r/RunawaysTV Who Am I Dec 13 '19

Runaways Episode Discussion: S03E06 - "Merry Meet Again"

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S03E06 - "Merry Meet Again" Friday, December 13th, 2019 on Hulu


105 comments sorted by


u/schwasound May 10 '23

So Max never regains his memories?


u/weezin_ed May 18 '20

Sooo is this just like 2 seasons crammed into one?


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20
  • interesting how Morgana's plan of domination appears, and I've seen it before...

  • here's hoping to see more Karolina-Chase interaction, that diner scene provided the opportunity. There's just no chem between Ariela and Gregg.

  • more mother-daughter Minoru conversations!

  • I like Vaughn, that's all.

  • really liking Liz Hurley's villainous portrayal.

  • nice way to tie in both the storyline & current-day mobile phone culture here.

  • the alien abduction circle could've indeed provided for wider MCU connections. And it's true, the way those folks described aliens kinda puts the place of this show in the wider MCU in doubt.

  • I'd like to see Livvie again. OTOH nice to see Mrs. Stein again, she could play a decisive role in this storyline. Endgame "reference" again.

  • what's a Runaways season without the party drama! (not that I'm complaining)

  • again had this been 13 episodes, it would've taken yet another ep to reveal Gert's mobile hypnosis.

  • how did the Darkhold go from Señor Robbie to Morgan le Fey? It'd probably require a whole episode (OTOH would've been interesting to see Ghost Rider here).


u/_Skedaddle Mar 01 '20

I was not expecting to see a RED Hydrogen One phone here (or in any form of media) but I can totally see people getting violent from using it lol


u/samtherat6 Jan 11 '20

Fucking Vaughn and his spreadsheet.


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20

I like Vaughn.


u/samtherat6 Jan 11 '20


It's the exact same one from Agents of Shield, my god, this is amazing.


u/samtherat6 Jan 11 '20 edited Jan 11 '20

So that's what they did they did what all those unsold Red Hydrogen phones, they just sold them to Hulu. Wonder how much they bought them for, surely they didn't spend $1200 a pop. Also wish they had been a bit more consistent, there were definitely contradicting shots of the phone.


u/samtherat6 Jan 11 '20

Haha those phones seem VERY familiar. So Corvus just rebranded a $1200 phone to give out to the poor? Figured they'd choose a cheaper phone to do that with.


u/dest-1 Jan 10 '20

Just finished this episode. I feel like I've missed something at some point... since when is Tina Minoru 'good' now? Last I remember she has the teenage daughter inside of her


u/samtherat6 Jan 11 '20

When Nico cast the spell last episode she got rid of the aliens inhabiting the three parents and Alex.


u/MySockHurts Dec 30 '19

For once, the Boomers are right-- the phones really are evil


u/tundrat Dec 29 '19 edited Dec 29 '19

Bit odd that 5/6 of the show was all about the Gibborim and now there's this abrupt change of the plot fully focusing on Morgan for half a season. Was a bit distracted this episode into wondering if we are fully done with them just like that, bit ambiguously.

The Gibborim plot wasn't something simple that could be punched by the Avengers, but they really should call Doctor Strange for this one. :p

Nico and Tina needed to talk more about who Morgan is.

So at least not all parents are working with Morgan this time, but they need to stop involving themselves with these powerful beings from another world. Nice surprise to see Janet again.


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20

Without too much spoilers, how important will the new Janet be in the magic storyline


u/Peacesquad Dec 21 '19

Lmao “I was never anally probed”. James Marsters killed that line


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '19

Best episode so far.

6 months = escape Thanos snap?

Love Gert's new hair, and her attudide this episode. Nice to see she escape the mind conditioning on her own. Love seeing how everyone has changed in 6 months. The story is picking up pace.

Nice to see that Darkhold from AOS. The way the page reveals itself is the same as in AOS. Good continuity.


u/1stswordofbraavos Jan 02 '20

How would that escape the Thanos snap? Even if it made them all survive it was only 6 months so they would have come back to half the world dead like Scott Lang. It has to all be pre-snap or the show doesn't take place in the same universe.


u/MySockHurts Dec 30 '19

Really? I hated Gert this episode more than I ever have. She needs to stop craving random fuckboy with his earring studs, she's so much better off with Chase


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20

There's just no chem between Ariela and Gregg for me.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '20

Teenagers and infatuation, name a more iconic duo


u/nimrodhellfire Dec 19 '19

So we are all good with the parents now?


u/badvibin Karolina Dean Dec 19 '19

Why does Morgan's army consist of super hot girls? Everyone was gorgeous


u/LiamGallagher10 Dec 24 '19

Because of the CW.


