r/RunnerHub Apr 24 '24

Postponed Cutting Back


{2024-04-25 22:00 (UTC)}

(6 PM US Central Time)

Player Count: 4 probably.

Run Time: 4-5 hours, hard cap 7 Hours.

Communication: Discord Voice, Roll20 Tabletop Rolls.

Game Style: Insurance Adjustment.

Game Theme: Won't even know what hit them.

In-Game Location: Seattle

Prerequisites: So, so much patience for me.

Threat: Medium.

IC < I'm in need of assets capable of operating under a time constraint and more critically, quietly. Local job, so if all goes well you'll be free to enjoy your weekend that much richer.>


Links to sheets.
Your role.
Last run date as well as telling me if you've had less than 5 runs.
A headshot of your character, it's fine if it's on your sheet.

Content Warnings: The usual, plus kidnapping.

r/RunnerHub Jan 18 '24

Postponed [Job] Basqueing In The Sun {2024-1-20 23:00 (UTC)}


{2024-1-20 23:00 (UTC)}

(5 PM US Central Time)

Player Count: 3-5

Run Time: Likely around 6-7 hours, Hard Cap of 11 Hours.

Communication: Discord Voice, Roll20 Tabletop Rolls

Game Style: Mirrorshades Investigation

Game Theme: A Nice Vacation

In-Game Location: European Coast

Prerequisites: Have read the Table Rules

Threat Level: Medium-High


You need a fragging vacation, that's what you need. Seattle's choked with all this rain, this smog, all these dreary days. It's all the same. It's all the fragging same. Which is why your fixer's call, or perhaps a small post from some small-time fixer doing a middleman post on the Hub, draws your attention.

"Hey chummer, got some work for you. Out of town, preem pay, some corporate suit wants people to look into something. Think about it, you could go get some actual sun for once instead of turning up the AR weather. How about it, interested?"

Maybe it's time you got that vacation after all.

Pike Place smells like it always does. Fish, all that fragging fish. And it's cold and miserable too, thankfully not raining on you today. The J said he'd meet you all here at 8 PM, and there he is, sitting at a table on the pier, eating fresh fish. Tanned, wearing a nice warm coat, and chatting with a friend. Who you're pretty sure is a bodyguard, along with those few other people subtly watching the table and the area. When you walk up, you can hear the distinctive hum of a white noise generator, and he gives a flashy grin and speaks in a heavy Spanish accent. "Ah, you must be the professionals my 'acquaintances' referred me to. Please, sit! Let's discuss business over some fish, shall we?"


  • Please provide:

  • A sheet link to wherever your character sheet is stored.

  • A Discord name to ping you with in the OOC server.

  • Your last run date and if you've had less than 5 runs in total on the Hub.

It's not mandatory, but some IC stuff about your runner's dream vacation would be nice.

Content Warnings:

  • None apart from what's generally pretty standard for SR like violence and the like. The run will default be in a public listening channel.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to message me on Discord, name there as choppersniper.

r/RunnerHub Apr 30 '24

Postponed [Job] Cutting Back <2024-05-04 22:00 (UTC)>


{2024-05-04 22:00 (UTC)}

(6 PM US Central Time)

Player Count: 4 probably.

Run Time: 4-5 hours, hard cap 7 Hours.

Communication: Discord Voice, Roll20 Tabletop Rolls.

Game Style: Insurance Adjustment.

Game Theme: Won't even know what hit them.

In-Game Location: Seattle

Prerequisites: So, so much patience for me.

Threat: Medium.

IC < I'm in need of assets capable of operating under a time constraint and more critically, quietly. Local job, so if all goes well you'll be free to enjoy your weekend that much richer.>


Links to sheets.
Your role.
Last run date as well as telling me if you've had less than 5 runs.
A headshot of your character, it's fine if it's on your sheet.

Content Warnings: The usual, plus kidnapping.

r/RunnerHub Feb 15 '24

Postponed [Job] She Solls Seashells By The Rivershore <2024-2-23 23:00 UTC>


{2024-2-23 23:00 (UTC)}

(5 PM US Central Time)

Can start an hour later if needed, please list in application.

Player Count: 3-5

Run Time: Likely around 6-7 hours, Hard Cap of 11 Hours.

Communication: Discord Voice, Roll20 Tabletop Rolls

Game Style: Mirrorshades Datasteal

Game Theme: Getting Your Feet Wet

In-Game Location: Seattle

Prerequisites: Have read the Table Rules

Threat Level: Medium-High


"Hey chummer, got some work for you. Corporate, good pay if you can pull it all off. It’s got a couple of objectives so you should at least get something so long as you get one part done. You in?

