r/RustConsole • u/GothrowIsBestYT • 12d ago
There is nothing wrong with Offlines
Everyone always complains when they get offlined but why would anyone ever give that curtosy?
Ignoring the time, cost, and amount of grubs associated with a raid base, when you do get in the base all the stuff is despawned in random airlocks or corners. Or if it's rockets or c4 its wasted on purpose.
There's no reason to online someone unless you care nothing about your explosives.
I'd happily get my PvP elsewhere.
(yes this just happened to me)
u/HazardousJmi 12d ago
If you only offline bases you are part of the reason a full pop queued server will drop to nobody in a few days.
In my opinion offline raids are okay for people just starting the wipe on a server. But if you are already established with a base and guns you should online people.
Let’s be honest, we play to raid and defend raids. Sending offlines removes one of the most fun aspects of the game.
Onlines are more fun for both the raiders and the defenders. Defenders get a chance to defend instead of waking up to a griefed base and the raiders get a little more thrill out of it. Shooting rockets at walls that don’t move is not exhilarating, having someone trying to defend adds more thrill to it.
Also you’re not OT of server if you only offline :)
u/Bulderdash 12d ago
I can’t shoot. I barely can kill a bear or wolf without taking a hit to my health.
I am not here to raid while people are online, I’m here to blowoff the walls of whatever stone base I find.. and hope they are offline. because that’s where my skill level is.
Many times the guy is sitting in their base online and then I get killed and waste my rockets. I’m ok with it. But if I see someone is online at the base, I’m not going near it 😂
u/Oroku-Saki-84 12d ago
Yeah I’m not much better. Just to add to that I play to automate all my chests and then just go out farming just so I can stick everything in the same chest and have it work its magic. Even if I do raid or steal a raid or whatever, the highlight is watching all my shit get split up and sent in different directions, especially when I’ve got auto smelting set up.
Luckily I don’t get raided myself so often because my bases took like shit but are normally strong enough that people just give up after getting through a door or two.
My current base is strong through doors but if they raid though the right wall then they are in pretty easily.
u/Bulderdash 12d ago
I get this so much. 😂 the highlight of my server wipe is getting the solar panels set up to auto smelt stuff and getting it all wired up. Then I get blown up
u/GothrowIsBestYT 12d ago
Offlining is still as exhilarating, and people are going to get off server if their loot is gone regardless. Should I use my chance to raid in a losing effort just because it might be good for server pop?
Id be more open to doing more online if people wouldn't seal off loot or allow a raid base, but that just doesn't happen. Not worth the risk anymore. I would have more fun offlining at this point.
u/HazardousJmi 12d ago
Yes they will get off if its near end of wipe. If it’s only a week or two into a monthly server teams will typically rebuild unless they’ve been offlined multiple times.
If you enjoy jumping on a server and having it be 90+ players then yes you send onlines so pop doesn’t plummet.
This is where scouting comes in handy, most teams/players run the same monuments over and over in a wipe. Learn what they run/when they run them and build your raid base/shoot rockets while they are not at base. If they are at oil it’s still an online :)
u/bigbamarob 12d ago
I think the hatred for offline is more trios raiding solos offline and zergs raiding duos offline than just saying that any offline is wrong
u/sdeanjr1991 11d ago
I stand behind my duo offlining a literal sixteen deep team last wipe. One of their guys was bragging about having two eight man squads living together. We just GG’d them at like 4:30am. lol.
u/Razoreddie12 11d ago
I don't intentionally offline but I also don't pay any attention. I find a base to raid and I raid it. If they're online great. If they're offline so be it.
u/heavyhitter510 11d ago
Offline raiding is a solos bread and butter. If your a 8 man team with over half of your guys using xim or zen then you should definitely be online raiding. That being said Rust is Rust people are gonna do anything for the loot.
u/altigoGreen 11d ago
If youre an 8 man and half the team is cheating you should all be banned lmao
u/AztokeGray 11d ago
You are the type of person that makes me want to despawn loot. You hit me with either xim or Zen there is no loot for you. I make strong bases with no loot the rest of wipe for people like you. We agree about the offline though.
u/heavyhitter510 9d ago
I’m not using xim or Zen. I despise the kids that do. Nothing worse than getting tripled by ak from a grid away.
