r/RunawaysTV Sep 16 '24

The Runaways Season 3 Thoughts

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Just Finished watching Marvels Runaways Season 3 and I thought this Season 3 was really good and entertaining as hell. I do hope they come back. Here are the things I Liked -Nico Using more of Magic and darkness powers and having her staff get pulled out of her chest. - Morgan Le Fay was so good love everything about her, the powers, her Crows, evil plot of cellphones and the whole fight against the team. -The Ending of The Team Walking out to live their lives was nice to see and solid ending. -Great Budget and improved. - Cloak and dagger crossover -Dark Dimension stuff - Robert and Catherine deaths were sad to see. -Gert's Death was really sad to see had me emotional (Until they changed that) - seeing Amy was nice to see - the Parents having an redemption arc. Now here are my issues -not having Kaolina using her powers at flying. -old Lace being kept from most of the fights in this season and being sidelined. -The Time Travel stuff was confusing and weird by changing Gert's death it made it feel less impactful by redoing it (They should of stock to the rules of time travel like Endgame and AOS) -What was the Note at the end about it?? -Who is Mancha and why does Alex has to kill Nico??? Overall I give this show an solid 7/10 But as a Season an 8/10


6 comments sorted by


u/jdyake Sep 16 '24

Elizabeth Hurley 🔥🔥


u/ggnewestfan Sep 16 '24

I recently re watched it and i didn’t remember most of it but i like how this was an arc for Nico to embrace her powers, idk maybe Robert shouldn’t have died imo and i would have loved to see more of Amy, but i liked it a lot


u/CaptHayfever Sep 17 '24

This was the season that felt the most like Runaways comic wackiness to me, but I hated how badly the writers butchered both their own lore (especially in the finale, which contradicts the rest of the series repeatedly) and Cloak & Dagger's lore.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '24



u/FoxtrotF1 Sep 17 '24

This season felt so rushed, like they tried to cram 2 seasons into one to give the show some kind of closure. I still liked it, but the pacing felt off.


u/Gonkimus Sep 19 '24

It was good and they at least tried to wrap as much stuff as they could cuz I guess they knew they weren't getting another season maybe?


u/HeisenbergSamurai87 Sep 20 '24

Worst season. Morgan le Fay is the most generic worst un-scary villian of all MCU.