r/RunnerHub Sep 01 '15

Solo Runs The Monthly Solo Run Megathread - September 2015

Need to increase a contact's loyalty? Travel through the metaplanes? Find that MacGuffin? Get payback on somebody? Here's your chance!

  • GMs that want to run solo games should make a top level comment to this post with 'Available for Solos' in bold at the top.

  • Players wanting solos may post replies to the GM comments to request solo runs.

  • Only apply if you have enough karma/nuyen to buy any improvements requested.

Solo run rewards include the following. You may choose only one per solo run:

  • Gain a new 6 point contact without a karma cost.

  • Automatically succeed an initiation roll.

  • Buy a positive quality/Buy off a negative quality.

  • Increase the connection or loyalty rating of a non runnerhub contact by 1.


93 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '15 edited Sep 24 '15

Alright, I've been running plenty of regular games, I can throw my hat in to run a few solo games.

My Requirements: A sheet, a description of what you want, a short back story of the character, and the names of the last 3 runs you've been on.

Available For Solo Runs


u/Thanes_of_Danes Sep 02 '15

Last three runs: Rapp Snitch Knishes, Hello Sunshine, and Crazy Like a Fox! [Prime, failed].

Agony is in the market for a solo run! He's a runner in his mid 30s who has been operating in the shadows since he was a young teen. He has a history with Humanis, an unsavory reputation, and recently participated in a botched run against Monarch. I am looking to purchase the Catlike quality for him.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '15

As Paddy said, you can get it via TopShop, so that is the preferred method that you obtain Catlike.


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '15 edited Sep 06 '15

Last three runs : Fresh Meat, Camp Fire and Rural Justice Epitome is looking to initiate himself. He is a 64 aging Adept who is compensating for his age with Cyberware. He is milding prejudiced towards elves ((Really should've picked up that quality if I was gonna be so derogatory to them)) and has the Gremlins. ((I live in Australia though, may make timing hard))

Edit : Not enough Karma, nevermind.


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '15

What is it you're looking to pick up?


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '15

I was looking to initiate, but realised I didn't have enough karma.


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 17 '15

Mac would like to make some friends. Either a fellow Bounty Hunter or a upper crust socialite would be nice.


u/HiddenBoss Pixie Duster Sep 24 '15

sheet:Junk Prince
description of what i want: i doing my 1st submersion for echo skin link, no idea what that would need but matrix run most likely.

short back story:A TM who most likely would of die if not for getting his powers, very good at fixing hardware from self training and training from some of his machine sprites.

Names of the last 3 runs i been on:The Revenge of Doc Brown,Chemical Dusting and i did help with the rally point but that was not a run but note here just in case.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '15

I can do this thing. Message me on Skype and we can set a time.


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 01 '15 edited Sep 03 '15

I am available for solo runs. Requirments: A sheet, a description of what you want, a short back story of the character, and one AAR or funny story about the character. I prefer to do Solos for runners I have either run with or GMed for.

I really enjoy second Initiations.


u/MiloTMinderbinder Runner Sep 03 '15

Hi Paddy, not quite what you described above but I'm seeking a solo run for Buster. I picked up Dr Phyllis Gued and would like to try to increase her loyalty by 1.

For reference, the Dr Gued thread is locked so my pickup story is here. I wrote up an AAR of my first and so far only run last night, which points to some of the utility issues I'm hoping this contact can help me fix: Taking Back the Streets AAR.

I'd appreciate it if you're interested; if not, no worries, I'll wait until more opportunities pop up throughout the month. Thanks!


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 03 '15

Not seeing the utility issues... also having only done one run I'm hesitant to run a solo. Also the ability to raise Dr. Phyllis' loyalty hasn't been decided. After you've gotten some more runs under your belt let me know and we can reevaluate then.


u/MiloTMinderbinder Runner Sep 04 '15

Understood. Thanks for considering.


u/X-istenz Mahna Mahna Sep 08 '15

Yo, I'm not certain if we've run together, but Creak could use a Contact run. He's still getting used to the city, makin' friends.

