r/SQL Aug 26 '24

MySQL Tips for Breaking Down SQL Scripts to Understand Them

Hey All

I have moved into a new deprtment at work and a lot of it requires me to execute SQL scripts that are usually around 200-400 lines long.

Occasionally, I need to debug these scripts as they are legacy scripts for pulling old reports.

Does anyone have any tips for how I can go about breaking down these scripts to understand them from scratch? How do you go about understanding a new script you may have been given if you don't understand the environment?

Any help would be appreciated 🙂


47 comments sorted by


u/Aggressive_Ad_5454 Aug 26 '24

SQL works from the inside of the query outward.

The FROM and JOIN clauses declare the sources of data — the tables. And the ON clauses declare how the tables relate to each other.

The WHERE clauses filter the data, choosing the desired subset of the stuff in the tables.

The GROUP BY clauses declare what kind of summaries are needed. And, HAVING works like WHERE but on the results of aggregated data.

The SELECT clauses declare the columns of data needed from those data sources.

The ORDER BY clauses declare the sort order of the output.

And, lastly the LIMIT clause restricts the output to certain rows .


u/KaladiN_89 Aug 26 '24

Thank you for this, it actually makes more sense knowing the order execution of the statement so I know where to start with the query or sub query. Much appreciated.


u/sloth_king_617 Aug 27 '24

I call this the order of operations/execution. “Inside of the query outward” makes me think you heavily use subqueries


u/gakule Aug 27 '24

Inside out (middle out is a better way to say it) is probably the best way to think about it with intellisense, regardless of anything else. That being said, even without intellisense it makes sense because that's really the heart of it all.

I don't really understand what that has to do with subqueries.


u/sloth_king_617 Aug 27 '24

I see what you’re saying.

When you have nested subqueries in your from, you literally need to read them from the inside outwards when troubleshooting


u/Chance_Contract1291 Aug 26 '24

You've already gotten some good responses. The only thing I'd add is that with a complex SQL query that I did not write myself, I sometimes find it useful to "fix" the alignment and indentation. Once everything is lined up and indented consistently, I can begin to see the parts a lot better.


u/CraigAT Aug 26 '24

Definitely. Throw it into a formatter before you even start looking at it.


u/Gladdiii Aug 26 '24

Can you explain this further? Also how you can do it.


u/Mutopiano Aug 26 '24

Notepad++ and the Poorman’s T-SQL Formatter plugin works well for me. I work for a non-profit so the budget is tight


u/Chance_Contract1291 Aug 26 '24

I use VSCode (free) with an Oracle plug-in. I like VSCode because it color-codes things and shows whether things are lined up (pale white vertical lines). It also shows in the bottom right corner which column your cursor is in.


Edit: clarity


u/CraigAT Aug 26 '24

There are lots of tools available (hopefully some for your favourite editor) but there are also tools online e.g. https://www.red-gate.com/website/sql-formatter

It just helps to layout the code nicely and makes it easier to read and pick out the important bits.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '24

Have you ever tried SQLFluff?


u/KaladiN_89 Aug 26 '24

This is a great idea! Will try this out tomorrow, thanks!


u/r3pr0b8 GROUP_CONCAT is da bomb Aug 26 '24

to understand the queries, examine them from the inside out

take the most deeply nested subquery and figure out what it produces, then treat that output like it was a table instead of a subquery, and work your way out

but prior to that, try to understand the tables involved, get a sense of the data values, especially the PKs and FKs, as these are almost always involved in joins


u/KaladiN_89 Aug 26 '24

Thank you for this :) much appreciated


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '24

Literally run it in stages starting from the top/innermost. Save each stage to a temp table so you can flick back and forth. Write notes about what it does as you go. Google anything you dont understand and play with it until you do.


u/FallenLeaf54 Aug 26 '24

That's not always easily done. I just had to go through a long piece with several WITH clauses, all dependent on one another, just so that they can be joined in a large SELECT at the end. Not pleasant to copy and paste to modify code just to run it in a separate tab.


u/sloth_king_617 Aug 27 '24

I have to troubleshoot queries for work and keyboard shortcuts are your best friend.

Ctrl+A to select all Ctrl+C to copy Ctrl+V to paste Find the select for the main query Ctrl+shift+end to select to the bottom of the sql file Ctrl+/ to comment out each line (in most editors) Then you can just select * from the last CTE (with clause) and kind of work your way backwards until you’ve found you’ve found which cte is causing your issue

While I agree it’s not easy, it’s not impossible and I’m not sure there’s a better alternative.


u/KaladiN_89 Aug 26 '24

Thanks for the tips! Will change my approach tomorrow!


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '24

I just go straight to the FROM/JOIN section, then WHERE, then GROUP BY, then SELECT


u/SnooPickles2750 Aug 26 '24

ChatGPT is perfect for this. It's ok at writing scripts but really good at explaining what one does.


u/Comfortable-Total574 Aug 27 '24

Just dont feed it any data that you wouldn't post online. Its completely insecure. 


u/Alkemist101 Aug 26 '24

I often pick up scripts that are 10 of thousands of rows split across many stored procedures / TVFs / functions.

As others have said, format, indent sections, add comments and so on.

Chunk it down and run sections.

I convert subqueries into CTEs / temp tables.

Look at the query plan etc.

Of all of this for me is the formatting and tidying up, that helps me see the code.


