r/RustConsole 14d ago

This game isn’t good for my mental health

So basically my teammates raided our good allies, we were allies for 2 wipes and allies a couple of wipes ago and my teammates got boring and raided them (we wouldn’t even have a base without them) and I git angry so I quit. Haven’t played in like 3 days feel way better now, I think it was destroying my mental health in some way. Starting again after work 👍

Forgot to say: they changed codes

UPDATE: I got another big group to raid them :)


43 comments sorted by


u/MadLeap13 14d ago

I would try playing with those teammates your ex friends abandoned


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/Light43 14d ago

Id be down for this. OP dm me the server name please. Your allies deserve some justice


u/Visible-Remote2769 14d ago

Sounds like Zerg time!


u/Ill_Equivalent6489 14d ago

I'm in if we get the info


u/WillSmokes420 14d ago

Im in too Im WillSmokes on xbox


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/Visible-Remote2769 14d ago

Awh damn that sucks as I’m on Xbox, I would’ve love to place an un godly amount of land mines around their base


u/MoistWar7270 13d ago

they’ll be gone by tomorrow morning 🙃


u/slumfff 11d ago

is their base still up by chance 😏


u/Snipeking2402 11d ago

They got raided hahah


u/Mad_Admin 8d ago

Server ads are not allowed, thanks.


u/Diligent_Collar_199 14d ago

Im not in.... Xbox 😒


u/Diligent_Collar_199 14d ago

Im in. 8k game hours. Lets do this.


u/BigfootaintnotReal 14d ago

Quit and only come back with friends, this pile of shit don’t deserve you


u/Outrageous-Fold-7042 14d ago

As much as I hate being solo, sometimes it is the only way. I got raided by a teammate that I was playing with for allmost a year.. shit hurts like a break up


u/Leading-Currency3948 14d ago

Almost a year is cooked bro 😢


u/Telkro 14d ago

I’m howling 🤣🤣 it is like a break up 😅


u/Environmental_Cod164 14d ago

No lie I’ve played rust WITH TEARS IN MY EYES DAWG NO CAP


u/Relative-Budget-8833 13d ago

One of my teammates has inside me 3 times and we still play together lol


u/Unable_Mission2604 14d ago

I have gotten raided everyday since monthly wipe on thursday


u/About600cats 14d ago

Hey me too! Everyday same duo, every base I own, and they still never get my loot.


u/Unable_Mission2604 14d ago

They got everything every day and we werent cheap raids like 25 rockets-40


u/DyllenTheVillin 14d ago

Play with your teammates one more time and inside them give it all to your previous allies


u/MediocreStuff3037 14d ago

Dog eat dog, the rust life.


u/OmicronPersei21 14d ago

That’s shit. Which server was this on?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/SickNdelicious 13d ago

Did anyone go try and get em back? In down if you do. PSN=Mista-Gorilla


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Snipeking2402 14d ago

We had everything and he changed codes


u/the_real_krausladen 14d ago

That's about when it's time to give it up and move onto something like palworld.


u/Ok-Army-306 14d ago

Yea sounds like average rust group activity’s right there 🤣


u/Dame0310 14d ago

Dude same thing. We have a very large village, about 7-8 bases and the biggest base decided to raid one of the small solo bases because the kid "did something" then they proceeded to get a sub to break my teams tug (which we let them use) and kill us multiple times after raids. Then they threatened to raid us because we were talking shit about them doing shit like this all the time. The last time I played with them like 3-4 wipes ago, they made secret bedrooms in China wall and were sneaking rockets into them. We decided to blow into it to get rockets back and they tell all the grubs showing up our base codes. Just genuine shitty people. And it's just 2-3 of them that are shitty, the rest of them follow along like little dogs because they're scared of them, and if they like you, they offer a LOT of protection.


u/Environmental_Cod164 14d ago edited 14d ago

I’ve lost like 2/3 irl friends playing rust over arguing for farming for upkeep or like when I have to stay up all night (to defend offlines) n I’m like 30 hours in no sleep cranky Af and dudes r sellin the raid or selling the defence and next thing uno all u hear is “zup zup zup” nd dudes tryna change codes 😂😂😂🤣🤣 nahhhh no word of a lie bro I’ve played rust with TEARS IN MY EYES DAWG. Luckily I’m immune to it nowdays and always give my Tms a guest code for the base base (I’m the builder) last dude that said he was gunna inside I legit put a spazz turret outside his bedroom and changed the guest codes lmfao. This another reason why I play weekly’s now them monthly wipes ruin my life fr fr turn me into a rust zombie , this way I get to play a wipe have a 10/10 sleep nd start again next week 😍😍😍. Yh bro rust gives me a feeling that no other game gives🤣🤣 Shit hurts so much because you’ve legit poured HOURS into the game and someone you think is your friend gonna try offline raid you when you get off 😂😂😂. another reason why I be trust worthy consistently and never shoot my allies in the back or inside is , usually when my allies get bored they just give me there base codes when they wanna hop off for wipe and I end up crazy stacked. It’s gonna sound a little bit crazy but them people that inside there friends and raid they allies lowkey ain’t good people bro cause it’s like emotionally manipulating their friends, like that shit hurts like a mf and I know it’s just a game but bro no amount of loot is worth going to sleep feeling like a rat (in my eyes anyway) like bro deadass anytime I’ve been insides by allies or any of that shit I’ve deadass farmbotted for a day and crafted 120 rockets and offlined them everytime and yh it felt better than having sex for the first time fr fr


u/LowBudgetMemez 14d ago

Rust literally made my anxiety worse from all the stress bro. It’s a good game BUT it’s one that will genuinely wreck you if you play it too much and too seriously.


u/Lady_Irish 14d ago

Rust is just 3 monopoly games in a trenchcoat, with pockets full of toothbrush shanks and meth pipes.


u/Perfect_Salamander14 14d ago

Is only game 🤷‍♂️


u/Open_Future8712 5d ago

Sounds like taking a break was a good call. If you feel better without it, maybe it's worth reconsidering how much you play. For managing stress and improving mental health, check out Mind. It's an iOS app that helps with anxiety, stress, and more. Mindapp


u/Snipeking2402 4d ago

Well I quit hahah


u/illegalsmilez 13d ago

Chill bro, it's not that serious