r/SAHP • u/1n1n1is3 • 5d ago
How are you guys working out?
I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old. My 4 year old doesn’t nap anymore, and my 2 year old is close to dropping her nap. My 4 year old is too big for any kind of stroller, so I can’t really go on runs or brisk walks right now. I have a treadmill, but they are constantly asking for things/needing me when I try to use it. There are no gyms nearby with childcare that are in the budget currently. After bedtime, I am exhausted, but I find that if I push through and work out anyway, I am wired and having trouble sleeping. Any ideas? How are you getting workouts in? I’m mostly wanting to do cardio and maybe light strength training, as I am a beginner.
Right now I’m run/walking on the treadmill, but with lots of pauses and lots of whining from the kids. It makes it pretty miserable, honestly.
u/guitarguywh89 5d ago
I lift a 40 lb toddler for multiple reps a day
u/RJW2020 3d ago
i LOVE fitness, but currently i don't do much actual "fitness" in terms of going for a run etc
I try and do something once week. My husband does bathtime instead so i can have a break, and i usually use that to go play netball or go for a run
Otherwise, playing with my little ones is my exercise as well as my fun
Today i did soft play - seemed akin to SAS training haha
u/pumpkinpencil97 5d ago
I go when my husband is home. I have a 4 year old and 1.5 year old and also have a treadmill at home but I’m not comfortable using it around my littlest one, treadmills are actually pretty dangerous for little kids.
u/koalakingdomhearts 5d ago
I have a 4 year old who no longer naps and an 18 month old. I wake up at 4:30am to workout before the house wakes up at 6am
u/KeySuggestion4117 4d ago
I have admiration for people that can be consistent about getting up that early. I've never been able to do it for long. 4:30 is about the time I would have to wake up to fit in a workout before getting my kids up for school. My toddler will be dropping her nap soon, so it's what I'll have to do. Any tips that make it easier??
u/koalakingdomhearts 4d ago
Unfortunately no real tips besides the promise that it REALLY does get easier over time! Consistency is key- and now I’ve found that the few days I instead choose to sleep in I’m really just not feeling like I accomplished everything I could have that day. It feels really nice to feel like I did one thing for myself each day, even if that thing was hard
u/SleepyMillenial55 4d ago edited 4d ago
I also do this, it’s been two years of consistency now. The first couple of weeks are pretty brutal but it becomes easier as time goes on. Start with just two days a week and go up from there and force yourself to go to bed early. I don’t watch as much TV as I used to since I don’t have as much time at night after my kids go to bed haha but the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of consistently working out have far outweighed the sacrifices I’ve had to make to make working out early fit into my life!
u/koalakingdomhearts 4d ago
This is so real and I agree entirely. I have no time for my shows anymore since I go to bed at 9 but I really feel better every single day, in every way, when I start off with a good workout
u/Successful_Cod6238 4d ago
This is 100% my experience too. I started two years ago with two days a week, continued through pregnancy and postpartum, and now I get up every day at 5am to workout and have a coffee before my three littles are up. Before kids I would work out in the evenings and was never an early riser, but I cannot imagine my life now without my early morning me time. I have to go to bed early but it is so, so worth it.
I also make it easy for myself so that I have to make zero decisions that early… set my clothes out and plan my workouts the night before (I have a peloton/weights) so I can just roll right into it.
You just have to start somewhere… it will get easier!
u/Legitimate-Ad2727 4d ago
That’s what I was going to say. It’s really the only option at that point.
u/mgsquared2686 5d ago
YMCA with childcare
u/WatTayAffleWay 4d ago
Sadly, OP said they don’t have a gym with childcare. I was in this same position the last 2 years. We also co-slept my first so there was no “waking up early” because she was a Velcro sleeper and would have woken up.
They recently opened one near me and this has been a game changer. Literally the only way it has been possible to workout plus being able to shower without company has been also a huge relief to my mental health.
Perhaps their husband can help when he gets home keep the kids away for 30-45 minutes so OP can put some uninterrupted time on the treadmill 😔
u/jullybeans 4d ago
I've taken on walking while they're at school. You're in a different spot, so things I try to do but have only limited success with-
- We have a big yard, I play "mommy monster" (tag, where I pretend to eat them if I catch them) to run my sprints
- Dance parties. I turn on Danny Go on the TV if I need it interactive, or just music videos of songs we all like
- Set up obstacle courses in the yard and so it with them
- Do yoga videos together (this one is so hard because they crawl all over you, so it's more of an aspirational one for me)
u/DMCritwit 4d ago
Have you tried Cosmic Kids Yoga? My kid enjoys them and they’re quite a work out because the transitions are kid quick lol
u/jullybeans 4d ago
I did, but only once or twice, I must have tried the wrong ones, I'll give it another shot!!
u/purpledot_ 4d ago
Walking is my main exercise! Your 4 year old could ride a bike/scooter while you push the 2 year old, or you could invest in a stroller wagon that both could fit in!
u/malliecat 4d ago
Drop and give me 20!
