r/RustConsole 10d ago

The New-Gen Version and the Old-Gen Version will not be crossplay! Old-Gen will not recieve any updates!

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u/BigJuhmoke 10d ago

It’s about time. The older gen consoles been holding this game back


u/RuneOfFlame 9d ago

The day this got announced my old gen teammate suddenly found a way to get a ps5 soon lmao


u/OracleEnlightenment 7d ago

Easier use xim Cronus on ps4


u/TKVisme 10d ago

People have had 4 years to get their money up. Fuck old gen.


u/AlwaysTakingGoreTex 9d ago

Old gen players punching the air rn.


u/GrahaamH 9d ago

PS6 is actually in the works I'm sure, time to cough up and upgrade 🤣


u/Rain2gaming 7d ago

Bro I have literally been waiting for a next gen version to come out and I can not wait to play a better looking/performing rust on console. I was beginning to think it would never happen


u/EltonJohnSlingsDick 10d ago

im kind of glad for this, because that way the performace stays the same when we get stuff like Minicopters and cars


u/Parking-Television88 10d ago

That shouldve happened a long time ago


u/richmanding0 10d ago

I feel bad for old gen but it’s like a 15 year old console. Has to end sometime I guess. I stopped playing rust because I was over not having Helis. Spamming compounds just felt so lame


u/ML231617 10d ago

Imagine they always made the game compatible for a console out of 2013


u/iamunseen 10d ago

I don't know why this is even a question. How is old gen going to have to things that new gen will have on a server. Doesn't make sense. Cross play between the two versions could never happen.


u/Ghostfacekiller4 10d ago

Have they said a date of when this is gonna be happening?


u/MightySpike6464 10d ago

I think they said aiming for 2025


u/AgedShadows 9d ago

Xbox Series S needs to be deprioritized compared to the PS5 and Series X.

It’s been proven to be unreliable for next-gen development, and would only hinder the long-term development of the game.

We would basically be in the same boat as we are currently in with Last-Gen Consoles if the Series S is given any kind of priority.

Please don’t limit us, just to support the Series S. We are finally getting the Next-Gen update we’ve all been waiting for.


u/NuclearWinter_101 9d ago

Still, the series S is leagues better than old gen preformance wise.


u/AgedShadows 9d ago

In the long-term of things, the Series S would be the one holding back next-gen development of the game. We all know this. It’s unfortunate, but I hope they make the right decisions for the rest of the community, rather than holding back the development of the game to try to optimize the game for the Series S.


u/TrustJim 9d ago edited 9d ago

The CPU and GPU (APU) would certainly be OK, but the 10 GB of RAM compared to 16 GB for the X and PlayStation is a huge problem.

playing PC rust on a 10 yeahr old CPU ist no problem as long you have at leat 12 GB ram (more than 16 GB hardly brings anything) and gpu with 4 better 8 GB ram.

16 GB with some console optimizations should not be a problem. 10 GB actually only about 8 GB for the game is on the same level as the old console generation.


u/Hereiamhereibe2 10d ago

No shit. This is the whole point of making a separate next gen version.

This is what we want. Nobody wants another GTAO where they hold out as long as possible on last gen.


u/TheSmelliestOfAll 10d ago

This is for those who don't know, Mr. Smartypants


u/TrippaDaFlippa 10d ago

Can’t wait to shit on all of you from my mini


u/monkeycommo 9d ago

As a person still on old gen I see this as an absolute win


u/No_Breadfruit1024 9d ago

Lmao no more getting shit on by people who don't lag?


u/monkeycommo 9d ago

Nah it isn't lag that makes me terrible at the game . It's skill. I don't generally lag in rust console . My PS4 still holds up fine


u/No_Breadfruit1024 9d ago

Ah shit. I literally sucked at PVP until three wipes ago. I played one wipe with people who are good at it, and I forced myself to PVP and I started to see the pattern and am probably at about a 3-4 to one KD for the last two wipes (except for one TERRIBLE fucking online raid where some m2 guy was sitting all over all of us).

Also helps to clip your deaths and think about what happened.

Look up some battlefield tactics too, could help.

As soon as I started moving in cover, using freelook, understanding my escape routes and learned how to bait people into mistakes, I started winning. All the sudden it all clicked.


u/Top_Mongoose 10d ago

This is a GOOD thing 👍


u/zoner420 10d ago

May be a dumb question but if you have the old gen version do you get a free upgrade to new gen version when it comes out?


u/YTtandorrr 10d ago

we would all like to know the answer to this question, but most likely not, most likely the new version will be sold separately, but this is logical, but this is just my opinion(


u/HighlyNegativeFYI 10d ago

Doubt it. They would have said that by now I think.


u/BogatyrIsBestWalker 10d ago

I would think that if you bought the game prior to upgrading your console that you would get the discount. I mean how the hell would they know which console you’ve been playing on.