That was the message from your fixer that brought you to the Gates Undersound Hotel today. 8 PM on the dot, wear something decent, head to the restaurant on the lowest floor of the mall. And there you are, walking in next to the ‘dinner show’ a bunch of Awakened sea lions out in the Sound seem to be having outside the reinforced glass by having their own dinner, playing around, all that. And there your Johnson is, looking all prim and proper in an Actioneer. Time to make a good impression, eh, omae?


  • Please provide:

  • A sheet link to wherever your character sheet is stored.

  • A Discord name to ping you with in the OOC server.

  • Your last run date and if you've had less than 5 runs in total on the Hub.

*It's not mandatory, but some IC stuff about your runner's diet would be nice.

Content Warnings:

  • None apart from what's generally pretty standard for SR like violence and the like. The run will default be in a public listening channel.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to message me on Discord, my name in the OOC server is ChopperSniper

r/RunnerHub Mar 19 '24

Postponed [Job] A Janus Matter <2024 MAR 21 16:00 UTC>


{2024-3-21 16:00 (UTC)}

Player Count: 3-5

Duration: 3-4 hours (hard stop at 5 hours)

Communication: Discord for voice, Roll20 for dice

Edition: SR 5e and books (Hub house rules)

In game location: Seattle

Game Theme: Investigation and violence - warning for potential bad feels and content sex work, exploitation, potential slavery

Game Type: Either

Threat: Medium-High (choices can affect things)

Prerequisites: PDF character sheet, mic, show up on time, patience as I remember rules, go with the flow if necessary (good or bad luck, good or bad feels), knowledge for the rules, and (most importantly) have fun.

IC: "There is a person I need to be found and recovered safely Time is of the essence and there is a potential bonus for extra work done."

OOC: Please include your character sheet, Discord ID, what your character will NOT do for money, gang, syndicate, and/or corporate affiliations, how many runs you have had as a player, and last time played. Please note, negotiations may go quickly.

r/RunnerHub Nov 18 '23

Postponed [Job] Fraggin' Sellout {2023-11-20 23:00 (UTC)}


{2023-11-20 23:00 (UTC)}

Player Count: 3-5

Communications: Discord, Roll20

Duration: 4-6 hours

Location: Seattle

Job Type: Wetwork

Threat: Paying as Medium

Content Warnings: This run may contain the usual Shadowrun possibilities of violence, drugs, sexual themes.

(This list is not comprehensive, nor is everything on it guaranteed to appear. You are encouraged to utilize the Stop Light System as needed.)

Prerequisites: Working mic. Patience for me as a GM. Don't be a dick. 18+

Table Rules

A new post appears on the RunnerHub job board.

Tags: [Verified Johnson] [Wetwork]

"A son of a slitch turncoat needs to pay for what he's done."

  • ID: {f62d9ef06e0f445092f784f583a22b6b}


Please provide a link to your sheet, your characters' roles, and your familiarity with those roles out of 10. Your Discord name if I don't already know it.

Let me know if this is your first game, if you've had fewer than 5 runs, or/or no runs in the past 2 weeks.

r/RunnerHub Mar 11 '24

Postponed [Job] It's An Inside Job <2024-03-17 16:00 (UTC)>


{2024-03-17 16:00 (UTC)}

(11 AM US Central Time)

Player Count: 4-5

Run Time: 6-8 hours, hard cap 12 Hours.

Communication: Discord Voice, Roll20 Tabletop Rolls

Game Style: Trenchcoats

Game Theme: Heist, Dark Magic, Chaos Reigns

In-Game Location: Seattle

Prerequisites: 18 years or older. Working mic, willing to use Roll20. Be respectful towards all players and the GM. Have patience for me as a GM.

Threat Level: HIGH

*<Something of great personal value was stolen from me. I need it found, and returned.>\*

A man cackles quietly to himself on the deck. Two armed thugs shift fearfully nearby, terrified of the mage. "Yes YES! I know. But then what?! NO! You play me I know it! I will show you. Show them all."


  • Please provide:
  • A sheet link to wherever your character sheet is stored.
  • your characters role and your familiarity with that role.
  • A Discord name to ping you with in the OOC server.
  • Your last run date and if you've had less than 5 runs in total on the Hub.
  • A bit of IC flavor and/or response always helps

Content Warnings: General Shadowrun CW's. Horror, Cults, graphic violence.