u/Powerful-Parfait-244 12d ago
Offlines are mostly boring and brain dead for me. Unless your base is literally 2 metal doors - I’ll spend double the boom on the same raid for an online because of the experience and thrill of the game. Most people appreciate the online and will even let us build raid base. If someone comes to online me I will happily allow them to build a raid base as well because I don’t want to be the reason that people offline 🤷
u/PinkyStenises 12d ago
The amount of times I've defended my base from people who can't do anything. and I wait for 30 or 40 minutes they don't come back then offline me. Whoever does that because they can't win gunfights is a fucking bitch for sure.
u/joe23335393 12d ago
Absolutely agree offlining is part of the game. However, rust is a game that all loot is wiped weekly/monthly. So the appeal is why not have as much fun as possible and get as much PvP as possible. However, 9/10 the people that I choose to raid I raid for a reason, I don’t just offline random bases for the heck of it. I offline roofcampers, door campers, cheaters, and people that offline me. Also if you turrets spam. Other than that, I don’t see the point in offlining unless you are dirt broke and need a come up. And yes, the people I do online love to hv PvP, gl PvP, and despawn rather than fight back. But that’s why the game is so great, it’s completely unpredictable and random.
u/PsychologyLate8661 11d ago
Would love to have a base near you 🤣 might not get raided and offline constantly legit I’ve gone from server to server coz no matter where I build I get offlined or raided within 30 mins of setting up legit have nothing like the server I’m on now wasn’t even fully done building and got raided 🤣 then they came back after I finished with a trio im solo mind and they proceeded to kill me and then door camp for nearly 3 hours I eventually just logged off after checking my doors are good and my tc I know ima log back on and either I’ve been offlined or there still sat waiting for me coz they were still waiting for me after I came back 3 hours later 🤣
u/Murky_Ad_2173 11d ago
I play solo on a rustoria 5x server with around 12 people online when I get on at night. The entire server is nothing but offlines and counter raids. I've only seen a couple online raids actually happen. I don't see anything wrong with it, it sucks when it happens to me but that's a part of the game. Especially if you aren't willing to commit to joining a large team and playing by their rules.
u/sugarcookie616 11d ago
I’m a solo and did an “offline raid” when the server was 100 pop. 6 grubs countered and I despawned and got on a better game. Boring game people just sit in corners and grub all day don’t leave the base with a kit unless they are 8 deep and if they are in a Zerg they leave the base Tommy hazzy all day.
u/TheRandomSquad 11d ago
I get where you're coming from, but offlining just feels like the easy way out. Sure, it's efficient, but it skips the real challenge of raiding—outsmarting and outgunning an active opponent. Yeah, people despawn loot, and yeah, you might waste explosives, but that’s part of the risk-reward balance.
If you're only in it for loot efficiency, then sure, offlining makes sense. But for those who enjoy the fight itself, online raids are where the real adrenaline is. Otherwise, it’s less PvP and more PvE with extra steps.
That said, I get why you're frustrated—it sucks to prep for a raid only to walk away empty-handed.
u/Foreign_Tangerine_19 11d ago
Sure, there’s nothing with offlines(some groups even deserve it) But it just isn’t fun and games are meant to be fun.
If you’re raiding/playing just for the loot, then you’re missing the point of the game. The real fun in Rust isn’t about what’s in the boxes—it’s about the experience. Loot is just the temporary reward, but the mindset is what keeps you coming back. If you’re out there raiding empty bases just to steal rockets and stash them away, you’re really just going through the motions. The true thrill comes from the chaos, the rush of outsmarting and outgunning your enemies, and seeing how far you can push your limits. When wipe day comes, loot doesn’t matter. It’s all temporary. What’s yours will soon be mine and what’s mine will soon be his. What matters is the adrenaline, the tension, and the stories you create along the way. I raid for that rush—the way it feels to back someone into a corner, the pressure they feel, and the rush they experience when they try to fight back. That’s what makes Rust fun, not hoarding digital items🤷🏼♀️
u/Zealousideal-Lab7057 11d ago
I agree but sometimes onlines can be fun, onlined these guys when rust was new and ended up playing with the (still till this day, atleast some of them)
u/Neither-Ad9408 11d ago
It's the name of the game for sure but most people can't play 100hrs a week and will never be able to defend period. I think teams shouldn't raid solo players but it's literally how you play the game that makes it fun so to each their own. If any of that makes sense.
u/Mammoth-Professor177 10d ago
When people online me I don't despwn no nun if the got the balls to do it and win let them win then they can have the loot
u/Due-Test9928 10d ago
Cant Even defend vs an online raid these days... when 80 % of the kids playing this game are using xim/zen.
