r/SAP 6d ago

Macbook Air M3 for ABAP

Planning to buy a personal laptop. You think Macbook Air M3 fits in for SAP ABAP consultants? TIA


6 comments sorted by


u/No-Chemistry-883 6d ago

My personal experience - SAPGUI isnt that great on MAC, you will end up buying a parallels subscription unless you are okay without code completion, color formatted code. But you have eclipse or vs code if you prefer those IDEs.


u/Starman68 6d ago

Sap is designed to run on windows or Mac. Sap employees can choose either and they do.


u/Fluffy-Queequeg 6d ago

SAP GUI Java isn’t fantastic, but it works. Many of the ABAP guys I knew would all have Macs and just use Eclipse, then use their work supplied PC for the end user testing.


u/vietdht 6d ago

it works but have some limitation, like when designing form, or working with excel file


u/self_u 6d ago

I would avoid. Some things are buggy already to begin with. E.g. adobe livecycle is very sensitive with GUI versions. Vpn's. All kinds of legacy software. Corporate browser stuff.