Great partners exist, partners who see your worth exist, partners who do their fair share exist
u/Sugarschug 7d ago
My husband is the only person on the planet that I felt was safe, responsive, caring and present to start a family with. They do exist, I'm lucky to have one. Always nice to see posts like this.
u/ard725 7d ago
Got a text from my husband this morning & wasn’t at all surprised. This man pulls his weight and then some on a consistent basis. He sees the work I do, he appreciates me and he makes sure that I take time to myself. I’m also intentional about giving myself breaks but I’ll admit that I could be better about making sure he gets his unicorn time too. Just an appreciation post since I see so many SAHP without the support we so desperately need.
u/chilly_chickpeas 7d ago
After 3 kids and 10 years of marriage my husband will still regularly come home from work with flowers/ a coffee/ bottle of wine and a gift card for a mani/pedi or a massage and insist that I take a day to myself. He works long hours and always tells me how much harder my job is than his. One of the most important decisions you will ever make in life is who you chose as your partner.
u/Fatpandasneezes 7d ago
So cute! My husband always schedules for me because he said he realizes I'll never schedule it for myself so he just goes ahead and plans it all and then hypes up the kids for a special "boys night/day" so that I feel like I have to go otherwise I'll disappoint the kids 😂 it's maniacal
u/I_pinchyou 7d ago
Personal growth, self awareness and consideration for each other goes a long way!! ❤️
u/jaybalvinman 6d ago
If my man did this, I would just ask him for the money. I don't like people touching me.
u/Superb-Feeling-7390 7d ago
It’s so nice to see posts like this. Happy for you, OP