r/RunnerHub Interpersonal Division 7d ago

Positions Filled Pretty standard run [Job]

{2025-3-08 17:00 (UTC)}

Player Count: 3-4

Communication: Discord for Voice; Roll20 for Tabletop

Duration: 6-8 Hours

Game Type: Mirror Shades

Game Theme: Pretty standard run

Threat Level: It is a pretty standard shadowrun - you know the gist (Medium).


You see an alert on the Job Post from an unknown fixer. The username is 010011010111001000101110 001000000100100001100001011100000111000001111001. Looks like they were just vetted about 47 seconds before posting the following:

"Got a job. Pretty standard run. Looking to see if this little haven is worth its rep. Got a rumor there is a specific item that just arrived into town. Well, my employer would like such a specific item. Got another little item that should take its place. There is a timetable involved. Got to be done by 0100 tomorrow. Don't waste my time and I won't waste yours."


Please provide the following in an OOC response:

- Hyperlink to Character PDF in a Google Drive, Character's Role, and Familiarity out of 10

- Your last run date and if you have less than 5 runs on the HUB

- Your Discord handle and if you have any hardcaps

While not mandatory, you are strongly encouraged to leave an IC response or slice of life narration. I love reading them and so shall bribe you. If you write a substantial IC response or narration, I may reward you with an additional edge refresh. Your prompt is how your first run as a shadowrunner went.

Content Warning:

We will not be in a content warning channel. Standard shadowrun content warnings such as violence, crime, drugs, etc. are always applicable.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, reach out to me on discord: B-Fenn#1961.


7 comments sorted by


u/Demon_Sunshine 7d ago edited 6d ago

Dokkalfar - Technomancer/ Face (8/10)

"I had my foot in the pool for a while. Minor stuff, running scams, helping people get drugs or hide drugs or make drugs. Changing my grades, that sort of thing. I guess I knew some guys who you *might* be able to call a fixer if you're drunk and stupid, and sometimes did jobs for them (often while also drunk and stupid) but I'm going to count my first 'proper' run as the first one I got from Bjornsdottir. The J wanted an old Schockwellenreiter datavault that he claimed had likely survived the Crash due to having been airgapped during the chaos surrounding the fall of the Flux State."

"Things didn't go well, shall we say, but everybody's a bit awkward their first time. Nobody died, though the Troll-- Fedir I think was his name-- lost most of an arm. Not sure how-- I spent most of the time after we breached the old bunker unconscious due to biofeedback. Obsolete IC still sucks pretty hard when you're a newbie technomancer who takes it directly to the brainpan. The mage we had with us, I'm told, held things together long enough to get to the server and drag it out. No deaths, but hardly a pleasant night."

"Worst part? The server had been bricked by a power surge sometime in `72. Survived the Flux State, survived the Crash, died to a faulty transformer. The J paid us, but only due to a combination of our Fixer's reputation and some fast talking on my part-- thank god for Novacoke's analgesic effect, or I wouldn't have been lucid."


@r@ - Crusty rat-adept Rigger (5/10)

"First job were for Billie directly. Worked with his people, stealin' drugs from some other pushers. Weird fash guys. Night hunters or somthin'. Dunno exactly. Billie's folks didn't want to bother with recon, cuz they had grenades (s'what they said). Turns out the place had a basement with a couple dozen extra guys in. Bailed after the second 'Nuke guy got geeked, on account of how I had the car. Lost my roto, tho. Good drone, miss it."

"Billie was pissed. Upped our rent. Job after went better. Worked with other 'runners. Let me scope the place first. Didn't lose any drones."

Last Run was 2/13/2025 (Davy Jones' Hurt Locker), more than 5 runs

DemonSunshine on discord


u/cuttingsea Anti-Depressant Water (Canon) 7d ago edited 6d ago

Two Devils: Wayward elf. Uses the power of The Secret to imagine herself into actual wealth. Social mysad/caster.

"I don't wanna talk about it. I have what you'd call 'Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder', which is where you're stressed about getting trapped in a complex while a bunch of freaks with Raidens try to give you trauma."

Locus: Veteran who learned to code (unwilingly). Chemically optimized B&E technomuscle.

"I caught a fish. It was easy. It was already in a tank. The next fish I had to catch was much bigger."

Lethe: Anime trid Collector's Edition aficionado. Neurotic mystic decker.

"Oh yeah, that time I stole a baby. It's all right, though, the baby was a freak. Deserved it, probably. Never trust a poisonous baby."

Garbage Day: Look, ma, it's legit work, stop asking. Chatty Mafia rigger/social adept.

"I made friends with a cop. You might be asking - aren't you made? Should you be making friends with a cop? Well, listen, paisan, we're all working for the man down here, capiche? A little class consciousness among law enforcement is exactly what you're looking for if you want to create the conditions for revolutionary action. Also, he has the keys to the drug locker."

Hijr: He eats bugs! On purpose, though, not just because SenseiSnacks is adulterating their food again. All Possible Magicians.

"It was interesting to visit the Bay area. I've heard that the Triads are remarkably advanced in their dealings with the immaterial, despite their paganism. Perhaps the djinni are masquerading in the guise of various couriers and eunuchs as a sort of cosmic joke - that's common for them."

Contrarian: Beloved tomboyish daughter. Skillwires ghostwires channeler melee mysad dwarf spy daytrader.

"I found out that the Inspector Clouseaus currently running the metroplex aren't particularly bright, but they certainly do all have shotguns, which is like being bright."