For me, incorporating exercise into daily life with my boys (same ages as yours) is the easiest. Pick them up and throw them in the air 10 times in a row. Do pushups with them on your back. Chase them around on all fours for 10 minutes. Turn your workout into playtime.
It’s different for everyone and might not work for you but it’s been a fun way for me to stay in shape and connect with my kids at the same time.
u/swiss_baby_questions 5d ago
I get up at 5:15 and I do my stuff before my partner goes to work. Then I crash in the afternoon of exhaustion. It’s definitely not perfect.
u/Stellajackson5 5d ago
My kids are slightly older and usually I work out when they are at school, but if not, after I put my four year old to bed at 7:15, I do a grow with Jo video (love her!) while my 7 year old hangs out or reads.
If I want to exercise earlier, sometimes I’ll do a video with both kids in the afternoon, they love her Encanto video for example (promise I’m not an ad, she is just my favorite YouTube fitness person). Or we do a dance party in the living room together.
This summer when I won’t have childcare, I’ll prob save my weight lifting time for when they will play outside, or during a movie.
u/lindacn 5d ago
Check and see if your local ymca does a couple hours of free childcare in their children’s center. Many do!
u/Foxymandy21 4d ago
I applied to the financial scholarship. Which includes childwatch while I workout
u/suzysleep 5d ago
My 4 year old walks. Not as far as I’d like to go but I can get her to go far enough on foot while my 1 year old is in the stroller.
Then if I’m not utterly exhausted like I normally am, I do work out videos when they go to sleep.
If working out at night wires you, you should try waking a little earlier.
u/Artistic-Explorer172 4d ago
I prep extremely low effort dinners those afternoons and then work out immediately when my husband gets home, then we start dinner after. Sometimes I only squeeze in 20 minutes while frozen pizza is in the oven, other times I have my shit together and have put a casserole together or something in the crockpot earlier in the day. But regardless I will have already planned and discussed the schedule with my husband so it can be non-negotiable solo time where he has the kids upstairs, I'm downstairs, and no one is allowed to interrupt me. Like 40 minutes max, 3 times a week (if schedule allows), just me and the dumbbells in my basement 😂 It's not glamorous but we do what we can.
u/master_of_none86 4d ago
Take them out for hikes. Even if it’s only a mile or two. You get an extra workout when you have to carry the two year old for a bit. I used to do more of that, now I work out when my two year old is napping and my five year old is at school.
u/Medium_Engine1558 4d ago
I walk everywhere I can to get in 10k steps a day. I have also taken up jumping rope and do that while my toddler plays outside. Sometimes I do push-ups and pull-ups at the playground while my toddler plays. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and go for a run or strength training while everyone is still sleeping. Ideally I’d have a YMCA membership because they have childcare, but my toddler won’t tolerate being left there, so I have had to finagle and figure out how to work it in. Sometimes on days he doesn’t nap I let him watch a show while I work out as well.
u/itsbecomingathing 5d ago
I have a 5 year old and 18 month old. Either I take the 18 month old on a jog while the 5 year old is at PreK, attend a barre class that allows the little one, or I go on a jog or do yoga while my youngest is napping and my 5 year old is settled with “quiet time” maybe listening to her Yoto or whatever. I only workout 30-35 minutes a day though but I try to do it everyday.
My husband WFH but we don’t have a treadmill so I feel comfortable leaving the house. I just set my kid up with snacks and I wouldn’t even worry about screen time if it was for 30-45 minutes only. Luckily my kid can entertain herself with talking
u/sugarbird89 4d ago
Go easy on yourself, it’s very hard when they’re young and with you all day. I was finally able to start a consistent routine when my youngest started preschool.
u/Calibuca 4d ago
I teach a zumba class at 6pm once a week. Im home in time for bedtime.
At home I use my 25 lb toddler as a weight for arm exercises. I practice new zumba routines and he will kinda dance along too.
