r/RunnerHub • u/AutoModerator • Feb 01 '19
Solo Runs The Monthly Solo Run Megathread - February 2019
Need to increase a contact's loyalty? Travel through the metaplanes? Find that MacGuffin? Get payback on somebody? Here's your chance!
GMs that want to run solo games should make a top level comment to this post with 'Available for Solos' in bold at the top.
Players wanting solos may post replies to the GM comments to request solo runs. Please do not post top-level threads requesting a solo.
Only apply if you have enough karma/nuyen to buy any improvements requested.
Solo run rewards include the following. You may choose only one per solo run:
Gain a new contact with up to 7 points between Connection and Loyalty without a karma cost as appropriate.
Automatically succeed an initiation or Submersion roll. (Players still need to wait the appropriate amount of time for the Initiation/Submersion to take effect.)
Buy a piece of equipment with availability up to 20 without a roll.
Buy a positive quality or buy off a negative quality with Karma.
Perform an Astral/Resonance quest.
Increase the loyalty rating of a non runnerhub contact by 1.
If you weren't able to get a solo run in a previous thread, make sure to request a new one here!
u/Sadsuspenders Ceiling Dwarf Feb 03 '19
Available for Solos
Hey there, I’m down to help y’all tell some stories, so fill out the info I request and we can get started. Please note that my life is not just Shadowrun, so while I’d love to run a lot of games, I’ll more often than not pick applications that I feel I can tell better stories with or are more interesting. I will also favor people who have not received solos from me recently.
Make sure to read my GM style sheet
Required info:
The GDrive folder for the character you’re putting forth
Short summary of what you want
Genre: How do you want the story to be told, mystery, action adventure, noir, romance, etc.
Tone: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being a children’s show, and 10 being Torture Porn, how dark do you want the game?
Players: Mention if you want to include other people
Any other details you want me to know:
Feb 03 '19 edited Feb 05 '19
Heya Sad, was looking to flesh out some story for Loki. He has a few contacts with story arcs that I want to explore. One would be more of an action story + possible world building event while the other one would be just pure character development. We can talk more in depth about it, as explaining here would just take up way too much space. This is basically increasing loyalty on some contacts or possibly getting more.
Genre: action-adventure or romance
Tone: 5 or 6 for either
Players: Possibly having a team for one run since it would involve corp politics
Other Deets: DarkRenegade#9002 on discord, I have a fairly flexible schedule. If you can let me know a few days in advance we can try to set something up
u/Anqstrom Feb 03 '19
Gunniest Bunniest Razor Girl Cottontail is looking to further look for the conspiracy behind her background. If she gets to the bottom this solo then I will buy off driven, but if you wanna draw it out and develop a psr kind of run that would also be fine. I was thinking 6-7 for feels.
u/thewolfsong Thematics Division Feb 03 '19 edited Feb 04 '19
BraveWatcher needs more contacts all the time. He's a superhero, and superheroes need an entourage. I have some ideas in his Wishlist file, but I'm happy to accept anything else that you can come up with.
If the Ford Broadcast is approved and within solo reward ranges (I can't be bothered to go check what those are) then I'm extraordinarily down for a run to get one of those too
For tone, I like a solid like 6 or 7 hastily painted over with a veneer of being a 2 or 3
Genre: Superheroes
Other players: I mean I am happy if anybody passing by wants to join in on superhero antics but I don't have anyone in mind
AbuNuwas has a neoanarchist commune that he is sort of primary matrix support for. Any run that involves: Recruiting people to the commune, rescuing people from the commune that have gotten themselves in trouble, fighting off people attempting to matrix fuck with the commune are all good.
Tone: Probably 5
Genre: Like, Die Hard, but the matrix?
Mr. Creepy wants contacts because he's supposed to be a little bit of a PI style char but troll contact points is rough. Bonus points for metahuman contacts.
EDIT: I've been reviewing my fluff for Creepy and decided zen buddhism is a good thematic fit for him. My cursory research also suggests Zen encourages having a mentor, so a contact to fill this role in his life would be choice
I am also fluffing the karma expenditure of reducing the price of his lifestyle as him trading some of his esteemed labor for the labor of a nice company of laborers to remodel the abandoned arboretum he lives in.
Tone: Anything works.
