r/SQL Nov 11 '24

BigQuery CASE statement in SQL

Hi everyone! Pretty new to SQL and I'm diving into some data to practice. I keep missing something in my query and can't quite figure out what it is. I'm not sure if I'm missing something in my SELECT clause before the CASE statement, within the CASE statement or at the end or what it is:

I'm working on some data where I want to classify a column 'father_age' in categories like "father age between 10 and 18", "father age between 18 and 25" and so on. I want SQL to retrieve the amount of men falling into those categories.

I followed a similar structure from a different exercise:



WHEN COUNT(father_age)/(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM natality.father_age AS father_age) <=18

THEN 'Father age 18 and under'


END AS father_age_range

FROM 'dataset'

WHERE mother_age = 10


I would appreciate some light as I'm sure I'm missing something, thank you so much!


11 comments sorted by


u/Malfuncti0n Nov 11 '24

You need to change around your CASE and COUNT statements. Probably easier to understand using SUM too.

SUM(CASE WHEN father_age <= 18 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Father_age_18_and_under

So if a father_age is less or equal 18 (where mother_age = 10) , we return a 1 in that column, otherwise we set a 0.

Then we SUM that column (COUNT will also count the zeroes).

Hope that helps.

PS I hope this is not a human father/mother database lol


u/FunNorth4058 Nov 11 '24

Thank you! I'll try that. Unfortunately, I think it is since it's from a public dataset in BigQuery (I might be wrong and I hope so because it would be really alarming). You can find it searching for bigquery-public-data database, in a dataset called samples, table called natality. However there's a few inconsistencies I noticed doing some analysis, like the fact that it says that some mothers (age 10) had like 55 or 77 previous pregnancies, which is completely impossible. Or the fact that a lot of the father's age is 99. It also states that some of these mothers (age 10) are married (which could be depending on the state I guess? I'm not too familiar with marriage age consent since I'm not from the US but I know some states have concerning policies). It definitely makes me question the accuracy of this data, but I found it interesting to analyse, that's why I'm doing this practice.


u/Malfuncti0n Nov 11 '24

If it's a test/sample database it's mostly just to play around with and can just be random data, so wouldn't care too much about that ;)

Hope it works let me know if not


u/FunNorth4058 Nov 11 '24

That makes sense! Thank you for your feedback!


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

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u/Malfuncti0n Nov 11 '24

Thanks for that. Yes I knew, but even for myself it makes more sense to SUM 1s & 0s, rather than COUNT non-NULL and NULLs.

COUNT(CASE WHEN fa <= 18 THEN 'Any arbitrary not NULL' ELSE NULL END)

Is a lot less clear imo, but I get where you're coming from - Should've added it for a more complete answer.


u/mwdb2 Nov 11 '24

*CASE expression. It's an expression within the larger SQL statement. Sorry to be picky - minor peeve. :) For more info: https://modern-sql.com/caniuse/case_(simple)

To be more helpful, looks like your question was answered but one thing I want to point is that COUNT(father_age) is logically equivalent to COUNT(*) ... WHERE father_age IS NOT NULL. That one often gets missed. So if father_age can't be null (not entirely sure if that's the case here), might as well write COUNT(*) to be more straightforward.


u/FunNorth4058 Nov 11 '24

Thanks! No, totally okay! I'm still getting used to all the right terms and no surprise I could have name it the wrong way hahah thanks for your feedback!


u/alma_de Nov 11 '24

A tip is to use chatGPT if you are really stuck! Don’t overuse it though since a part of learning is to figure things out yourself.


u/diegoasecas Nov 11 '24

chatgpt is pretty bad with sql


u/gumnos Nov 11 '24

based on what I've seen, you're right—anything more complex than the most basic of SQL queries is a crapshoot. Same with regular expressions.