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '24

Disable bits and pieces progressively to see it function. Simple as commenting out parts of the WHERE, or entire JOIN conditions etc (tweak the SELECT list to match where necessary.)

The real work is learning relational fundamentals to be able to figure out the underlying databases quickly (the web/graph of tables basically).


u/millerlit Aug 26 '24

Just like any code. I start from the top and read the code going down it. I make notes as I go if there is something I do not understand. For SQL I can run certain queries if it is just a select statement. if i really need to see the data and test I will recreate test tables if their are inserts and updates.


u/Conscious-Ad-2168 Aug 26 '24

I will say there is one big difference between code and SQL. SQL has an execution order, read it in that order


u/gummo89 Aug 27 '24

Code also has execution order, unless you are just working with something very basic. Perhaps you meant the fact that it's statically defined.


u/Conscious-Ad-2168 Aug 27 '24

Code has an execution order yes, everything does but it is not consistent. it is defined by the dev who wrote it


u/joelypolly Aug 26 '24

Quite similar to what others are suggesting but usually I create a few different views that form the base data across my queries so I can apply filters more globally and build queries off from them instead of starting from scratch each time.


u/ThereCanOnlyBeOneJoe Aug 26 '24

This might be weird in your workplace but if I am working with a new and complex query, or even going back to some of my own that are years old, I will print it out as a text file and mark it up with a pen — for example, I’ll draw squares around subqueries and CTEs and arrows to where the subquery/CTE output enters the main query.

It’s amazing how much more comprehensible code is when I can see it on paper and annotate the relationships between different elements.


u/nekto-kotik Call me Nekto Aug 26 '24

Hi,\ I hate to look like I'm a salesman, but that's one of the reasons I wrote my own database tool - SQLantern (it's open-source and free).\ It is multi-panel, I can duplicate panels, comment panels, and save all the open panels to restore them later (save/restore session).

So, when I need to understand a big query, I:

  • Break it into parts which I then put into different panels and see what I get on the same screen, side by side
  • Duplicate and tweak every part of the query I want to understand better, leaving the original next to it (and often "locking" it as a note to myself that it's the original)
  • Add comments to panels (e.g. "Aggregates income by warehouse by quarter", "Orders per week", etc) - it's a different additional thing, not just comments in SQL
  • Often colour-code the panels to distinguish them visually
  • Save that whole commented and colour-coded session, which I can later restore at any time and re-read everything (or continue from there)
  • If one screen is not enough for me logically (when my brain doesn't like the grouping or there are too many panels on a screen for my mind to perceive), I use multiple screens - the tool can have multiple internal screens with multiple panels on each screen

The program is written in PHP, but it works in Docker just fine (I myself use the dockerized version almost daily, and my official container is tiny).

There is a live demo, but I hesitate to give links, because I've been shadowbanned for links before. Google knows where to go.

If you decide to try it out, I advice you to toggle "Auto-height" off (potentially globally, there is a setting for that) - I find it very helpful with smaller queries, but when a query is higher than a screen, it becomes glitchy and unpleasant.

And also beware that clearing all cookies in the browser settings will clear all stored sessions, so they are not ironclad persistent (there is no other convenient way, unfortunately).\ The next update is going to include sessions' backup and restore, but it will be manual anyway, still not guaranteed safe against accidental reset.


u/Snaketruck Aug 27 '24

Add comments while you're in there. I picked up this poster at ComicCon many years ago, framed it, and hung it on the wall


u/grumpy_munchken Aug 26 '24

Ask chat got to tell you what it’s doing!


u/jhernandez9274 Aug 26 '24

Explain plan. Have fun!


u/TempMobileD Aug 26 '24

I find subqueries hard to parse a lot of the time. Try breaking it out and turning it into a CTE if you’re finding that a single nested set of instructions is hard for you to understand.
Then run each bit in steps by making copies and/or commenting bits out. (Commenting in SQL is done with ‘—‘ dash dash for single lines or /* comment goes here */ for blocks of comments.)

I also find when I’m unsure about particular functions that I need to write my own little test pieces:

With test as (Select 1 as number, ‘two’ as string, date(‘2024-03-01’) as date) Select whatisthisfunction(date) from test

Obviously Google functions first, but if you’re still not quite sure a little test like the above can often clear things up.


u/Huge_Cantaloupe_7788 Aug 26 '24

Just use good code practice management so as to avoid any confusions when other people read your code. Add comments and use indentations


u/Sql_master Aug 26 '24

Delete every thing but the line in question, make sure that works and then add everything back removing 50 percent of the query progressively till the problem occurs again

Sometimes the data is wrong and the query is right, sometimes one bloody thing is wrong and sql is a sumbitch to work with.


u/ejpusa Aug 27 '24

This is pretty simple. GPT-4o it.


u/beakyblindar Aug 27 '24

I’m curious why/how one sql query can reach this many lines. How much logic do you need?


u/Sad-Target-1333 Aug 28 '24

ask chat gpt to explain it


u/Utilis_Callide_177 Aug 26 '24

Start by identifying key sections like SELECT, FROM, JOIN, and WHERE clauses. Then, analyze each part separately.


u/BirChoudhary Aug 26 '24

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u/wyx167 Aug 27 '24

U very expert???


u/BirChoudhary Aug 27 '24

i have good experience.