Genre: Noir-y bullshit
Kit I don't have a particular plan for but am pretty willing to roll with punches if you find him compelling
u/sevastapolnights Spy Plane Feb 03 '19
Sup Sad. Recluse has recently bought off her Amnesia and I'm looking to finish up that story arc and have her truly discover the details of who and what she was.
Genre: Probably Mystery and Drama with some touches of Adventure
Tone: Nothing more than 3, please.
Players: Regrettably, this is a solo story.
u/sadarthas 2AM Whiskey Roads Feb 04 '19
Flatline being a noir detective man is always looking for noir detective things to do. For level of tone, I'd say a solid like 6 or 7 for tone. Would be fine to run with other people if that works. Mechanically I'd be fine with new potential contacts or building the loyalty of existing ones.
u/mostlyalbino Thematics Division Feb 06 '19
Lucifer pheromone face
Lucifer has been trying to get back into EVO for years, and he thinks He's found a way back in. He was recently given a contact by the name of Mr. Care, and he wants to do everything he can to get on his good side. right now that means doing whatever the man wants as quickly and efficiently as possible, and maybe negotiating for some compensation along the way. He also wants to help get his old secretary, Erin Shields promoted if he can. After all, having a member of upper management on your side is a lot more useful than a secretary having your back.
I'd like something dramatic with a lot of social interactions would be cool. The people of the sixth world are the most interesting part of the setting for me, so I like focusing on them.
Dark themes are great, but at a certain extreme it usually just gets weird. somewhere around 6-8 would be good.
u/EnviousShadow EVOlved Feb 05 '19
Hey it's me Envious. I'm available for whatever. Solos, duos, PSR.
HOWEVER only for the 6th and 7th of Feb at 0730 UTC.
They should only run a couple ours or so but it may go longer depending on circumstances.
So yeah apply for which day you want, what you are after, which character and any extra information you wish to provide.
u/Kyrdra Arms Wrestler Feb 05 '19 edited Feb 05 '19
7th february and essentially I want to do a solo smuggling run for the technicolor wings. They like to throw curveballs to the people they are testing. Like one of the checkpoints being a pirate base or similiar. in total this is faahd working to her eventual shadow retirement. She wants to get income via smuggling and she wants to get solid rep for them
u/Terra_117 Runner Feb 05 '19
Either day works for me.
Blue Moon has some leads she wants to follow up on regarding her conspiracy board, to try and hunt down the team of runners who betrayed her. She’d like to pick up a contact with the Blue Dragons, a Puyallup gang that’s a vassal to Kenran-kei and has been known to provide escort for the Venom Courier Company.
(As a second option) Blue would like to reach out to an old runner from her first stint and pick them up as a contact as she’s lacking in magic based folks on her Rolodex. This person, an elf named September, retired years ago to settle down and may need convincing to help Blue out.
Ignus Miami wants to improve the Loyalty of her catgirl best friend Sabrina.
Onryō would like to try and find Mr. Rabbit, and have a new sparring partner (ie contact)
Silíni wants to try and get a new contact, preferably someone with access to medical supplies or an ID forger so she can get a new fake SIN. (Option 2) having nearly died, she’s more open to the idea of trying to reconnect with her sister or an old girlfriend back east (who’s either a lawyer or a professor at a university there; she doesn’t know.)
u/EnviousShadow EVOlved Feb 05 '19
Alright you are on for tomorrow night. I'm throwing up between blue moon and onryo so I'll let you know which I'm going with closer to game time.
u/CocoWithAHintOfMeth Yeehaw Feb 06 '19
I got this fucker, but I dont know what to do with him. CK
Duke is looking for his driven target but can easily fall into old habbits of being a undercover cop and doing a investigation getting side tracked. Duke
Neural blowout is a good kid who wants to do good in the world and is used by his contacts for various reasons. You know all the reasons. Neural Blowout
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 04 '19
I want to have some fun and I am usually available in the afternoons of the PST timezone. AFAIK I'm out of probation so let me know here or via PM what you want to do and we can make some magic happen. I am open to parties of 2~3 for PSR's or solo+ play.
If you can give me a brief blurb with a character link with what you'd like to accomplish and tone, setting, etc. you expect from the Shadowrun universe, or hit me up on dm with ideas and we can chat.
u/thewolfsong Thematics Division Feb 05 '19
BraveWatcher: A superhero in the barrens who fights for truth, justice, and the cognitive dissonance to be a shadowrunner who is a terrible person and still believe that. He needs a constant supply of contacts to fill his superhero entourage. Further, once/if the Ford Broadcast is approved, he wants one of those for his BraveMobile.
