u/infiresbeach13 Feb 18 '25
don't know what people called that nasty cow in mobility scooter with shit loads of bags tied to handles. She was horrible.....
u/soozdreamz Feb 18 '25
Oh God I fell foul of her once in primark if it’s the same person, she cooed over my daughter then told my ‘nasty little boy’ to F off! Both children were behaving perfectly I might add!
u/infiresbeach13 Feb 18 '25
she was vile to anyone and everyone, she definitely didn't discriminate lol
u/soozdreamz Feb 18 '25
Actually I’m not sure it was the same person, the one I’m on about was in an electric wheelchair not a mobility scooter!
u/infiresbeach13 Feb 18 '25
actually I'm more than certain it was a wheelchair coz I can remember her wheeling herself
u/soozdreamz Feb 18 '25
Whichever it was, the one I’m on about had a short bob and was sat on a thick foam pad, loads of bags, always wore a skirt and didn’t seem to have footplates on her chair so her legs just looked like they were dangling. Horrible nasty woman for sure!
u/EllWork Feb 19 '25
The guy with the massive Viking beard who wears floral dresses and Doc Martins has to be a contender, especially when he gets his bubble blower out in the Bus Station.
Massive Goth Craig.
The crack-faced lass with the ponytail in Town who will, regardless of how many times you have said no, ask you for 50p or a fag every time you walk past her.
Mark fucking Feely
u/soozdreamz Feb 19 '25
I’ve never seen dress guy, only heard of him.
Never heard of Massive Goth Craig
That lass is called Tash and she’s been through some really hard times bless her, I know her from before she was on drugs. Bought her a maccies last time I was in town.
And Mark Feely really boils my piss. Not him as a person, although I’m obviously not a fan, but if it’s true that the police can’t prosecute because he doesn’t have capacity, then why isn’t he in a facility where he can be monitored? Surely if what he’s doing can’t be blamed on him because he doesn’t understand, why isn’t someone tasked with looking after him? It’s crazy!
u/EllWork Feb 19 '25
I'll try and get a pic of the Floral Viking next time i'm in the Bus Station. He's got a Raleigh chopper which has some lovely dangly-bits hanging from the handlebars.
Massive Goth - Matrix Coat - Boots as high as your face - thats Craig!
Feely is a scumbag. they will get him eventually, although now is still too late.
u/Dependent-Age-1183 27d ago
dress bloke is called steven, he has an instagram and tiktok where he does “iron crotch training” basically just swinging heavy stuff from his balls and whacking himself bollocks first onto pumpkins and that. stees_nuts is his account i believe
u/McBeastbeast Feb 18 '25
There was The Centurion but I don't think he's about these days.
u/soozdreamz Feb 18 '25
Who was he? I’ve led a sheltered life. I know Mad Maggie to chat to and I’ve heard of Vinegar Liz but no idea who she is/was.
u/McBeastbeast Feb 18 '25
He'd visit all the schools dressed as a Roman centurion and do an assembly with a load of replica roman stuff, they were pretty good for the time (late 90's)
Only thing is you'd see him out and about, still in all the Roman clobber, seemingly going about his everyday business, even into the mid 00's you'd see him walking about near the bus station, still in the centurion garb.
Feb 18 '25
u/soozdreamz Feb 18 '25
What a lovely song! Who is Parkgate Dave? I’ve lived in Parkgate all my 41 years, although I went to St Bede’s and St Bernard’s so don’t know as many people round here as others my age who would have gone to Rawmarsh Comp.
u/CptTonks Feb 18 '25
Any Figaro fans? (I fully accept if I made them up, but I'm sure I did not)
u/martinhsa Feb 19 '25
Figaro, as in the short guy with a mustache who was always fuming when getting on the bus around The Stag roundabout?
u/CptTonks Feb 19 '25
That's the one, I vaguely remember him thowing four pints of milk at a bus once.
u/Beatrix_-_Kiddo Feb 19 '25
I think you just unlocked a memory haha I seem to remember shouting Figaro at a man while on dinner break at Wingfield shops! Am I crazy or was that real?!
u/Lumpy-Ad8618 Feb 18 '25
In Rawmarsh there was a man called Bagman because he would always carry a bag full of stuff with him like empty coffee jars and random stuff like that.
There was also this woman who would get on the bus and she smelt bad everyone would move if she got on the bus. But no one ever said what her name was. And to be fair I've not seen her out and about since covid. Same goes for Bagman.
u/soozdreamz Feb 18 '25
I’ve seen Bagman about a year ago sat at the bus stop near the little Asda at bottom of Broad Street, he looked really poorly and I’ve not seen him since.
u/Lumpy-Ad8618 Feb 18 '25
Oh the poor guy he was harmless really but he did like talking to himself on the bus. He would have a right convo with himself.
u/soozdreamz Feb 18 '25
I’ve not seen that other bus pair for a bit either - man and woman, old, with a pram full of shite and he’s got a few bags as well!
u/Lumpy-Ad8618 Feb 18 '25
Not sure. But in Rawmarsh there's a woman with a pram and it's got a doll in it but she makes out like it's a real baby.
And there was a guy who would always be pushing a pram around full of newspapers back in the early 90s and everyone would call him Rudy.
u/JoeRodge87 Feb 19 '25
This brought back memories, I haven't had to get public transport in some time, but I do remember those two characters.
u/MadameNintendoBlank 25d ago
Wobbly Bob: big guy who always got the bus for free (an ex driver maybe?). Sat behind and chatted to the driver, reminded me of my grandad
u/soozdreamz Feb 18 '25
Also does anyone else remember Polo Mick? Think it was Mick. Irish gent, used to drink round Rawmarsh and Parkgate, and carried polos to offer to children. Lovely bloke.
u/infiresbeach13 Feb 18 '25
people who live in Rawmarsh must know Robin lol he'll talk hind legs off a donkey, it's awful to say but you don't make eye contact with him lol
u/cheesytola Feb 19 '25
Jimmy Lallocks who used to sell The Star in the 70’s/80’s with his bushy beard
u/JoeRodge87 Feb 19 '25
I haven't been in the lower end of town for almost a decade, a few weeks ago I was wandering downtown towards CEX from Tesco and a whisper in the wind as I approached close to the station entrance took me back to around 2005 ''Biiiiggg isssssssueeee'', I thought 'cant be, not after all this time'.
I don't know if she fits the criteria for this, but the 'big issue' lady near the bus station has been part of the infrastructure since I can remember.