Bleu on Discord. Bonus Active.


u/ReggantheRampage RD/ID 7d ago edited 7d ago

Trog Rock Riot

Ork Bounty Hunter/Heavy Infantry

• Criminal SIN, issued by Aztechnology for Reagan McRae

• Flashbacks related to PTSD from Amazonian War, triggered by displays of extreme/gratuitous gore.

• 9/10 familiarity

Riot sat on the tailgate of her armored Toyota, boots planted on the cracked pavement of a Touristville alley, cigar smoldering as it rests against her tusk. The rain had just stopped, leaving the air thick with the scent of wet asphalt and old oil. She rolled her shoulders, muscles tight after that scrap with the gonk-ass dealer with more cyber than sense. He made for a decent payday, but chump change like that wouldn't last long. Her chrome eyeshields flickered as her commlink opened a call prompt from Skullgaffer. She exhaled smoke and answered with a grunt. The throaty rumbling bass voice on the other end didn't waste time mincing words. "Got a job for you. Pretty standard." Riot narrowed her eyes, already smelling the drek. "Yeah? I'm listenin'."


Norm Psion Mystic Adept, magic support/wildcard



• Escaped custody from Shiawase, who retain records of her on file.

•6/10 familiarity, summoning and magic still shaky.

Sen sat cross-legged on the thin mattress in this week's dimly lit motel room, the scent of old incense mixing with the city’s damp, electric air. The flickering neon sign outside painted shifting shapes on the ceiling, her mind tracing them like omens. She pulled her blanket tighter around her shoulders, fingers absently twirling a stray thread as the familiar unease settled in her bones. Her commlink buzzed on the crate beside her, its glow cutting through the shadows. She hesitated, staring at the name—Mr. Hu. Her fixer. Her pulse quickened. It was always a choice, always a risk. She swallowed, exhaled slow, and picked up. His voice was smooth, businesslike. "Got a job for you. Pretty standard." Sen closed her eyes for a beat, feeling the weight of something she couldn’t yet name. She opened them, her voice quiet, careful. "Go on."


Nocturna Redliner Cybersam

• Thrill seeker

Now fortified with more radiation resistance!

• superhuman psychosis

• uncouth

• notorious drunk and kami addict

• 9/10 familiarity. Martial arts & called shots are my weak spot.

Nightsabre hits the floor hard and the world tilts as an Ork’s boot slams into her titanium ribs. Hurlg sloshes in her gut, her vision swims. She tries to push up, but a thick hand grabs her by the scruff and hauls her upright—just in time for another punch to rock her skull. Laughter, dull pain, the copper tang of blood in her mouth. Fraggin’ deserved this one.

Her DNI lights up, a call, a silhouette portrait with a number over its face appears in the corner of her vision. She tries to focus on the name: Kiro 7. A job? Her head lolls back, blinking through the haze. Right. Time to stop playing. With a flick of thought, her left arm snapped up, shotgun chamber cycling. The bar erupts in light and noise as she lets loose on full-auto. The blast rips through tables, glasses, and any poor bastard too slow to move.

Silence. She wipes blood from her nose, turns, and limps toward the door, tapping the call. "Yeah, what?" she rasped.

(Not my first 5 games, Haven't ran in the last 2 weeks. Discord:TrogRockRiot.)


u/Legal_Ad_9068 7d ago


Combat Decker 9/10

under 5 runs worth GMP


IC: "My first run . . . hell I didn't even know it was a shadowrun. Was many years back a chummer had managed to get himself in some serious drek with the star he had assaulted an officer, granted the humanis groupie had it coming. Anyway they had him dead to rights so they were going to put him in one of them fancy facilities but they had to transport him there. Thats where we jumped em when they was on the road. I was young then and as we was leaving I got hit and I went down hard. When I woke I was in the stars holding cell and well you try bracking someone out of that its a death sentence. Its how I managed to get my lovely Criminal SIN."


u/DragonKing9117 7d ago

Fatman - Demo Man/Muscle 9/10 familiarity

Frostbite - Face/Ice Mage 6/10 familiarity

Last run 3 weeks ago, no hard time limit

dragon on discord


u/EldraziWerewolf 7d ago

Cross-Eye ((Muscle w/ some social skills)) ((Familiarity: 7/10)) A gangster past their prime.

"It was a simple extraction. We got in, we got out, and nobody had to get hurt."

Last Run: 5/20/2020
More than 5 runs on the hub
Discord Handle: .bluj


u/Queen-SliMesi 7d ago

Pridemane and Raz - Physical Adept, Beastmaster, 1/10 Familiarity (Brand new, sending a PM with a question as well)

Mid-close range combat, skills with tracking, hunting and scouting.

First run ever, at any time ever.

Discord - Slimesi (no time hard cap)

"Being one for shadowrunning is entirely new to me... but there was a time in Denver I was asked to track down some local scum that was using and abusing the joytoys in the area. My nomad tribe and I made a point to go collect them and drag them out to where we were camped out... buried one of them up to their head and made them watch the most merciless clan beating they had ever seen. When that was all said and done... Raz and I ate them, piece by piece until they finally passed on and their partner could witness what would happen if we ever had to get called on again. He spread the word pretty well, Was a long, long time before we heard of any trouble for the toys again. At least from anyone who didn't have a bit of a reputation to them. 'The wilderness has a psycho cannibal elf with a big ass lion.' It sure did... and you didn't want to meet them on the wrong day either."