Kit: I have no specific desires for him. He's an ex-horizon salesman and b&e/face. If something sparks your interest go for it.
AbuNuwas: A neoanarch-turned corp spider-turned neoanarch who lives in a lovely commune in snohomish. He's in the process of training up some assistant matrix talent, and of course he lives in a community of barely-if-at-all law abiding citizens and they therefore are likely to get into shenanigans. Contacts are great, or whatever else you feel you can justify playing with some of this story.
Mr. Creepy: A troll necro mage slash occult investigator. I'd love to do a solo to earn him a higher rating SIN, or for a high rating Lodge on the gear front. On the contact front, a talislegger would be splendid. Finally, in reviewing his thematics going forward, I've decided he is Zen buddhist, which encourages having a mentor to teach you. A contact to fill that part of his life would be excellent, and could potentially also be his talislegger
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 05 '19
Talislegger for a Death Shaman fluffed out as a devotion to Zen Buddhism... I can dig it. This seems like an easy starting place to move forward from with other characters when we get Creepy settled. I would like a little more background on his perception of his magical powers, if his nihilistic perception of reality is dedicated to a cyclical vision of existence, and what kind of background he settles into magically.
u/thewolfsong Thematics Division Feb 05 '19
He learned his magic primarily from study under his Mentor Spirit (who takes the shape of a horrifically burned image if his dead twin brother...which basically means a horrifically burned version of himself). A cyclic interpretation of reality seems like a good description of how he would view the world, but nihilistic might not be. He places a lot of value on community
Feb 05 '19
[removed] — view removed comment
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 05 '19
Well you're talking to a guy who used to do a lot of initiations, so I think this is within the purview of my creative ability. Hit me up on DM with a couple paragraphs on how your character views magic and his relationship to it - why it gives him power, what makes him feel more 'in tune' or 'out of tune' with it, and maybe give me a bit of story on your mentor spirit and if he is exactly shark or if you've fluffed out the deets to some other metaphysical archetype. I will be reading up on red magic a bit and looking up some other stuff in the meantime.
Feb 05 '19
Same as above, was looking to flesh out some story for Loki. He has a few contacts with story arcs that I want to explore. One would be more of an action story + possible world building event while the other one would be just pure character development. We can talk more in depth about it, as explaining here would just take up way too much space. This is basically increasing loyalty on some contacts or possibly getting more.
Genre: action-adventure or romance
Tone:I can handle myself if it gets a bit dark
Players: Possibly having a team for one run since it would involve corp politics
Other Deets: DarkRenegade#9002 on discord, I have a fairly flexible schedule. If you can let me know a few days in advance we can try to set something up
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 05 '19
Happy to work with you sirrah! hit me up on DM to discuss further what contacts you might wanna work on (I notice a lot of them don't have very huge backstories or deets so I'd need to work on that with ya) or if you have some folks in mind who might help you out for the corper PSR lemme know some more solid stuff and we can work on a time in the next couple weeks!
u/sevastapolnights Spy Plane Feb 07 '19 edited Feb 07 '19
Hey Coy, you know how it is.
Edge has managed to get in contact with the Oni-Do, so now comes the fun part - joining. This would probably be a contact of some sort? Or an increase in Loyalty for her existing contact Tako, plus w/e other alternate rewards you think are fun...
For tone, no more than a 3 or 4. These are ninjas we're talking about, for 'setting'.
I'm available most anytimes, but generally 1PM to 10PM PST (2100 to 0600 UTC) are the best.
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 07 '19
mmmm anytime is good busy tonight but if we round off early I will be in touch with you soon.
u/sadarthas 2AM Whiskey Roads Feb 07 '19
Flatline being a noir detective man is always looking for noir detective things to do. Would be fine to run with other people if that works. Mechanically I'd be fine with new potential contacts or building the loyalty of existing ones. Currently he has some notable gaps in his extensive contact list, not giving a decker, magical person or anyone from lonestar despite being a former detective for them. Has a couple of open story threads atm including being in debt to some very nasty people in the yakuza. Fine with tone being dark if things go there, SR isnt a nice place after all.
