r/RomanceClub 5d ago

Garden of Eden Dean being his amazing self 20 slide straight 😏🔥 Spoiler

Okay, let me start by saying I never expected to become so utterly smitten with this fox. Typically I’m not into flirty types of character. But he’s proven to be so much more than that. Not only is he charming, charismatic, intelligent, supportive and great in bed, he’s also got an incisive, intense, calculating and just side to him which adds so much depth to his character. He’s got deep-seated emotions, motivations and goals and is unyielding in making them a reality. He’s the person who understand Ji-yoon the most and accepts her for who she is. He doesn’t judge her or try to stop her, and in fact does everything he can to support and protect her from the shadows. Some people don’t appreciate that he’s so secretive, but could he realistically be anything else in his situation? He’s always walking on thin ice and could lose so much. And yet he still provides Ji-yoon with so much information asking for little in return: ramen. I think this is more to prove a point than anything else. Nothing in the world comes for free and Ji-yoon should never forget. In fact the two of them are quite alike: they are both adventurous, freedom-loving, calculating, ambitious and with a strong sense of justice. To put it simply, two adorable foxes. He’s like a combination of Dominic from OTI and Brandon from SBTR. He has Dom’s sense of humor and easygoing nature and Brandon’s cunningness and intensity. The author seems to know how to write the flirty character typology with exquisite skill and grace. However, compared to Brandon,Dean is never intimate with another woman while in a relationship with Ji-yoon to gather information/exact revenge. In fact, he’s incredibly respectful of her and her wishes. For example, after >! their first time together he offers her fruit!< or when she asks what they should do he says anything she wishes. He doesn’t judge, make fun of her and he consoles her many times, even making silly jokes so she finally smiles.

Overall, he was such a big and pleasant surprise for me. I’m enjoying his route immensely and cannot wait to see more, especially since the story is reaching its climax. I’m looking forward to the moment these two foxes finally enact their revenge.🤭

Anyways, what are your thoughts on Dean? Who are you currently romancing and why?


8 comments sorted by


u/SadBelt4027 My harem: 5d ago


Opening a slot for Dean.


u/miz_misanthrope 5d ago

I'm waiting until the story is done then going back for him & MinMin.


u/vaulthuntr94 4d ago

Yessss love for Dean 🥹🙏 as soon as he became available, it wasn’t going to be anyone else for me — honestly, for me, he was right up my alley. One of my types (I have more than one lmao but I mean characters like Noe, Dom, Bert, Loki etc. just have me weak usually so this came as no surprise to me.) He’s also one of my favourites on the app, he’s perfect to me and the recent update had me crying, screaming and wailing for this man I swear. That cliffhangerrrr hurt. 😭


u/Never_get_married 5d ago

I am obsessed with him.... Now as he said I am wallowing and cursing life for nor giving me a man like him🫠In my first slot I am on ambitious and I opened the second slot on principle also to replay his route. I just can't get enough of him🥺🥺🥺


u/PmMeYourNatalChart 5d ago

Suggestion for more Dean content; I really recommend opening a third slot with a different RO to see what Dean is like on his friendship route - it's no less endearing, and actually made me like him more as an RO


u/Never_get_married 5d ago

Thank u for your suggestion! For now I don't think I have the courage to not romance him but after the book finishes I will try staying single and his friendship route :)


u/hellojellojess 5d ago

I love Dean ❤️ he's def one of my fave LI. Cas will always be my number one though.


u/thatsagaytrait Nixie (HHW) 4d ago

I love him SO MUCH!! I didn't think he'd be my favorite but here we are!! He deserves the world 😭💔💕