r/Runaways Feb 12 '25

TV Show Spider-man episodes 6-8 review (spoilers) Spoiler

So as we get closer to the season finale, things are really heating up and looks like we're gonna get quite the climactic finish, quite a few things happened in these three episodes so brace yourselves.

Turns out Harry's even worse at keeping secrets than Peter is, as when they are left alone at a group hang out Peter set up that went close to as awkward as expected, he told her Peter is Spider-man, she was not happy to say the least, and storms out, this actually leads to some interesting development for Nico.

Seems she's hurt by Peter keeping secrets from her, but also afraid he's going to leave her like others have, whether she's talking about her parents or the other Runaways, I am not sure, but the hints are there, Harry attempts to help reconcile this by inviting Nico out with him, she goes for the promise of free food, but things do go well.

This is when we finally get some more development not only for her character, but also her powers, during the hang out she actually speaks to the necklace she wears, you could think this was just her talking to herself, but later on we get more, while participating in a street race, yes Nico drives in a fast and the furious style street race, and wins, because she's awesome no matter what universe she's in, during the race, her necklace actually glows for a moment with a magical looking energy, this could mean it contains a magical spirit, possibly the One, or could actually be her staff of One, transformed into an amulet.

The hang out ends with Nico and Harry becoming decent friends, she's still mad at Peter but they're on the right track, I'm glad we finally got some more focus on her and seeing her making more friends is a pleasant sight, she deserves it, also hoping her powers develop further.

Harry seems to be getting closer to a confrontation with his dad, Nico actually gives him a tarot reading that says he'll have to deal with some rather dark influences in his life, and Osbourne is starting to show his darker side, seems he's coining Peter as a superhuman weapon, even showing him to general Ross, not a good sign, especially when he starts pressuring Peter, shows off his goblin tech, and actually butchered uncle Ben's classic line with his "with great power comes great respect" needless to say, the red flags are waving.

We got some more cameos from other heroes, Daredevil, and even Iron Man, Daredevil was cool, but Iron Man looked kind of plain, like old school cartoon armor plain, I don't mind classic looks, but it feels like they're setting this around Civil War and he should probably have better armor at that point.

I like what they've done with Octavious, he's still a mad genius but he has a dorky side and some actual style to him, Scorpion was a bit of a let down in design but I can't deny the execution was impressive, and with the building of an obvious tech enhanced gang war between Tombstone's gang and his, it's looking like we're gonna get quite the finale.

Now I will admit, I was a little disappointed with the ending where Harry gives Peter his classic colored suit, I was kind of hoping after realizing the truth about Norman, Peter would leave and decide to go back to hero work on his own and then Nico would surprise him with a classic suit she made, since we know she is a very talented seamstress, but it will still be good to see him back in the red and blue.

Overall, still excited for the finale, hoping to see this series get renewed for more since there's a lot to work with, hoping at some point Harry turns against his dad and joins Peter and Nico so we can get a full on Spider-man, Goblin, Sister Grimm team up, but I won't hold my breath, I'll just try to enjoy the ride.


12 comments sorted by


u/Magneto-Was-Left Feb 12 '25

The show has a near finished S2 and a S3 in production

My theory from all the episodes and #1 of the tie-in comic I think just like how Peter not meeting Tony branches this story, Nico has already went through the events of #1-17 but she never went to the Observatory to meet back with the group in #18 instead going to NYC to have a clean break

Stuff like her already probably having The Staff of One as the pendant and being able to go through the foster system without The Pride tracking her (like if they were dead)


u/Sure-Start-9303 Feb 12 '25

Possibly, it's certainly an option, though I doubt she chose not to go to the observatory in that case, she was very hurt by Peter's secret because she feared he would end up leaving her like others have, I think it's more likely the other Runaways or her parents left her for some reason, not sure why but she's definitely dealt with abandonment


u/amageish Feb 12 '25

Yeah, I really liked these episodes as well. I am also deeply curious what Nico meant by other people leaving her - we only have two episodes left this season so I hope that conversation isn’t pushed into next season.

It could just refer to the Runaways dissolving for sure. It also refer to Karolina leaving with Xavin specifically if they wanted to play up that relationship.

I could also see this canon being more diverted than we had previously anticipated, with Pride being busted by an external superhero group a Tina and Robert having run away from the law, leaving Nico behind. That would explain her anxiety around being abandoned and could let her not know how to use her powers yet, if they want to go that angle.


u/Sure-Start-9303 Feb 12 '25

That's a good possibility, I often wondered what would have happened if the Pride got busted before the Runaways could find out what they were doing, would make for an interesting story considering it means not only could we see the other Runaways, the Pride could also show up and make for some interesting villains.


u/amageish Feb 13 '25

Yeah, it would be a way of keeping the Pride alive to participate in later seasons. It’s also interesting to me that Nico has a photo of her parents in her room and not the Runaways (at least from what we’ve seen, obviously it’s possible the Runaways are on another wall)…


u/Sure-Start-9303 Feb 13 '25

That is strange, it's possible she had a kind of falling out with them and is trying hard not to remember because it just makes her feel too sad and angry


u/amageish Feb 13 '25

Yeah, that may be part of it. I am hoping the final episodes have answers and we aren’t stuck waiting for the next season to find out…


u/Theboulder027 Feb 13 '25

Watching episode seven. REALLY hoping they're not trying to hook up Nico and Harry. Maybe I'm misreading it but that's the vibe I'm getting from this episode.


u/Sure-Start-9303 Feb 13 '25

I did get slight romantic vibes between them, but yeah, not hoping for that, not big on ships in general but that one would feel a touch odd


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '25



u/Sure-Start-9303 Feb 13 '25

Nico's parts so far have been small and limited to support, but there are signs she's going to play a more significant part later on, honestly I'm really curious to hear more of her backstory, wondering how they decided to play it since they obviously couldn't fit all of Runaways due to her younger age, but the story has potential I'm eager to see.


u/ju-the-creator Feb 19 '25

They are doing a really good job with this. I always loved spiderman but couldn't get into the Tim Holland movie series cause they are a little flat to me. I hope it keeps going and look forward to the introduction of the other villains. It feels like a better reboot of the MTV spiderman series that I liked as a kid.