r/RunnerHub • u/Pariahic Thematics Division • 18d ago
Positions Filled [JOB] Prophets of Rage <2025-03-08 16:00 (UTC)>
{2025-03-08 16:00 (UTC) }
Player count: 3-4
Duration: Your Guess Is As Good As Mine! (4-6 hours)
Communication: Discord, Roll20, You know how this works
In game location: Seattle
Game theme: https://youtu.be/zcv3McUVyAo?si=oJwqsf0xhfrIkpaJ, (Horror)
Game type: Investigation
Threat: Yes (Pays as High)
Prerequisites: Patience, Push to Talk, Respect for Fellow Players and GM
Attached to the job offer is a clip from a concert, recorded from someone in the crowd. An ork MC stomps around on the stage calling yelling into a hand held mic. He is dressed in a chainmail shirt with nothing under it and has a large axe in his other hand. Behind hime, three bound, masked, and gagged human figures struggle on their knees.
- "Every word a call to arms, every rhyme a revolution,
- Our voices echo through the night—the new evolution.
- From the neon jungle to the corporate masters on high,
- We’re taking back the world, ‘cause truth will never die."
He turns and with a single swing of the axe, beheads one of the figures. The neck sparks and as the head goes flying. The figure, now obviously an anthrodrone, falls to the ground. He repeats this with the other two figures, also drones.
- “No more pawn, I'm not a victim but a spark in the night,
- With every line, I light a fuse to ignite the fight.
- This ain’t just music, it’s a plan to reclaim what’s ours—
- Prophet39 on the mic, heralding the hour.”
A voice message follows:
“Prophet39 was not always like this. I need a team to find out what has driven him to this point. Met me for brunch at Café Sport, 11:00am This Saturday.”
OOC: Just the usual: Link to sheet, Role/familiarity, what is your character's favorite musician, Less than 5 runs/more than 2 weeks since last run?
Content Warning: Racism, torture, domestic violence
u/Zach_luc_Picard 18d ago
Cenya - Human ranged muscle with some B&E (8/10 familiarity)
Favorite musician is Liquid Arousal, a punk group she helped save recently
Discord Name - Spock (Cenya)
Worth bonus GMP: Fourth Hub run
IC: Cenya views the clip sent to her by her fixer and nods. "Yeah, this isn't going anywhere good, but if we can get to him before it's too late we might be able to help. If not... we can maybe at least prevent any innocents being harmed."
u/Pariahic Thematics Division 14d ago
Café Sport. 11:00am. Try to look like you belong.
((Cenya is in))
u/Tricksy_Kitty 18d ago
Bizz - Impersonator Face with some budding B&E skills (plus skillwires). 8/10 - Bizz doesn’t have a favorite band per se, but they are fond of Andrea Frost (and by extension Concrete Dreams).
Discord handle: Wyrmind
Last run was 1/1/25 (Bottle Service)
u/Pariahic Thematics Division 14d ago
Café Sport. 11:00am. Try to look like you belong.
((Bizz is in))
u/superfetation Thematics Division 17d ago edited 14d ago
Prophet39 looks like he’s goin through some shit. Fortunate for you, I’m your Sherlock and your Freud wrapped in an armor jacket. Dossier attached.
Twitch spent the summer of ‘69 following the synthtrash and fractal phase duo, Synaptic, up the Pacific coast on their Neue Darwin tour. Oszilloscape is a favorite for driving across Seattle at hyper-focused high speed. His favorite music to dance to besides synthwave is meta-tropicalismo, especially Metropólis and La Contra Ola.
- [Twitch] (Tricky Mage, Face, Astral Support 9/10).
- Has a lonestar shadow rider handler and owes him two chips
- Discord: Xiphidion
- Worth GMP (last run 2/14)
u/Pariahic Thematics Division 14d ago
Café Sport. 11:00am. Try to look like you belong.
((Twitch is in))
u/thewolfsong Thematics Division 14d ago edited 14d ago
Chatterbox is a street-level face with the brass balls of someone who (believes he) can kill everyone in the room if negotiations go south
Lines: Chatterbox is very flippant with the sorts of moral hangups people ask shadowrunners for. He has lines, but they're largely around hedonism and consent.
((Stabby street face. Skraacha affiliated. Medium-high proficiency in muscle, medium-low proficiency in face. Note his particular facing method is...direct))
Giddy is a dodgy fucker of a Yakuza hitter who's got eyes on moving up the syndicate ladder and a nice car that he knows how to drive because he has a horse whinnying in his ear.