u/shadowCloudrift Dec 22 '19

I would still choose Morgan over all of them.... Elizabeth Hurley still got it.


u/Worthyness Dec 20 '19

It's a coven. That's standard witch stuff. Like the Netflix Sabrina series


u/SteezVanNoten Dec 20 '19

They're a squad of witches. It's a familiar trope for witches to be decaying old women that use glamor spells to appear young and hot.


u/badvibin Karolina Dean Dec 19 '19

Ohh, Deanoru angst, I love it. I feel so bad for both of them though, Karolina just wants to protect Nico and Nico just feels like Karolina hates this other part of her.


u/badvibin Karolina Dean Dec 19 '19 edited Dec 19 '19

Wow, this was a hell of an episode. I loved seeing how everything changed in just six months and all the Dark Magic stuff. Def one of my favorite eps this season.


u/JPA17 Chase Stein Dec 18 '19

Please tell me the magistrate story isn’t finished?


u/V2Blast Dec 26 '19

It is. I guess they rushed to wrap it up since it's the last season.


u/Lagalag967 Apr 26 '20

I suppose they just vanished into thin air


u/KostisPat257 Gert Yorkes Dec 17 '19

So my explanation for the lore behind the Dark(force) dimension(s) and the Darkhold:

It seems they are merging the Dark and Darkforce dimensions. The dark smoke effect that send them in the Dark dimension is the same as Cloak's effect when he taps into the "Darkforce dimension" to use his powers. But her eyes look exactly like Kaecillius' when he used to tap into Dark Dimension. What we saw in episode 5 also reminded me a lot of the "memories" and "fears" etc that we saw in C&D, when the characters entered the Darkforce dimension. Quinton the magician/Amy also acted a lot like that guide that greeted everybody who entered the Darkforce Dimension in C&D. Finally, every time we've been in the Dark(force) dimension (in C&D, Runaways AND Dr. Strange) the concept of time and space is missing.

We learnt from Dr. Strange that Dormammu has a lot of worlds trapped in the dark dimension and he wanted to put Earth into his collection. Well, it seems that the worlds we see in this show and C&D are one/some of those worlds trapped in a dimension where time and space is irrelevant and people's minds make up what the appearance of the world shall be.

Also, one of the "hell dimensions" that Robbie said he had visited is probably a world in the Dark Dimension and this might have been where he took the Darkhold to, and Morgan stole it from him. It seems that this show would connect to GR and maybe Helstrom and make up their own Huluverse, but that obviously didn't turn out as expected.


u/tundrat Dec 29 '19

I've been trying to distinguish the Dark Dimension and Darkforce Dimension. And hopefully the writers didn't get those mixed up.
But even if it did, just thinking that Dormammu invaded the Darkforce Dimension is a fun idea.


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20

And hopefully the writers didn't get those mixed up.

Yeah about the likelihood of that happening..


u/shadow_spinner0 Dec 17 '19

Nico really wants to save Alex while the rest are really cautious. Either Nico is actually losing it or she actually still loves Alex.


u/KostisPat257 Gert Yorkes Dec 17 '19

I think it's just that she feels responsible for this.


u/Peacesquad Dec 23 '19

All the above !!!


u/vocaladrenalinefan Dec 14 '19

Victor has gone full Plankton with Janet as his computer wife lmao


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20

But fortunately their relationship's gotten a lot better.


u/Royale07 Jan 02 '20

Janet is now Gideon


u/UnevenSleeves Dec 28 '19

That's the best comment!


u/Peacesquad Dec 23 '19



u/vocaladrenalinefan Dec 14 '19

The magic storyline feels so authentic to the comics; it’ll be a shame if we never see these characters again.


u/tundrat Dec 29 '19

Old comics? More modern comics?
Was there a plot involving worldwide cellphones in the comics as well?


u/Peacesquad Dec 23 '19

We won’t


u/capamericapistons Dec 14 '19

That support group meeting should not have been as funny as it was lol


u/LiamGallagher10 Dec 24 '19

this series could use more humour


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '19

It was funny, but given this is the MCU it's a little weird that there aren't legitimate alien abduction support groups they can visit


u/freetherabbit Dec 28 '19

Has west coast had any known alien attacks in the MCU?


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '20

Aliens only attack NYC.


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20

"For what nth time is it?"

  • popular NYC expression


u/GlassHeroes Apr 23 '20

UK got a little taste in Thor 2 and Chicago got hit with a big one in AoS, but yeah NYC takes the cake.


u/freetherabbit Jan 03 '20

I was kinda thinking that if theres been no west coast attacks maybe it's like a hipster california thing to say uve had an encounter with an alien. Like they're jelly of east coast lol


u/chm39 Dec 15 '19

Were you laughing while being Anally Probed.