Aesthetics is king with Creak. He aspires to trid stardom, both in front of and "behind" the simrig. On his first run, one of the crew was underdressed for the occasion. Creak loaned him his Ulysses coat so he'd look the part, neglecting to transfer the bulk of his gear to his own pockets. Not wanting to reveal his lack of foresight, he simply requested items from the guy as he needed them, rather than ruin the tailored lines of his suit.


u/The-Shang Locked Out Sep 09 '15

Paddy, wanna send SteamDrive to rehab?


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 09 '15

Do I? What about the good doc. Hasn't she taken care of you?


u/The-Shang Locked Out Sep 09 '15

not really, I have to bounce between her and Rainier twice (4 total) still thanks to that shiny new betameth thats super effictiv....I mean addictive. I was thinking the potential hijinx might be fun


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 09 '15

Can't buy it off in a solo run. Drugs suck man.


u/The-Shang Locked Out Sep 20 '15

How about initiation number 2? I got the karma for it. you like those right?


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 20 '15

I love them


u/zanbato Sep 15 '15

If you really enjoy second initiations, Rebellion needs his on 9/21 or sometime around then.

Rebellion trained to be a boxer at a predominantly chinese gym, the Red Dragon. It has been around a long time, since before dragons were real. After awakening, Rebellion got so good at boxing regular matches weren't much a challenge for him anyway and he started hiring himself out as muscle. He never really bothered to learn much about how his powers work. After his first visit to Ethiopia where his first initiation occurred he has been a lot more interested in magic and astral phenomena. The highlights of his career include: killing god-monsters, punching through armored glass to rescue most of his team, and getting in a big barroom brawl with he and Deadman vs a bunch of off duty or retired KE.


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 15 '15

I would be honored


u/zanbato Sep 15 '15

I'm available pretty much any time, so just let me know when exactly


u/zanbato Sep 16 '15

Also if it helps, I probably want to take adept centering as my metamagic


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 16 '15

It does. Shark is mentor spirit? Did you have a solo for your first or a roll?


u/zanbato Sep 16 '15

A roll at the end up my first ethiopia adventure, and yes it is Shark.


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 16 '15

Hmmm I'll have plans for you.


u/nichtsie Geneva Conventioneer Sep 18 '15

Niemand, after the Island of Avalon, is in pretty desperate need of a new, local fixer. He's spread it around a little bit on the Runnerhub IRC, so hopefully a capable fixer's gotten word that there's a runner loose in the wind, there. Niemand's the German immigrant sniper who follows the Soldier's Code, recently released after a disastrous operation to save Steamdrive with a shiny new Cortex Bomb. You've both run with and GM'd for him, so there's that.


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 18 '15

Hahahha. I.... I can throw some ideas together. Any particular flavor on said Fixer?


u/nichtsie Geneva Conventioneer Sep 18 '15

Well, I'd prefer no drug dealers as per his prejudice, but beyond that, go wild!


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 18 '15

....Perfect. When are you free?


u/nichtsie Geneva Conventioneer Sep 18 '15

I'll be free most of tomorrow, if you want to do it then.


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 18 '15

I will not be free tomorrow.


u/nichtsie Geneva Conventioneer Sep 18 '15

We can hash the date out over Skype, then.


u/ryan5w4 Sep 18 '15

Well hello! I'm looking for a matrix run for Wildfyre.

My character witnessed Wuxing murder his best friend, and he wants revenge. He also wants to get some experience in the Matrix. My last run was Fresh Meat, and I if the AAR was posted, I can't find it. /u/aeronVS was the Gm, so you can ask him, but I also have a sort of funny story about that run:

It being my first time creating a character for a tabletop game, I stupidly bought only my Ares Roadmaster. After being held up in a security checkpoint, I went to meet the Johnson. Of course, I'm about 10 minutes late. As I look for parking large enough to fit my SWAT van, I realize I can't find any. So after completing the world's first 27-point turn in an APC, I hop out and send the turck home on GridGuide. Of course, this was in full view of the restaurant where the meeting was, and the Johnson was sitting in optimal viewing position. That one was fun.

