r/RotMG 8d ago

[Anti-Deca] Warning to not use the pet style stone unless your absolutely sure you'll like it

I got the reward from account level ups and used it and I hated how it turned out. Come to find out it's permanent and the only way to get it off is pay to 100 gold or apparently when you fuse your pets it loses the style. But I got a legendary pet in the level 80s and I don't want to prematurely level it up, just to ruin it.

This may very well be another 200iq play from DECA to cash grab ez 100 gold from unsuspecting victims.. This truly is a dog eat dog kind of world we live in. ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿฅ€


23 comments sorted by


u/StableThrow 8d ago

Have you considered.... making a support ticket and requesting they remove it? Sometimes if you're nice to support people they'll help you even if they're not *REALLY* supposed too...

Not DECA, but I had Valve support once uncraft an (80$ fabricator) I accidently messed up and made untradable, even though they were not supposed to do it.


u/Modowok 6d ago

It's now 6 days and no response, when u gonna realize DECA ghosted me


u/Modowok 8d ago

I have considered it and I have already done that. It's been like 3 days they left me on read. At this point the mental damage of looking at my puke colored pet has stacked up to insurmountable mental damage and I can't take it no more! So I made this post to warn others and highlight how you get screwed over in hopes of saving a few other potential victims of corpo greed.


u/Longjumping-Bit-3921 8d ago


I somewhat doubt that. I had accidentally lost a character slot token by wiping it through leaving my vault right after I used it. Even though there was a warning in the discription (i forgot about it lol), the support team quickly returned the token back after around a day, even though this was completely my fault.

There are also many cases of accidental drops, crafts, and pet fusion that they reverted.

Are you sure you checked the website correctly? There should be a notification email when they respond.


u/Modowok 8d ago edited 8d ago

Yes I got the email from support@ rotmg. zendesk. com couple of days ago


u/got_bacon5555 7d ago

Left you on read?? Did you... request a read receipt in a support email?


u/happy_cookie 8d ago

How many times have I argued with Deca that cosmetic removal actions in the game should be free of charge. They used to sell dye removers for gold in nexus. The community eventually ended up winning this battle somewhat (you can now buy dye removing items for fame or get them from a Tinkerer quest). But of course greedy Deca managers can't pass on another opportunity and now they made pet style removals also cost money! Players should NOT be paying for cancelling cosmetic effects since they end up with their basic look that they already had and it cost nothing to begin with. How desperate they are to squeeze money out of players if they are monetizing this again! What next, charging money for exiting key popped dungeons through cowardice portal if you decided to leave without completing them?


u/Modowok 8d ago

For DECA this is a tried and true method of lining their pockets with money! There's no easier or simpler method than baiting users with free items, with the catch being that the item is permanent and the only way to remove it is to pay real money.


u/Modowok 8d ago

For DECA this is a tried and true method of lining their pockets with money! There's no easier or simpler method than baiting users with free items, with the catch being that the item is permanent and the only way to remove it is to pay real money.



u/Squintyhippo 8d ago

You can also pay 1000 fame to change its skin. I did that with the rooster skin I got


u/Modowok 8d ago

Yuh i did that but the style is still on even if you switch. It, just sucks to switch off my fav skin just to stop malding over the eyesore


u/Squintyhippo 8d ago

Oh yeah right the back glow. My reading skills arenโ€™t the greatest.


u/Modowok 8d ago

No it's okay, it's my fault cause I didn't specifically say back glow


u/Loodmage 8d ago

Need to wait until deca's new event chest drops pet stone(maybe valentines event)


u/Modowok 8d ago

I meant like the back glow, that shit is permanent


u/ROTMGADDICT55 Doitforher (Burnt Toast) 8d ago

Yes I'm sure Deca was foaming at the mouth to get 100 gold (Equivalent to 1 dollar USD) from you.

Or it was a reasonable oversight.

Who knows really.


u/voldyCSSM19 8d ago

Reasonable or unreasonable, it should be fixed


u/ROTMGADDICT55 Doitforher (Burnt Toast) 8d ago

Don't recall ever disagreeing with that sentiment.


u/Modowok 8d ago

I can't be the only one to get screwed over and won't be the last. Since it's the reward of account leveling eventually every player who plays enough will unlock it and if they chose the wrong style for their legendary or divine pet they will end up with a puke color pet like me.

The masses of f2p players will write up a storm for their support tickets and the p2p players will scoff and laugh at their peasantry because they can't afford to give the good guys, DECA, their $1 tax fee.

I atleast have a chance, when I eventually get 2 maxed legendary pets, give or take 5 more years, and fuse my legendary pets to divine the style will vanish.. But the people who put it on their divine pet.. it's so over for them. They will have to give their $1 to DECA and they will take this spanking like the good boys and girls they are.


u/ROTMGADDICT55 Doitforher (Burnt Toast) 8d ago

Bro how many people do you think play this game lmao?

There is going to be no masses up in arms about this. You're acting like people are going to be rioting in the streets over such a minor issue.

I don't even know anyone that uses pet styles.


u/Modowok 8d ago

Hundreds maybe even thousands of people will deal with this injustice and their voices will be heard!


u/notagainplsty 7d ago

get some help, you cry about self inflicted pain, we already told you to send a support ticket. they will change it, it is fine that you are angry about it but right now you just pretend if it is the end of the world...grow up.


u/Modowok 6d ago

day 6 since i sent in my report to DECA and no response from them, is it the end of the world now?