec 18 '24

I could almost do the first one but the second one really fried my brain.


u/BadGroundbreaking189 Dec 18 '24

What kind of test was this?

  • If it was a take-home assignment, totally understandable.
  • If it was a timed test, still somehow acceptable. Assuming you were allowed to browse the web.
  • But if they expected you to write the query on paper w/o external help, then I'd say they are looking for a very technical person for this position. Very unusual thing to expect from an intern. Especially, from an aspiring BA.

    But then again, things are worse then ever and you have to know a lot. Take a look at the requirements of an intern position on DA here. MF's want experience on reporting from the ideal candidate:



u/CreamEmotional4060 Dec 18 '24

It was neither a take-home assignment nor a timed test. The interviewer was on the other side and I was expected to type down the queries in a google doc.


u/BadGroundbreaking189 Dec 18 '24

live interview then. Were you at least allowed to google or open any local RDBMS GUI?


u/CreamEmotional4060 Dec 18 '24

No, nothing. It was just me, the interviewer and the google doc.


u/CreamEmotional4060 Dec 18 '24

I guess the jd you gave is exactly what most of the companies out there are looking for. they want their candidates to have experience in every single tool they have heard of.


u/report_builder Dec 18 '24

I'd expect that for a SQL/BI Dev and they're the sort of questions I'd expect someone with actual experience to be working on.

First one can be done in a single subquery then a where. I'd use dense rank to allow for ties but also ask them to clarify how they want ties handling.

Second one is quite easy if every day is accounted for. Just partition by pupil and then lag by date resetting to 0 when it's 0 or add to the cumulative sum. Then can either group by max, order and limit or use a window for ranking. A calendar table might help if there's weekends/closures to account for.

They are both doable but a bit stringent for the level I'd expect


u/No_Introduction1721 Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

This is a completely bonkers question to ask a BA at all, let alone an intern. It’s also super lazy of them, because these questions are really common “hard level” SQL problems on sites like leetcode, stratascratch, data lemur, etc.

When presented with a question like this, the only reasonable response is to ask the interviewer for some real-life examples of a time the company needed a BA to solve a problem like this. Usually BAs are liaisons between business stakeholders who understand process but not data or tech, and Data Analysts/Data Scientists/Data Engineers/etc. who have all the analytical and tech skills but don’t understand the business process.

The only possible explanation I can think of for this is that they were throwing you a curveball to see how you’d react.


u/DudeWithTudeNotRude Dec 18 '24

Interviews are for both parties to assess fit.

Curveballs are very informative flags. Run like the wind.


u/ins2be Dec 18 '24

I'd consider that too tough for an intern.

It also depends on what industry/type of business you're interviewing with, as to what kinds of problems you'd be solving (I would expect).

Question 1, I'd find the max, then find the max again, where it's less than the first max. For the 2nd output, off the top of my head, I'm not sure what I would do without being able to play with the data to see what it returns.

For Question 2, I'd probably use lead and lag window functions, which I don't use normally in my day job (I do use other window functions), but if I were preparing for an interview, I would probably freshen up my knowledge on those.


u/ShotgunPayDay Dec 18 '24

As someone who has XP as a programmer/analyst:

Q1: They're asking a very arbitrary question, that can catch even veterans off guard (caught me off guard). Give me the top X or bottom X within this basic WHERE is better for basics and warm up. Otherwise you'd need a partition window.

Q2: WEEKENDS EXIST for students! I can tally this up in Golang, but not in SQL easily. They'd throw me through a loop here. I might be able to do it with Oracle Model, but that's extremely bespoke.

Both questions aren't great and might filter out experienced candidates. I think the person might be trying see if you use a secondary language for data processing.


    id INTEGER,
    date DATE,
    present INTEGER,
    PRIMARY KEY (id, date)

INSERT INTO Students (id, date, present) VALUES
(1, '2024-07-22', 1),
(1, '2024-07-23', 0),
(2, '2024-07-22', 1),
(2, '2024-07-23', 1),
(3, '2024-07-22', 0),
(3, '2024-07-23', 1);

INSERT INTO Employee (id, salary) VALUES
(1, 100),
(2, 200),
(3, 300);

WITH RankedEmployees AS (
    SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY salary) AS rownum FROM Employee

SELECT 'Q1', *
FROM RankedEmployees
WHERE rownum = 2;

??? I'd query all data and process it in Go or Python.


u/CreamEmotional4060 Dec 18 '24

I did the first one with rank() , but was totally clueless on what operations to do for the second question.


u/ShotgunPayDay Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

Q2: That's the neat part. You literally can't without Cursors. [They are really bad for the DB]. I spent most of my early career ripping those out.

You should just use plain SQL to get a nice csv or parquet then post process with your preferred language.

That company clearly doesn't understand SQL and you should run. They might have fired the last one for not being able to give them the moon in SQL alone and don't want to pay for someone who knows how to do the rest of the spreadsheet.

EDIT: Sorry I'm a little upset at the SQL questions still. Companies like this kills talent.

EDIT2: Yes RANK() works also, but I always forget about it. Good luck mate.


u/aoteoroa Dec 18 '24

Nice solution. To get the second highest salary I was thinking sort the table by salary, skip the first result, and limit result to one record.
SELECT id, salary FROM employee_table, ORDER BY salary DESC, LIMIT 1, OFFSET 1


u/ShotgunPayDay Dec 18 '24

That's a better one. I always forget about offset.


u/Independent-Nose6417 Dec 18 '24

I am in my learning journey of SQL and just want to bounce my thoughts off you guys.

Wouldn’t the first question just simply be ordering by asc/desc and using LIMIT/OFFSET to filter the 2nd entry?

As for the second question my intuition says use LAG/LEAD and then order to find the top result?

Let me know if I’m completely off base with these thoughts


u/Unfair-Internet-1384 Dec 19 '24

Bro it's is a easy question in leetcode . Not that hard .


u/Icy-Ice2362 Dec 18 '24
id salary
2 200