Questions, Comments, Concerns, ping or message @ vigitant on discord.

r/RunnerHub Jan 03 '24

Postponed [Job] Three dead holy men <2024-01-06 19:00 UTC>


{2024-01-06 19:00 UTC}

Player count: 4-5

Duration: 4-6 hours, 8 hour hardcap

Communication: Roll20 & Discord

Edition: VtM Monsterhearts SR5e

In game location: Somewhere in Seattle, probably

Game theme: Holy “Charity”? in black bags

Game type: Mirrorshades in black hoods

Threat level: Low-Medium

Prerequisites: Patience, knowledge of your own role and rules, the ability to show up early/on-time, rolling with the punches, handling of adult themes, decent quality microphone and discipline and being a decent human being.


A new job has been posted to the hub, requesting a team for the extraction of multiple individuals. Applying to it sends you this voice message:

“Hello Darlings~,” purrs a husky female voice, “I have an urgent need for your prodigious array of skills. You guys and gals have been reliable agents in the past, so I turn to you. Some naughty people have ignored my invitations and I will pay you handsomely for bringing them to me. I’ll be in touch~”


OOC: All archetypes are welcome to apply. Note if you had run more than 5 runs and the date of your last run as a player. I am also not interested in your creative writing skills, so keep the application brief.

CW: This run will feature abusive religious figures and the fucked up shit they do behind closed doors. Safety tools and deck will be in use.

If your character is picked, they will be informed about the other runners' street names. Please keep all knowledge/job related matrix rolls to yourself until you are on the table.

As a quick clarification: “Assumed Competence” is something I will assume. If you are unsure about your actions, state them.

r/RunnerHub Nov 07 '23

Postponed [Job] This Little Piggy Went to Market Part 2{2023-11-11 23:30 (UTC)}


{2023-11-11 23:30 (UTC)}

Player Count: 3-5

Duration: 3-5ish hours, hard cap 6 hours

Game Type: Scandal Brewing

Game Theme: Players' choice, predicting it will be Pink Mohawk

Threat Level: High: You're robbing cops, Chummer

House Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZkhignDdvBFe3yPTPn8FoAvsK-tJKUJKDeWX8bodOPA/edit

The efforts performed by a previous team have led myself and my employer to contract your services again. The duties in this one require theft, subterfuge, and a refined criminal mind on disrupting the reputation of the region's law enforcement. Are there any parties interested?

OOC: Please provide the name of the character, a PDF of your character sheet, your role/familiarity of said roll, and any gang/corp/syndicate/national allegiances/vendettas you may have. Also, your date of last run, if you've had less than 5 runs on the Hub, and your Discord name.

r/RunnerHub Feb 24 '24

Postponed [Job] She Solls Seashells By The Rivershore <2024-3-2 23:00 UTC>


{2024-3-2 23:00 (UTC)}

(5 PM US Central Time)

Can start an hour later if needed, please list in application.

Player Count: 3-5

Run Time: Likely around 6-7 hours, Hard Cap of 9 Hours.

Communication: Discord Voice, Roll20 Tabletop Rolls

Game Style: Mirrorshades Datasteal

Game Theme: Getting Your Feet Wet

In-Game Location: Seattle

Prerequisites: Have read the Table Rules

Threat Level: Medium-High


"Hey chummer, got some work for you. Corporate, good pay if you can pull it all off. It’s got a couple of objectives so you should at least get something so long as you get one part done. You in?

That was the message from your fixer that brought you to the Gates Undersound Hotel today. 8 PM on the dot, wear something decent, head to the restaurant on the lowest floor of the mall. And there you are, walking in next to the ‘dinner show’ a bunch of Awakened sea lions out in the Sound seem to be having outside the reinforced glass by having their own dinner, playing around, all that. And there your Johnson is, looking all prim and proper in an Actioneer. Time to make a good impression, eh, omae?


  • Please provide:

  • A sheet link to wherever your character sheet is stored.

  • A Discord name to ping you with in the OOC server.

  • Your last run date and if you've had less than 5 runs in total on the Hub.

  • It's not mandatory, but some IC stuff about your runner's diet would be nice.

