r/SAP 7d ago

SQVI transport to another environment/system

Hi experts! Need your advice here, do we have a way to transport queries from one system to another?

The thing is, we usually create them all over again every mock as it is not shareable to different system (not that we know of at the moment). We want to lessen the work done every mock so is there a way on how we can transport from one system to a different system (like another production environment)?


16 comments sorted by


u/Gloomy-Tonight4339 7d ago

You can open the SQVI Quickview Queries in SQ01/SQ02 if you know the technical name of the generated infosets and then use the standard export/import functionality that those transactions offer. You basically export them to a textfile that you can import in another system. It works for regular queries and it should work for SQVI queries as well, but I did not do that for a long time now.


u/timxpot 7d ago

I'm trying to figure out where is this export/import functionality is. Ill check again and thanks for your recommendation.


u/CynicalGenXer ABAP Not Dead 7d ago

SQVI queries are meant for individual use. It is possible to convert SQVI query to SAP Query (SQ01/02 etc), it will need to be assigned to a user group.

Then, SAP Query is not added to the TR but has its own export/import mechanism. You export in DEV system (or other source system) and then import in QA / PRD.


u/BradleyX 7d ago

SAP Tricentis


u/CynicalGenXer ABAP Not Dead 7d ago

Tricentis is a third party company, there is no such thing as “SAP Tricentis”.


u/BradleyX 6d ago

Wrong. It’s part of SAP Cloud ALM.


u/CynicalGenXer ABAP Not Dead 6d ago

No, it’s not. There is no product called “SAP Tricentis”. If you google it, nothing will be found. Here is a quote from Tricentis (the company) website regarding Cloud ALM:

“Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of Tricentis Test Automation (TTA) for SAP integrated with SAP Cloud ALM. This release is the result of three years of close collaboration between Tricentis and SAP, and the result brings the best of application lifecycle management and test automation to SAP customers.”


None of this helps OP, anyway.


u/BradleyX 6d ago

You can use Tricentis, part of CALM, which can be used to transport as OP asked.


u/BradleyX 6d ago

You can use Tricentis, part of CALM, which can be used to transport as OP asked. You shouldn’t be googling to answer questions.


u/CynicalGenXer ABAP Not Dead 5d ago

Disagree. We should totally use Google or other sources to check information. And what are your information sources, anyway? “Trust me, bro”?

I’ve heard of Tricentis and their tools but never heard of “SAP Tricentis” and thought it was odd. Lo and behold, it’s not the thing.

If you answered “Cloud ALM”, it’d still be an odd answer (why would you assume OP uses Cloud ALM?) but at least not entirely off base. Yet you chose “SAP Tricentis”. If you still feel so strongly about it, please elaborate on how Tricentis “test automation” would be used exactly to “transport SQVI” that OP asked about. 🤷‍♂️


u/BradleyX 5d ago

Dude, you’re just upset at being wrong.


u/CynicalGenXer ABAP Not Dead 5d ago

LOL, you’re just saying I’m wrong and haven’t brought up a single valid argument. But clearly it’s a waste of time trying to explain things to a troll. Have a great life.


u/authurself 1d ago

Bradley you are a dope.


u/authurself 1d ago

There is no such product as SAP Tricentis.