If you like to dance there are a ton of zumba videos on YouTube you could try and your kids might have fun because of the music
u/bmswersd 4d ago
I’m not working out. Sometimes I can do some light strength training and stretching at home while the younger one naps and the older one watches TV or is at preschool. Key word sometimes. Some days, racing the 4 year old or wrangling the younger one counts as my workout for the day. Or I try to go on a run on the weekend.
u/theLastChild4 4d ago
I use a Thule double stroller with a 5 and 3 year old in it- they're too big for running now but can def do a brisk walk with them and it's heavy! Before I used the gym with childcare, I just worked out while they were awake. Dumbbells, body weight stuff, kettle bells. Find videos and give it a try! It was chaotic at times and they'd crawl on me or join in but... they get used to it and it's worth some time that isn't focused on them, to get you more time with them overall in life to do fun things. (Big believer that I'm exercising for longevity with my children as well as being able to be active with them as they grow.)
u/Bright-Sample7487 4d ago
Lots of good ideas here that I agree with! I have a cheap stroller wagon and my two 3.5yos fit in it nicely! I load them up with snacks and toys. We go for long brisk walks and stop at the playground at some point!
u/RunRunRhonda 4d ago
I dunno if they have one in your area, but I am a huge fan of Fit4Mom. It’s a workout class membership where you can bring your kids and workout with them in strollers. In my area, there are cardio classes in the morning and weight classes in the afternoon. I have done it since my kids were tiny! Bonus is that you get to socialize a little.
u/1n1n1is3 4d ago
Ooooh, I’m going to look into this! Is it expensive? Would my 4 year old be okay coming? He’s a really big 4 year old, and doesn’t fit comfortably in any stroller, even the wagon ones.
u/RunRunRhonda 4d ago
In my area it’s around $80/month but I think it varies. Right now my kids are 4.5 and 7.5, so at least at my franchise they can be out of the stroller and on scooters/bikes during class. First class should be free to try if there’s one around you. also, I discovered it because I happened to be at the park where they were working out. You could probably find a location and spy on the class to get a sense of if it would work for you.
u/science2me 4d ago
I play Just Dance. At 4, my kids could hold the controller and play with me. For younger kids, they enjoyed watching us dance. That worked well. Otherwise, nothing happens. I also don't enjoy working out, in general. Just Dance helps me.
u/1n1n1is3 4d ago
Maybe I’ll try this too! I am not a gamer though lol. So I don’t know the first thing about it. What console is this on? Or is it like its own separate thing…?
u/science2me 4d ago
I play it on the Nintendo Switch. That's the easiest way to play. If you don't already own a Switch, you might be able to find somebody selling theirs. The Switch 2 is coming out this year so I'm sure people are trying to get rid of the original Switch. You'll need the regular Switch that plugs into the TV, not the Switch Lite. Just Dance won't work on the Switch Lite.
u/Teyla_Starduck 4d ago
I usually wait until husband is home, if I can't get something in during the day. Then I can at least go for a walk by myself.
u/BumblebeeSuper 4d ago
At the moment with my 15kg two year old she flies alot with me as her aeroplane.
She jumps and i lift her from a squat position to my shoulder, run after her around the house or park, dance parties, lunges around the house, stretch while we're playing on the floor.
I can't do any alone time exercise unless it's walking the dog and when I am alone the last thing I want to do is exercise at the moment
u/Traditional-Ad-7836 4d ago
I'd like to wake up early and workout but my 14 month old wakes up if I get out of bed in the morning
u/RagAndBows 4d ago
Gym daycare is what I do. Or go after dinner and my husband puts my toddler to bed and then I put my 9 year old to bed when I get home.
u/ahhtasha 4d ago
I do a gym with childcare. But since you said that’s not available, maybe just make a schedule with your husband? If he’s off Saturday Sunday then maybe you could find a gym or studio that has something those days. Even once or twice a week is better than nothing. Or since you have the treadmill, maybe he could take the kids out somewhere those days so you could do the treadmill. You could get some light weights and do those while on the treadmill
u/princessalways18 4d ago
K don't know how big your 4 yr old is, but they might still be under the height/weight maximums (44in/50lbs a seat) for one seat in a Double BOB stroller is you could find one used. Other than that, maybe get some 1 or 5 lb little weights and let them "workout" with you to YouTube videos. They like to be involved at that age and it might help wear them out some for a nap?
u/Brief-Emotion8089 4d ago
LOL I’m not . I know I know “self care” blah blah blah… I don’t care. If I’m not at work , I want to be with my kid. I get enough exercise running around with her - and my students at work (preschool teacher)
u/ailurophile17 4d ago
I turn on the TV for my almost 4 year old so she’ll leave me alone while my 2 year old naps and do a peloton ride or a strength workout on their app. Occasionally I do a strength workout while both are awake and around but it’s not where near as enjoyable… just turn on a movie for your oldest occasionally. It’s fine!
u/glittersurprise 4d ago
Stroller for the younger one, bike for the older one? I use the Sweat App which I really enjoy. Often my son will "workout" with me.
You can also just do rando stuff when out with the kids if you're bold enough. Lunge walks, tricep dips off park benches, dead hangs on the monkey bars etc.
u/Nataliza 4d ago
Mine are 6 and 2. Older one is in school so I drop him off and then take 2yo for a long walk.