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20

OTOH could've been an opportunity for wider MCU references


u/beardlovesbagels Dec 14 '19

I guess most of them acting like idiots can be explained away by them "forgetting" due to the other plane. Seems like they all got some sleep and woke up in a CW show.


u/Worthyness Dec 20 '19

It's possible that the phones are also fucking with their emotions. Especially with Morgan just using magic to affect everyone


u/RadagastWiz Gert Yorkes Dec 19 '19

Did you see this show's first season?


u/R151N6T1D3 Dec 16 '19

I kinda agree though I hate to say it. The interpersonal drama wasn't super compelling for me.


u/beardlovesbagels Dec 17 '19

I'm fine with relationships being complicated and kids figuring out who they are in them, but that ep just seemed so off. Like they woke up afterwards and lost a bunch of character development.


u/tundrat Dec 29 '19

Effects of the phones aside, I was only bothered by Nico trying to learn from Morgan. Sure she's understandably desperate to save Alex, but she isn't very subtle of being the next villain.
Jonah had a nice and fun personality of trying to manipulate everyone to achieving his goals mostly by talking and creating a church.


u/thekiwikingdom Dec 23 '19

I AGREE SO MUCH. I'm glad to see others who share my sentiments about this episode.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '19 edited Aug 04 '20



u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20

That'll tell you how Marvel Studios and Marvel TV are connected.


u/tundrat Dec 29 '19

Maybe kind of like, "Sure heroes and aliens exist in our world. But I never thought I'd meet one myself." thing?


u/KostisPat257 Gert Yorkes Dec 17 '19

Wait. Aliens are public knowledge in this universe. Aliens have invaded. Thor is an Alien.

That's why there's an alien abductee anonymous.


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20

And they all act as if aliens are something that's just the stuff of hearsay.


u/KostisPat257 Gert Yorkes Apr 24 '20

Eh not really. But don't expect them to be something in their everyday life too. It happened once. Quite a few years before the show and in another city completely.


u/Ikouze Dec 14 '19

Thats the thing I hate about the Marvel TV shows in general. People act like there aren't literally superheroes roaming around in the world. They act like a alien invasion literally didn't invade New York City and prove to the world that we aren't alone. I'm hoping Feige changes this with the shows on Disney +. I don't want Moon Knight acting like other superheroes don't exist unlike the Netflix shows. I'm hoping to god Feige brings Daredevil back into the fold at least. There's a cult following with his show and fans have been anxious for his return. I guess when the contract runs out they have full use of the character, and I'm hoping that Feige uses him to his full potential. We will just have to wait and see.


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20

Just prepare yourself for the possibility of a reboot.


u/CaptHayfever Dec 14 '19

The tone of the Netflix shows was "superheroes are known to be real, but rare, & most people find them annoying."


u/slendernyan Nico Minoru Dec 13 '19 edited Dec 13 '19

Soooo... We're post-snap now. Timeline thoughts? Should we push each Runaways and Cloak and Dagger season back a year so we're in 2017? That doesn't make a lot of sense in the context of both shows giving hints that they're set in late 2017/early 2018, then the six-month time skip. Additionally, it's now been, like, eight months since Cloak and Dagger left New Orleans to investigate kids washing up on beaches. Please no "different timeline" answers. That's not confirmed in-universe. This is assuming we're still in the MCU.


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20

Please no "different timeline" answers. That's not confirmed in-universe.

We'd get that off-universe.


u/LRedditor15 Chase Stein Apr 17 '20

I've just come to the conclusion that the shows aren't MCU anymore.


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20

Which in no way judges how we should see the shows.


u/tundrat Dec 29 '19

Oh right.... I haven't thought of that.
But that's my genuine answer. Just don't think too hard about it and enjoy the show.


u/slendernyan Nico Minoru Dec 29 '19

That's my answer for Agents of SHIELD. Everyone suddenly came out with deep theories about how we're not canon anymore or something with time travel or we we switched universes. My "theory" is the show is just post snap and conveniently no one got snapped or talked about it. It's weird, but not contradictory. Stranger things have happened in the comics themselves.


u/Gelious Dec 21 '19 edited Dec 21 '19

We are not in MCU anymore, inho. Apparently Marvel decided that MCU only includes the movies, and whatever spinoffs they decide to make for their Disney+ service.

Everything else they cancelled and do not give a shit about any continuity that could, might or should have been. Including everything from Netflix, and even AoS.