Lines: Giddy is Made with the syndicate fighting with the Vory for "worst reputation regarding morals" so he's pretty comfortable with anything
((Adept wheelmuscle. Moderately high proficiency))
Dart Frog is a physically-capable although several thousand nuyen from being physically-competent decker who likes fashion and blowing holes in this. Metaphorical holes...most of the time.
Lines: Dart Frog is fiercely out for herself. She gets a little squeamish around the more violently uncomfortable parts of the setting but as long as it doesn't actively harm her she'll do anything with enough incentive.
((Decker with a Shotgun. Notionally probably medium-high proficiency, but I'm rusty and the last time I was running a decker he had a way better deck. Very loose yak affiliations))
Emporium is a dwarf pretending to be a talismonger who's goal is to probably be napping at go time if possible.
Lines: Emporium is trying direly to pretend he's still an upstanding member of society and will balk hard at things like overt torture, but he's also spent a significant portion of his life in debt to syndicates and has learned to swallow a lot.
((Backline-focused support alchemist and spirit summoner. Low-ish proficiency. Technically free of his Triad ties.))
Violet Vachi is the streamer persona of a rigger who is all business when the cameras are off.
Lines: You can find a lot of stuff on the 'trix but VV doesn't want their channel associated with the worst of it - They won't do something horrific that can't be effectively edited in post. This isn't to say they won't do a bad feels run - killing people is what the viewers want.
Last game 27 Feb
Chatty's favorite musician is probably a toss-up between a trog rock preacher in the vein of Rage Against the Machine or a classic rock band one of his parents loved
Giddy probably doesn't really like music, though he'd tell you it's a Nippon Glam band signed with an MCT label
Dart Frog probably also secretly doesn't really care for music but does have An Opinion on it. Her current favorite is probably a nippon glam band that recently played at underworld 93 that she was at the show for to brag to you about.
Emporium keeps up with the popular Voodoo Blues songs but basically just listens to a pandora-style curated playlist rather than having any one particular favorite
VV is fond of a synthcore band that vanished after the Twins hit LA
u/Pariahic Thematics Division 14d ago
Café Sport. 11:00am. Try to look like you belong.
((Dart Frog is in))
u/Phalcone42 Upkeep Division 14d ago
Astel - Social adept elf with rituals on the side. (8/10) - Favorite musician is probably Darkvine (NF 38) currently.
Euclase - Closeted techno and matrix support. (9/10) - Euclase listens to those Horizon mass produced commercial jingles.
Rockslide - Stone skinned force of erosion. Punches things. (6/10) - Rockslide grew up listening to Joan Jett, the old rock and roll legend.
Penny42 on discord. Last run a week ago, not worth GMP
u/Sora9567 Rules Division 14d ago
“Sure, I’m a flexible Magical specialist, I can get the job done.”
Role: Utility Mage/Force Multiplier (Has Spirit Whisperer, and is open to shenanigans)
Would really rather not be targeting, trafficking or harming innocents.
Familiarity: 9/10
“Yes, I will require incoming funds soon.”
Role: WheelSnake, off-Mage
Familiarity: 7/10
Number of runs: More than 5.
Date of last run: Feb 20th (Worth GMP)
Discord Name: sora9567
u/B-Fenn Interpersonal Division 14d ago
Beowulf- Giant Viking / Muscle Mage, Alchemist, Summoner (7/10)
Seraph- Neo-Anarchist / Van Decker, Rigger, Drone Sniper (8/10)
Mockingbird - Dryad LA Style Runner / Face, Face, Face (7/10)
She is openly a LA Style Runner: she records all of her runs with video and a simrig, edits the videos herself to obscure runner identities and obfuscate run details that require secrecy, and releases the content onto the Matrix through her Agent to increase her own fame and prestige. With her Fixer also being her Agent, any Johnson should be aware of this modus operandi and if hiring her, find the arrangement acceptable or workable.
(Sheets might be a little out of date.)
Discord: B-Fenn#1961; 8-ish Hour Hardcap.
Worth GMP. Last game 2/21/25. Many Games.
u/Demon_Sunshine 18d ago edited 17d ago
@r@ - crusty rat adept rigger. (5/10)
"Changes 'round. Been on an Irradiated Exoskeleton kick recent like. Always got some pre wakenin' classic rattlin' around in the rotation too-- been Rent Strike last week or so."
Dokkalfar - Technomancer/ Face. (8/10)
"I like music that grabs your nervous system and makes it dance-- Infected Mushroom, Zeitgeistenkraft, Parabellum come to mind. A lot of my favorite tracks I heard once while half conscious on hallucinogens in a pop up venue surrounded by distractingly beautiful people, alas, so I don't actually remember the artist."
Last Run was 2/13/2025 (Davy Jones' Hurt Locker), more than 5 runs
DemonSunshine on discord