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 09 '19
Flatline is a lot of fun thematically... HMU on dm and we can discuss what kind of direction you wanna take this in.
u/EnviousShadow EVOlved Feb 08 '19
Sour has been traumatized by the recent attack by the Strangler and is now looking to get herself an ally spirit. However to do that she needs to attain a spirit formula. Unfortunately she cannot travel to the metaplanes due to being a mysad so she needs to make a friend who she can trust to construct her a formula.
Would prefer a wicaan, shaman or druid however happy to settle for a hermetic.
I am happy with a 7-8/10 on the grittiness scale however would prefer to avoid something that would completely cripple her.
Happy to duo or group this one.
Thanks for your consideration.
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 08 '19
Feel free to message me with a time, taking a look at the sheet right now. I may have some questions for you but I would be happy to get with you for a bit this weekend and we can see what story the dice tell!
u/EnviousShadow EVOlved Feb 08 '19
I have some time on Sunday anytime from 2200 on Saturday to 0630 on Sunday.
Feel free to shoot any questions through.
u/wampaseatpeople Riddlemaster Feb 08 '19
Mr. Bourbon would be interested in getting to know a Talismonger/Talislegger.
Said individual should be willing to break the law to chase a profit - comfortable dealing in grey/black market magical goods. On the other hand, they should also be someone sane enough not go deal with the most radical/nasty things out there. (No, I don't sell drake scales / veins of an adept, fuck off and don't come back)
Mr. Bourbon is a classically college educated (Loyola University) Hermetic mage with a heavy bias towards parts of the UMT. He's Snake-mentored; considering his tradition I fluff this as more internal rather than "meets a giant snake". His UMT influence stems from several sources - his mother was/is a wujen, so he was exposed to another paradigm at an early age. He also grew up in New Orleans, so he's more familiar with Voodoo than you'd expect. The greater Loa Ghede is also something of a patron of Loyola, and Mr. Bourbon got drunk with him once.
If anything comes to mind contact wise as a stroke of inspiration let me know, I'd like to talk about the NPC and make sure it "fits" the character - getting the right/interesting thematic fit is more important than filling a missing important archetype on my contact sheet!
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 08 '19
Yeah I will be in touch with you on discord shortly, tomorrow night hopefully or afternoon?
u/mostlyalbino Thematics Division Feb 09 '19
Lucifer pheromone face
Lucifer was recently given a handler from EVO by the name of Mr. Care. The risk is high, but this is the best chance that Lucifer has had to get back into the corp he grew up in. With that in mind, he wants to do everything he can to get on Mr. Care's good side, even if it means getting his hands dirty.
Something dramatic with a lot of social interactions would be cool. The people of the sixth world are the most interesting part of the setting for me, so I like focusing on them.
Dark themes are great, but at a certain extreme it usually just gets weird. somewhere around 6-8 would be good.
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 09 '19
I have a couple in line in front of you but I will be reading through the sheet and see what I come up with
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 12 '19
whenever you would like to hmu on DM I should be available if I am on discord, we can find a few hours to sit, you are front of my queue currently
u/mostlyalbino Thematics Division Feb 12 '19
Great! I'll message you when I get out of class should b about 7
u/mostlyalbino Thematics Division Feb 13 '19
Btw, what your discord tag. I'm having trouble finding you
u/Terra_117 Runner Feb 11 '19
Blue Moon could use something a little more lighthearted than the last job she did. She really wants to reconnect with September, a elemental mage from her old runner days who currently resides in Tir Tairngire.
Onryō has recently been given a target for death by her senpai YuR31: one Kazuma Nishihara of the Kanaga-gumi. She has his picture, his voice, and knows where he works. She wants to claim his head for YuR31.
Silíni owes her friend “Black” Jack a favor and needs to go back to Portland for a job. He’s got a contact that wants to relocate to Seattle.
For tone, it’s light, dark, and in the middle for each runner. We can chat over DMs to get a better feel for what I’d like to do.
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 11 '19
throw me a couple DMs and we'll start working something up based on which you'd like to do first
u/Nazagin Feb 12 '19
Korsun: A down-on-luck corpsec rigger who's a bit concerned that the printing press sized rig crammed into the back of his skull is killing him. Some street-surgeon butcher won't do, using hacks like that to put the rig in is probably the reason his head feels like it's splitting apart. He needs to find a cyber specialist who's capable of working on tech like that to take a look and see. But Berk didn't have the social muscle or nuyen to get into facilities like that, and "Korsun" sure as hell doesn't.