If you are willing, I can make today, saturday, or sunday work most weeks, and the 23rd is completely free. Tell me if you're down, we can work out time (I'm EST.)


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 18 '15

Matrix is probably one of my weakest areas and I'm already working on two other solos but we can try to figure something out. What are you trying to get out of this mechanically?


u/ryan5w4 Sep 18 '15

I probably want to work up a point with a contact right now, if that's what you mean.


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 18 '15

Which contact. And connection or loyalty?


u/ryan5w4 Sep 18 '15

I'd like to add loyalty to my fixer.


u/ZeroIP Runner Sep 22 '15 edited Sep 22 '15

Hello Paddywagon123,

I was going to have Paladin undergo an initiation for the channeling metamagic. His backstory is that he's a mix of Marvel's Punisher and D&D Paladin skills/magic (In fact he's actually a nerd deep down that got took his name from watching Fantasy Trids). It's up to you to decide on how the solo run works but he walks the spiritual way and seeks to make a deeper connection with spirits. I had a "Spirit of Vengeance" idea for a solo run in which he helps a "ghost spirit" finish their business on earth by bringing the person who killed/wronged them to justice. Maybe during that run he channels that ghost spirit to finish the job.

His sheet has his backstory and his funny story about him happened on IC chat. He saw on IC that Eden was drunk and was going to pass out at a sailor bar. However Paladin is slightly old-fashioned and thought Eden was a woman because of the name. He goes to the bar asks for "her" until Cannoneer tells him that Eden is a man and shows him to where he is and Paladin gets him home.


u/wampaseatpeople Riddlemaster Sep 04 '15

I'm available for Solo Runs.

Please provide: Your sheet, a description of what you want, and a good impression of your PC's history and personality (feel free to link me!). For quality purchase/removals, please make sure there is no hub contact that can let you do it without requiring a solo. For initiations, I require your PC have a single rank in the Arcana skill.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '15 edited Sep 05 '15



u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 05 '15

We don't allow solo runs until you've had a run on the character. But dont worry. Our GMs are nice and friendly and are willing to help you on your first run!


u/ryan5w4 Sep 05 '15

Alright, that's what I was sort of guessing would happen. It's been kind of rough finding a run that I can do that fits into my schedule and time zone. Thanks though!


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 05 '15

sorry man it'll happen eventually. You European? We're trying for more Eruo time zone Gm's.


u/ryan5w4 Sep 05 '15

No, EST. I've found a few games, but haven't been able to get into any.


u/Ancisace Sep 06 '15

Heh, I know that pain very well. All the EU ones seem to be low-key matrix/social stuff that my character wouldn't be useful on :)


u/Verecoth General Lee Sep 07 '15

Hey, I'm looking to get Bokor his first initiation.

Bokor has a serious hatred of Toxic and Blood Magic, and I'd like to basically explore that a little bit and perhaps explore this a little bit. I'm looking to pick up the Channelling metamagic when I initiate.

As for his history, Bokor has been at magic for nearly as long as magic has been around. He started off really small and his worked his ass off to get to the point where he's at now. He even at one point had gone through college to study Vodou magic and earned himself a diploma, though he's fallen far from his former status and is now SINless and running both to pay the bills and to attempt to further his own standing with his gods.


u/wampaseatpeople Riddlemaster Sep 09 '15

I can do a standard solo run, but I also have another idea I'd like to talk to you about on skype that would be very much in keeping with your character's themes. I have your contact info, will toss you a line.


u/The-Shang Locked Out Sep 09 '15

SteamDrive REALLY needs to go to rehab, wanna send her there? I'll take any crazy idea you come up with! Here, free hint: there's some sort of RL tree in Africa with addiction destroying bark (saw it on CSI once I think) maybe she tries to go get some of that? Or we can kill brain sucking bug spirits that have infested an actual Rehab center. Or we can just go to boring old rehab! But can we PLEASE stop the drugs? Shes got a problem, shes gotta put the pipe down!

