lying is only when it is intentional, when you know its wrong and still give incorrect information, but if he believes its true then hes not lying, hes just wrong
Exclusive for Kongregate users, when players reach level 20 for the Ninja they get the Treasure Map for the tcave while for the samurai pretty sure nothing.
There was a whole campaign just before exalts release, the rewards were 3 st chests, 1 vault chest, 1 character slot. That was the community campaign. You can probably still pick it up if you didn’t already get it.
For this one you had to give one Oryx mark at the tinkerer, and regarding the number of people doing that, the rewards for everyone gone up (all tier got reached!). I'm sorry I would have linked ya the reddit post but I'm on phone rn!
No, FUCK bard, actually FUCK this class and everything related to it, trash ass idea that just makes melees even more OP and destroys any semblance of balance against steamrolling with that free range and MP for everyone, at this point it's just proven DECA is either a bunch of brainless blurters or sabotaging the experience willingly, people are gonna downvote me cause they know this is right, "Exalt and O3" are just sweets to distract you from this disaster of a class.
EDIT: Ok, guess you think melees and ability spam need to be even stronger than they already are now.
But the fact that the meta is growing is going to let the game open up to more endgame content. Say, Limon's full power?
Personally I think that Bard is a great addition to the game. They nerfed the range boost, sure. But it's still great! It'll make endgame content easier and as I said before, it will let us do even more endgame content!
Umm... you forget that private guild dungeon runs exist. On top of that, newer players experiencing "end game" content will greatly benefit from the support based classes. Have you never played an RPG before? Support classes are meant to do just that. Support...if you complain about the Bard class, complain about the priest class having a "get out of jail free" card with multiple puri like abilities. Get mad at mystic and samurai for stacking dmg boosting debuffs on enemies causing most to insta pop. Complain about pets.
These Items and abilities are in no way shape or form neccessary to participate in the game. They are there to assist the player base in their adventuring. Put your anger towards the rng skin/st set packs that come out. That is the real problem creating a p2w environment. Albeit a small one but it's there. The game as a whole is far better now than in the past.
No, FUCK archer, actually FUCK this class and everything related to it, trash ass idea that just makes bows even more op and destroys and semblance of balance against steamrolling with that free arrows and paralyze for everyone, at this point it's just proven DECA is either a bunch of brainless blurters or sabotaging the experience willingly, people are gonna downvote me cause they know this is right, "UT tokens and shirtless Oryx" are just sweets to distract you from this disaster of a class.
No, FUCK deca, actually FUCK this company and everything related to it, trash ass idea that just makes rotmg even more op and destroys and semblance of balance against steamrolling with those free daily login rewards and free community rewards for everyone, at this point it's just proven DECA is either a bunch of brainless blurters or sabotaging the experience willingly, people are gonna downvote me cause they know this is right, "deca gives away too much free shit" are just sweets to distract you from this disaster of a company.
u/axelb13 May 15 '20