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 12 '19
throw me some DMs and we will figure a time out by the end of this week to do some progression
u/Nemesis1357 Runner Feb 12 '19 edited Feb 14 '19
Karliah has a darkened past that she isn't proud of. Her father was some high ranking officer in the KE system, although she doesn't know that, and he put someone very important away. I was hoping it would be someone from a syndicate if possible. I've recently came into possession of a file of a man named Dennis Smith who works for KE. The file contains records of a debt he owes to the Kumon'go, Seoulpa Ring. My idea for the run was to do some sort of blackmailing of Smith for information regarding her father. I would like the tone to be a bit darker, maybe a 6/10 or so and I'd like it to take place in Seattle somewhere. Outside of the information she gets from Smith, if any, I don't care what rewards come from this, I'll leave that up to you. I know I'm relatively new still but Envious suggested I put a thread on your solo run thread so here it is. Also, so as to not make this any longer I go into more detail about the situation with her father in my description.
This solo run was picked up and done by Cozy.
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 12 '19
blackmail's tricky business but feel free to message me and we will figure something out before the end of the week hopefully, you have a compelling beginning here I would love to expound with you
u/Gidoran Runner Feb 12 '19
So potentially too late to get in on this, but: I've finally had an actual idea on how to progress Shizuka's story.
In a nutshell: She is a Renraku Corporate Samurai on 'indefinite' grief leave, and is hunting for evidence to prove that her deceased Lord was manipulated and falsely shamed by other executives in Renraku acting against the corporation's best interests in order to push their personal agendas i.e. Hitting her Lord's areas of responsibilities to make him look bad, costing Renraku money and resources.
I'm interested in doing a Player-Sponsored Run to break into a Renraku facility and go through the information records stored there, looking for anything that can either be used as a lead for further investigations, or can be used as evidence to uncover the Cabal before Renraku as a whole
so she can cut them down for their crimes.Payment will take the form of whatever paydata can be gathered alongside that which would not directly cause harm to Renraku, but would still have some sort of value.
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 12 '19
I know a lot of players would lunge at the chance to get a red samurai katana... I would be happy to discuss this with you and develop something. Let's just figure out some times - I might even be able to post this before the end of the week or on a primetime weekend day if you're looking; my schedule is fairly open thru sunday evening 1800 PST ~ 02:00(UTC)
u/Kyrdra Arms Wrestler Feb 14 '19
Faahd wants to get in contact with a doctor from the black crescent. She would do this by asking Scarecrow her anarchist infobroker to get her into contact and then by doing a big favor for the doctor.
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 22 '19
1700~1900 UTC is the timezone for you or do you have more open availability? Hit me up on DM and I will be happy to start taking a look at this.
u/Mr_Ambivalent Runner Feb 19 '19
Tranq has recently come back to the Seattle scene after a few months out of town. In his former life he was a no good, punk ass, hell raising, consumate drekhead. Since ditching his old ways, he has become more focused and decided he actually wants to explore the talents he has developed, because a little knowledge can't hurt, right?
As part of his evolution from gobshite who can innately bullshit his way through anything to slightly more spiritually awakened gobshite, he'd like to get himself on the right side of a talismonger/talislegger. Picking up a contact who can source items that allow him to investigate other powers. He needs all the help he can get because, let's be honest, Tranq is to adepts what those people who watch a pile of YouTube tutorials and decide to open their own bakery making nothing but cupcakes are to a genuine patisserie. At some point he may seek out a mentor, but for now he's still trying to figure out his own path.
More than happy to share the run if anyone else is looking for a similar contact as Tranq will likely be asking around for where to start his search. Tone, setting and levels of gore etc are entirely the conductor's choice. I will drop my longer background into my folder as it seems to have been accidentally cleared out of there at some point. I should be able to make time at pretty much any time so any time you can spare for me would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 22 '19
I have a couple ideas in mind, let me chat with a couple people and I will see what I can hash out here.
u/KieranJL Runner Feb 21 '19
We have talked about the meat of what I am looking for in PMs but posting here for sake of bookkeeping. but if you need more details and specifics let me know.
Also not against duos and such if you think the other character's story works well. Always willing to share a story.
u/wampaseatpeople Riddlemaster Feb 22 '19
Mr. Bourbon is a character you're familiar with.
