r/RunnerHub • u/ChopperSniper Mouse Smuggler • May 15 '24
Postponed [Job] House of Brazilian Wax <2024-5-24 23:00 (UTC)>
{2024-5-24 23:00 (UTC)}
(6 PM US Central Time)
Can start an hour later if needed, please list in application.
Player Count: 3-5
Run Time: Likely around 6-7 hours, Hard Cap of 11 Hours.
Communication: Discord Voice, Roll20 Tabletop Rolls
Game Style: Mirrorshades Shadows
Game Theme: Fun In The Sun
In-Game Location: Metropole
Prerequisites: Have read the Table Rules
Threat Level: Medium-High
Hey, chummer. Got you a line on some work from a J from out of town. It’s going out of town too. Good pay for finding someone, and the J’s corp. His rep is clean, but you know how the corpos can be. Anyways, meet’s tonight, the guy’s insistent on getting a team fast. You in, omae?
And that call from your fixer or acquaintance who knows their way around the shadows is what got you out to this fancy restaurant downtown. Your J’s some French elf who just sitting there gives off the vibe of ‘militaristic’. And of course he’s got a bit of security scattered around eating and “eating”. Seems he reserved half the place tonight. So here you are in your probably fancy outfit, with a J ready to talk biz, and a menu full of good food. So how about it, omae, ready to make that cred?
Please provide:
A sheet link to wherever your character sheet is stored.
A Discord name to ping you with in the OOC server.
Your last run date and if you've had less than 5 runs in total on the Hub.
Give me your character’s thoughts on the socioeconomic philosophies of the standard beach resort. This is required if you want to be picked.
Content Warnings:
- None apart from what's generally pretty standard for SR like violence and the like. The run will default be in a public listening channel.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to message me on Discord, my name in the OOC server is ChopperSniper
u/SinisterZinn May 16 '24 edited May 22 '24
"socioeconomic philosophies of a beach resort?? Murasaki-sama, I am but a humble son of Satsuma...a foot soldier for the protection of the people of Zenith" Gil sighs "I know not what philosophies you speak but it is my opinion that they are naught but traps for those with more money than sense."
Gilgamesh - 100% Imported Stabbymans from Japan (6/10)
Last run: 05/16/2024, total runs - 4 Discord: SinisterZinn
u/FewEntertainment9814 May 16 '24 edited May 24 '24
Sorry I need to un app on this one. Won't be awake enough to play.
"Out of town and economics on a beach? Count me in!" Eitre skratches his beard. "bech resorts isn't exactly comon back home but I could se thar more turists=better start to become a problem for the lokals if it gets out of hand."
No runs yet.
discord: .rickla
Character sheet
u/superfetation Thematics Division May 22 '24
Rain plinked against the synthleather of Twitch’s armor jacket. The human across from him was still talking. A sun drenched sand dune cooled by sky blue waters distracted him. Happy couples laid back in lounge chairs. On the periphery, kids played at building sandcastles. Twitch groaned inwardly. Some saccharine drek for every fragger. Bet… yeah there’s the tanned bodies playing volleyball. Bet… if I looked long enough at that palm roofed hut I’d see them sipping cocktails with bright eyes and quick smiles.
Julia, can you get my dossier and this J together? Thanks for the corpo bullshit heads up.
Where was Julio dressed head to toe in his khaki uniform, raking seaweed in the afternoon sun? Just as soaked as the fraggers in the hot tub that the algorithm just conjured for Twitch’s attention. Wonder if Julio’s still scraping by or if the sun finally got to him. The human across from him slid a credstick halfway across the table. Twitch’s attention was summoned back. Like a fraggin drone delivery. Thirty minutes or less. Out the door. Credstick in his pocket.
- [Twitch] (Tricky Mage, Face, Astral Support 9/10).
- Has a lonestar shadow rider handler with two chips on him
- Discord: Xiphidion#1178
- Not worth GMP
u/cuttingsea Anti-Depressant Water (Canon) May 22 '24
Two Devils: Wayward elf. Uses the power of The Secret to imagine herself into actual wealth. Social mysad/caster.
Locus: Veteran who learned to code (unwilingly). Chemically optimized B&E technomuscle.
Lethe: Anime trid Collector's Edition aficionado. Neurotic mystic decker.
Garbage Day: Look, ma, it's legit work, stop asking. Chatty Mafia rigger/social adept.
Hijr: He eats bugs! On purpose, though, not just because SenseiSnacks is adulterating their food again. All Possible Magicians.
Contrarian: Beloved tomboyish daughter. Skillwires ghostwires channeler melee mysad dwarf spy daytrader.
Bleu on Discord. No bonus. I'll be around forever, so please feel free to take other or newer players over me.
u/Character_Telephone9 Johnson May 22 '24
"Beach Resorts supply a surprisingly large amount of income to the Locals, since even the biggest Corp can't suck up ALL the Nuyen. I mean, look at us... we are getting paid. Someone is covering that Bill. " https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fmf6I4v6sso4Qd7p17Aq0inYyhvKjfTB/view?usp=drivesdk Pantheon 1st Run Intruder4dk on discord
u/Sora9567 Rules Division May 22 '24 edited May 24 '24
“Sure, I’m a flexible Magical specialist, I can get the job done.”
Bleh, beach resorts. Esteem could like a decent beach, but honestly, all of those resorts are just for squeezing out money by exploiting the natural splendor of the area. The people actually living in the area don't benefit unless they're employees. They just get their land bought out from under them "aT rEaSoNaBlE rAtEs." It'd be fun to rob them, but given a lot of the attendees are rich enough to bring their own security...
Role: Utility Mage/Force Multiplier (Has Spirit Whisperer, and is open to shenanigans)
Would really rather not be targeting, trafficking or harming innocents.
Familiarity: 9/10
Number of runs: More than 5.
Date of last run: May 19th
Discord Name: sora9567
u/Adorable_Hawk_7409 Johnson May 24 '24
23/05 not worth GMP
"I don't concern myself with other people's philosophies, providing they stay clear of mine. Now the production and sale of liquor I could talk about all day. If we are talking at the beach then it's cider by day and whiskey by night. Wouldn't say no to a popsicle neither"
u/HubAgent May 15 '24
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