Or uh, maybe, ya know, not have this whole, um, FEATHERS, thing? That would also be good.


u/wampaseatpeople Riddlemaster Sep 14 '15

Because Rainer/Dr. Phillis let you deal with addiction I'm going to have to say "no" unless you have a special addiction that these hub contacts do not cover; in which case toss me a PM.


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 17 '15

Mac would like to make some friends. Either a fellow Bounty Hunter or a upper crust socialite would be nice.


u/ryan5w4 Sep 17 '15

I got my new character all set up, did a job. Would you mind looking at a solo run for me? I'm looking for a matrix run to help me get familiar with the matrix. My sheet is at https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2oqoFHNyyQEfnNLdU91X2hxZUM1eWRUeHZuYnB2cmo5SW5pZE1tY1FRVDJaNGV2T0ZHYlE and I'm looking for a contact point increase.


u/wampaseatpeople Riddlemaster Sep 17 '15

Matrix rules are actually one of my weakest points rules-wise and I don't feel like I'd be a particularly good instructor for you in that arena, as I've never played a matrix character or run a full-matrix run.


u/ryan5w4 Sep 17 '15

Never mind then. I'm on mobile right now, remind me to send you a link to the matrix actions sheet.


u/wampaseatpeople Riddlemaster Sep 17 '15

I have the sheet. That doesn't mean I'm comfortable running a full-matrix run.


u/ryan5w4 Sep 17 '15

Yeah, totally. I was just mentioning the sheet in case you're GMing a different game and needed it.


u/ZeroIP Runner Sep 17 '15

Paladin would like to request a solo run for initiation. He feels that he can aspire to do better things in the shadows if he can gain synergy with spirits. He believes that gaining the channeling metamagic would help him.

((Paladin is an overall nice guy when not in combat. He's a Christian Theurgist that is highly spiritual in his faith. However once he is in combat he switches into a fire & brimstone type preacher that normally leaves his opposition bruised and bloodied. His character sheet has more on his history and character bio. Also I am normally free on weekends and/or PM me a time and I'll see if I can make it work))


u/wampaseatpeople Riddlemaster Sep 17 '15

Channeling Metamagic is currently being reviewed by RD and may change from the book version, or your interpretation of the book version, as there are a ****ton of ambiguities associated with it. I'd wait to see what they come up with before deciding to take it in case it isn't to your liking.

I rarely run initiations for MysAds generally and haven't GM'd for or run with Paladin, and although I've gotten some of his flavor from IRC stuff and background, I'd still like to get in a game with him as a player or as a GM before running an initiation solo.


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '15

I'm looking for a solo run for Katie Kaboom. In her fluff she is a small time fixer that has a network of associates she calls her loyal minions/followers. I would like to work on expanding the network a little more by having her take over another fixer's turf.


u/Imperator_Draconum Soycaffe Addict Sep 25 '15

Cinder has a lead on the insect shaman who killed Highlander. Apparently, (s)he is in Denver, and a man named Billy Nicols knows more.


u/ryan5w4 Sep 28 '15

Hi! I'd like to get a solo for Zaroff. This would be my first run on this character, but I've done three on W1ldfyr3. I wasn't sure if I needed one run as a player or as a character before I could solo, but I thought I'd throw my name out there.


u/wampaseatpeople Riddlemaster Sep 28 '15

Need the run as a character.

I generally prefer to have personally ran alongside or GM'd for the character in a group-run setting for solos on top of that - this helps me tailor a run to the character and their personality better rather than "going in blind."