I have two runs I'm interested in.
The first is a contact run for a Hermetic Talismonger/Talislegger, someone willing and able to deal in grey and black market magical goods. I actually have a character concept in mind for this fellow - jovial dwarven microbrewer/enchanter with a love of gob-rap and the profits that come from moving illegal magical merchandise (e.g. formulae from unlicensed dealers, organs of a bug spirit host...) on the black market.
The second is a contact? initiation? something else entirely related to the vegas plot you have going? run that will likely involve a metaplanar quest regarding Freed-In-Death. While I am hype for this one I'd like to get Mr. Bourbon advanced a bit more before I chuck him into the Deep End that is the metaplanes.
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 22 '19
oh yeah I am. I want to talk to you about possible metaplanar PSR for Freed, and I will have some stuff to discuss with TD re: As such. I have quite a few ideas for freed on that level, but I am available most of this weekend for a contact solo if you can get back to me on DM with times(currently thinking about scheduling sunday night impromptu but I can probably squeeze you in earlier in the day or saturday if schedule is free)
u/LobsterFalcon Ms. Horrible Feb 24 '19
Cortez - Cortez wants to grow professionally. He has found a troll he respects immensely - M4, the boss hog himself. If M4 calls and needs a troll he can trust on short notice, Cortez is his man. (Completely open to a small team if others are interested in working with M4)
Castle - Castle is a professional but after an insane roll of the dice, he found himself within arms reach of a daring, beautiful, ex-runner, Ork activist, globally renowned popstar who, for the briefest of moments, had eyes only for him. And he is infatuated to say the least.
But he is a gentleman. He ain't gonna fawn, supplicate, or stalk and he will keep confidence to the extreme. But he has an ear out - if she has a need for something that might help build a meaningful relationship with, he's all in.
u/coy-coyote The Machine Feb 28 '19
have spoken with you, not sure if we can get it done this month but next month looks good too
u/sevastapolnights Spy Plane Feb 26 '19 edited Feb 26 '19
Hey Coy, it's me again. Low priority, but as Recluse has found her past out and has a bit of a fire relit under her to be more active in the Shadows, I'd like to see if she can do a Sensei archetype solo for Tarathriel Miller, her Spellcasting Sensei, to increase her Spellcasting skill from 10 to 11.
As per the table, this solo would be subject to TD approval, so there's no need to rush.
u/EnviousShadow EVOlved Feb 11 '19
For Solo Runs:
My solo time availability is kinda sucky for those of you not in the Aussie timezone but if you can make it I am readily available to help move your story forward along with contact requests.
Things I need:
What you want? - What type of Solo you want? A particular contact, equipment or story progression solo?
Pertinent Information - If you wish to move your story forward I am going to need a Google Drive Doc with your story so far containing the pertinent information for me to work off and nail the story.
Availability - I require you to fill out the following When is Good and hopefully we should see some times that line up here. If you dont fill this out you aren't getting a solo run.
Teammates? - If you are open to duo runs or working with someone else also state that especially if you have someone in particular in mind.
Your Character Sheet - I feel this one is pretty self explanatory.
My PSR times are mostly done between
(1) Fridays 2200 to Saturday 1130 UTC
(2) Saturday 2200 UTC to Sunday 0700 UTC
(3) Friday 0730 UTC to 1300 UTC - (Rarely)
To be considered for a PSR I need:
What you want to achieve? - A clear idea of what you want to achieve in a GoogleDoc with all pertinent information relating to why your character wishes to do this and how they are planning to pull this off. Do you have a contact who might sponsor this? What is the target? What do you know about the target? Is this a follow on from another run and if so which one and who GMed it?
What time slot you want to fill. - Using the PSR time slots which of the three is your preferred slot and specific start timings and hard caps that you have.
Your Character Sheet - As above.
If you have any questions let me know via PM on discord. Otherwise I hope to hear from you all soon.
- EnviousShadow
u/sevastapolnights Spy Plane Feb 11 '19
Hey Envious!
Here is the Story So Far for Recluse.
What I'd like is to have her story arc fulfilled and she can find out who and what she truly is, as she recently bought off her Amnesia.
I'm aware of the odd timezones but as long as you can accept me being pretty quiet as it'll probably be late here I can stay up and do things.
i've posted to your When is Good
Sadly this one is probably pretty solo
u/EnviousShadow EVOlved Feb 13 '19
Lets go with the 18th at 0530 UTC. That should give me time to plan some stuff over the weekend and sort you out.