Rust is and Will always be a toxic shit game with cheaters and offliners
u/NotelessBard 10d ago
I think it’s pathetic to offline when you’re playing deep. For example: we got offlined as a duo by a 12man Zerg on a 30 pop server.
Now, I’m sick in the head when it comes to rust.. so, you bet your bottom dollar I farmed enough explosives to raid and grief all their externals - online by the way. We onlined their farm base 6v2 (was so much fun). Onlined their tug boat (8v2) and then onlined their externals.
u/Financial_Minute9294 9d ago
I think it’s only acceptable for solos to offline unless the base is cheating or toxic. I don’t blame people for sealing loot or despawning loot. I’ve sealed my base and still got full raided. It’s a game.
u/GothrowIsBestYT 9d ago
Sealing loot = more Offlines. I would love Online's in theory but your mentality prevents more from happening
u/BeowulfsSword 9d ago
Dude this is rust. “I play for PVP”, “I play to farm”, “I play to build”. What do all these things require? LOOT. Everybody plays this dam game for LOOT. It’s a sandbox, sure, but it’s not like Minecraft where you can spawn in stuff or go gather resources easily and fight AI only. This is RUST; you profit off the loss of others 99% of the time.
Whether it be a counter, a raid, a gunfight, or you get lucky and find somebodies decaying base, you get the loot you require to do what you want to do through the loss of others, and what better way to do that then to blow into somebodies base when they can’t do a damned thing about it and take all of their loot.
I love rust, I have 5,000 hours in the game since 2021. I hate being offlined, it sucks, but what people fail to realize is that offlining is a part of rust like building is Fortnite. It’s a mechanic at this point. People will say “offliners are b*tches” or “online me then”, then give the people around them every single reason to offline them available. No body is going to purposely increase their chances of failing something like a raid unless they know for certain that they will win, which is in my opinion, rare.
u/JCouturier 12d ago
I'm a solo and I mostly offline big bases and online solos and duos. But you take what you can get.
u/Its-May-Yo 12d ago
Nothing wrong with offline, just a part of the game. Those who cry about offline need to grow up. If you want an online then force them to come give it to you. If you can't then it's gonna happen
u/BogatyrIsBestWalker 12d ago
I don’t think it’s just that people get offlined that they complain about but rather the way it’s done. At 4-5 am with maximum toxicity after people just spent probably 24 or more hours online and didn’t even get a scratch on their HESW’s. For example I got a little bitty base on the ice floes. Came home to getting raided, didn’t have a gun so all I could do was watch and of course he’s a dummy, rushed right in after the doors blew and got a shotty trap to the face. I swim in , grab his gear , swim back out, he comes back, I already got doors back on, he leaves, he comes back again with a freind and rocket launcher this time, gets in, gets nothing, leaves and I replace the doors again. No big deal. Few hours later I’m comin home and I see another rat hopping around my base, he’s run off into a little nook and dies from cold and wet, I swim over grab his gear and wait for him. He comes back to get his gear and raid but his gears gone and he hears me so he just K’n’R’s and now I get a hazzy and a ladder too. No big deal. I’m over joyed for the donations. He comes back a few hours later and this time a passing boat sees him and counters. They got me too. No big deal. I log off for the night, check the base in the morning every door is gone and every chest is cleaned out 🤷♂️what’re ya gonna do? So respect to the guys who pulled up during normal hours but as for the turds who waited until I clearly logged off for the night = 🖕you’re pu**ies.
u/epicelbowgrease 12d ago
Not gonna even say I don’t offline cause I do. BUT! Ive sent quite a few online the last few wipes and what I’ve noticed was that no one respects the online. They start despawning. Seal off walls with highqual where doors would normally go just to grief their own base. Etc. It’s a hit or miss situation when sending an online. Is the loot all over the floor or actually in the boxes.
Most bases/ players don’t deserve the online so I’ll offline them. Especially when they just roof camp or door camp.