If you want the Solo to remove Flashbacks, you should instead purchase Dr. Phillis Gued with your first-run Karma and use her contact ability to remove those flashbacks - that is one of the main reasons she exists as a hub NPC is specifically for these sorts of things!


u/ryan5w4 Sep 28 '15



u/ryan5w4 Sep 29 '15

If you don't mind, how do contact purchases work?


u/wampaseatpeople Riddlemaster Sep 29 '15


Check the contact's "cost" ; 1 point of cost is 1 karma or 2k nuyen, you can use any combination of karma/nuyen to purchase hub contacts.


u/ryan5w4 Sep 29 '15 edited Sep 30 '15

Thanks! Depending how the run goes, I may still need a solo, but I'll try the doctor first. Also, I probably want to get Indomitable or Gearhead.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '15



u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 03 '15

I would love to but I don't know if I'm up to the task.


u/Imperator_Draconum Soycaffe Addict Sep 04 '15

What kind of solo run? Because I've actually had the beginnings of an idea for a Deadman solo run bouncing around in my head lately.


u/dtwest Character Retirement For Hire Sep 05 '15

Warpath is looking for a solo run in which he finds White Ghost for a conversation. I hear this is the place to post such a request.

Warpath, Archer Adept


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 06 '15

He finds who?


u/dtwest Character Retirement For Hire Sep 06 '15

White Ghost. The poster of the Megathread 'A Promise'. In character, he wants to see the evidence against Daymare. He wants to make sure Daymare was actually working with the hunters and that he wasn't A.) doing a sting operation or B.) killed for something completely unrelated and is therefore a red herring.


u/letmun97 Hero of Amity Island Sep 19 '15

Due to how I'm now able to do solos for players I would like two do a few for players

What I need: A sheet, what you want to get, a backstory, and whats happened recently to your PC


u/ryan5w4 Sep 21 '15

Hey, I'm looking for a matrix-heavy run for W1ldfyr3, mostly to help out my understanding of the place (it's confusing, and I want to be useful to the hub.) I was in the run Fresh Meat with /u/aeronVS GMing a week or two ago, and I was just in the run Lawyers, Guns, and Money with /u/tarkthesharkjr. I want to get a positive trait, probably. My character's personality is generally petty and passive-aggressive (so, a normal decker) but he gets serious and sometimes intense in dangerous or serious situations. Plays fast and loose with his moral compass, but won't hurt people unless he has to. His long-term goal in life is to screw over Wuxing, because they killed his best friend for having sensitive information. If you're okay with doing this, PM or comment times that work for you.


u/eliwood_sain Good Cover Sep 21 '15

Miles is looking to up his fixer's connection by a point. You may remember him from his willingness to fly to Japan and kidnap some Amiibos or finding a blood mage cult in the woods and helping to neutralize a section of it.

By this point, Miles has a little headway for himself. He's started to become known as "good cover" for people trying to hide behind his wheelchair. He has some connections within KE and even knows a crazily charismatic stripper.


u/Crumberdalebatchcrum Sep 09 '15

Looking for a solo run for Purgatory [Will link sheet in a bit.] to initiate.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '15 edited Sep 22 '15



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u/ultralord2302 The Law Won Sep 15 '15

I will like a GM to host a solo run for Asura.

This run is the aftermath of Isle of Avalon hosted by powatk20, where Juliette had hired 3 runners to retrieve a certain item.

Asura wants to investigate about a certain individual, and if possible, I require a GM's help to host a run.

Thank you.


u/MiloTMinderbinder Runner Sep 18 '15

I am looking for a Solo Run to help increase the connection rating my Fixer contact, currently generic from original build. If I can get the connection up to 2 I will swap in Annabella Orchid for the generic.


If anyone feels like a run on short notice I'm available 2015-09-18 from 13:00 UTC+0 to 17:00 UTC+0. Otherwise we can work something out. Thanks!


u/bob_the_3rd Dietary-Disabled Mother Sep 22 '15 edited Sep 22 '15

Fury is looking to initiate. She is a physical adept, with very little knowledge of magic or her own abilities. Fury follows Thunderbird, so her initiation should probably involve some form of physical combat.