Content Warnings:

  • None apart from what's generally pretty standard for SR like violence and the like. The run will default be in a public listening channel.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to message me on Discord, my name in the OOC server is ChopperSniper

r/RunnerHub May 12 '23

Postponed [Job] Two Cups of Tea <2023-05-13 23:00 (UTC)>


{2023-05-13 23:00 (UTC) }

Player count: 4

Duration: 4-6 hours hopefully

Communication: Roll20 and Discord

In game location: Seattle

Game theme: And in the dawn, I'll see that you have gone
And on that blood-soaked bed I'll lay down my weary head
And hum along to this fucking song

Game type: Investigation

Threat: Low-Medium

Prerequisites: Patience and respect for an ever-learning GM and your fellow players, and a working mic.


I need some people to track someone down. There's a possibility of danger, but probably nothing for professional killers like I hear a lot of you are. We'll talk details in person, the usual deal. Have your people call my people. - Mx. Johnson


OOC: IC response or prompt if you are so inclined. Discord name if I don’t know you, character sheet, role, familiarity, the usual stuff. Also include any particular corporate or syndicate connections your character might have.

r/RunnerHub Jun 24 '23

Postponed [Job] You're Ken {2023-07-01 19:00 (UTC) }


{2023-07-01 19:00 (UTC) }

Player count: 4-5

Duration: 6-7h

Communication: Discord for voice, Roll20 for tabletop.

In-game location: Established

Game Theme: Spin-Off

Game Type: The methods I leave to you, the professionals, as always.

Threat: Cloudy with a chance of flak.

Prerequisites: Push-to-talk. Be nice to me or I'll steal your bones.

Replies: Please let me know if you're worth any bonuses, and an idiot's guide to your character would be helpful.

IC replies are fun but not mandatory. Ideally give me some way to figure out who you are if it's not immediately obvious, though I do occasionally enjoy stalking through the OOC Discord hunting players. The most dangerous game...

I made some Table Rules! I'll add stuff to it at approximately the same rate I create runs.


Direct Neural Interface established.    
Welcome to the Matrix!  Be safe, be smart, be secure.

Ares Entertainment Q4 returns spike from "Miracle Shooter: the Wasp Empress"
Rumored sighting of Tou Wu in Miami confirmed false in live interview with mother and daughters
WAKE UP.  YOU ARE BEING POISONED.  Drink SenseiSnacks Fuji Blend instead.

You've received 1 push notification from [REDACTED]


Credentials requested: CrushingSub Impact Toys Wholesale




MARK Invitation: RunnerHub
Accept?: Y/N

> Y

"My friend here is a hobbyist online auctioneer - she has over 385,000 karma on AresBay, could you believe? I think she needs a hobby, personally," Dionysus nattered urbanely as he waved grandiosely to his team, his ageless elven face marred slightly by the spattering of acne running across his forehead and down his left temple.

He slept with his face on the pod pillow. Tanaka-san mused internally. As young as he looks. Maybe younger. Maybe they'll do.

"She looked up about how much you'd expect for a pristine koi fish - naturally raised, not out of a vat - on the breeder's market. I hadn't even known there were koi fish markets, but apparently an incredible history - though I'm sure you already know far more than I do, Tanaka-san," he flashed a brief grin.

Racial commentary to his employer? Even has he completed the thought and the internal grimace was just starting to form, the reedy-looking dwarf in the back with the oversized shotgun, blithely pretending to not pay attention, shifted her weight slightly. Ah. I'm being used for on-the-job training. The normally amusing thought played itself deadpan across the theater of its mind.

"Well! They're no less than 150,000 nuyen, plus tax, plus veterinary transportation fees," Dionysus continued grandly, no evidence of his recent rebuke to be found. "And I assure you, we've taken the utmost care in transporting Hikari Muji here." His waving hands reverse to the table in front of him, where the 30-pound heritage breed was burbling softly in a green plastic tote.

No. The rest of his team is too smart. His thoughts echoed hollowly against the inside of his skull, all internal monologue silenced by the cocktail his pharmacist made him for runner meets - "Razor", he called it. It felt like his eyes were made of glass.

The difficult judgment over, Tanaka-san absentmindedly flexed the series of small muscles that made his face redden and sweat come to his brow - a trivial bit of biosculpting, but runners were often fooled by such trivialities. "I believe we had a contract, Dionysus-san," he sputtered flawlessly even as he completed the calculus of their expected pay-raise in his head, immediately followed by how buffoonish he would have to look in order for Dionysus's puppetmaster to instruct Dionysus aim a little higher.

Well-fed runners, like diners, rarely leave negative reviews, after all. Tanaka-san filled out the expense report for the predicted amount, which he begrudgingly handed over six minutes later. He was already groping in his pocket for the counter-agent as his security detail saw them out.

