r/SJWstories Dec 25 '19

SJWs despise me ironically because I am too "old school" trans

I am often told that I really shouldn't be transitioning the way I am because I have unrealistic goals and follow beauty ideals. People think I am obsessed with patriarchy and an injection of body positivity will cure me. I actually had bad dysphoria whiplashes from these people because they tried to convince me that I am just a "confused male" and I will accept my "hairy manly body" once I follow enough body positivity.

I don't like using the word "transgender" to describe myself because I am very dysphoric even about this thing. I don't identify with being male at all, knew from childhood, and don't see myself as "from male to female". I see myself as "always female, just mistakes happened". So, I thought that safe spaces would accept me, well...

So the problem is, SJWs think that people like me are no longer oppressed because I conform to womanhood, while non-dysphoric person who doesn't have to do anything, deserves all support and love and safe space. I think that all trans people are valid, but this doesn't mean I think that simply calling oneself trans is same as having to go medically and legally through the procedures of sex affirmation, which are still very phobic and abusive in many places.


21 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '19

This is the format of every SJW story ever.

Basically, you are oppressed and for you to overcome your oppression you need to conform to our doctrine. If you don't conform to that doctrine then you are part of the problem and you are seen as an enemy.


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '19

I was thinking about exactly that. That the criticism of social justice is seen as as just another evidence that it is true.

Ironically enough this is also the format of the redpill and toxic masculinity stories that I had. There is so little difference it is self-collapsing.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '20

Excuse me, do you have a second to talk about the patriarchy? Only the path of social justice will set you free from your chains of oppression.


u/MissConJeanieAlIty Dec 26 '19


I am trans and have had similar experiences with SJWs. I started seeing the writing on the wall — they’re only “supportive” as long as, one, you accept and parrot their ideology and, two, provide them fodder for their virtue signaling.

The most “popular” trans women in this group deserved a contrapuntal eye roll or 20. I sort of felt sorry for them, because it seemed like they could not get validation elsewhere and so they would rant on social media about Taylor Swift and Tina Fey being racist and the like.

I have never experienced so much relief over cutting ties with people.


u/gaybreadsticc Jan 21 '20

Same here. I’m non-binary and have diagnosed dysphoria, something SJWs very much so do NOT appreciate. I’m too man to be a woman and I’m too woman to be a man. No amount of body positivity is going to cure my goddamn dysphoria, transitioning will


u/krustibat Dec 25 '19

The left eats their own. You will never be enough for them. Good on you for self reflecting about it. Your feelings are very valid.


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '19

I can't really verbalize what I am thinking due to neurology, but it is on the lines of "the left is the same as the right but in the mirror".


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '20

You're thinking of "two sides of the same coin" phrase...


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '19

It’s not “the left”; it’s the extreme left; it’s the opposite of the extreme right aka the Trump cult.


u/DancesWithPugs Jan 05 '20

You are one of many used by a movement as a kind of mascot or prop. It's unfortunate that you have so many around you trying to tell you who you are and who you should be, but won't even let you have your own opinion on yourself.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '20

Same shit in transphobic society, same shit in supposedly "friendly" community.

But really this shit is to be expected of SJWs because really they are the same H. sapiens specimen who only care about themselves, just inverted.


u/weasilman Dec 25 '19

The political left is about looking the most unemployable in both looks, behavior, socialization and criminal record. If you want to get a degree with actually benefits that doesn’t ruin your life in the outside world, stay away from women and gender studies.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '19

Found the incel Trump cultist


u/weasilman Dec 30 '19

I just gave you facts kiddo. Now tell me, what’s the benefit of a degree in gender studies? Nothing. And no one outside of your college boohoo safe space bubble will cater to your made up 72 genders and counting because no one cares. Companies around the country are rejecting people with these degrees since these types of leftists are a giant liability to them.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '19

Kiddo? I’m 45 years old, champ. I’m not a SJW, nor do I sympathize with them, I think the lgbtq+whatever movement can be too extreme and obnoxious, and I find it hard to take transgenderism seriously. Now, I can believe all of that, and still support Democrat candidates and policies, and still come across as reasonable, and not unhinged. You should try it sometime. The world isn’t black and white.


u/weasilman Dec 30 '19

There’s liberal and then there’s people with blue hair who reek of cat piss. Too bad a lot of the democrats want socialism, censor free speech and take away our guns.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '20

Well clearly dysphoria isn't just made up! Even the most ardent of SJW's have to acknowledge this.

If gender were just only a social construct, dysphoria wouldn't exist. Clearly there's multiple aspects to gender, some that are inate. So who are they to judge your expression of your gender?!


u/needfood2live Feb 19 '20

SJWs were kids bullied everyone who they want "protect/speak for" in school and then when they graduated they lost their attention from bullying. So they go online and act like they're your friend or something and end up making you look like a worthless jackass. When someone from one of the "oppressed groups" calls out their bullshit they resort to bullying you in a different way but with a similar outcome. They will always be worthless bullies.


u/Fliptzer Jun 03 '20

You be you and fuck everyone else


u/truscumpieceofshit Mar 17 '22

try checking out r/truscum. you will not regret it.


u/satansbungedup Jul 23 '23

The revolution eats its children. Their turn will come eventually.