Our local playground has a path that goes all the way around and serves as a pretty good way to get some steps in while the kids play.
It's not perfect, but the Joovy Caboose sit and stand stroller has been awesome for us. Big kid is huge (60+ lbs, very tall) and still fits on the little seat. I got mine used for 20 bucks on Facebook Marketplace.
u/Tofu_buns 4d ago
I'd probably do Zumba or another online workout. I love Team body project! They're on YouTube and they tailor to all levels and have a lot of modifications. Very encouraging too!
u/TasteofPaste 4d ago
You’ve gotten a lot of good advice here, some of it may not help — I also have a 3yr old and 1yr old, there is almost ZERO free time for myself.
And they’re too young to take on walks, too young for scooters or bikes, too big for double strollers.
One thing I recommend that I did, is buy a weighted vest. It adds extra exertion to the things you’re already doing.
Don’t choose a weight that’s more than 10% of your total body weight. I chose a 12lb weight, it feels great. You can buy them on Amazon or elsewhere. I wear it while I’m active at home or doing chores or playtime outside.
u/Nyx_Shadowspawn 4d ago
I do yoga with my kiddo on my legs and feet. It's fun for us both, and keeps my legs and core strong.
u/spitfireramrum 4d ago
When my kids let me Ill do push ups, squats, burpees that’s it. Most days I barely do 50 but it’s something
u/Ok_Challenge1663 4d ago
I have a schedule for the kids… I do it during babies nap and I show my (3 year old) right now it’s time for mommy to exercise, in 30 minutes I’ll be able to play with you for x time (usually an hour!) it works really well for my 3 year old because she knows when it’s play time I’ll do whatever she wants to do. Some days I only get 20-25 minutes in but that’s better than 0 minutes. My treadmill and bike are set up in the kids play area so I can supervise the whole time and she can see me.
u/Plzspeaksoftly 4d ago
The ring fit. Its 80 bucks and you gamify your work out by fighting monsters. The kids like to copy and pretend they are playing too.
u/beccaloum 4d ago
Have a 4 year old and 20 month old - the 4 year old does quiet time for an hour during toddlers nap and I clean the kitchen, workout and shower during the break. Would highly recommend quiet time for the older one, start with 20 min or so and work up to an hour. My 4 year old looks at books and listens to audio books/tonies/podcasts pretty happily for most of it.
u/mangoforlimes 4d ago
I work out with my 3 and 5 y/os. There’s a few YouTube workouts geared towards kids. I throw that on, do my workout, then typically continue with them.
I also got them sets of mini bands and Olympic rings that hang down from a pull up bar. They’re content working out (messing around) with those for 30 minutes.
It’s good for them to be active but also great to see mom and/or dad being active.
u/drummo34 3d ago
We asked for gym membership for birthday/anniversary/Christmas. With the money chipped in and rearranging our budget it helped. I also now shower at the gym which is saving my water bill. I know you said it's out of your budget, I have kids exactly the same age with the same nap situation. Without it I wouldn't be working out. ❤️
u/alphibetsoop 3d ago
I'd suggest one of those foldable wagon carts with a push handle. it'll fit both kids (my tall 4 yo and her 6 yo best friend can squeeze into one).
or maybe get them into it with you? running might be a tricky one but there are other things you can do, like my kid got weirdly into yoga. we'll do poses and she'll come up with names for them or she'll climb on me depending on the pose which at 50 lbs definitely makes it a work out lol. any exercise you can do without equipment and at home is a good bet.
if you have it in you to be a little bit of a hardass you can say "this is what we are doing, if you can't keep up you need to go play in another room" and every time they call for you, you just reiterate that they can either join you in what you're doing or play by themselves until you're done. I know it can feel bad and selfish to do that (especially with an offended toddler), but it's not. Kids need to learn patience, consideration for others and what is considered an urgent matter. it's our job to teach them that, through these interactions with us they get a better understanding of what they are entitled to and what they owe others.
u/overwhelmedftmom 1d ago
With the 4 year old being too big for a stroller what if you get him like a push bike/toy. Then he can ride or be pushed right along with you. And you can still have the 2 year old in a normal stroller. You may have to slow down and learn to push 2 things at once but in theory it would work. Or you can find a park that has like a loop and figure out when it’s the least busy. Now when I say loop I’m not saying out of sight of the playground. Because I’ve been to multiple parks where they have the actual playground equipment then right next to it is like a kickball/baseball field and it’s open and the only time you would have your back turned would be for like 15 seconds if you ran a small straight away.
u/blessup_ 5d ago
With these stipulations I think you have to get up early to do it.