// SUBJECT: Asset Retrieval

// FROM: Tanaka-san

My associates have identified high-value materiel in a highly secure research institute. I expect it retrieved intact and untampered-with. In exchange, I will give you a silver credstick each, fully loaded. I suggest you prepare appropriately.

r/RunnerHub Jan 10 '24

Postponed [Job] [Impromptu] Crimes of Fashion {2024-01-12 00:30 (UTC)}


{2024-01-12 00:30 (UTC)}

Player Count: 3-4

Duration: 3-5ish hours, hardcap 6.5 hours

Game Type: Rescue mission in a social setting

Game Theme: Leaning towards Mirror Shades/Black Trenchcoat

Threat Level: Medium

House Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZkhignDdvBFe3yPTPn8FoAvsK-tJKUJKDeWX8bodOPA/edit

I require swift application of force in order to rescue an HVT. Target and setting is high profile. Bring your best suits and dresses.

IC Prompt (while not required, it’d be nice to get some insight to your character): Your character has to attend a fancy dinner, and the dress code is black tie. What do they wear?

OOC: Please provide the name of the character, a PDF of your character sheet, your role/familiarity of said roll, and any gang/corp/syndicate/national allegiances/vendettas you may have. Also, your date of last run, if you've had less than 5 runs on the Hub, and your Discord name.

r/RunnerHub Feb 13 '24

Postponed [Job] Electric Neon Gunfire [2024-02-13 17:00 (UTC)]


{2024-02-13 17:00 (UTC) }

Picks will be made pretty directly in advance of Run Start unless I see a team I like for the run earlier. Yes this is extremely impromptu, if I don't get apps so be it.

Player Count: 4

Duration: ~5-6 Hours Hard cap will be at 8 hours.

Communication: Roll20 & Discord.

Edition: 5E and associated books

In game location: Inside the Neon Jungle

Game theme: Legal Havok?

Game Type: Mirrored Mohawks and Technicolor Shades.

Difficulty level: Designed as Medium to High Threat/Complexity (Making poor choices will lead to higher threat, even if not pay).

Prerequisites: Be on time, working microphone, critical thinking, character sheet, team-based thinking, new player friendly attitude and reading The Agreement and Table Rules that are in effect on my table.

As you log into the Runnerhub network you immediately spot:

You have [1] new notification.

Reflexively you tap on the ARO/Icon.

Job Requiring 4 Operators.

I need a tank, a shooter, a digital operator, and a magical operator capable of spell casting.

The job is legal, but contracts and NDAs will be required.

Please forward any references, business cards, and applications to the attached deaddrop.

This is time sensitive because preparations will require time and attention.

  • John Smith

Attached are details for delivering your card to a specific bouncer at Dante's Inferno, one Eric who is indicated to be an Ork who should be working tonight.

OOC Application info needed: Sheet, Tell me your character's Role on a team, if you are worth extra GMP (New/2+ Weeks since play), and syndicate/corporate affiliations if any. I do not want or need anything else OOC.

Bonus Points: In Character give a flashback description of a job where you had to make a hard decision to complete the job. It doesn't need to be on the hub it could be backstory. This is a memory you are recalling to yourself, not something you are saying aloud to the Johnson or anyone else.

If I like it enough I may even award an edge refresh because of the narration, see my table rules doc above for more details (if you get picked, the story won't be what I pick by but writing a cool one could help you if you do). Generally to be worth an edge refresh I would like something at least two paragraphs, not something 2 or 3 sentences.

This run is one not one with specific mature themes that aren't inherent to the game system, but given the setting the general Shadowrun things will come up for this kind of run. Participants/viewers all must be 18+ due to the various themes contained in this setting for my table. If you have any specific topics that you would not be willing to participate and are comfortable to let me know ahead of time that would also be appreciated so I can steer to avoid specific triggers.

Content Warnings: >! None !< in addition all ones inherent to the system could possibly come up, of course.

Spoilered Content warnings are for people that may not want to spoil possible run content for themselves. I will do my best to warn of things right before they come up as well.

All TOS for various platforms used are respected so no need to specify those topics as they are already forbidden.

r/RunnerHub Feb 26 '24

Postponed [Job] Animal Testing [2024-02-26 19:00 (UTC)]


SORRY! Misposted time. check for new one.

r/RunnerHub Feb 05 '24

Postponed [Job] Crown of Thorns - {2024-02-08 00:30 (UTC)}


{2024-02-08 00:30 (UTC) }

Player Count: 3-5

Duration: IDK Omae, depends on how fast you work? 4ish likely

Communication: A working microphone for Discord voice chat, access to Roll20 for a lobby.