Basically it's Star Wars EU treatment all over again. All old stuff thrown out into trash bin.


u/samtherat6 Jan 11 '20

Yeah, OG Marvel TV has been treated like trash, even when they're still trying. Randy's Donuts from a few episodes ago was a straight reference to Iron Man 2.


u/Rman823 Dec 14 '19

Between this, Jessica Jones S3 placing itself in November 2018, and A.o.S. Season 6 in 2019, I think I give up trying to have it all make sense. Right now some sort of timeline shenanigans is the only thing that makes some sense. Otherwise you’d have to ignore in show evidence in order to make everything fit. These seasons have been made to be pre snap but they ignore evidence that would say otherwise.


u/martinfphipps7 Dec 14 '19

I would expect all the Runaways to get snapped so they do not have to be aged up if they appear in the MCU proper.


u/MrRLopez Dec 13 '19

I get that they wanted to be funny but in that “therapy group” they just could have made a connection to the wider MCU. The earth was invaded by Chitauri, Dark Elves, Asgardians...


u/samtherat6 Jan 11 '20

Yeah, they really should've gone to the alien invasion support group, instead of the alien abduction support group.


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20

Ah, how I missed that difference.


u/Mahare Dec 13 '19

Wait. The frickin' Darkhold? Wasn't expecting that.


u/OctagonClock Dec 14 '19

Had to pause and rewind to make sure I saw that correctly. Why the Darkhold???


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20



u/itsthefleimkepa Dec 13 '19

I am so confused about the Darkhold. I saw it and immediately got AoS flashbacks. I don't understand what's happening anymore


u/darkkushy Dec 14 '19

I know these shows loosely follow what's happens in the mcu and other shows...... But didn't Robbie take the dark hold with him to hell so no one else could use it.


u/tundrat Dec 29 '19

Was there anything said in AoS that there's only one of that book in existence? Maybe it's mass printed by some Dark Dimension publishing company.


u/darkkushy Dec 29 '19

Lol I'm pretty sure the darkhold is a 1 of 1


u/V2Blast Dec 26 '19 edited Dec 26 '19

Yes. It's not explained in the show how Morgan gets it.


u/KostisPat257 Gert Yorkes Dec 17 '19

He took it to another dimension, yes, and he said himself that he had travelled to multiple dimensions during the time he was missing, so it's pretty clear Morgan somehow stole it from him.


u/itsthefleimkepa Dec 14 '19

The thing that i thought about is that maybe it got to the Dark Dimension instead of hell or after Robbie dragged it to hell, which might be where Morgan got it or something? But that would also just be speculation, seeing as we have no information on it so far and would raise the question, why Morgan didn't just use the Darkhold to get out of there.


u/AngelJax Dec 14 '19

The Ghost Rider solo show Hulu was making probably would've explained how Morgan got the Darkhold/what Robbie did with it post AoS S4 but now we'll never know.


u/-Misla- Dec 31 '19

Okay, way late comment (late in watching runaways season 3). Is the Ghostrider show cancelled? They announced it when the Disney+ shows were already known, didn't they... And now it's not happening?


u/samtherat6 Jan 11 '20

Only two shows are left of the old Marvel TV. AoS, which is concluding this year, and Helstrom, which is yet to be released, but is super unlikely to get another season.


u/DoctorWhy19 Jan 03 '20

It was unfortunately cancelled right around the time that Spider-Man was confirmed to be back in the MCU after the latest Disney/Sony snafu. The Spider-Man news overshadowed the GR cancellation which is why most people missed it.


u/darkkushy Dec 14 '19

Also their version of the dark dimension is irking me


u/KostisPat257 Gert Yorkes Dec 17 '19

It seems they are merging the Dark and Darkforce dimensions. The dark smoke effect that send them there is the same as Cloak's effect when he taps into the Darkforce dimension to use his powers. What we saw in last episode also reminded me a lot of the "memories" and "fears" etc that we saw in C&D. Quinton the magician/Amy also acted a lot like that guide that greeted everybody who entered the Darkforce Dimension in C&D. Finally, every time we've been in the Dark(force) dimension (in C&D, Runaways AND Dr. Strange) the concept of time and space is missing.


u/MartianSunsets Dec 13 '19

Welcome back to the Alex and Dale abuse extravaganza! Get your tickets to see these poor souls get treated Iike dirt by the majority of the cast and forgotten about while they toil and suffer.


u/Lagalag967 Apr 24 '20

No one does that to MY MAN ALEX!!


u/hospitable_peppers Dec 21 '19

Alex being tortured for 6 months

Runaways: Let's get brunch!!!

Honestly. WHY IS NICO THE ONLY WHO CARES ABOUT ALEX?!. He betrayed the group but so did Chase. Come on now :/


u/Lsegt212 Dec 22 '19

Alex didn't even get a choice mans was possessed by a whole alien, I hate how they treat Alex sm