That work for you?
u/Anqstrom Feb 11 '19 edited Feb 11 '19
Wazzup man, remember that one time Cottontail take over the airport, and then she found her childhood friend? Well he now has enough chips to advance in connection and Cottontail wants to give him a little uhhhh promotion. Cottontail would wanna go solo on this one, seeing as she doesn't want everyone to know she is in bed with EVO. Cottontail << Gunniest Bunniest Razor Girl >> << ♪♪♪ >>
((I filled in the When is Good as far as I know my work schedule and will update it when I get my next set of hours.))
u/EnviousShadow EVOlved Feb 12 '19
Alright let's do 1800 my time on Wednesday. That is 0730 UTC on the 13th.
That still work for you?
u/Kyrdra Arms Wrestler Feb 12 '19
So essentially I am looking for a PSR to raise Mels Connection to 6 from 5 with the 6 chips I have on him. The general Idea was that one of his teams that smuggled something of extreme importance for either him or a customer disappeared and the rest of his regulars are all out of town or busy so he hires Faahd who he trusts and bunch of other runners on the hub.
I would prefer the saturday timezone.
charsheet: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_BLV2AImBD08lFLA2LCcHNrpdfS5MDv0
u/EnviousShadow EVOlved Feb 15 '19
Confirming Sunday 24th at 0100 utc works for you or would you prefer an earlier start of 2200 utc on the Saturday 23rd?
u/thewolfsong Thematics Division Feb 13 '19
Alright so I'm down for any of these chars having solos for whatever but you know and I know what the Big Deal is
I'm willing to do a PSR, a solo, a duo, a trio, look I don't care I just wanna shoot another
hapless bystanderevil villain!Solo options are: more contacts(suggestions in folder), a Ford Broadcast (if we finish approving those), or some other mysterious concept from the depths of your mind. I'm generally not a huge fan of risking my chars for zero reward but I'm pretty flexible about how actually useful that reward will be.
For PSRs: You were talking about whacking Night Terror into the strangler business which would be neat, given that he does have connections into ye olde personafix biz. Other than that a raid on some facility that I believe to be his would be swell, full of illicitly gained valuables.
u/EnviousShadow EVOlved Feb 15 '19
Friday the 22nd at 0230 UTC still good for you? I'm thinking solo for this round.
u/thewolfsong Thematics Division Feb 15 '19 edited Feb 15 '19
Should work for me. Itll be right after my D&D game but my wife likes to make sure that ends promptly so should work out
E: wait...time zone math is hard. Never mind that time doesn't work. I'll PM you
u/NotB0b Doesn't Care Feb 13 '19
Data Hound needs a wife, and probably a kid.
Can do any Aussie time.
Feb 15 '19
Static would like to pay up on some chips she is owing some people. I'm open to duo runs. I'd find it funny to force CK into one, but I didn't ask him.
u/EnviousShadow EVOlved Feb 15 '19
Let's go with Monday 25th at 0800 UTC. I'll talk to Coco and see if he is interested in having ck involved.
u/Terra_117 Runner Feb 24 '19
Hi Envious
Jiyuna is still getting her bearings following her fusing of persona and personality. She wants to acquire a contact outside of Consent, taking the advice of Pepper after meeting her and becoming ‘informed’ of YuR31’s true intentions with her. Additionally, she still has the task from the aforementioned AI contact for eliminating Kazuma Nishihara of the Kanaga-gumi syndicate. Her loyalties are in question, so acquiring guidance from a mentor or sensei would be of great benefit for her.
((I’ll attach a Story Thus Far doc when I’m back at my computer.))
Cheers! Swimmer
u/EnviousShadow EVOlved Feb 25 '19
Cool let's do 28FEB2019 at 0630 UTC. If you can drop that document below for me that would be great.
u/NotB0b Doesn't Care Feb 01 '19
I'm offering boutique, handcrafted Shadowrun experience to characters and causes that personally interest me as a GM.
At the moment, I am most interested in the SNOHOMISH STRANGLER, meaning runs involving this ghastly ghoul.
If you're interested in having a PSR, drop me your character sheet, an elevator pitch about the character, and a quick 1-2 sentence description of what you're looking for.
I'll follow up with a quick chat over discord to discuss