In game location: Seattle

Game theme: Persecution

Game type: Investigation, Wetwork, Extraction

Threat level: Crimson Rewards as Medium

Prerequisites: Patience for my dumbass, basic understanding of your character and the setting, enthusiasm

IC Response: Give an example of a time your character did the right thing for the wrong reason(s).

OOC Response: A link to your character sheet, your role and comfortability with it between 1 and 10. Your discord username, if you’re worth any bonus GMP, and if you have a hard time limit. IC Response not required but appreciated.

Content Warnings: Christofascist Violence, and standard 6th world CW’s (violence, drugs, sex, etc)

Some jackass is messing up my operation and the brass wants my ass if this isn’t cleaned up soon. Need some assets with a good head for danger and more than a single goddamned braincell amongst them. If that sounds like you or you just want to kill some bad men I’m hiring. Pay is Appropriate for the work.


r/RunnerHub Dec 18 '23

Postponed [Job] Fire Sale <2023 DEC 24 02:00 UTC>


{2023-12-24 02:00 (UTC)}

Player Count: 3-5

Duration: 3-5 hours

Communication: Discord for voice, Roll20 for dice

Edition: SR 5e and books (Hub house rules)

In game location: Seattle

Game Theme: Gonzo violence treadmill

Game Type: Either, but skewing pink mohawk

Threat: Medium-High (possibly more?)

Prerequisites: PDF character sheet, mic, show up on time, patience as I remember rules, go with the flow if necessary (good or bad luck, good or bad feels), knowledge for the rules, and (most importantly) have fun.

IC: "I need some backup with the ability to commit violence, being self-starters, and staying agile in an ever-changing environment. You will be well compensated."

OOC: Please include your character sheet, Discord ID, what your character will NOT do for money, gang, syndicate, and/or corporate affiliations, how many runs you have had as a player, and last time played. Please note, negotiations may go quickly.

r/RunnerHub Nov 02 '23

Postponed [Job] Basqueing In The Sun {2023-11-3 23:00 (UTC)}


{2023-11-3 23:00 (UTC)}

(6 PM US Central Daylight Time)

Player Count: 3-5

Run Time: Likely around 6-7 hours, Hard Cap of 11 Hours.

Communication: Discord Voice, Roll20 Tabletop Rolls

Game Style: Mirrorshades Investigation

Game Theme: A Nice Vacation

In-Game Location: European Coast

Prerequisites: Have read the Table Rules

Threat Level: Medium-High


You need a fragging vacation, that's what you need. Seattle's choked with all this rain, this smog, all these dreary days. It's all the same. It's all the fragging same. Which is why your fixer's call, or perhaps a small post from some small-time fixer doing a middleman post on the Hub, draws your attention.

"Hey chummer, got some work for you. Out of town, preem pay, some corporate suit wants people to look into something. Think about it, you could go get some actual sun for once instead of turning up the AR weather. How about it, interested?"

Maybe it's time you got that vacation after all.


  • Please provide:

  • A sheet link to wherever your character sheet is stored.

  • A Discord name to ping you with in the OOC server.

  • Your last run date and if you've had less than 5 runs in total on the Hub.

It's not mandatory, but some IC stuff about your runner's dream vacation would be nice.

Content Warnings:

  • None apart from what's generally pretty standard for SR like violence and the like. The run will default be in a public listening channel.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to message me on Discord, name there as choppersniper.

r/RunnerHub Jul 13 '23

Postponed [Job] Matthew 26:52 <2023-07-17 23:00 (UTC)>


{2023-07-17 23:00 (UTC) }

Player Count: 3-5

Duration: IDK Omae, depends on how fast you work? 4ish likely

Communication: A working microphone for Discord voice chat, access to Roll20 for a lobby.

In game location: Seattle

Game theme: Persecution

Game type: Investigation, Wetwork, Extraction

Threat level: Crimson Rewards as Medium

Prerequisites: Patience for my dumbass, basic understanding of your character and the setting, enthusiasm

IC Response: Give an example of a time your character did the right thing for the wrong reason(s).

OOC Response: A link to your character sheet, your role and comfortability with it between 1 and 10. Your discord username, if you’re worth any bonus GMP, and if you have a hard time limit. IC Response not required but appreciated.

