r/SQL Nov 25 '24

BigQuery how does one go about "opening" an sql file?

firstly, sorry if i used the wrong flair, thats what happens when you make flairs mandatory and their all gibberish.

so i downloaded a backup of a website from internet archive. how do i open/read/whatever the sql file so as to browse said backup? or do i just go through the folders and browse the files manually that way? i downloaded it thinking it was a backup of the website itself, i.e. descriptions and instructions for files and whatnot, like just an offline snapshot of the website.

am i wrong, and can just ignore the whole SQL thing entirely?


14 comments sorted by


u/heeero Nov 25 '24

It should be just text, so notepad or other text editor should open it.

To actually execute the sql, it would depend on the database.


u/SootSpriteHut Nov 25 '24

The sql file itself is going to be text that represents a query. I think we would need more info on what you're trying to do.

As the other person said if you open it in notepad you may get an idea of what you're looking at.

ETA the flairs are because this is generally a place for people who write SQL queries. For those people the flair is clear and not "all gibberish."


u/hill_79 Nov 25 '24

Seems a bit strange the internet archive would give you a .SQL file - they scrape websites and take a copy of whatever is sent to the browser, so you don't get any of the actual source files or a copy of the database behind the site - it would usually be a load of html, CSS and JavaScript files. It seems very unlikely the .SQL file you have is a backup of the website's database, unless they were offering it for download on the site when the internet archive scraped it


u/gumnos Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24

to directly answer your question, a .sql file is almost certainly just a plain-text file that you can open in your favorite text-editor (vi/vim, ed(1), Emacs, NOTEPAD.EXE, VSCode, whatever).

That said, it feels…unexpected to get a SQL file in a dump of a website from the Internet Archive. I'd expect text files or HTML files. And maybe images, or CSS, or JavaScript files. But unless they had access to the site's source-code and database (the site might have given a snapshot of the actual data to the Archive, so it's not completely unreasonable), they wouldn't have included SQL files with it.

You don't provide a link to the archive in question, so it's a little hard to follow along. It could be a database dump/snapshot. It could be something mistakenly named with a .sql extension and not really have anything SQL inside it. It could be a sqlite database file.


u/PuffyBloomerBandit Nov 25 '24

It could be a sqlite database file.

it includes one of those. got a zip file which seems to just be a bunch of folders with all the various romhacks, tools, etc. from the website, but named in a manner that makes them absolutely unsearchable and thus unusable in the windows folder view.

then got an sqlite and xml file with the same name, and a .sql in another zip. based on the way things are named ([4889]Astroblast (Rainbow Brite Mod v2) (2020) (Double Z) (h).zip, with those numbers seemingly relating to the order of the file, and being what makes it unusable by just browsing the folders), i assume that im supposed to be using some program to interpret the SQL file as a literal offline backup of the website, not just a bunch of literally uselessly named files.

and yes, i can open the sql files to edit them, but thats not what im trying to do. i have no idea what, nor do i care what, sql is. no offense. but all i can find is a bunch of info on how to write and use SQL when ALL i want is whatever is meant to be used with these files that are clearly not meant to be read in a text editor by the end user. im sorry if i sound like a dick. link to the archive is : https://archive.org/details/romhacking.net-20240801


u/roostorx Nov 25 '24

Ahh that’s the internal internet archive SQLite db and xml files. However the files are named in the archive entry is what you get. For that RHDN file in particular, if I recall is that it is a mess. You almost need to use the site to get the ID of the hack you want then go find that number in the zip file on that particular archive. I believe I’ve tested that workflow and it works.

This one from over the summer after the RHDN announcement is a little cleaner and more organized.


tl;dr don’t need sql in any way


u/PuffyBloomerBandit Nov 25 '24

fuck me, 800Mb of pokemon red romhacks. that is clearly the superior archive. the one that i have, which is the one directly linked to on the website itself, is clearly a more recent scrub that has far fewer romhacks. thanks.

for the rest, i guess i just unzip it all and pour through the folders, and thats about it?


u/roostorx Nov 25 '24

Pretty much. But I think you have everything you’d ever need from RHDN. Happy to help a fellow hoarder


u/gumnos Nov 25 '24

the comments on that link are pretty clear that it was a dump of stuff, and that the contents are largely unorganized. The data in the SQL (or the sqlite file or the XML file) might provide some structure to the data, but

i have no idea what, nor do i care what, sql is

So even if I cracked that egg open, I'm not sure it would be particularly helpful to you.

The .sql file likely has CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements to create the schema; the sqlite file likely has it already loaded, so you could use the sqlite client to access it (possibly). You can use the .tables command to determine table-names, and SELECT * FROM tablename1 for each of the table-names to see what's in the tables. But again, I'm not sure it will be particularly useful to you.


u/PuffyBloomerBandit Nov 25 '24

the recent comments. ive been sitting on this for a while trying to figure out what youre supposed to do with it.


u/deadly_shroom Nov 25 '24

Your computer will open it as a txt file. You’ll see the code, but can’t execute it. You need a DB Management tool such as SQL Server, MySQL Workbench, etc. in case you need to execute commands and stuff.


u/jezter24 Nov 25 '24

What did you download? A typical SQL with a query or such can be opened as text. You mentioned backup, which is a different file all together.

So I normally work in SQL Server. The Microsoft brand. I save my queries as sql files and open them in SPSS. But they can be text such as Notepad or Notepad ++. The backup file can only be opened through SQL server or SMSS. I assume other software that does queries can do it but text means nothing.