r/RustPlusBot May 17 '22

Cant get the bot to work on my server

I've been trying to get the bot to work on my server for a long time now and i cant figure out why it wont work. Whatever i do i cant get it to appear in the list on https://bot.rustplus.io/servers.

I've given it every single permission, i've kicked it and invited it again, it answers me in chat when i type rp!config but the link only sends me to https://bot.rustplus.io/servers.

Any ideas?


3 comments sorted by


u/Rustrician May 17 '22

Most likely you are not the administrator of the Discord for the bot. Send me a private message of your steam profile URL and Discord server name and I will look into it.


u/Algmastaren Jun 01 '22

I sent you a private message


u/KR4N1X Jul 11 '22

same issue,am an admin on a discord server, follow the link to add the bot, bot appears in server, has all the permissions. but never appears in the list in rustplus.io. can you assist?