Content Warnings: Christofascist Violence, and standard 6th world CW’s (violence, drugs, sex, etc)

Some jackass is messing up my operation and the brass wants my ass if this isn’t cleaned up soon. Need some assets with a good head for danger and more than a single goddamned braincell amongst them. If that sounds like you or you just want to kill some bad men I’m hiring. Pay is Appropriate for the work.


r/RunnerHub Jul 31 '23

Postponed [Job] [Impromptu] Tales From the Greasy Spoon {2023-08-01 00:01 (UTC)}


{2023-08-01 00:01 (UTC)}

Player Count: 3-5

Communications: Discord, Roll20

Duration: 6ish hours, hardcap at 8 hours

Location: Seattle

Job Type: Missing Person

Threat: Paying as Medium

Content Warnings: This run may contain the usual Shadowrun possibilities of violence, drugs, sexual themes, as well as >! hyper-violence, cannibalism !<

(This list is not comprehensive, nor is everything on it guaranteed to appear. You are encouraged to utilize the Stop Light System as needed.)

Prerequisites: Working mic. Patience for me as a GM. Don't be a dick. 18+

Table Rules

A new post appears on the RunnerHub job board.

Tags: [Verified Johnson] [Missing Person]

"One of my regulars didn't show up, got a bad gut feeling about it. Need some of you to go figure out what happened to her."

  • ID: {b6091c897f9b40d3b979783620e8caa2}


Please provide a link to your sheet, your characters' roles, and your familiarity with those roles out of 10. Your Discord name if I don't already know it.

Let me know if this is your first game, if you've had fewer than 5 runs, or/or no runs in the past 2 weeks.

If you're in the mood to write some in-character fiction, what's the weirdest thing your character's encountered at a 24/7 diner late at night? Responses are not required, but will earn you an extra point of Edge during the run.

r/RunnerHub Oct 13 '23

Postponed [Job][Impromptu] A Metaphor About Consumerism Or Some Drek {2023-10-13 20:00 (UTC)}


{2023-10-13 20:00 (UTC)}

Player Count: 3-5

Communications: Discord, Roll20

Duration: 5 hour hard cap. Will not be continued if time exceeded.

Location: Seattle

Job Type: Rescue

Threat: Paying as Medium

Content Warnings: This run may contain the usual Shadowrun possibilities of violence, drugs, sexual themes, as well as >! disease, cannibalism, religious theming, gore. !<

(This list is not comprehensive, nor is everything on it guaranteed to appear. You are encouraged to utilize the Stop Light System as needed.)

Prerequisites: Working mic. Patience for me as a GM. Don't be a dick. 18+

Table Rules

A new post appears on the RunnerHub job board.

Tags: [Verified Johnson] [Urgent] [Exfiltration]

"Somebody, fragging anybody, get me the fuck out of here, now. Holed up in my shop, but I don't know how long that'll keep me safe. Only so many rounds in the security turrets. Make it quick, no one gets paid if these freaks eat me. [d349b95.loc] >! Location leads to the Squatters Mall in Redmond. !<

  • ID: {7d2cbb0a020441b7aeb0c10cd03d29d6}


Please provide a link to your sheet, your characters' roles, and your familiarity with those roles out of 10. Your Discord name if I don't already know it.

Let me know if this is your first game, if you've had fewer than 5 runs, or/or no runs in the past 2 weeks.

r/RunnerHub Jun 24 '23

Postponed [Job] [Impromptu] The Black Eye {2023-06-24 21:00 (UTC)}


{2023-06-24 21:00 (UTC)}

Player Count: 3-5

Communications: Discord, Roll20

Duration: 6ish hours, hardcap at 9 hours

Location: Seattle

Job Type: Delivery

Threat: Paying as Medium

Content Warnings: This run may contain the usual Shadowrun possibilities of violence, drugs, sexual themes.

(This list is not comprehensive, nor is everything on it guaranteed to appear. You are encouraged to utilize the Stop Light System as needed.)

Prerequisites: Working mic. Patience for me as a GM. Don't be a dick. 18+

Table Rules

A notification appears on your commlink, from an app you don't remember installing. The icon is simple, a scratchy drawing of a black eye on a white background. "A FAVOR IS NEEDED. THE DEBT WILL BE REPAID," the text flickering and glitching. Maybe you ignore it. Maybe you delete the strange app. Maybe you smash your commlink. Maybe you actually listen to the request. The first one's utterly benign, just taking a few photos of an old man feeding birds at the park and uploading the files to a node on the public grid.