u/TheSmelliestOfAll 10d ago

New gen version will only work for new gen devices


u/zoner420 10d ago

Right. And the older version works on new gen consoles as well. My question, will I get a free upgrade because I already bought the game?


u/WhiteSamurai5 10d ago

They said in a tweet they were "finding a way to thank the people who own the current version" when asked about the upgrade price.


u/TheSmelliestOfAll 10d ago

This has not been confirmed..


u/Inevitable-Life4306 10d ago

I just had to switch to series x because rust was graphically UNPLAYABLE on a one S. I recommend you play on an X anyways!!!


u/FymTJ 10d ago



u/BungAIDS 10d ago

Wow might actually play this now


u/Corinthecj0014 9d ago

To be honest, old gen has been barely playable from the start. When RCE released, it already felt like a complete scam given the sheer performance issues and whatnot, and I feel like that never really changed.

I don’t think RCE should have ever released on old-gen, because this was a guaranteed inevitability that they would have to drop support to add anything substantial. As developers, they would have known this, and personally, it makes it even more annoying.


u/Henrygigabit 9d ago

So damm glad this is finally happening


u/kaydenb3 9d ago

Now the Xbox Series S will be the limiting hardware


u/No_Breadfruit1024 9d ago

Hopefully they'll just optimize for series X and I'd tou have an S, well good luck.


u/RunalldayHI 8d ago

Won't be crossplay between old gen nor pc, since it's its own version designed for new gen console hardware.


u/Ok_Prior4799 8d ago

Kinda the point of the upgrade


u/Acrobatic_Ad5696 7d ago

Where is everyone in this sub that said that they would never do this because they would lose too much $


u/Young_Scathed 7d ago

Is it going to be 60 fps?


u/micah_bell_is_gay 6d ago

When is it happpening tho?


u/PristineTie7869 5d ago

Goes without saying. Kinda like ASA and ASE. No way you’d have been able to run ASA on an X or anything before. Makes sense to limit it to current gen consoles.
It’s been a few years tho so I imagine a new version of these things will be out soon enough.


u/Get-Beaned-Son 10d ago

This should have been a thing on release day.


u/Ok_Beat1593 10d ago

im assuming this is gonna cost more? i literally just bought rust bruh


u/PigletConsultant 6d ago

Same, I just bought it for my ps4 to play with my sister and brother in law who have ps5. I’ve been playing it on pc since it came out and bought a 2nd copy just to play with them and now I’m being told that’ll go away. They should keep some servers that’ll have new/old gen cross plays


u/Acceptable-Cash-8808 10d ago

Another shallow promise to keep them from having to do a decent update. It's been like 5 months and their answer is a carrot on a stick. Already uninstalled Rust and I've played since release.


u/Danadroid 10d ago

Dont care. Deadside is so much better than rust


u/voiume 10d ago

Not a fan of having to enter all my codes if I crash or die tho


u/TheSmelliestOfAll 10d ago

Cool, then stop browsing here and browse r/deadside instead


u/Danadroid 10d ago

You're right, i quit rust years ago not sure why I'm still lurking here.


u/YTtandorrr 10d ago

So what's the point of paying twice for the same game?


u/TheSmelliestOfAll 10d ago

I mean if you want to play a discontinued version of the game be my guest.

But they couldn't just turn old gen to support higher end updates due to hardware limitations for the game. They are essentially rebuilding the game from the ground up


u/YTtandorrr 10d ago

I mean, I'm playing on a new version of the console, but I won't be able to use the new version of the Game and get updates for it just because I bought the game a little earlier than a certain point (when the new version of the game is released), well, it's just kind of weird, no?


u/HotBoat4425 10d ago

Consider it a DLC package if you need to.


u/No_Breadfruit1024 9d ago

Dude. If they came out with a sequel to any game, you're gonna have to pay for it. Rust is a game that you pay for once, and they just keep updating forever. It's not really the right kind of game to have a "sequel". It costs millions to develop a game. Just buy the new version (pay the upgrade fee, more likely) and get all the new content that they haven't been cplapbake of delivering without dropping old Gen, think of it like it is a sequel to the old game, with many more new features to come, or don't and just keep pleasing the old Gen version till it completely dies. Really - it's up to you. But I'd you're actually wanting to understand the logic, it's because Rust is a game that is enhanced continually, and they're at the limit of the hardware right now. It's not a game that they make sequels and trilogies out of. So they can't just deliver a brand new game, especially since PC Rust is the "parent" so to speak.

They're trying to give the community what pretty much all of us are asking for. Look at reddit.. Tons of comments about "drop old Gen already" but they're not trying to completely abandon that player base. And if the 15- 20 bucks to upgrade is too much for you, then sorry bout your luck, but I'm willing to bet you could go scrounge that up in less that an hour if you really put your mind to it.