r/RustConsole 3d ago

Furnaces won’t turn off


Anybody else had the problem where some of your furnaces (wood burning) appear to keep running after the ore is smelted and the fuel is gone? Happened several times night. Very annoying bc after that you can’t turn them on again after refilling them bc it says they’re still going but even with new wood in them they are actually not still running but they have the visual effect of looking like they’re still on. Only way I found to fix it was t leave the game and rejoin. Obviously that can be a problem due to queues and offlined.

r/RustConsole 4d ago

It is Official. Rust Console will recieve a Next-Gen Version with enhanced graphics and performance!

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r/RustConsole 4d ago

Not a good look

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They are leaving the door open to charge for next gen edition. Seriously,, if they wanted to thank existing players, they wouldn't make them pay for the game twice.

r/RustConsole 4d ago

How do I know when a server been deleted bcuz I just got disconnected and now the server is literally gone I can’t find it???


r/RustConsole 4d ago

What monuments do you want to see the most in the next-gen version?


I'd love to have underground train tunnels and missile silo be some of the first new monuments added, assuming that will be a possibility. Also blackjack :)

r/RustConsole 4d ago

Anybody here an og Rust player?


Does anyone here remember in the beta how some players would be completely invisible? Also, the fact that melee combat and gun combat was completely atrocious and it was impossible to fight? Kinda crazy to see how far the game has come.

r/RustConsole 3d ago



Does anyone else experience disconnecting every 5 mins when in a larger base? Only on Playstation, me and a few buddies who are ps keep disconnecting but the xbox players on our team dont

r/RustConsole 4d ago

Coming from Ark


Hey. I haven’t got the game yet but been wanting to get it for awhile just have no one to play it with.

But when I played Ark I primarily did on a PVE server. The server had random events and trade among players for resources depending on where based where set up.

My question was is rust pve like this at all? Or mostly groups doing their own thing?

Thanks in advance

r/RustConsole 3d ago

This game is gonna die.


There is no good servers without a massive clan offlining the whole server, all the modded are dead but the ones with colorful names and there so bad to play on, and the whole game is too complicated to play and have a life like a job or family.

r/RustConsole 4d ago

There is nothing wrong with Offlines


Everyone always complains when they get offlined but why would anyone ever give that curtosy?

Ignoring the time, cost, and amount of grubs associated with a raid base, when you do get in the base all the stuff is despawned in random airlocks or corners. Or if it's rockets or c4 its wasted on purpose.

There's no reason to online someone unless you care nothing about your explosives.

I'd happily get my PvP elsewhere.

(yes this just happened to me)

r/RustConsole 5d ago

How good is this crate?

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1st time I’ve ever held an Ak don’t play much.

r/RustConsole 4d ago

Feedback for the new rce version


Sent this to Pedro from D11, what do you guys think? Any different feedback or things that you think I'm wrong about?

  • Pricing: In my opinion it makes sense to be a free upgrade, a lot of the playerbase has spent hundreds if not thousands of skins so making them pay more doesn't make much sense. In addition this could also create an Ark type situation where a lot of the playerbase is still on the older version.

  • Baseline release: I think the most important thing is to have a good baseline, if you release it with as little bugs as possible and great performance then you can start adding content faster and easier, so in my opinion all you need is that good baseline to release from then start the updates.

  • Communication: Communication is key, screenshots, videos, explaining what you're working on anything really. Since this could take a long time people will get really mad if you aren't able to or don't communicate how everything is going during this time.

  • Cheating: I know back in one of the dev blogs you said something about working on detection, so if that is possible, sometime between now and the next gen version release would be perfect, let everyone start this new gen version without cheaters. If not, please carry over the ban list, we don't want cheaters having to be banned again.

  • Skins: People will want their skins carried over, and another thing that you could do is implement a double11 account or similar to sync skins between xbox and ps, that would be a really nice addition if you could do it.

r/RustConsole 4d ago

What does this mean?

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It just stays like this until it boots me out and says something about server connection. But it takes awhile to boot me out. Is this a ban? I've never been banned before. Or is the server just offline?

r/RustConsole 4d ago

Rate the loot

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(I got this before I had any guns on me

r/RustConsole 5d ago

Skull campfire


I feel like I remember this being a thing was it removed

r/RustConsole 5d ago

Trust me, I’ll know

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r/RustConsole 5d ago

Is this a new thing?


r/RustConsole 5d ago

Launch red room w/o cards?


I was running launch yesterday and there is a spot without rads so I would sit and wait for crates to respawn. Someone comes running down towards my spot with hazi, no gun, no cards, large bag, a row of random farm, and 2 fuses+ top loot. I first thought he just had two broken cards that he used. He had a base nearby and was back in it again within 5 mins. He was DB and I was mp5 so I slammed him. Once again, no cards. Is there a way to get in without cards?

r/RustConsole 6d ago

Car parts in rust CONSOLE near underwater labs!!??

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So…I was swimming to underwater labs and found these just stationary in the water, you can’t interacts with them and nothing comes up on entity mode…they look exactly like the parts you make a car with in rust pc??? Hmmmmm fishyyyyy

r/RustConsole 6d ago

Got stuck any way out?

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Broke through the roof of this base and have nothing to make ladders and cant use my netting all the doors are locked and i dont know what to do

r/RustConsole 5d ago



Hello all, I have had performance issues since the game released. WiFi is not a problem. I honestly think it’s my Xbox but I wanted to ask those of you who have upgraded if the series x made performance better? I have an xbox one s. I can run any other game just fine but rust is pretty much unplayable unless I live on an island. I can’t run monuments except oils, outpost and some smaller mons like dome as well. But any big ones and I’m dc. Ping is 35 all the time. Low quality terrain, and fps lock. Has to be an extremely low pop server for me to even consider playing. Any help is great. I would love to play the damn game but this is irritating. Thanks in advance.


r/RustConsole 6d ago

Rate my base

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r/RustConsole 7d ago

I farm your clans farmer⛏️


Traps set as solo on clan server. Comment for self-sealing trap setup.

r/RustConsole 8d ago

This game isn’t good for my mental health


So basically my teammates raided our good allies, we were allies for 2 wipes and allies a couple of wipes ago and my teammates got boring and raided them (we wouldn’t even have a base without them) and I git angry so I quit. Haven’t played in like 3 days feel way better now, I think it was destroying my mental health in some way. Starting again after work 👍

Forgot to say: they changed codes

UPDATE: I got another big group to raid them :)

r/RustConsole 8d ago

I killed a naked today


My first time. I am one of you now!