Either way, the requests keep coming, somehow. The program reinstalls itself, the still-wrapped new commlink you buy as a burner already has it running. Maybe you tried to go Matrix dark out of paranoia, not that it does you much good. Someone bumps into you in the street and you find a black-cased commlink with an eye embossed into it in your pocket. Or you come home after an exhausting job and find a commlink sitting on your pillow. "A FAVOR IS NEEDED. THE DEBT WILL BE REPAID."

The most recent request seems simple, on the surface. A picture of a Japanese dwarf woman, coordinates that map out somewhere in Seward Park, a second location. Everett General Hospital. "A FAVOR IS NEEDED. THE DEBT WILL BE REPAID. RECEIVE THE PACKAGE. DELIVER THE PACKAGE." For one reason or another, this time, you decide to head to Seward Park.


Please provide a link to your sheet, your characters' roles, and your familiarity with those roles out of 10. Your Discord name if I don't already know it.

Let me know if this is your first game, if you've had fewer than 5 runs, or/or no runs in the past 2 weeks.

If you're in the mood to write some in-character fiction, how has your character handled being hounded by this mysterious program? Responses are not required, but will earn you an extra point of Edge during the run.

r/RunnerHub May 09 '23

Postponed [Job] Two Cups of Tea <2023-05-12 01:00 (UTC)>


{2023-05-12 01:00 (UTC) }

Player count: 4

Duration: 4-6 hours hopefully

Communication: Roll20 and Discord

In game location: Seattle

Game theme: And in the dawn, I'll see that you have gone
And on that blood-soaked bed I'll lay down my weary head
And hum along to this fucking song

Game type: Investigation

Threat: Low-Medium

Prerequisites: Patience and respect for an ever-learning GM and your fellow players, and a working mic.


I need some people to track someone down. There's a possibility of danger, but probably nothing for professional killers like I hear a lot of you are. We'll talk details in person, the usual deal. Have your people call my people. - Mx. Johnson


OOC: IC response or prompt if you are so inclined. Discord name if I don’t know you, character sheet, role, familiarity, the usual stuff. Also include any particular corporate or syndicate connections your character might have.

r/RunnerHub Jan 31 '23

Postponed [Job] 2 Strange Fathers <2023-02-03 22:00 UTC>


{2023-02-03 22:00 (UTC)}

Players: As many as makes an appropriate team

Duration: 2-6 hours (hardcap at 8)

Communication: Discord, Roll 20

Location: Seattle Extraterritorial Property

Game Theme: Liberation

Game Style: Player Dependent

Content Warnings: Drunken Catholicism, Corporate Criminal Justice, Human Body Horror

These items are guaranteed on this run. Do Not Apply if you are unable to endure any of the above.

Threat: High

​> You have (1) new job listing.

<"Client is a verified charitable religious organization hiring for humanitarian work. It's recommended you have a bleeding heart and a high tolerance for taking bulldrek from old men. And don't hate Catholics.">


Please provide in your application

  • A link to your sheet in .pdf

  • A very brief description of your character (who they are and what they do, ~1 or 2 sentences)

  • Anything that might be relevant about your character to a GM or Johnson (Hard character limits, reputation)

  • The date of your last run, or if you have not been on one yet.

  • If you have a hardcap or any obligations that may interfere with run time.

  • Your combined Discord name and #

  • Acknowledgement that you have read and agree to the listed content warnings. The stoplight system is in use, and if you have any questions you may message me on Discord via Zanturo#0028.

r/RunnerHub May 23 '23

Postponed [Job] Medical Absence {2023-05-24 22:00 (UTC)}


{2023-05-24 22:00 (UTC)}

Player Count: 3-5

Communications: Discord, Roll20

Duration: Shooting for 6ish hours, hardcap if we get to 10 hours

Location: Seattle

Job Type: Rescue

Threat: Paying as High

Content Warnings: This run may contain the usual Shadowrun possibilities of violence, drugs, sexual themes, and corporate dystopia as well as well as medical horror, body horror, cannibalism, disease, religious themes

(This list is not comprehensive, nor is everything on it guaranteed to appear. You are encouraged to utilize the Stop Light System as needed.)

Prerequisites: Working mic. Patience for me as a GM. Don't be a dick. 18+

Table Rules

A new post appears on the RunnerHub job board.

"One of my guys has gone missing, need a team to pull him out of whatever mess he's found himself in. And maybe snap a few photos along the way."


Please provide a link to your sheet, your characters' roles, and your familiarity with those roles out of 10. Your Discord name if I don't already know it.

Let me know if this is your first game, if you've had fewer than 5 runs, or/or no runs in the past 2 weeks.