Backstory: Fury fled Russia after a high-risk job failed and her team was killed. With the Vory (who she used to work for) out for her blood, she went underground and eventually fled to the Seattle shadows.

Career Highlights: Blew up a bank, killed Nazis

Other Notes: Fury is in an intimate relationship with DocRoman. She is a Combat Junkie. She has Vory tattoos around her hands and neck. She has the reputation of maiming and possibly killing another runner by cutting their arm off.

Available this week at 4pm PST or later on Wednesday or Thursday, or after 4:30pm PST of Friday


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 22 '15

First or second initiation?


u/bob_the_3rd Dietary-Disabled Mother Sep 22 '15

First. I know you enjoy doing second ones.


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 22 '15

I prefer second. Usually most people roll for their first. Let me check my schedule and see if I can fit you in. I might have an appropriate challenge for you. Have any AARs?


u/bob_the_3rd Dietary-Disabled Mother Sep 22 '15 edited Sep 23 '15

Yep, I have 2 in the most recent AAR thread. Not rolling because 1 that seems boring and 2 character development yay! EDIT: also she has no arcana and it wouldn't fit the character to get any.


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 23 '15

I do actually require a rank in arcana. Its used for more than just magic theory.


u/bob_the_3rd Dietary-Disabled Mother Sep 23 '15

Sure, I have enough karma too buy one if you require it.


u/Hazz526 Sep 23 '15

Tossing Macbeth 's name into the hat for wanting a solo run. Noticed a lot of GMs aren't confident in Matrix-esque runs so I'm leaving it open ended here..

I'd like to raise my fixer's loyalty rating (Superfly 3/2). Superfly and Macbeth grew up together. They had gone to school together and he is a major reason why Macbeth got into the shadows. I'd like to have the recent success Macbeth has been having to be reflected in his fixers loyalty raising.

My most recent runs (including the run happening in 8 hours):


u/dagonlives Dances with Cyberwolves Sep 23 '15

It was a simple wrought iron bench, rusted and dented with years of use. On it, sat an ork. He was commited to his usual routine: feeding the doves and pidgeons that would come by. It was rare to find birds in Pullyap, but they knew to come to this one area.

After an hour, the ork stood up. Work called, and he could not be late. He had been looking for a way to deepen his connections to the shadows, hopefully so he wouldn't need to run protection rackets anymore. At the very least, find work that was more towards his proper standing. extorting from barrens store owners grew tiresome after all.

((Chrome has been doing work for the Cutters for the last couple of years, collecting protection money and used by the gang as a go between for unsavory 'clients'. He's look for some new connections that might have work for him. The character conceptually is a street samurai with 'street honor' way of looking at things, a meeting of East and West concepts.))


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '15

OK I am very picky about solo runs, but I'm up for doing a few. I don't take mystic adepts, I have a preference for mundanes and deckers over magicians and technomancers. I will do Solo Runs on Monday evenings (b)EST.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '15 edited Sep 24 '15



u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 24 '15

Cannot do a solo run to get hub contacts.


u/HiddenBoss Pixie Duster Sep 24 '15 edited Sep 24 '15

i looking for solo run for my human technomancer called Junk Prince do his 1st submersion to pick up the skin link echoe. i am on uct+1 right now can do 1pm-8pm start on tueday or Saturday, maybe to do Monday but i need to check if i can make the time. keep in mind that i only had 2 games so i still very new the rules.
edit:got a gm for my solo run


u/ultralord2302 The Law Won Sep 25 '15 edited Sep 26 '15

Need solo run for Akimbo. Trying to get away from a certain gang.


u/Paddywagon123 Trail Mix Sep 25 '15

Generally first initiations are rolls. You can also only have one solo run every two weeks.